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dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/16/20 06:06 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 08/16/20 06:13 PM

#Say His Name"

Have you all noticed the mainstream media is not touching this one?

If this was a white shooter murdering a black 5 year old blacks and the deluded everywhere would be loosing their minds and rioting like never before!

I've barely been able to hold my tongue on this "racism" thing lately but I can't take it anymore.

I'm fed up with a numerical minority (blacks) trying to hold this country hostage by invoking guilt in the gullible.

The 13 th amendment was passed by the senate Jan 31 st 1865 = over 165 years ago but the poor downtrodden black race here in the US likes to pretend this never happened.

There is and has been for quite some time now a dazzling number of Federal programs designed to aid blacks with education, obtaining financing for various use, opening businesses, etc.


I first witnessed reverse racism in 1975 at one of our state colleges, here's an example; a young black comes from New Jersey to the middle of Nebraska to attend college and play football/basketball or on a scholarship of some sort. A naive young small town girl wants to show she's cool, she's hip and non racist. She goes out of her way to be extra sweet to that black ball player from New Jersey. The vulture in him kicks in and he uses her for everything he can. Fast forward a few months or at most a couple of years passes; small town girl and her parents have a surprise, she gives birth to the ball players baby. He's back in Jersey laughing with his "homies" at how easy living it was for him in Nebraska never to even see his and small town girls baby. She at best returns to college leaving the baby to be raised by her parents or at worst her college life is over and she spends the rest of her youth parenting that child and working in the local bar.

Now this is not something I heard about, this is something I witnessed a couple of dozen times over a couple of years.

I can't go on now, I'm too pissed off. I'm going to pickup my daughter and we're going to go shooting; her my .22 semi auto rifle and me my recently bought M1 Garand.
From what I have read police reports say that the shooting was not racially motivated ... what evidence do you have to support your claim ???

As for your example ... 1. it is off topic .. What exactly is your agenda ??

2. men of any race and colour are capable of that kind of behaviour ., your bias (Being tactful with that label ) is obvious ..

I'm willing to bet 95% of these black men that have been killed by cops had nothing to do with race either. The way the black thugs react with no regard to others even in their own communities tells me they don't care who they kill, or how, even if it happens to be a cop, they don't follow orders and it's either fight or flight, they don't communicate. BLM has a much bigger agenda and bringing up these blacks that die while being arrested is just an excuse to get the gullible to follow their mission. A cop just shoot a guy in western Wisconsin last week, guess what? No protest, no looting, no burning of the town. When white trash gets killed white people go that's what happens when you are disrespectful trash. So when it comes to being "bias" I believe there is a lot more going on on all sides then people are willing to discuss with the general public.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/16/20 05:49 PM

We should still have executions by firing squad. I'd volunteer for this one! pitchfork

I'd much rather see them open the prisons to the public like a zoo. They can post the crime and story out side the cell and people could go by and spit on them, like them with a stick, or yell at them. To put someone to death means they no longer need to live with what they have done, and for some unknown reason it actually cost much more for the public to execute somebody verses imprisoning them for the rest of their life. Besides they may reveal information about other crimes, or ways that we could stop others from doing the same.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 08/12/20 06:41 PM

Policy brutality has gotten worse... lets see some call them goons that come in
that make black lives protester... look bad by putting in white supremacist groups to break things ... or set things on fire or just do damage ... that the innocent don't do ... they get gassed... being hit with rubber bullets which do seriously pain someone ... and this is the GOP trying to make a American war on the streets ... they lie and just want to make chaos...

I believe that the black lives matter group ... go on twitter... tell Trump what u want to change ... and keep the peace ... say what you would like for the future ... don't let him win polite ... this is vid old but still remember ... he wants a war give him a polite one ... go at him with your issues an ? ... he wants and likes twitter ... as he has put Americans in jeopardy for yrs with this ...
go after him ... but do not threaten him ... like he does others ... just makes me sad see so many hurt in the street... when it is not their fault ... never give up ...Vote Vote Vote ...
mom protesters ... I saw one get thrown to the grown and this large policeman straddled her... as is he was going to ...

NO knee that cuts off air ways ...

No choke holds ...

and do not kill anyone just becouse their skin is a differnt color ...


