Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/30/20 08:53 PM
And the Pilgrims purposely came over to America to get all the Indians sick and wipe them out so they could take over the land, ya right. There have been many pandemics thru time, this one really isn't even that bad compared to most. Would you rather go to Africa and get Ebola or stay here and get Corona? Why do you think they plug kids full of vaccinations? We've been past due for something like this and 10 years ago it wouldn't have hit nearly as hard if even at all here because its only recently that people have been allowed to come and go freely from China. When was the last time you heard about bird flu? Or swine flu? This will pass in time and people will once again forget about it. The majority of people that die probably wouldn't last more than a couple more years anyways, just natures way of cleaning house, if it were a conspiracy they would have done a much better job implanting it. Trumps new slogan for his 2020 campaign is Make America great again again.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/30/20 08:28 PM

Hello old kid waving thanks for the article . I am. Not surprised that in 13 years there has been little progress or improvement . Healthcare is always underfunded and rarely meets current population needs let alone pandemic demands . As usual it takes a disaster for planning to come to the fore .

The global ventilator shortfall is very concerning . It is such a specialised and very expensive piece of lifesaving equipment that has to adhere to strict manufacturing and testing protocols . In addition to standard ventilators there are also portable transport ventilators ., unsure what the cost or logistics of using those would be .. but they are scarce and most hospitals have only a small supply .

Not sure if departments are considering sharing a ventilator between more than one patient .. there are ways for this to be done but the safety And logistics of doing so has. Not been determined .

The other matter is the use and care of a ventilated patient . It is a highly skilled job that is much more than attaching someone to a breathing machine . Provision of more ventilators is only half of the deficit problem .

The timeframe needed to manufacture and test ventilators in addition to training staff (and availability) represents a colossal problem . I am sure all is being done that can realistically be done . Fingers crossed solutions are on the horizon . (I did see China are ramping up the manufacture of ventilators for the rest of the world ... I am sure their economy will benefit tenfold if they can successfully sell and export globally )

Health care under funded? You got to be kidding, has more to do with how they spend their money. I can take my pet to the vet and they can run a full blood test for about $120 and find out many different things without the pet saying a thing, go to your doctor and it cost thousands and they have to send you to see someone else for each problem they detect mostly trying to sell you drugs that you don't really need. I see plenty of new hospitals and clinics going up and the price of medical care is outrageous but because of Medicare and insurance they charge whatever they want because the customer isn't directly paying for it or they need it and have no other choice. I looked up the price of ventilators and it said from $5k to $50k. The $2.2 trillion package the government just passed is over $6000 for each person in the United States so if you figure an average ventilator at $24k they could buy one for every four people in the United States. Also consider all the people that have portable oxygen supplies. The biggest drawback is government regulation and putting money into the wrong hands, there are many people who could contribute to helping people but between the regulations and lawsuit it won't happen.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/24/20 08:23 PM

Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable

But not minimum wage increase to $15
This would mean inflation by 20%
Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum

In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because
it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast
based on having driven on the I-95
And likely to fall for Sanders Economics

Scenario 2:
On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate
And Sanders comes second

In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd
He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment",
His continuous reference to Obama period
Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!"

How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings?

A week to go.

we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time.

I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube
the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start
Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan
while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have.

Hillary was dead at start.
Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media
Trump - nothing

But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate.

The democrats see companies closing as a good thing, getting rid of corporate America. The Democrates lives off people who are poor, on welfare, or minorities. Its part of their power to encourage socialism. The minimum wage is pretty much $15 in most places already, your lucky if you can get a cup of coffee anywhere for $1.00 or even $1.25. Many people are already willing to pay $5 for a coffee at Starbucks. Inflation isn't always a bad thing for such things as your wages go up and your mortgage remains the same. As with all media it depends on what you listen to as to who they are talking about. Bloomberg has many commercials out and has spent a ton of money but he really hasn't gotten much of a draw so far. As far as a woman for president I don't think most people have a problem with that in this day and age, but finding the right one is the problem.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/23/20 07:11 AM

Michael Bloomberg Qualifies for Next Democratic Presidential Debate

Since the democrats are socialist bent Bloomberg seems to be their last chance to go back to how the party was before the conversion. The eleatests are the only ones in the democrat party that can even have a chance of getting the vote against trump at this point. Since the party is divided now it may slit into two separate parties. The regular democrats and the neo-socialist democrats.

