Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Thu 06/18/20 08:00 PM

Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.

Rosa Parks

Did you really think it thru before you posted a stick figure smoking? What are you trying to teach our kids? Smoking is no longer an acceptable behavior, in fact the smoking population is one of the most discriminated populations there is. Between the outrageous taxes and the very strict restrictions on where they can actually smoke.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/17/20 07:30 PM

It seems that the new rule for the police is never shoot anyone who isn't an immediate mortal danger to you or someone in the immediate vicinity. What the criminal did in the past or may do in the future is not relevant. Now we need legislation to protect the police from liability when they let someone who resists arrest run away.

For instance the Friday night death in Atlanta. The police could have just given him a summons for DUI and let him go. Had he stumbled into the street and gotten killed by a car, the police would be sued. Had he went home angry and beat up his wife, the police would have been sued. Had he hijacked a car and then killed someone on the road, the police would have been responsible. Why did he resist arrest when it became obvious they were going to take him in and book him? Was there an arrest warrant out for him? Was he not who he claimed to be? It seems that most black men that have been killed by police were either fighting with the officers or running away. What were they trying to hide? Normal people do not resist arrest for most crimes.
I've seen the quietest people you could meet resist arrest before. Doesn't mean they deserve to be killed, or shot though for doing so. People react differently, to things. If what you said here is what you really believe, then you really have a strange way of viewing the World. Compassion and common sense, are sorely lacking in your mindset, believe me!
Compassion is for people who befall something bad or devastating beyond their control such as natural disasters; compassion is not for people who befall hard times because of poor choices or stupidity!
Funny how I stay in the UK and the Police don't carry guns, but they can deal with people armed, or not that resist arrest, without shooting them, or killing them. Is it not just the case that a some of the Police in the States are going about with the attitude that they're above the law and can do whatever they want while on the job, to whoever they want? Seems like it to me!

I think it is a different cultural mentality. I think violence begets violence mostly. Less violence begets less violence, like a cycle. Treat people as a threat, and they start expecting to be seen as a threat, and making poor choices to defend themselves from that. I think also that the UK is much more whitewashed in many places than America, making it easy to see the bad apples as still 'one of us', than here in the US where there are more types of minorities that can be seen as 'them'.

These are just thoughts, of course. But I find many countries that have policies that would be decried as 'socialist' here do seem to have more regard for human life and caring about the community and not just the self.

America was founded on the concept of caring for oneself and being able to be self reliant. For most of it's existence it has been very rural with a very small segment of the population living in crowded cities. Europe has been the opposite of that for centuries with large concentrations of populations requiring more mutual cooperation among people. The 2 environments and expectations are very different.

Here in the US today, we have those 2 extremes: large urban areas and small rural areas. The people who live there have very different perspectives on life especially when it comes to self sufficiency. There is also much less racial conflict in small cities as there are very few minorities especially African-American. Those that are in the area tend to meld in and be part of the community. Kids all go to the same schools and have the same opportunities and teachers. When you are in the same class, have lunch together, and all support the same sports team for many years you don't recognize that many differences. There is also a much more uniform exposure to role models and people in the community. The larger the cities, the more social and racial dysfunction that exists.

I don't know if that is true. Slavery wasnt exactly 'self reliance' and 'caring for oneself' A lot of knowing how to exploit others for the benefit of oneself was involved in that founding, and is still involved in maintaining the status quo, IMHO.

I think, when push comes to shove, the difference is the skin color and being able to relate to "us vs "them".
Slavery was about someone getting free labor from someone else. It went on for decades around the world. Sometimes it was called slavery and at other times, indentured servants. Still exists in some parts of the world. I don't see the comparison of slavery with maintaining the status quo of today. Obviously there are still African Americans who consider themselves slaves and there are employers who consider themselves masters. Both are at fault and need to change their perception in our world today.

Making profits off of the work of others is the comparison. That is a bit more complex than merely 'self reliance' or 'caring for oneself'. Self reliance is great, but rarely the simple absolute that the cliche implies. People rely on people. No one lives in a bubble.