What a bunch of BS. Just a bunch of sheep following the flock. Most people didn't even watch the full George Floyd videos, they seen clips that where promoted with propaganda. The prosecutor didn't want the body cam footage released, and for good reason. However the defendants and judge wanted the people to see the full story, no finally the 2 body cam videos have been released. Take the time to watch them and tell me how they can possibly charge these officers of "murder"? Watch the convict not fallow orders, they should have shot him right there as he was busy grabbing in the console instead of following orders. Then he cries for his mama like a baby, saying don't shoot me like I've been shot before. He says multiple times he's clostrphobic, he says I can choke. I won't be able to breathe twice. Something about covid. And he says I can't breathe at least 6 times before he is ever even taken to the ground. Are they charging these cops with " scaring him to death"? At what point does Chauvin supposedly start to choke him? He couldn't breathe before he was put to the ground and nothing changed when he was put on the ground. One officer asked about rolling him over and Chavin responded no we will wait for the ambulance, that is not murdering someone, that is controlling the situation til the ambulance arrived. Apparently the people in the ambulance are not the ones to provide medical care and they had to wait for the fire department which had trouble finding the ambulance because it had moved. Clearly there are things that need to be addressed in this whole ordeal, but at no time was any murder committed, officers are not required to give first aid, especially if that could in danger the lives of others. If there is any justice at all left in this world, which I highly doubt with everything that has happened since this incident, 3 of those cops will walk free and just maybe Chauvin will get a tap on the wrist. But clearly everything that happened to Floyd was due to his health, drug use, and panic.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 07/29/20 04:55 PM

I can't seem to find what I just heard... but NY gives part of police budget to go for funding ...schools health ... after school programs and much more ...
personally... I am happy to hear NY is helping more for black lives matter...and not just avoiding them ...and looking at other issues that need to be address ... :thumbsup: I believe is a very good start to help those on the streets an others in poor communities ...
as far as other large cities ...
they are still trying to peacefully protest ... with black lives matter ...
but it very hard with people getting kidnapped... even killed by pepper sprayed.... seems all the other unknown police are trying to start a war in America... and some governors are saying we do not want to have these special forces in cities ... they cause more chaos ... I could understand that ...

Maybe the police departments should hold on to some of that money being that officers are becoming disabled with PTSD and they will have to find replacements and pay out some disability claims and possibly law suits.

The people dying from pepper spray? How many cases are we talking about here? Would you possibly be referring to the 22 year old Ohio women the the media hyped up as dying from pepper spray and/or tear gas. They never could get their story straight and turns out she died from a heart condition due to a rare disease and it had absolutely nothing to do with pepper spray and/or tear gas.

Have you heard of the CIA? How about the FBI? Or maybe the DEA? Or ICE? The government has all kinds of agencies. Due to anti terrorism laws they don't always need a reason to detain these people. Those detained are looking to blame anyone they can, but to call it kidnapping they better have really good prof. Trump warned these mayors and goveners if they couldn't control their cities he would find a way to do it for them. If these cities would arrest and charge those causing problems maybe some others would get a clue, but letting them run freely just sends a message that anything goes and you can do anything you want. Think that's the millennial anthem isn't it? Praise for everything?

yes... I have heard of all those agency... and B/S about them calling them home land security now... you can call it what you won't but most of this is illegal... an only should have come in if they are asked well the mayor that went out on the streets with black lives matter to support then... ur president said good he got the H*ll beat out of him ... he is going in uninvited ... win they kidnapped those an try to interrogate them ... all they had to do is I want a lawyer... then released let go... new they where in the right and it was called kidnapping...he wants to scare an bully the peaceful protesters ... an make it look good for his election ... those that where in the wrong where those that say the government put them in to destroy buildings and to committee more chaos ...

personally I would pull back on protestor till after the elections... this way they can not get blamed for what others maybe doing like those that are clansmen ... that are a adding chaos...

chauvin and wife where together with these changes I heard ... and chauvin charged with murder ...sounds to me like they are up ch*t creek with out a paddle smile2