The socialists own the propaganda machine so Bloomberg is at a disadvantage here. The standard screeching about money is already making the rounds. Guess only time will tell.

It becomes more clear everyday that Bloomberg is just Trump with a democrat badge, the last thing the Democrates want is another Trump. Starting to look like yet another election where most people are not happy with the candidates, maybe more people need to vote in the primaries. Many people are just smart enough to know they don't want to be the President.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/23/20 06:36 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 02/23/20 06:37 AM

Sanders has the right idea. Children do not get enough education in school to get a good job. Only a min wage one. Most kids today dont know how to read. College is and should be an extention of high school. Its everyone right to learn. Nobody should pay for education if they need it. Alot of kids dont go because of high tuition rate. Some colleges i heard are free if you live in the area and are a resident. I read somewhere in this topic thar mortgages and car should be free. Wow stupidity still rains today.

I always wondered who decided the 'cut off' for where education is not a social necessity anymore. Technology is changing. Everything else is moving forward EXCEPT we approach education. It is scary.

Most high schools offer College classes and vocational classes if the students are willing to do it. I think much of the issue is what happens at home, parents need to be part of their child's education. Some people, in fact many people aren't even able to preform minimum wage jobs much less attend college or go into an advanced field, we should be more focused on work ethics and financial management in schools. Also if we would teach them more in k-12 there wouldn't be a need for college unless you were becoming a doctor or something.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 02/19/20 07:40 PM

they will remain there for the simple fact they are part of your debt load.

and in determining what you can afford, they count because they offset your income the same as any other loan.

but when they check a score, it does not include what you can 'afford', it is just a number. What you can afford is determined by your current income and bills.

When I was paying child support that was considered a "judgement against me" so I ended up paying close to 2% more for my mortgage, however if I had a wife and 4 kids at home it would not of affected my credit even thou I would of had many more expenses. Never missed a payment, always paid it on time. Child support is 1/4 of your income, plus taxes, plus whatever else you spend on the kid, and that's just for 1 child, it increases for each one after that. Is it fair the way they figure things, not always, but a student loan is just that, "a loan" and should affect your credit rating as such. Intrest on student loans is less than other loans and way cheaper than a credit card, but if you did use your credit card for school or emergency use it would certainly show up on your credit. Same with medical bills, its all debt you owe and affects your ability to pay off other loans.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/18/20 05:27 PM

The United States government already gives a $2000 tax credit per child every year, if the parents were responsible they could put that money into a good savings account for their child's college and they would have about $50,000 to use toward their child's education after they graduate high school.

This credit only reduces your tax bill. Even if you owe nothing the total allowed refund for
the credit would not exceed $1400 from what I understand Over 17 years (the claimable
age) that is just $23,800 assuming you have no tax bill over the 17 year period.
Not a reliable source of savings.

If you owe nothing you get $2000 per child age 0-17 that's $34,000 and after that as long as you claim them as a dependent you get $500 a year. If you were to put that in a good account every year with compound interest it should be around $50,000, even if you didn't make any interest on it it would still be $35,000 and you can do it tax free because it for education. I know people with 3 or 4 kids that get about a $10,000 refund every year and for some reason 3 months later they can't even pay their rent, but they have a new iphone, no clue how they blow the money so fast but to them its easy come, easy go.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/17/20 06:54 PM
The United States government already gives a $2000 tax credit per child every year, if the parents were responsible they could put that money into a good savings account for their child's college and they would have about $50,000 to use toward their child's education after they graduate high school.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/17/20 06:49 PM

If you're not responsible for your own education, why would you be responsible with other people's money?