Making profits off the labor of someone else is not in any way comparable as long as they are paid the prevailing wage for their skill set. You are right that no one lives in a bubble and we all need others who possess skills we do not. In today's society that level of what we need varies considerably. No one who is physically and mentally capable should rely on others to do what they could do for themselves. This is where one of the great debates of today's society exists between different people.

It is when that wage is set by the masters and not by living standards.I agree though that people will always disagree on their subjective views about what people 'should' be able to do and what they 'could' do for themself.

The wage is always set by the "master" or employer. If it is below minimum wage, the government will intervene. If it is below what others are paying, there will be a shortage of employees. The problem will always be solved. What we can or should expect others to do will always be open to debate. We need to acknowledge that a lot of people just aren't very capable of doing lots of things. You would think that with the Utube videos, most people could do most common tasks.

Do you people have a clue who picks your fruits and vegetables? Mostly migrant workers from Central America, some legal and some not. Do you think they get minimum wage? Most of them are paid by volume to get around paying them a living wage, and some forms of food and shelter are sometimes supplied. But for the most part they are doing slave labor. Sometimes they need to pay off what it took for them to get here, and other time these farms deduct for certain things. There are many illegals here being taken advantage if while others are sitting on welfare and not doing a thing but still complaining they want more, or those working meaningless jobs for minimum wage but for some reason think they should be compensated the same as those who are doing skilled jobs, or performing physical labor. Increasing minimum wage only increases the cost of everything while devaluing the worth of the American dollar. The actual value to work performed compared to compensation will always vary widely. The thing is people always have the right to get another job whether for better pay or for less responsibility.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 06/15/20 06:15 PM
Well maybe we should look at the fact that nearly half of all murders in the United States are committed by black men? Blacks make up about 13% of the US population so about 7% are black males. The thing is most of these murders are of other black men. Between 2011-2013 38.5% arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. About 33% of the prison population is black while the US consist of about 64% white people and they make up 30% of the population. I'm sure some people think that white people can afford great lawyers and that the court system gives them free passes, however this is not the case. There is more white people living in poverty then black people. So somehow these black guys who fight and/or run from the cops and end up dying should be top priority in the black community? Maybe if people had a little more respect for the law and others there would be a lot fewer deaths of black men in general. I feel sorry for the black people who have worked hard to get out of the hood and make a better life for themselves and family and these thugs are still bringing them down. A start would be if you can't take care of yourself you probably can't take care of a kid, or two,or three either. I'm not a racist or a radical, I'm a realist. The problems that need to be solved run much dealer than the police force. Do the right thing for the community and turn in your neighbors, friends, or your son when they are thugs, turning your eye to it will just lead to pain by more. People who get everything for free have no respect for it. They think if people can get welfare, foodshelf, and toys for tots for free then it's also OK to shoplift or loot stores or rob the local convenience or liquor store. Its time to break the cycle, not the police department.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/13/20 07:26 PM

At PSX......Wrong! Those Police used a prone position restraint that is known to KILL people. They are trained to reposition. He told them he couldnt breathe. They continued to ignore him and their training. Murderer's.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Anyone could have a fake bill and not know. It's happened to me. Maybe he had a past so what he deserved the chance to change.

nope...the cop is guilty so the career criminal must also be...

No. There is no tape or evidence of the 'career' criminal committing any crime. Being claustrophobic is not a crime. Passing A 'counterfeit' bill is not even a crime because bills pass hands all the time. They could discern IF The bill is fake and inquire where that person obtained it. IF there is substantial EVIDENCE of the person knowingly passing false bills, THEN a crime can be charged. The law does not expect most people to know what a few counterfeit bills look like when they get them from a legitimate source.

And there is still no capital death worthy offense for counterfeit bills or 'underlying conditions'.