Chauvins taxes were brought into the picture because they are going thru a divorce and yes its been 4 years since they filed taxes and they both had unclaimed income that is in question. However it only works out to $37,000 in back taxes and fines which if you look at their incomes is not all that bad. What caught my interest is the $95,000 that Derrick received for doing security at a night club. Ironically this is the same night club the Floyd also worked as a bouncer for a period of time. $95,000 for a part time gig seems pretty good to me, maybe even too good? Maybe more to it than people know? But many cops have these side gigs for extra income.
Another thing that is interesting is the defendants and judge want the body camera video of the cops made public, and want cameras allowed in the court room for the trials, however the prosecutors do want any of this to become public most likely because it will change so peoples view of what really happened, but they don't want anybody to know, they just want people focused on the 8 minute video which has been promoted as being "murder". Even the prosecutors have said this will be a tough case to win. The government has dug itself such a hole in everything that has gone on since this incident that they will do anything to plant a smoking gun, and with all the publicity it will probably be hard to have a fair trial anyways, and when these cops are found innocent the fury that breaks out will be 10 times what it was the first time around.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/26/20 10:19 AM

I need to get my other 2 voter registrations done before the deadline!

Me, myself, and i:thumbsup: Just like filing taxes.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 07/20/20 07:46 PM

I can't seem to find what I just heard... but NY gives part of police budget to go for funding ...schools health ... after school programs and much more ...
personally... I am happy to hear NY is helping more for black lives matter...and not just avoiding them ...and looking at other issues that need to be address ... :thumbsup: I believe is a very good start to help those on the streets an others in poor communities ...
as far as other large cities ...
they are still trying to peacefully protest ... with black lives matter ...
but it very hard with people getting kidnapped... even killed by pepper sprayed.... seems all the other unknown police are trying to start a war in America... and some governors are saying we do not want to have these special forces in cities ... they cause more chaos ... I could understand that ...

Maybe the police departments should hold on to some of that money being that officers are becoming disabled with PTSD and they will have to find replacements and pay out some disability claims and possibly law suits.

The people dying from pepper spray? How many cases are we talking about here? Would you possibly be referring to the 22 year old Ohio women the the media hyped up as dying from pepper spray and/or tear gas. They never could get their story straight and turns out she died from a heart condition due to a rare disease and it had absolutely nothing to do with pepper spray and/or tear gas.

Have you heard of the CIA? How about the FBI? Or maybe the DEA? Or ICE? The government has all kinds of agencies. Due to anti terrorism laws they don't always need a reason to detain these people. Those detained are looking to blame anyone they can, but to call it kidnapping they better have really good prof. Trump warned these mayors and goveners if they couldn't control their cities he would find a way to do it for them. If these cities would arrest and charge those causing problems maybe some others would get a clue, but letting them run freely just sends a message that anything goes and you can do anything you want. Think that's the millennial anthem isn't it? Praise for everything?

dust4fun's photo
Mon 07/20/20 07:13 PM
I will try to separate my thoughts a little better.

This vaccine, is it using a live virus? Or a dead virus? Or is it something else they are doing? If you look back in history when they came out with the Polio vaccine it worked great although many were skeptical. But in a rush to make it a few labs screwed it up so people contracted Polio from it. Of coarse this put everybody in a panic and delayed things.

Are the going to put microchips in the vaccine? You know they've been looking for a way to microchip everybody for years!

As far as the Chinese working on a corona virus makes sense because of the SARS outbreak in the early 2000's. Often times viruses in animals do transfer to humans, that's how influenza was spread. Why, and how they ended up with this hybrid is somewhat questionable. But then again much of what the government does in the lab is questionable and that's why its often kept top secret. However the internet wouldn't exist if the government wasn't doing some questionable things in a lab and we would not be discussing this right now.