Because of their nature of being a payment for Use as it is used. Whereas loans for school are FUTURE payments for something predicted to be used, but often not useful after all.

So they shouldn't expect people in medicine going for their doctorate - be physicians?
People studying law, be attorneys? They are receiving the education for purely just having knowledge? Then they shouldn't be getting loans at all. They should be buying what they can afford with the career they chose. Or get a bank loan or line of credit to do so. Either way, it will amount to a regular loan. At least with the latter idea , you can file for bankruptcy.

They shouldn't allow history with student loan payments to be used as an accurate reflection of responsibility towards pay as you go services, like rent, utility, or car notes.

Why not - is it not important to know?

Not when considering credit, no, unless it is a complimentary listing for informative only and not counted to the rating of your credit.

If you owe money on a student loan it should be on your credit rating because you owe that money, the amount you make is reduced by the amount of your payment every month so you have less resources to pay back the debt of another loan. The people loaning you money have every right to know that you have less money available every month to pay your loan back. And just because someone has an education does not mean they make more money or that they are smart with their money, it usually means they have worked at a job less, and if they defer their student loan debt at all that should lower their credit score even more because clearly they aren't capable if paying their debts back.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/11/20 07:17 PM

Bernie Sanders’ pitch for Affordable Education makes good common sense :

Talking on developing the strongest best public school system in the world he says

Lunch for school children will be subsidized
School Teacher’s minimum salary: $60,000 / year (take care of teachers and ...)
No standardized school tests because … (reasons not so clear)

College Tuition: Free for all people
Student Loans: Cancelled

To achieve these goals he will remove school funding off property taxes and
raise taxes substantially on:
The Wealthy
Wall Street ‘speculation’
Reduce Military Spending


On school education Bernie is 100% right, and the goals achievable

Based on similar situation in India (socialism),

State schools with state syllabus - high teacher absenteeism / student dropouts

Central government (federal) schools - higher syllabus - impersonal teaching

Private schools - less on syllabus and more on personality development

Problem is
How may Bernie achieve this when public schools are under state jurisdiction?

What makes this plan "affordable"? Or employees any kind of "common sense?
Half the students in the USA already receive free or reduced lunches and its not that big of burden to pay for them or just bring something from home.
Teachers work half as many hours as the average American and many do make $60k a year, how about we find more for them to do such as daycare for when the kids aren't in school to make up for some of the extra time?
Standardized test are ment to hold schools accountable to a certain level of teaching, what next? We drop the English requirement because soon we will all be speaking Spanish? Or everyone has a cell phone so we don't need math? The tests are used to compare what areas are doing what.
I know many people with college degrees that do nothing related to what they went to school for, college is not for everybody and giving free tuition would cause many to go even if they have no interest in it just because its "free". Just because something is "free" doesn't mean somebody isn't paying for it.
There are ways to make schools and education better, we've tried throwing money at it and that just caused even more money to be thrown at it with few results.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 08:42 PM
I almost forgot to mention the large number if cats and dogs on insulin now. It like Avacados, when something becomes popular everybody seems to get onboard. Pets use "human" insulin and more and more pets are being diagnosed with diabetes, easiest way to fix it? You got it, just give them 2 shots of insulin everyday, after all our pets are part of the family and should be treated as such.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 07:55 PM

Something that might be of interest is Huawei trying to dominate the internet.

When you say Huawei its the same as saying the Chinese government, of coarse the Chinese government would never do anything to harm usfrustrated

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 07:50 PM
I was just glad that the hillside didn't catch on fire and burn another 80,000 acres of California, and that nobody on the ground was hit and killed. To me if you fly in a helicopter you know you are putting your life at risk especially when the weather is bad, they just had that crash in Hawaii a couple months ago. Its like when people bring wild animals in their house and get attacked, or those who climb mountains and get lost or injured and then expect others to feel sorry for them.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 07:40 PM

Diabetes,2 is increasing in the US.

llinois is the second state to cap payout for
diabetic medication insulin to $100 yr.

