Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 10:08 AM

huh slaphead

notice what I was saying last time about these threads being all the same by the same people this tread was posted by the same person who posted a thread about a simular subject and your complaining about me spamming

then don't read the threads....not a hard concept

Agian not the point the point of it is to voice my opinion on the matter just as you do on these threads, but after seeing the same thing over and over again I stopped voicing my opinion on the subject is obama bad or good?, does god exist or not?, evolution creationism?, but the constant baraging of spam threads that are put on here by the same 3-5 people who are just nitpicking little half truths here or there. Clearly as you can see constantly reading the same spam over and over is frustrating.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 10:00 AM

huh slaphead

notice what I was saying last time about these threads being all the same by the same people this tread was posted by the same person who posted a thread about a simular subject and your complaining about me spamming

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:54 AM

Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

Polling data show that Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama's net presidential approval rating -- which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve -- is just six, his lowest rating to date.

Overall, Rasmussen Reports shows a 56%-43% approval, with a third strongly disapproving of the president's performance. This is a substantial degree of polarization so early in the administration. Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative.

A detailed examination of presidential popularity after 50 days on the job similarly demonstrates a substantial drop in presidential approval relative to other elected presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries. The reason for this decline most likely has to do with doubts about the administration's policies and their impact on peoples' lives.

Rev Al Limbaugh shall lead us in the revolution against Hillary Palin, and those rebulicrats will rue the day they stood against us.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:45 AM

omg...are we still talking about santa claus??

nope this time it is John F Reagan and Ronald Kennedy

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:43 AM

slaphead ANYWAY........

so thank you for helping spread the word.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:38 AM

With the devout blessings of Morningsongs and the combined brotherhood of mirrormirror and theshortelktonman I come to you now follow blindlessly and ignorant to the truth as we lead you to a politcal revolution. John F Reagan and Ronald Kennedy will lead us against the Nazi, communist, socialist, baby killing, canaibals, who support the Hamas Al Queada jihad liberation terrorist movement of South Korea Indochina. Come and follow with relentless compassion and hate those not like us and kill in the name of him who shall not be seen. posting all these spams in every thread is getting old

though this time I didn't spam it I posted it once than it got posted again when you quoted me to say it was getting old then got posted again when I posted your quote to show the simmularity in my post and the other threads in these forums

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:31 AM
Edited by Theshortelktonman on Sun 03/15/09 09:34 AM

With the devout blessings of Morningsongs and the combined brotherhood of mirrormirror and theshortelktonman I come to you now follow blindlessly and ignorant to the truth as we lead you to a politcal revolution. John F Reagan and Ronald Kennedy will lead us against the Nazi, communist, socialist, baby killing, canaibals, who support the Hamas Al Queada jihad liberation terrorist movement of South Korea Indochina. Come and follow with relentless compassion and hate those not like us and kill in the name of him who shall not be seen. posting all these spams in every thread is getting old

actually all the threads are about the same thing all the time anyway so how is it any different this one is actually as different from my last one that was about Santa Clause and the easter bunny as this thread is from the thread that is about obamas poll numbers droping which just proves my point that extremist on both sides will continue to post the same thing over and over maybe slightly different that the last but with the same meaning until they can beat their view into you even though it may not be true.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:26 AM
With the devout blessings of Morningsongs and the combined brotherhood of mirrormirror and theshortelktonman I come to you now follow blindlessly and ignorant to the truth as we lead you to a politcal revolution. John F Reagan and Ronald Kennedy will lead us against the Nazi, communist, socialist, baby killing, canaibals, who support the Hamas Al Queada jihad liberation terrorist movement of South Korea Indochina. Come and follow with relentless compassion and hate those not like us and kill in the name of him who shall not be seen.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:16 AM
Edited by Theshortelktonman on Sun 03/15/09 09:16 AM
never had a first love based on my belief of what love is so I can't forget something I never had can I?

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:08 AM

<<<Pretends she didn't already know this info, as the one doing the informing is kinda cute!!!!!! LOL!