As far as Hong Kong, we know that was under British control for a long time as many places were. Britian was once the super power of the world. However many feel that Hong Kong's freedom will be short lived with China taking over control and putting their Socialist/Communist ways to work any place they can.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/19/20 09:40 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 07/19/20 09:54 AM
3 million cases in the United States is only 1% of the population, I'm sure the number is more like 2.5%-3% due to low testing levels and some people not showing symptoms. 3 million people die in the US every year and many of these people that have died would have been dead in less than a year anyway, and many would have been dead with in a few years. It will be a couple years before we can figure the real number on the over all effect to see how big the spike of deaths really is. Humans are very selfish creatures, if grandma was going to die but the family was told they could keep her alive for 2 more months if they could come up with $200,000 most families would say sorry grandma we can't do it even if they could. However if the doctor said wait a minute what if we could get that money from the insurance company? Then of coarse they would say yes, keep her alive even though she will just be a vegetable laying in a bed. What they don't think of is little Jose who's parents can not afford insurance because of the greed of others and does not get his disease diagnosed and ends up dying and loses 70 years of his life because the greed of the family that wanted grandmas corpse lay there for 2 more months. These "Expert's" telling us all about covid have how many years of experience dealing with SARS and Corona? An "Expert" should have at least 10 to 20 years experience, these people are just making things up as they go along. Do they have a bunch of rats running around with masks in a lab somewhere? They should be doing a blind survey of everyone being tested to find out where these people have been, how many they have been around, and how often they wear a mask, and then compare these numbers for positive vs negative test results to find out what factors affect the out come the most. They could also make everyone carry around a teddy bear, because a big part of wearing masks is the "sense" of security that people get from it. However this can do as much, if not more harm because people will take more risks because of this sense of security. As far as China goes we knew of this problem over 20 years ago and there are far too many people that believe the world economy is such a great thing for everyone, even though its only good for a few and many places become worse off because of it. China has stole much of technology they have and now they are using it against others. China used to push their wears thru places like Wal-Mart. Then Amazon became the biggest player. And now with the covid lock down they have actually started pushing their products dirrect cutting out the middle man. They have huge warehouses in the US and are collecting the payments for products directly only paying for the shipping and maybe a kick back to Amazon, EBay, or similar taking even more money out of the US economy as they work toward their world domination. And their government is treating their people like rocketman from North Korea does, locking them up, or killing them for speaking out about their country. You said the US debt to China is $1.1trillion, that number seems extremely low being we are spending at least $3trillion on covid, we just keep printing money like its no big deal, and yes that will catch up with us eventually. The reason people in the US are still concerned about the politics is that Trump is the only one addressing the issues with China, even if not all that well. While the Democrates want to give China everything they want, perhaps because the love socialism and see this as a way to get it in the United States. The communities have to be responsible for handling the covid outbreak, not the federal government. What is good for one area does not always affect another. Many people have seen this as a "cry wolf" senerio when the 1% or 3% of the population that have been affected are no where near their area, and the governments locking down areas where there is little to no risk has made these people very mad about the government control, not to mention the economic impact it has had in places where it didn't have to. People have very short attention spans and by pushing all this on the people before it was necessary has made it so people just want to move on with their lives. You are only young once and taking away someone childhood to allow an old person to live a few more months is not fair. When you go to Disney world when you are 5 its magical, when you go at 35 its frustrating and expensive. So many children have missed out on school, prom, graduation, birthday parties, many other parts of their childhood in areas that where not high in risk. They will never get that back. Many poor communitues both in the cities, but also rural, have kids that depend on school for getting feed right, and their parents rely on the schools to watch their kids while they work. The federal and state governments have stuck their noses where they don't belong, its about time to give the country and control back to the people it belongs to.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/16/20 07:38 PM
Being the Russians have a part in the election now and the enormous number of mail in votes it is projected that 108% of eligible voters will cast a ballot this year. So as lame as the candidates are it should still make for an interesting outcome.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/14/20 06:34 PM
Well apparently Joe Biden has a revelotionary new idea to bring manufacturing back to the United States, or maybe he is just having another of his flashbacks? Either way I'm sure the Democrates would love nothing more than to give every perk back to China if they are elected.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/11/20 12:28 PM
As the title of this topic states "police brutality..." it appears to be even more of an issue than ever before. The brutality against officers have led 150 Minneapolis police officer to consider to apply for disability. This is close to 20% of the force, they are claiming what they have gone thru has led to PTSD, and they don't feel safe at work and are suffering physical and mental affects from the stress of work. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has become a common excuse for service members returning from war zones and being unable to function normally in their day to day life. These officers are claiming to have suffered similar affects often leading to drug and alcohol use, domestic problems, and difficulty functioning in society. If they qualify they would be able to collect up to 60% of their regular wage for up to 20 years. This would also set a new president for all first responders and who knows what other fields may also jump on this bandwagon. On another note shootings in Minneapolis are at an all time high as we've also seen more of these events in many major cities in the US. And when these people start shooting they don't always hit their target, some kids have been hit, and although the death rate in these incidents are not nearly as high as those injured it clearly has long term affects on the people involved, and a sense of insecurity for those in the city.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 07/08/20 07:30 PM