Any normal person they would have been questioned and sent on their way, however Floyd pushed the officer or stumbled into him as he got out of the car. That is assaulting an officer. Just because they hand cuff or detain someone doesn't always mean they are under arrest. Driving under the influence is also a crime, however this call was on a counterfit bill and it was unknown of Floyds drug use when they showed up, these officers were unsure of Floyds medical condition besides what he states thru the process. The two rookies made the initial contact and its not clear what was relayed to the other officers. Floyd falls on the way to the car. Its not clear at this time if this was a way to resist arrest or part of his medical (drug) condition, but he did fight the officers. Its been stated he said he was clostrphobic and having trouble breathing. However I'm not certain how much of this has been proven. There should also be body cam footage and possibly footage from the cop car but that has yet to be seen by the public. When they put Floyd in that position on the ground I assumed he tried to spit on an officer because that is the most common reason for doing so. Floyd relieved himself either voluntarily or involuntarily. Cops don't like when people do that or puke in their car and that could be a factor too. While on the ground Floyd never once said "UNCLE", and anyone with siblings would know to do so. The officers kept him down to wait for the paramedics, there is no proof of the amount of pressure they applied.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 06/08/20 07:34 PM

So he also put three Policemen on top of him too and don't forget the knee on the guys throat also? Don't talk shite!! Do you really know how stupid and absurd that sounds? Get real and stay off the Vodka, as your head is pickled!

Have you read the criminal complaint against Chauvin. CNN 8 notable things criminal complaint is good place to start. Also the Hennepin Co Autopsy. They both state that underlying health conditions and drug use were factors in Floyds death. He was having issues prior to be brought to the ground and resisted arrest. The question is did anything the officers do really lead to his death? Or would have he died no matter what those cops did? Any which way his drug use does have an effect on this case, and had he not resisted he most likely would not of been in arrested in the first place, or had he been arrested and not resisted then he would have never been put to the ground, however there is still a possibility he would of died. Restraining him on the ground may have been the best thing those cops could do. There is nothing that will ever measure the amount of pressure the officers were putting on him. There is nothing saying that these officers could have done ANYTHING to keep Floyd alive.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/07/20 05:23 PM

Calm connection with people is so important. Quite the opposite of holding others down with rage. May the horror of this incident prevent this kind of death/injury from ever happening again.

People were shocked after Columbine but the only thing that's been done since then is Mass Shootings have become commonplace. Its part of Pop Culture. Now its like BTW there has been another mass shooting lets continue with our day. If anything George Floyd should be a say no to drugs campaign. Opioids kill an average of 130 people everyday, George Floyd just happened to be one. Remember the commercial where they crack an egg in the frying pan and say this is your brain on drugs? Now they can show the George Floyd video and say this is you on drugs. And make sure they notice him pissing himself. Rodney King and so many others have always been this one will bring change and it never does. Its time for the black community to start solving their own drug, gang, and thug problems on their own. Throwing money at the problems only makes them worse, the only way to get real results is lots of hard hard work. Its like you can't stop someone from using drugs unless they want to stop using drugs.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/06/20 06:59 PM

I think that's the establishment's endgame...

Get the cops to walk off the job...

Force the President to declare Martial Law...

Then damn him for it and blame him for all the race issues they created.

Anything to get him out of the White House.

All their other ploys have failed...

This is their last ditch effort...

I'm not into conspiracy theories but there are some really fishy things for those who are interested. Floyd was spiraling down hill fast, he was out of work, on drugs, thrown out of his apartment and basically living in a homeless shelter. Who calls 911 on a "Fake" $20 bill that apparently turned out to be real? And no police department I know of would send officers out to check it out, they would say come down to the station and fill out a report or take it to a bank we don't have time to deal with that. Then they show up, which trust me that takes a long time especially if its not an emergency. And in that time somehow Floyd is still parked there. How is this possible? And he's got "friends" in the car. Now its possible that someone drugs him with the Fentanyl. Don't believe most of what you see about his family, daughter, and friends that are coming out for the $$$ and 10 seconds of fame as most were not real friends, most family was in Texas, and doesn't sound as he was currently part of his daughters life and owed back child support. Now the cops show n he pushes them or stumbles or something, his "friend" had some kinda excuse. Then going to the cop car he falls again, they get him in the car where different versions of the story if there were struggle or not but Floyd claims to be clostrphobic and have trouble breathing so he can be taken into better camera view. And of coarse their is someone who just happens to be recording this along with 2 security camera's watching. Then he uses the "I can't breathe" like thousands of people dying from corona virus gave and also that guy in NY. Then the ambulance was supposed to be on its way but took longer than it should to show up. And this is all happening during covid19 where our governor has put so many restrictions in place that the officers aren't even allowed to do mouth to mouth recesitation on somebody. All this while 2 bumbling idiots are getting ready to fight for the presidency of the once United States of America and they know Biden is such a weak candidate that he needs any thing he can get to win being that Murder Hornets and Corona Virus weren't enough to give him an advantage. That's just my short list of things that may have been a little fishy or phishy for those who enjoy a spin. I figure everyone else has concluded what they think they know is fact, and the people are clearly easily brainwashed so I might as well throw this stuff out there as well.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/06/20 12:20 PM