Explaining the differences between wieners to women is not really my specialty, I'm more into "hands on" demonstrations, bigsmile soon can you be here? bigsmile

now, that's a damn good question. Perhaps you can help me. smile2

I'll send you my private tuna...I'll get his saddle right now.

sweet you have a tuna farm

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:06 AM

well said but some of us are just stubborn and never give up even if the saying is true "nice guys finish last"

That saying is not true though, it's just thrown out there as a scapegoat and a means to justify idiotic behavior by some dude's (and women too) who just don't get it. Nice guys never finish last, they run a completely different race.

A race that most women don't enter in to until after a few bad relationships with "bad boys".

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:02 AM your photo, you appear to

be quite an intelligent young man, with a very caring

sensitive heart.flowerforyou

Just Be YOU ...Allow the special person you already are... to just shine thru!!!

Be Blessed Now,Theshortelktonman.


sweet now with the blessings of Moriningsong and the combined brotherhood of MirrorMirror and Theshortelkton man the path shall be revealed.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:08 PM

When Santa Clause comes down from the north pole and smites the Easter Bunny, the great pumpkin shall be revealed as the tooth fairy. Then Jesus will resurrect and reveal himself to be the true buddha and mohamed will be so overwhelmed by awe he will fallow the true buddha to ragnarok to face Zues and Odin in the final war on earth. Hey if I keep posting this crap does it make it true.

Why don't you come back into this discussion when you gtow up little boy, and have something to offer. We've had many Trolls come and go with much better than this.
na this is much more fun

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:07 PM

When Santa Clause comes down from the north pole and smites the Easter Bunny, the great pumpkin shall be revealed as the tooth fairy. Then Jesus will resurrect and reveal himself to be the true buddha and mohamed will be so overwhelmed by awe he will fallow the true buddha to ragnarok to face Zues and Odin in the final war on earth.

drinks Dis iz da trew holey scripcherdrinks

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:02 PM

I dont think it is, but in my experiences the girls ive dated either didn't like it or just never showed any appreciation for it. Granted doing it for the girl should be its own reward but its nice when she tells the guy thank you or show some form of thanks for it to make the guy feel appreciated. Those are my thoughts.

well said but some of us are just stubborn and never give up even if the saying is true "nice guys finish last"

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:54 PM

so i got kicked for no reason huh???? not nice

find it then i'll explain it to you lol

BTW....tell that guy that the religion forum is down the hall

oh no this relates to both the religious extremist and the political extremist if we rant an wave and post the same crap over and over it will make it true right or at least that is the tatic I have seen on these threads

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:24 PM a good time to die?

the time I die whenever that is.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:17 PM

Hey now, Im Jim
The only thing that T's me off is when you leave a woman a message and they dont even respond.
I csn understand that they get 4 times as much mail as a guy,,but the guy spent his time to say something and its not eeven ecknolaged.
(I know i didnt spell that right)
Women should at jeast say something back?
(you would think anyway)
Even if its F O.

I think Carlos Mencia said that is what women don't understand about strip clubs all you have to do is give the women money to get their attention instead of the off the wall acrobatics need to find someone to date.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:46 PM

tiger shark


mud pie


stool pigeon

just a few more to ponder on

Ok, I have no idea what mud pies and stool pigeons have to do with this discussion. But you've just proven my point. Tiger SHARK...catFISH...goldFISH...all of the aforementioned need the words shark and fish in their names. Otherwise they'd just be tigers, cats and gold.

But a tuna is already a fish. A FISH!!! It's a tuna!!! There's no need to be calling it a tuna fish!!!

no a tuna is much different than a shark or a bass or a salmon or a perch or any other type of fish it is human's way of identifying things how about from now on everybody you meet just calls you woman and every other woman you know is refered to as woman and all men are revered to as man.

Theshortelktonman's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:28 PM

You can tuna guitar, but you can't tuna fish!!!

have you ever tried to tuna "bass" guitar now that is a feat.