I do not believe they want to defund the police ...
becouse that can not happen what about the other calls they get ...
they have to go to ... I think it is more like reform ... giving money to neighborhoods that have less then others and giving to schools ... and helping them learn more then what is on the streets ... that hurts them and trying to give back to some that have been incarcerated really for know reason and getting their names out of those system they are not under any any data banks that can hurt their reputations to be able to have for jobs ... which is another thing they need to do in these city's and make them safer ... know we do not need the military police coming down hard on peaceful protesters...
I believe that our constitutions allows us to peacefully protest I could be wrong but that is freedom of speech ... and if the KKK and others like them has freedom of speech then everyone else also does ...but racism is not a peaceful way for our country especially now with this covid ... largest cases in the world and growing ... is it a freedom to wear a mask ... or not ... I think the better way is wearing a mask so a just in case u do not want your own family's coming down this... yep ...we do have to live with this but it is better to keep people safe then not ... most understand what this disease is doing to our country... why do people have to make it harder ... on all of our health care people and every one you may come in contact with ... we have mass graves already is that how u would like to be buried ... mask or mass grave ... think about that ...

Have you seen the new commercial against defunding police? To report a rape press 1, to report a murder press 2, to report any other crime press 3 and we will get back to you as soon as possible, the current estimated wait time is 5 days. Vote Donald Trump!
Our constitution does say freedom of speech, however there is nothing about the right to disrupt commerce, block the street, desturb the peace, trespass, cause destruction of property, or harass other people. However there are laws against doing all those things and most of the government is standing by and watching it happen without doing anything about it. If people want to get a permit to block the street they should do it in advance to give notice to all that need to know and so they can take steps to guarantee the safety of everyone, did you happen to see the semi that plowed thru the crowd in Minneapolis because the idiots were on the freeway and the government was dumb enough to let them get away with it. If people want a statue removed the should go thru the proper channels to do so. If people are protesting they need to understand if the crowd dies get out of control they are at risk of being injured, tear gased, or trampled by either the authorities trying to control the situation or the people in the crowd that get out if control. Mob mentality can easily break out, how often have we seen it after sporting events?
Not sure why Covid is brought up but many places still had restrictions in place of no gatherings of more than 10 people when these protests were taking place and yet most government looked the other way. Wearing a mask can keep spit or mucus from flying if someone sneezes or coughs, but in no way does it protect anybody from getting covid unless that spit or mucus flies right at your mouth or nose. And if it does land on your mask you will probably get it anyway. And has anyone noticed case of covid are on the rise again, and it just happened to happen after all these people were out protesting.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 07/06/20 06:16 PM

And by saying do something about it I do not mean riot, loot, and burn a city! Blacks are allowed to vote, blacks are allowed to own property, blacks can have high paying jobs, blacks can start their own businesses, blacks can control how many children they have and at what point in life they chose to have them, blacks are allowed to move from where they are currently at, blacks are allowed to chose roll models that do good for their community instead of bad. Their are many things that blacks are able to do if they take advantage of their rights, and take responsibility for their actions.

They mostly want to live like anyone else, which is clearly not the case as they keep getting murdered.
They are trying to get there rights now and fyi information there are plenty of planted instigators among the peaceful protesters.

If you read that then yes black people need to quit murdering black people So at least that we can agree on, but after this past weekend in New York, Chicago, and many other communities around the country shootings and murder in the black communities seems to be on the rise not the decline. The ones that do want to live like everybody else are being brought down by the thugs and unmotivated blacks that do not want to live like everyone else, that is a problem. Have no clue what these "rights" are that you are talking about? The already have more rights then the rest of the population. You ever hear of affirmative action? Tell me that isn't racist! They have their own college funds, awards shows, all kinds of black only things going on, can you honestly believe that is not racist? And finally the "instigators"? Why is it I don't see white people looting stores but whether its riots or natural disasters the black people have no problem looting, they also don't seem to mind beating some innocent white people while they are at it. Go back to the Rodney King riots after the cops got off, they beat anyone who wasn't black.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 07/06/20 05:55 PM

Insects are one dimensional creatures, animals are two dimensional creatures and humans are three dimensional beings. We have as much in common with an oak tree as we do a dog. this is because we are subjected by the forces of reality being carbon based life form. A christian philosophy has it as, "After God made everything he ran out of ideas so he took pieces of everything to make people."

