Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/19/19 09:09 PM

Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share.


my comment pertained to this ^^^ statement you made about doing
away with income tax entirely...

i have no idea what you're talking about when you quoted me with
your reply ??? maybe you should read it again and reply towards
what you said.... or just ignore it

I think you did understand but just couldn't wrap your head around it. Everything else we pay for is not based on percentage so why is our taxes? Or why isn't everything else that we pay for based on percentage just like our taxes are? Should I pay 10 cents a gallon for gas while the poor person gets 2cents in there pocket for every gallon they put in, and the rich guy is paying $12 a gallon for the gas he gets? That is how the current tax system is set up. If you can't figure that out then I can't help you, and nobody else will be able to either. Income tax is not based on what we USE, its based on how much we make. So why can't that be changed to a USE base tax instead of a INCOME based tax. Like a gas tax is based on the amount you USE, they assume the more gas you use the more harm to the road you do.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/19/19 08:53 PM

Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share.

pure genius right here ^^

a married father of 4 tax bill $ 30,000
5k for each kid = 20,000
5k for stay at home mom = 5,000
5k for himself = 5,000
he makes 60,000 per year as a plumber

a single individual no dependents tax bill $ 5,000
5k for himself
he makes 140,000 per year as a hedge fund manager

Class, can anyone tell me the percentage of income each
taxpayer has to pay ?? raise your hand please

And lets break it down to percentages of services used too then? So you paid 3% of what the hedge fund manager so your only allowed to drive on 3% of the road, and if you call the police there is only a 3% chance they will show up. Next time your at the store try saying I make less than that person so I'm not going to pay the same for this as they are. We could start by having the rich and poor pay the same prevent, that would be a huge tax break for the rich and only a slight increase for the poor, and it would be more equal, however some of the new Democratic candidates for president are already talking about going after 60% to 70% of rich peoples yearly income, highly outrageous.

For those getting child tax credits and have poor money management skills and plan on running out and buying a new iphone and flat screen should readjust their priorities. $2000 a year is $166 a month, or just over $5 a day. That is plenty to feed a child, and if they can't do that the need to go to the store and buy some "REAL GROCERYS" and LEARN HOW TO COOK!!! Often times poverty is closely related to bad money management.

did you seriously just say 5 dollars a day is 'plenty' to feed a child? Have you ever had children of your own?

My point exactly! I can figure out plenty of ways to feed a child for less than $5 a day, and yet you are clueless on figuring that out. I can feed a family of 4 for $10 a day and that includes 3 meals and a snack plus beverages. Its really not as hard as people make it out to be.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/19/19 08:02 PM

Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share.

pure genius right here ^^

a married father of 4 tax bill $ 30,000
5k for each kid = 20,000
5k for stay at home mom = 5,000
5k for himself = 5,000
he makes 60,000 per year as a plumber

a single individual no dependents tax bill $ 5,000
5k for himself
he makes 140,000 per year as a hedge fund manager

Class, can anyone tell me the percentage of income each
taxpayer has to pay ?? raise your hand please

And lets break it down to percentages of services used too then? So you paid 3% of what the hedge fund manager so your only allowed to drive on 3% of the road, and if you call the police there is only a 3% chance they will show up. Next time your at the store try saying I make less than that person so I'm not going to pay the same for this as they are. We could start by having the rich and poor pay the same prevent, that would be a huge tax break for the rich and only a slight increase for the poor, and it would be more equal, however some of the new Democratic candidates for president are already talking about going after 60% to 70% of rich peoples yearly income, highly outrageous.

For those getting child tax credits and have poor money management skills and plan on running out and buying a new iphone and flat screen should readjust their priorities. $2000 a year is $166 a month, or just over $5 a day. That is plenty to feed a child, and if they can't do that the need to go to the store and buy some "REAL GROCERYS" and LEARN HOW TO COOK!!! Often times poverty is closely related to bad money management.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 02/19/19 05:00 PM

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

"Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law".

It's hard for me to believe that some people didn't see this coming almost 3 years ago. This is what tax breaks for the upper 1% get us.

If the morons would look at how much tax they paid in last year compared to the year before out of their pay checks they would understand. The tax cut took less money out every pay check, clearly they blew thru that money they were getting and no they are disappointed because they already spent it. I'm sure people are not considering the increase in the child tax credit either. It went from $1000 to $2000 per child under 17, and now you can get $500 for any other dependents. Yes that is correct, the government gives you $34,000 for having a child besides paying for there k-12 education which is about another $150,000. So these poor families with 6 kids that claim they can't afford to feed their kids get a lot more than they ever appreciate. Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/17/19 12:40 PM

I find your comment comparing people who are deeply concerned about the flood of criminals coming into our country illegally with anti abolitionists who would have returned slaves to their owners to be extremely offensive, racist and uncalled for and if I was a moderator here you would be chastised immediately!

misdirection, ridicule, humiliation...that's the only tools the Open Border Society has since neither truth nor fact is in their corner. Basically they are blasting Trump for the exact same thing they supported when it was Obama or Hillary proposing it.