All 57 members of the Buffalo Police Department's Emergency Response Team resigned Friday from the unit in an apparent show of support for two officers who were suspended without pay after being filmed pushing a 75-year-old man to the ground Thursday night.

Tonight should be a fun place in Buffalo...

Pretty sure that's what must of happened in Minneapolis after the incident cuz they sure didn't do a thing to stop any of the riots, looting, or burning. Everything is caught on video but nothing has been said about going after anyone. I think the should post images of each and every person and offer a bounty for their capture. The thing is Minneapolis police have a great compensation package, after only 3 or 4 days on the job you get 40 yrs free room and board at a local prison. I call the protests "blizzards" now ( because all the snowflakes). The majority of these people are just jumping on the bandwagon with no clue what it is really about or what to do about it. George Floyd has become pop culture now. If black people really want change they need to start by changing themselves, and they actually have to want to change. Blacks are 100 times more likely to be shot or killed by a black man then a white person. Just by saying "the black community" or a black neighborhood they are asking to be separated. We tried the separate but equal and that didn't work. We could of put them on reservations like the Indians but we didn't (that was a different time people). It took thousands of years for white people to become "white". When was the last time you heard an Irishman shot a German while two Italians stood and watched. It wasn't all that long ago when every nationality was marked, generally the lighter the skin the higher up the ladder that nationality was. Now we are just "whites" or "Americans" but many black people don't want to conform to that even thou their are many that already have. A lot of it starts as youth and the thug, gangbanger attitude, the pop culture or stereo type that many of the youth get trapped into. Drug, theft, destruction, and lack of respect. There are many good jobs available for young black men or anyone for that matter but it takes 4 thing to keep that job. 1- show up on time. 2- show up everyday 3- do your work while you are at work. 4- act professional. Many people can only accomplish one or two of these things. That is not acceptable, these are easy things to do and millions of people mange to do them everyday. I have seen young black men working, I know it can be done. Just this week I seen some flagging traffic during road construction, good paying job with benefits. Giving people handout does nothing for them long term, people will never show respect for anything unless they have to work for it. Slavery was ages ago quit using that as an excuse, the civil war was fought mostly by white people in which many died to gain your freedom. Start showing some respect to white people and perhaps you will get some in return. They have affermitive action, black college funds, even black awards shows. Blacks get all these things plus are able to get all the things whites do, so quit the whining and do something about it. The "Whites only" country clubs and what not have all been dismantled or opened to all. How about the blacks start dismantling their blacks only clubs too? We are all into this together but the blacks still want their "Blackness".

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/06/20 06:15 AM

Thanx PSX, there is plenty of sources for the autopsy out there that can easily found. I would like to see the official police incident report but can not find that one. Much of these videos are clips of what they want you to know and not the facts that people should be seeing. I would also like to know who the man and women are that were in the car and got out upon the initial confrontation. I'm not a journalist, and neither are the majority of people on here. I do not expect to see a link to every post as many of these are just propaganda anyway. The forum is more of an oversight of different people from all over with different thought and views, and that's what makes it interesting. If people want to see the fake news they are more than welcome to watch their favorite news network or whatever MSM outlet they prefer.
The facts that people should know? A guy died because of excessive force by a Copper. You're the one missing the point, because I guarantee if it was one of your family, or someone you knew, you'd be singing from a completely different hymn sheet, of that I have no doubt!!!