Locus Effect is what I call it. There's to many people in this world of ours now. The friction of other locus causes a frenzy of destruction. We have many political factions trying to destroy and/or control the world. People like Trump are wrecking the plans of puppet masters so must be torn apart. Power corrupts and Trump would be as the puppet masters if he had power which they do.

Bleeding Hearts make others bleed (suffer) so they feel better about themselves. Look at what happened in Seattle. It was perfectly fine for the mayor to let people get raped, murdered, robbed and the rest until the mob was at her doorstep.

I'm glad I never had children. Which was a choice I made back when I was 16.

Not sure if you are talking about the locus effect? Or the Locust effect? Could go either way, but your description sounds more like the locust insect that are definitely not a one dementional creature as they transform during moist periods and go in to a frenzy like the desert locust that are ravaging the east coast of Africa as we speak, threatening to wipe out at least 10% of the worlds food as we are already going thru trying times. Just when you think things can't get any worse all hell breaks out.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/05/20 10:13 AM
And by saying do something about it I do not mean riot, loot, and burn a city! Blacks are allowed to vote, blacks are allowed to own property, blacks can have high paying jobs, blacks can start their own businesses, blacks can control how many children they have and at what point in life they chose to have them, blacks are allowed to move from where they are currently at, blacks are allowed to chose roll models that do good for their community instead of bad. Their are many things that blacks are able to do if they take advantage of their rights, and take responsibility for their actions.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/05/20 08:26 AM

Only one thing is certain and that is that the lives of the poor have never mattered at any time to any form of Government. If any group wants to compete for bottom position on the dung heap, they are welcome to it but they will be facing some pretty stiff competition.

It is not a competition. Black people are just finally speaking out about where they are placed.

Black people have been speaking out about where they are placed for the last 150 years and a lot has changed in that time, its time for them to stop speaking about it and take responsibility for their own choices and do something about it for themselves.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/05/20 07:45 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 07/05/20 08:19 AM

something that saddens me... is that the police are being trained as if they are going to war ... and that the United States is so divided ...

it is not really not defund it is .... not the unions or police departments ... how is that going to happen ...just another way of coverup far as I am concerned ...

Often times its a kill or be killed situation and its very possible that its one of these "amazing" cops that are involved and now they are dead or heading to prison in your scenario.

Hi Dust,
It is not as you say blithely 'often kill or be killed situation'. It is generally behavior. How come we don't hear of these things in Europe; a culture comparable to US?

Point is: If you protest / stare back at a cop (or authority figure) the beast is unleashed in all cops . More so in third world countries, like this 30 second video close to my neighborhood.

Hey Jaish, I could write a book and still only scrape the surface of the complex reasons the things are they way they are. The most obvious reasons are DRUGS and Pop Culture (movies, TV, music). Starting in the early 1980's the incarceration rate in the United States started to skyrocket mainly due to the United States "War on Drugs". The US has the highest incarceration rate of any nation and really the US has only been a country for a relatively short period of time compared to many and a lot has gone on in that time. In some ways we are still the "wild west". Guns have always played a big role in the US culture for many reasons from Military, hunting, self-defense, crime, recreation, and investment. The US has had gangs since before it was even a country, they have the mob or mafia, and they still have a large number of gangs. Europe has been domesticated for thousands of years, while the US is the melting pot bringing people from all over the world with different back grounds and different levels of evolution. In general you can feel safe almost anywhere in America as the ones committing crimes often have there target picked out such as domestic abuse, or gang rivalry. Crime shows are very popular planting seeds in people's minds. Also such movies as Boyz in the hood and music from performers like NWA and their song "F**k the police" are part of the pop culture, look it up and take a listen, its a song about police brutality and targeting black people release in 1988. Also note what "NWA" stands for, it kind of gives you an idea of what the attitude is taught to many of the black youth in this country. The police should stand up and show force and control over situations, not lay in the weeds and let things get out of control. An average of 50 officers are shot and killed in the line of duty every year and cops kill an average of about 1000 people every year. That just tells me their training has paid off and they are a better shot. Half of the people incarcerated are in for nonviolent drug crimes, but when dealing with drugs on any level that could quickly change with the amount of money involved and the affects of using the drugs. We need to keep our guns while keeping guns out of the wrong hands, easier said than done. We also have to accept the fact that some people will die along the way, everyone has to die sometime anyway, we can't save all of them.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/28/20 08:28 AM