Yeah, the hypocrisy is astounding isn't it? What gets me is that none of their arguments hold water and yet they still cling to their illogical, irrational beliefs, mantras and narratives. I'd say the brainwashing of America was nearly complete about the time Trump took office and began revealing the truth.
I've been here on and off for years and as you can see I have never really participated in any of the forums. Do the moderators ever jump in when people start hurling racist insinuations Etc?

Well there would be far fewer blacks in this country if it wasn't for slavery, and therefore many of these people who like to bring up slavery would actually not even exist if it weren't for slavery. However if you consider the pay and living conditions of some of these illegal emigrants it isn't all that better than some of the slaves. Honestly the illegal emigrants probably cost the US less than the legal ones that live in poverty and receive money from programs and assistance. Clearly there is a wide range of people here illegally, while a small portion commit violent crimes, others petty crimes, it comes down to ALL of them are guilty of a crime just by being here illegally. That doesn't mean I still don't enjoy the fruit and vegetables they pick, enjoy the food they cook for me at restaurants, or their skills doing landscaping and roofing. The problem is we can't have the best of both worlds.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/16/19 12:26 PM
The only thing we have to Fear is Fear its self.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/16/19 06:19 AM

Apple and Google are being pressed to remove an app that lets men track their wives and daughters in Saudi Arabia. Available to download for free, Absher allows Saudi citizens and residents to access a host of services including getting a passport, a birth certificate or paying traffic violations.

The app also lets men in Saudi Arabia specify when and where to adult women under their "guardianship", including wives and unmarried daughters, are allowed to travel.

An SMS feature sends a message to the male guardian when their wives and unmarried daughters use their passport at a border crossing or the immigration counters at an airport.

This example is from Aljazeera News.

I'm a little confused why these men would let their wives and daughters have cell phones and passports in the first place If its all about control.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/29/19 07:49 PM
The estimate is there is 11 million illegal ( or undocumented for the liberals) immigrants in the US. That is more people than many of the states. Why can't they just put a bounty out for them and let the general population round them up. I would think $2k to $3k each would be a fair price, and it would save the tax payers billions in the long run. We could probably even up the bounty more if they are brought in dead instead of alive. We all know the government is terrible at handling money, so why not give the private sector the opportunity to solve the problem?

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/02/19 08:10 PM
Here's a solution that will cut the worlds greenhouse gases in half, get rid of half the people in the world. You may say that's a little extreme, but at the rate we are going we can eliminate half now or lose all later.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/02/19 07:42 PM
We used to dam rivers to collect the energy, but don't try that now because the environmentalists don't want to mess with the fish habitat so they want to remove all dams and repair it back to how it was. The windmills and solar farms are screwing up the migratory paths of birds so we can't do that. Nuclear is by far the best bet if done right, so we got to store some waste for a few million years, but due to some stupid accidents we can't do that any more. Every time someone comes up with something there is always someone there to shut it down, or regulations to stop it from happening. So until someone finds the magic bullet nothing will be resolved, certainly not in the next 10 years, it takes longer than that just to clear the paperwork.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/19/18 08:25 PM

Here's what a tariff does: it makes the thing it's attached to, more expensive in the country applying the tariff.

It doesn't do anything else at all.

That's why they don't get used more than they do, and why the results when they are used, aren't always what people hope for.

If the reason why an American company is having it's products made overseas is because the American buyers can't afford them otherwise, putting a tariff on the overseas-made product won't cause it to be made here. Because the change in PRICE, doesn't cause a change in the CUSTOMER PURCHASING POWER.

Putting a tariff on raw materials doesn't always do what we might like, either. As with the finished product tariffs, a raw materials tariff causes the products made from those materials to cost more to sell here. If the market here won't tolerate a price rise, a tariff such as that will cause an end to local manufacture, rather than causing local raw materials to become more marketable.

A tariff is a tax so lets say you buy something from China for $1.00 that the US put a 25% tariff on. China would now charge you $1.25 and send the $0.25 to the US government or they may raise the price a little more to deal other things. So you probably can't get the same product made in the US for $1.25 you may be able to get it from another country that isn't required to pay a tariff for a competitive price. So tariffs could put money in the government's pocket, it could also just change where products come from, or it could start a trade war where other country's react with their own tariffs, so any number of things could play out with these new tariffs. Most likely anyway it plays out will not be in the best interest of consumers.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/12/18 06:35 PM
All thou Serena clearly brought her daughter up in the tantrum to provoke sympathy for herself, I believe the press is really the ones to blame for this fiasco in to trying to make her appear as a hero and roll model furthering womens, mothers, and blacks lives, its the typical ratings and attention move to make them look as if they support and encourage these values, unfortunately they did it as she was making a fool of herself. To me it appeared to maybe be roid rage, clearly her strength has played a big part of her dominance, and the tennis world is willing to do whatever it takes to be relevant.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/12/18 06:18 PM
I believe lack of skilled to fill skilled jobs, and the lack of entry level workers willing to take minimum wage jobs has forced the hands of employers to offer more in the competitive market to get employees. Its the law of supply and demand. The economy has always had boom and bust cycles so to say the former or current POTUS had more or less impact on this probably has very little to do with any of this.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 09/11/18 04:51 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Tue 09/11/18 05:40 PM
On mingle you are censored for these things, but apparently if you are a black women tennis player that is also a mother you are a hero and a roll model for doing such a thing. No grown up should ever be praised for throwing a full fledged temper tantrum!