It is not a fact that he died from excessive force, that is an opinion that many people have, but not a fact. Fentanyl is 80 to 200 times stronger than morphine, as little as 3ng/ml has been known to kill some people. Floyd had 3 1/2 times that amount in his system along with meth and thc, he also had preexisting heart condition. All that plus the rage and stress of being arrested could easily cause heart failure. One of the cops had been on the police department for 3 days. Another one had been on the force for 4 days. If they would have used a stun gun he would have died, if they would have pepper sprayed him he would have died. Chauvin kept him detained til the ambulance arrived, maybe we should start putting everyone down the line in jail for there actions. The ambulance should have arrived sooner. When I take my daughters cat to the vet 3 grown people can't even hold a 10 lb cat with no front claws down, their solution is to sidate it. Now you take a 6'-6" 250 lb man that is in rage and on drugs and try to control him. Its easy to say now the cops made some bad decisions as all humans do from time to time, but at the time in that situation they made the choice that thought they had too. What would have become of it if Floyd would not have been stopped and slammed his car into a family killing them because he was HIGH?
Search " Mannie Ellis is George Floyd". Its almost identical case in Tacoma Washington where black man being detained by 4 police dies. Its just not caught on video. Mannie was also high and died of heart failure. Whenever someone on drugs dies while an officer is present they always assume the cop has some kinda special power to save a life. The biggest problem is people see things in black and white, and even describing something using color assumes that there is a difference in their human condition. Assuming guilt, intent, or that someone is racist base on their skin color is the exact definition of racism.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 06/05/20 04:26 PM
Does this mean Mingle can not pull any of our posts down anymore?oops Sorry, just thought I'd throw that in thereflowerforyou

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/03/20 05:11 PM
Alta Mira>fentanyl>risks-fentanyl

Keep in mind that George Floyd is a felon freaking out about going back to prison along with a fentanyl overdose. This description of an overdose matches step by step the decline of George Floyd and the coroners reports from both parties. As much as I would love to see the people running the government instead of the government running the people I truly believe that the public got this one wrong and the government has folded to the peoples wants. Its far to deep to be fixed now but the truth must be known.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/03/20 04:43 PM
Thanx PSX, there is plenty of sources for the autopsy out there that can easily found. I would like to see the official police incident report but can not find that one. Much of these videos are clips of what they want you to know and not the facts that people should be seeing. I would also like to know who the man and women are that were in the car and got out upon the initial confrontation. I'm not a journalist, and neither are the majority of people on here. I do not expect to see a link to every post as many of these are just propaganda anyway. The forum is more of an oversight of different people from all over with different thought and views, and that's what makes it interesting. If people want to see the fake news they are more than welcome to watch their favorite news network or whatever MSM outlet they prefer.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/03/20 01:47 PM

Thanks .... my post was to dust .. will wait for his reply :thumbsup:

Hey Blondey, I never do links and I try not to respond personally to others. My computing skills are not that great when it comes to moving things from one spot to another. Unfortunately at this point I can not find where I saw each article or video and Google is now flooded with nonsense about George Floyd. When the video first surfaced and uncensored Floyd clearly pushes or falls into the officer as he gets out of the car. They then cuff him and sit him on the sidewalk. Then as they lead him to the car he falls down, at the time not sure if this was intentional to throw the cops off or if he is having some kind of issue. They then go to him on the ground with the officers restraining him until he is limp. Another video shows them pulling him from back seat. The officer statement after the incident states he was clostrphobic while in the back seat and having difficulty breathing so they take him out to the ground. While restraining him one officer says " I think he's suffering from proxidum or whatever" and he should be on his side. The coroner's report I was referring too came from the independent report not the Hennepin co. report which also included the cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual.
Both saying he had fentanyl in his system.