something that saddens me... is that the police are being trained as if they are going to war ... and that the United States is so divided ...

it is not really not defund it is ... making sure there is $ to give to some of the neighborhood for the for schools and places to hang out other then the street corner ... and also not being always beaten or shot ... over hardly nothing becouse they are black with raciest cops... someone put up a go fund me for black lives matter heard the $ was to help get them out of jail ... lots of people have given to this org but they dont even know who is in charge of it ... and where the rest of the $ went ... I still believe the police need to make them selves available to the neighborhoods to help and not for raciest killings ... but going to be a long road for them to come back from do to all the the violence ... heard also they want the police to be the sole person for their actions ... not the unions or police departments ... how is that going to happen ...just another way of coverup far as I am concerned ...

Often times its a kill or be killed situation and its very possible that its one of these "amazing" cops that are involved and now they are dead or heading to prison in your scenario. Should they take the guns away from police? The police are now using guns designed to kill because if they injure someone it can be much more dangerous. They want to do away with tear gas, pepper spray, or any other chemical products because it may injure or kill someone. Some people have died from tasers so do away with them too. And ban all restraint because someone can die from that. Clearly these people are not just stopping and going along with what the cops are trying to get them to do. Should we just let all the criminals run free? Then you get like the redneck father n son in Georgia that take the law into their own hands. You also get an increase in crime and murders, if a criminal isn't stopped they continue to be criminals. I will say putting a juvenile or young person in jail or juvie often just puts them in with more thugs and they learn more bad things than good, there is better way to deal with this. However calling cops racist and telling them to stop killing black people who resist arrest is not going to do anything in the big picture. Things need do be done at the root of the problem, that is stopping the culture of black youths who are wannabe gang bangers. This can be accomplished if they are not born in the first place, it can be developed into their belief at a very young age, it can be shamed instead of praised to become a thug. Pop Culture and peer pressure is a big part of planting the seeds into the minds of our youth. Have you listened to rap music? Have you seen some of the movies that make gang banging look glamorous? If a parent is getting things for free then the child feels that's the way thugs are and they too should get things for free no matter how they have to go about doing it. If anything the black community should be outraged by these thugs that give the black community a bad image. There are many neighborhoods that not only white people are afraid to drive thru, but black people are also afraid to drive thru these areas. There is plenty of white trash out there too, but you don't hear about them shooting eachother everyday. The majority of black people are doing their best to make it in the world so I don't understand why they are not addressing the problems with these thugs?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 06/26/20 05:45 PM
Peoples stupidity does not = society's fault.
Peoples laziness does not = society's fault.
Peoples lack of judgement does not= society's fault.
Peoples lack of respect does not = society's fault.
If you are an alcoholic its your poor choices that got you there, not society's fault.
If you are 150lbs over weight and have diabetes its your lack of good choices and/or your genetic make-up, not society's fault.
If your addicted to drugs you've made some bad choices in your life, not society's fault.
If you decide to have a child you can't afford to take care of its not society's fault.
If you decide to run around with a gun or try to wrestle a cops weapon away from them and you get killed its not society's fault.
Its about time people start taking responsibility for their own actions, show some respect, stop playing the victim, and stop blaming society for the choices they make.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/21/20 09:09 PM

I wanted to put this out before I forget ... laugh

I was listening to one of my shows I like ... and never thought about it this way ... there have been 3 black hangings and they are saying it is suicide...

really they expect those to believe that ... being all the violence with the police ... sounds like to me it is the white supremacists groups ... reverting to their old ways ... but what I heard was ... could be a serial killer ...
found that interesting ... and if it is ... that group is across the united states ... and not ashamed of who they are ... or what they do to blacks ... they might be able to prove it but will be hard ... since their are some raciest cops ...they might have had a hand in it ... becouse of the charges brought about the police in those ...killings... of the innocent black men ...
and yes slavery still is going on now ... along with female & men sex trafficking... wonder if Jeffrey Epstein used young black women or girls ... and how many rich use different nationality's to work for them almost for free ... or even kidnapping ...I heard goes on with some...