This is a good thing for people, who can't hardly afford their medication.

USA Medical and pharmacies are bankrupting some people.

Most people with type2 diabetes can control it thru diet and life style and there is also other medications to help control it. People with type1 need insulin, but people unwilling to do things about type2 diabetes are driving up demand and price, and yes the pharmaceutical companies do abuse the system, but you can't really blame them for not wanting to make drugs they are not going to make money off from, that money is needed to make new drugs to help other problems. Anyone can buy the a monitor to check there sugar level on a regular basis for less than $30. If people would start monitoring their own health early on perhaps we could control many more health concerns. What concerns me most about the big drug companies is the targeting of people to make them believe they need all these drugs, and such things as old people with ED
should be covered to get Viagra or whatever else to have sex, to me there is a reason why nature has made this happen and if they want to have sex they should pay for their own medication and not have it paid for by the government or insurance that others pay for.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 02:16 PM

or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

I wasn't aware that Jessie Ventura was posting in this forum til now. Not sure that Canada is going to let these people in their country, its also assuming the wall between the US hasn't been completed by that time. Can somebody explain why China would wipe out their biggest customer? Or why they wouldn't have enough money to do anything they want? After all clearly they make their own money and make up what its worth, plus they have 4 times the number of people in the United States so if they really wanted to do something they could. It may seem we are close to a civil war but how many people are truly going to go out and do something about it? The thing about civil wars is it involves the up rising group, the military, the general public, and often times outside things such as foreign militaries. Once everything is wiped out nobody cares if the gummy bears or whatever else takes over. People say they don't believe the media but yet they still seem to be brain washed by them and others. There is more propaganda out there then there has ever been before.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 08:50 AM

When it comes to war spending I know how men think, they don't really. cause the brain get's all hotted up.

The general feeling is let US police the World so that we don't run into nuclear disaster - and the allies are okay with this.

Sales pitch is: US Defense Budget $ 1 Trillion justified for nuclear deterrent.

We have world leaders - women in US, UK and they seem to toe the same line

Except that Germany's Merkel seems to have a different view

So to Mingle ladies, what are your views?

Views could cover -----

Is with $ 1 Trillion budget, US running for total World Oil / Economy Control?

any other spending justification?

like rest of world, viewed as Nazis + Viet-congs - figuratively

The Figures for reference

US Budget for Defense Spending: $ 1 trillion ($ 989 Billion, Oct 2019 to Sept 2020)

Off this, US Space Force = $ 100 Billion

NASA spending is outside of these

In 2015 it was around $ 600 Billion ($ 598.5 Billion) and progressively increased


2 hostile countries, Russia + China = $ 350 Billion

China, $ 250 Billion (estimate)
Russia, $ 100 Billion (estimate - since econpmy is broke)

Point is, aside from Russia, half of Chinese budget is spent against India, etc.)

So effective Chinese deterrent against US is $ 125 Billion)

Rest of World don't count = $ 500 Billion

( India $ 70 Billion, Europe $350 against Russia and so on)

Guys are welcome to comment but let's hear the ladies first, yeah ?

The United States only has about 4.5% of the worlds population, it is ranked 3rd behind China and India. But you must also look at the size of the United States. If Africa would join just a few countries into one then they could easily pass the United States in population. The reason the United States is the Super power that it is is because of its innovation. The United States has been the major player in everything from inventing, manufacturing, to farming. If it wasn't for things developed in the US most of the world would be starving, that is if there was even still a world to live in. If things hadn't played out the way they did who knows we may have fought WW2 to the bitter end. From current things from your cell phone to the internet largely invented in the United States. Europe has developed somethings, but for the most part it took the US to make them successful. Clearly other places such as Germany are capable of creating new things, and even the Russians were able to beat the US in the space race. But for the most part knowledge from the US has been stolen in order for other countries to develop things. The United States are forced into being the world power because its the only country that has the money and knowledge to keep things developing, and the US has to protect these assets even if it is very expensive to do so. Life would have been much better if such things as the internet would not have become global, but it has and now we have to deal with it. Many things the US does is for their best interest, but many others are just to make other areas a better place. So I really don't see the US as being as selfish as many view them as being.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 08:23 AM

Yes boys, you will be drafted to fight and die on the battlefield. It use to be men in the United States and her Territories fought to defend their families, friends, nabors and hoes. Nowadays you'll have to fight for the Matriarchy. That's because the progressives/feminists are the ones calling the shots. But that's okay because women will be incharge.