Fentanyl at any level in the body can cause death, just ask Prince, it can cause breathing problems and heart attacks. The restraint was at the back of the neck, not the front, and he was still able to talk, so maybe it some what contributed to his shortness of breath I highly doubt a healthy human couldn't survive that. To all the doubters out there take a belt and wrap it around your neck til you can't breathe, make sure your are taking video of this, after 2 minutes try saying "I can't breathe". If you do this right I'm willing to bet 95% will not be able to talk at all. Its easy for people to judge these cops after the fact, there was no advantage to them to let Floyd die, they did what they thought was necessary at the time and now they have to live with their decisions the rest of their life. People are forced to make these types of decisions all the time, but when was the last time you seen a Doctor go to prison for making a bad decision?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/02/20 08:17 PM

Surprise, surprise the autopsy showed fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine in this felon that many are calling a hero, along with hypertensive heart disease. The black folks really need to find some new hero's besides OJ, Bill Cosby, Tupac, and Rodney King. I know many people including many politicians that would like nothing more than to see all 4 officers drug thru the streets and lynched with out due process, and at this point it is far too late to ever get the truth. However the initial report of the cops included Floyd stumbling and the reason they took him from the back of the car to the ground was because he was having trouble breathing. The officers laid him on his side and restrained him thinking this was in the best interest of everybody's safety including Floyd's, clearly the ambulance was on its way as it arrived shortly after they did this. These cops have some medical training but in no way are they professionals or able to know what to do in every situation. Floyd was acting paranoid and clearly the fentanyl, meth, and problems breathing could have been the only factors that caused his death. There is no proof that the restraint is what actually killed him but in this curupt world we live we will never know. BLM and the Democrats have far too much to gain to ever have the truth known!
If he was already having problems breathing, then why did the Copper, put his knee and all his weight onto the guys neck then? Doesn't matter if he was under the influence of drugs, or not. He didn't deserve to die, in the way he did!

Your so right when you say he didn't deserve to die like that, he shouldn't have been on drugs, and he should have obeyed the police's orders and the whole world would be a much better place. His brother said they were a peaceful god fearing family, I wonder how peaceful that armed robbery was he committed was?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/02/20 08:07 PM*1t6h6oe*_ga*YW1wLTZSQmxWTlFrTVlUTHJsdDdMRE5vRF9UaHVpbUpmcUZVcjh5TUFFRVUyUDZnVzBrdFE2T0ZvZk1IUG1pelhnMWc.

“Minnesota Department of Human Rights filed a civil rights charge against the Minneapolis Police Department in relation to the death of George Floyd. Additionally, the department will begin an investigation into Minneapolis Police”

The Minneapolis police department is not racist, in fact a couple years ago they even put Popeye chicken cups and 40 oz malt beer cans on their Christmas tree to honor black people. However I I do not have a lot of faith in them been they couldn't even keep their police department from being burnt down, but in their defence they were 4 officers missing at the time!

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/02/20 04:52 PM
Surprise, surprise the autopsy showed fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine in this felon that many are calling a hero, along with hypertensive heart disease. The black folks really need to find some new hero's besides OJ, Bill Cosby, Tupac, and Rodney King. I know many people including many politicians that would like nothing more than to see all 4 officers drug thru the streets and lynched with out due process, and at this point it is far too late to ever get the truth. However the initial report of the cops included Floyd stumbling and the reason they took him from the back of the car to the ground was because he was having trouble breathing. The officers laid him on his side and restrained him thinking this was in the best interest of everybody's safety including Floyd's, clearly the ambulance was on its way as it arrived shortly after they did this. These cops have some medical training but in no way are they professionals or able to know what to do in every situation. Floyd was acting paranoid and clearly the fentanyl, meth, and problems breathing could have been the only factors that caused his death. There is no proof that the restraint is what actually killed him but in this curupt world we live we will never know. BLM and the Democrats have far too much to gain to ever have the truth known!

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/31/20 08:38 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 05/31/20 08:40 AM

To the family of George Floyd you have my deepest sympathiessad2 brokenheart . I pray that true justice will be rendered and served to you:thumbsup: .