I did not look at anchamima syrup as being racist ... I just thought it was a very good syrup ... but they have to do what they need to do ... with all the food names ...

Thank you so much mystical. There have been so many things brought up here to address in this thread.

First, I am saddened by the 'some people have it worse' argument. BEing beaten AND raped my be worse than just being beaten, but that has nothing to do with whether being beaten is bad. Immmigrants do have it worse for very hard work, which means that should ALSO be addressed. IT is an additional issue, not one that somehow negates other issues.

Second, about the hangings, I can at least understand that suicides do happen this way, and that current times may make some folks suicidal. I do not believe that is the case with ALL of these hangings, but I understand the tendency to rather think they were than to think they were homicides.

Third. I hate to hear people talk about employment and wages as if it's like going outside to pick your favorite weed. As I have stated before, there are many factors, like region one lives in and what employment is available IN that region, and what qualifications and/or numbers are competing for the job opening, and whether pay is commiserate with the expenses to go to a job, like potential child care and transportation and wardrobe costs, et cetera. It is not just a simple 'just get a job' equation. And the assumption of whether those needing or receiving assistance are just 'sitting' on welfare. Welfare does not even allow people to 'sit' on it anymore. The stereotypes must stop. The wages MUST keep up regionally with the costs of living. I personally think the subjective standard of the 'value' of work should be set at a minimum in all regions, based on the minimum cost of living for an individual residing there.

AS to the racist brand names, I feel honestly that people are too soft and triggered by too many things. The names are based upon the names that were founded, and as brands, and understanding the context of their founding, I am not personally upset or in need of them to change their brand names. I feel like, with retail items, market will determine whether something is wanted or not. I buy Aunt Jemima because it tastes good and it is the name I know, not because I don't like the particular image of a black woman they chose.

However, each brand or company should be able to decide if they want to change branding or image. The market will direct them along the way.

Finding a job is almost as easy as going out and picking your favorite weed, and a single person should be able to survive on something close to minimum wage. The issue becomes when a single woman with 3 illegitimate kids gets a job they have to find someone to watch those kids and they have 4 mouths to feed and shelter instead of just 1 and generally they have no skills or experience to bring to the table to make them worth a higher wage, even people with college degrees often have to start at a low wage until they have experience in the field. And if a guy has child support to pay he's in basically the same position as the single mom just without the daycare responsibility. I've been thru the 4 simple steps to keep a job that many cannot fallow. 1. Show up on time. up everyday. your work while you are at work. 4. Act professional while you are at work. Millions are able to do this everyday, however many are not able to preform these tasks often because they just don't have respect. Life choices at a young age can affect not only you but possibly generations to come. There are good jobs out there in construction and production and they are willing to train the right people, but these people need to fallow the 4 rules.
I haven't really been following the hangings but I will say when a loser like Floyd becomes a hero some people who are just not right may see this as a way to make a name for themselves. While others may have been supremacists who feel the blacks are gaining too much power at this time. However I don't believe there is any kind of police conspiracy going on. With all the video being taken in this day n age its hard to believe at least something would not be picked up somewhere. There may be a rouge officer here or there, but for the most part not only blacks, but also other nationalities are getting killed by cops because of their fighting, fleeing, and going for the officers weapons. These cops are making life and death decisions not only of the suspects, but also their own lives and public safety. I think many have been pushed so hard so many times that it becomes only a matter of time before something happens. In a lot of ways these officers go thru things similarly to soldiers in some of the crime infested neighborhoods and yet are still expected to function as an ordinary person on a daily basis even though we've become all too familiar with the difficulty many returning soldiers have adapting back to civilian life.