According to Google there's more men under the age of 40 then women since most of aborted child were girls. So, being drafted will kill off the extra boys giving those left a better shot at finding a wife. By the time all the hippies, bippies and yuppies in position of authority finally drop dead they will have changed the government into an arthurian socialist fascist/commie state. Who knows? You might be apart of making the global state as well.

:sunglasses: I'm 4f so don't have to worry.

First off there is 6 million more women in the United States then there are men. Maybe you are thinking of China or India where they have limits on the number of children people are having so many choose to have a boy instead of a girl. If or when the US has another draft it is likely that would include women because everybody knows we need equal rights and we can't discriminate. The next war will be highly technical with the use of drones and remote weapons along with a lot of computer hacking so kill offs like past wars are very unlikely. Will a civil war occur? Will North Korea nuke somebody? Will China start something to take over the world? Its too early to tell, and too early to know how far it will go, will it end all humans on earth? Then it doesn't matter because all the men and women will be dead and nobody will need to find a spouse. There are also ways to reproduce without being married or husband and wife. Maybe it would just evolve in being more lesbian couples? The world was supposed to end many times in the past and as far as I know that hasn't happened yet so it is very bold to make such predictions at this time.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 12/03/19 07:06 PM

Greed is what keeps capitalism from working it's best. And because people are greedy, every economic system will have be effected. If not for greed, every ecoomic system would work perfectly, in theory, in my opinion.

Thank you for your reply.
Can you explain how greed keeps capitalism from working its best?

Capitalists claim totally opposite of what you claim. They say that greed actually is the one that makes people work under a capitalist system. They claim without greed humans cannot work enough and they will be lazy and whole planet would fail.

I'm interested to know how greed keeps capitalism from working its best, then? Greed is a bait used by bourgeois to make men work their best. When in fact, studies proves that a human works best only when he works for his passion and the work he loves doing. That is his/her best shot. Greed proves to make men lose their lives working off whole days without happiness. Some even quit their jobs and get to depression out of overworking for greed. In the end a perfect man finds happiness only in the labor(job) he loves.

My colleague has a well paying job. He gets all facilities and he manages to be upper middle class. He works 10 hours a day and gets extra amount of pay for his work. In just one year, he feels isolated he doesn't get enough sleep. He has no time for family. He has no time for himself. His whole life is workaholic. That's the image of a greedy man in capitalist society.

Your colleague has choices, he can put a bullet in his head, he can go find another job, he can start his own business, or he can lay around n do nothing and be a burden on society. What one considers a workaholic may not be the same as someone else. Maybe he doesn't have what it takes to be upper middle class and should settle for just regular middle class. That's where the "greed" part starts to take effect. Anyone who has the hustle and wants to be their own boss or even have people work for them they can with enough effort. My saying has always been the best way to make money is have someone else do it for you. Greed is what drives people therefore greed is good even if that greed is just to do a little better than your neighbor.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/24/19 05:08 PM

Have they discontinued the Politics forum? I have not seen a post for a while.

Everybody is too busy watching the impeachment hearingsfrustrated

dust4fun's photo
Wed 11/20/19 04:49 PM

if t wasn't for bill she would be no one g bye Hillary go and retireyawnyawn yawn yawn yawn

Well if it wasn't for Hillary then Bill would have never gotten to where he has either, but the next one coming up in that klan is their daughter, hopefully she fails early and gets out of politics.