George Flyod and his family don't deserve any respect whatsoever. If people commit crimes and assault officers they run the risk of being killed. If he would have obeyed the police none of this would have happened. That means building being destroyed, stores being looted, and understand there was people in many of those stores while they were being looted. The cost of all the law enforcement and everything that goes with it, and the closure of many businesses. What gives these protesters the right to gather while there are still restrictions in place for covid19 such as no gatherings of more than 10 people. How many people know what really happened? Most all of this has been propaganda set up by the media to fuel political views.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 05/30/20 08:07 PM
George Floyd was a Thug, he spent time in prison for armed robbery, he resisted arrest numerous times before they took him to the ground. Did the cop over do it? Yes. Did Floyd deserve to die? No. But this was never a black and white situation for all you racists out there trying to find anything they can to make an issue out of. This is authority verses Thug situation, that cop didn't care what color Floyd was. So how do people respond to this? Well why not go out and steal from some hard working people and burn some buildings to the ground in our neighborhood all while the cops stand by and watch without doing anything. I hope all you THUG SUPPORTERS out there are proud of yourselves, well us hard working tax payers pay for all your wrong doings. So many laws have been broken by the thugs and thug supporter but very few have been arrested even though it would be like shooting fish in a barrel to do so, where is justice when it is really needed?

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/24/20 06:00 AM

I believe China made the virus to eliminate their elderly population and it got away from them. They are so over-populated they dont care. I personally will fight being injected with who-knows-what. I have never gotten a flu shot. I did have to get a hepatitis shot when working for the Veterans Hospital in Lincoln. That I could understand. But a covid injection? NO
that is an incredible belief ..

Even if China had the intelligence to genetically engineer the furin cleavage site that enables efficient spread of covid In humans ... how did they target that to an elderly population .,...Covid is “indiscriminate “ and widespread . It does not just target elderly .. anyone can be infected . Depopulation versus economic collapse .., what exactly is the gain ???

researchers on Monday announced the most comprehensive estimates to date of elderly people’s elevated risk of serious illness and death from the new coronavirus: Covid-19 kills an estimated 13.4% of patients 80 and older, compared to 1.25% of those in their 50s and 0.3% of those in their 40s.

How is it done? It's called genetic manipulation. Labs have been fine tuning experiments genetically since they mapped the human genome years ago. I'm really shocked someone claiming to be in the medical profession is not aware of that.

Feel free to catch up on your journal reading. Since Human modification is frowned upon by the scientific community, you won't find examples of that..but if you can do it to a kiwi fruit or wheat, you can do the same thing for ANY living creature.

But wait...after an extensive google search taking 30 seconds...From 2018:

Chinese Scientist Says He's First To Create Genetically Modified Babies Using CRISPR

What is to gain? Well, the elderly don't produce. The majority are a drain on a country's resources providing little to no positive resources or input. If China were to get rid of a majority of their extensive elderly, it frees up state resources and costs the state less. We are currently experiencing this in America with most of the Baby-Boomers retiring and the remaining workforce isn't large enough to provide via Social Security. Is the purposely killing off a generation ethical? I think their response in Hong Kong issue that was going on right before Covid took over the headlines could be an example of their questionable ethics.
can you please be more specific ., about how they genetically engineered covid to target just the elderly .laugh laugh laugh .

The DNA sequence of covid has been studied scientifically around the world . The only difference that has been found between covid and previous caronaviruses is the furin cleavage site . ( I can explain that to you in simple terms but I doubt it would help ). The site is not specific to the elderly . I am sure if there was any evidence of further manipulation science would have found it . While it is true the cleavage site can be genetically engineered it can also occur naturally .

If someone has furin their cleavage they should probably trim it or wax it, not sure why that has anything to do with covid. The Dr. always says its a virus let it take its coarse, and that's what we should do. It is natures way of taking out the weak, that happens to be old and sick people. Even most of the old people dying have an underlying medical condition. We have been due to have a pandemic for awhile now, what scares me most are the look downs and social distancing going to become a regular part of life every time there is a new strain of Corona, influenza, or any other out break? It will take time for our immune systems to adjust, but eventually they will.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/04/20 06:43 AM
Corona is SARS if you remember anything about that going around, its not a new virus its just this strain is hitting hard. Influenza changes every year and 20,000 to 50,000 people in the United States die due to complications to that even with the flu shot that has been developed. I suppose its possible something from outer space is trying to mess with the world, but I don't think humans are purposely doing this. One aspect that hasn't been covered is the number of people that will die because the restrictions on hospitals and clinics making it difficult for people to get needed medical attention. Its possible more people will die as a result of not getting medical attention then will die from the Corona Virus.