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:32 PM
It may be far worse than I first thought. They just played a prescription medication, fast food, and swiffer throw away mop commercial when I got up to check the cats blood sugar level for her diabetes on my way to grab a soda out of the fridge! We probably are the laughing stock of the world, but oh well I'll get over it.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:07 PM
Surprised our game of football was not in there considering most of the world is into football that we call soccer and most find quite boring. Also our fascination with automobiles new and old and driving everywhere with no regards to energy consumption. For our homes to eating to consumer goods we are a very wasteful people. 8 oz ( not sure what that is in metric) used to be considered a normal serving, they started filling with ice so you would seem to be getting more but somehow it turned into the bigger the better, not only in drinks but also food. To make you think your getting more for your money even thou beverages are relatively cheap, high profit goods. We are also into junk food and snacking more than the rest of the world. McDonald's is what it is because of sweet bread, we even have Hawaiian bread and corn bread with honey as that is the palate that we have acquired over time. We have no Royal family. Its the United States of America so USA, US, or even America are just shortened versions. No doubt metric is an easier system, but its very complicated to change all that is out there and convert peoples thinking to relate, we do sneak things such as 2 liters of pop in there, think it will slowly change over time, just not all at once. Same with our calender, just what we are used to. It would make more sense to be on a 24 hour clock like military instead of am, pm too, but its what we do and most clocks are designed in just that way. We do vary from different regions in our diverse USA, but a lot of that also gives it its character be it seen as good or bad by others.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/26/18 07:13 AM
Clearly these thugs need some target practice if they are only killing 10% of the people they shoot. Finding the babies daddies is something the welfare system does, however easier said then done. The momma has to give up the name (if she even knows) and then a DNA test needs to be done to prove it. As far as $300 for insurance for a month I will need to know where to get this, it more like $600+ a month and that doesn't even take into account the deductible, copays, prescriptions, and the time off work to go to the doctor. If I had the whole day off collecting welfare I would have plenty of time to cook, babysit for cash, or sit around and do drugs all day. Surly there is something we can have these people doing.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:49 AM
Its always nice when people say they have "facts" on illegal and undocumented immigrants. How would anyone really know? Its like coming up with how many people use illegal drugs, how many illegally use drugs, and how many are addicted. We all live in a bubble of our own comfort zone and region, so everyone sees things thru a different view. As mentioned it was a study and said probably, the problem is so many people think this should be literal. I like to see what peoples options are more than I'm intrested in fact, to me the forums are for sharing point of views and if you don't like something move on, get over it, agree to disagree. Most things don't directly affect your life anyway. However if you are the parents of a college student who was killed by an illegal immigrant that had been working in that area for at least 4 years and the farm claimed to have no idea that it had illegals working there your point of view on the subject may be a little different than that of saving a few bucks because a bunch of Mexicans came over and put a new roof on your house and it was way cheaper than another company, or paying a little less at the grocery store because your vegetables were picked by undocumented workers. It all depends on where your bubble lies until someone comes in and bursts it.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/25/18 06:36 PM
Do people not remember wanting to send Justin Bebier back to Canada? Donald will soon have a great big wall
along they Canadian boarder as soon as he finishes his wall along the Mexican boarder, then after that I guess he will start building walls along all the coast lines too! Guess we will never have to worry about hurricanes after that! Unfortunately it not just the illegal aliens that are an issue. "Refugees" have been coming in for years along with others often brought here by church groups. Many of the Hmong people who started coming as early as the 70's still have not adjusted to life as Americans. The Somalian and Etheopean people are the rudest and most disrespectful people I have ever come across, and many if not most live off government money. At least a lot of the people from the middle east own their own businesses or Motel, and many from India are Doctors. The biggest threat from Canada is they will let anyone into their country and from there the sneak into the US. And that comment earlier about the Indians, or Native Americans, I thought we had that all figured out if they don't like the way things are going they can just go back to the Reservation!

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/25/18 06:05 PM
Well he's dead now, not sure if that is what your prayers were for? But probably better off to be out of misery. As with most senator's I don't really agree with a lot of things they do, and his running mate for President was a big disgrace. As Donald says I prefer my hero's not to be captured. He was doomed until they found out his dad ranked high in the military, he broke down and gave up info before he was finally released. I do believe he had a lot of good intentions however I also believe we should start limiting politicians to two terms as they often become part of the problem instead of the solution as they develop Washington's way of life. Long story short it don't matter to me if he's dead or alive.