Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Wed 11/20/19 04:43 PM

Trump the insane egomaniac.
Blind man driving too fast in the wrong lane

Well the blind man still found the keys to the car and well on his joy ride somehow managed to do something because my wages are up, my taxes are down, my health insurance is going down $90 a month next year ( probably doesn't mean much to all the freeloaders getting free or reduced healthcare). Energy cost haven't skyrocketed, and food prices are reasonable. Also we are sending a message to China they can't just do anything they want, even thou they have already stolen all of our intellectual property and everyone's personal information.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/17/19 06:29 PM

some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying..
he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known...indifferent

Um, I think Jesus Christ has already filled that roll. He has millions of followers and even the calender is based off him. Its clearly the biggest scam the world has ever come across, some illegitimate child born in a barn who claims he is the son of God and to this day many still believe that?

is this what is known as conflating ??? just asking for a friend...
the subject of the thread is Trump NOT Jesus and what you think of him...

btw, people put butter on a roll and then eat it...
actors play a role in entertainment venues..

I like the way you post what others feel, but I'd rather know what YOUR view on things are. For these many "tremendous" people to think Trump is the GOAT flim-flam man the world has ever known make me believe by "tremendous" you mean tremendously stupid unless Trump manages to destroy the entire planet there have been many, many people who have had major impacts with their scams. Besides Jesus, I would put Hitler as a top player as changing the world, and there have been many, many more that have scammed their way into doing things that have had a big impact on the world, far beyond what Trump will ever accomplish.

BTW, on a roll, like a ball, and at some point that ball will come to a stoprofl Must be a regional thing:wink:

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/17/19 04:03 PM

some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying..
he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known...indifferent

Um, I think Jesus Christ has already filled that roll. He has millions of followers and even the calender is based off him. Its clearly the biggest scam the world has ever come across, some illegitimate child born in a barn who claims he is the son of God and to this day many still believe that?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 11/05/19 05:15 PM

Do you think Hillary Clinton will run again ?

Not sure what you are talking about. Did something happen to her legs? Or are you talking about running from the law?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 06:19 PM

In essence, she is right.
If over-population is affecting climate (might be?) then decreasing or changing the population trend (might be?) key to stabilizing the climate.

"Eating Babies" is a twisted way to put it tho...LOL

Well if she truly wanted to change her carbon footprint she would kill herself. But yes, in a twisted way eating babies would help, we wouldn't eat old people cuz they have already done their polluting, and besides they would most likely be pretty tough, as to where babies would be nice and tender and less likely to transmit diseases, not to mention they are relatively easy (and fun) to reproduce.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 05:48 PM

trumps unclimbable wall

you walk and find a wall
you can go around it , over it , under it , or through it

That is why Trump wants to add a Moat with vicious crocodiles and man eating Piranhas along the wall!!! The problem is once we stop them from crossing at the southern boarder they will just take a boat and come ashore on our many miles of coast line, or like many illegals just get a visa and over stay it.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 05:41 PM

The wall is a stupid idea because Mexican's are great at digging tunnels. Why waste billions on a wall when you can give people better health care or a better education for the next generation?

Well if that's the case its even more stupid not to build a wall cuz we are paying to educate those people along with providing them with health care and putting more stress on our systems, not to mention all of them we have to provide room n board for in our prisons. We are already sending many jobs to Mexico, but much of the problem is actually from Central America.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/11/19 05:15 PM

It was all planned years before the tragedy,by the enemies of the American people and the human beings in general.
Watch this video if you are interested in finding out the truth.

The "truth"? or just more brainwashing by people with an agenda? The only way we would ever come close to peace on earth is to do away with all religion. The stories that have been created throughout time that there is a "God" and only one "God" and that you should fallow that, and only that for some kinda of "internal happiness". Are people still this stupid and gullible in this day and age? You bet they are, still believing the cults that call themselves a "Religion" to gather strengths in numbers and force their views on others. Once people believed the world was flat, but by now most are smart enough to know it round, however they still believe these stories that have been created thru time, and they believe somehow it gives them "special powers". Its time to do away with religion and live our lives while we are here, instead of living our lives for death, or whatever imaginary place we believe is afterwards. Til you can come to this realisation you are not allowed to judge what others believe in their religions as you are just as guilty for your own beliefs.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/07/19 04:19 PM

but semantics aside. I always think treating people humanely is the LEAST we can do as human beings

Last week six Latino pastors from Texas visited a number of these "concentration camps". They were shocked to find that the conditions were nothing like what the national media has reported.

During the Clinton and Obama administrations the boarders needed to be protected. Why all of a sudden the change in attitude?

Because American's voted Trump in and Hillary out. The are trying to manipulate the voting population by bringing in millions of illegal people and tell them to vote democratic. Stuffing the ballot box.

there isnt a change in attitude. There are people saying we are already protecting borders and additional money on a wall is not needed or useful, nor is treating families inhumanely.

there are people recognizing that coming to seek refuge is NOT the same as illegal immigration and people should stop being demonized and criminalized for attempting to do so.

There are plenty of other places that they could seek refuge. Or they could stay and fight to change the area they come from, but it seems that freeloading is the easiest route that so many take. And I'm often more offended by "legal" immigrants, who is dumb enough to think its a good idea to take in people from Somalia? Just by relocating people doesn't magically make them better people. Scum is scum no matter where its located.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 05/24/19 08:05 PM
Maybe Mingle should try something similar? But it would be pretty sad when we found out there are fewer than 1000 members that are real people and have been active in the last few months!

dust4fun's photo
Thu 05/23/19 06:09 PM
Blame it on the Russians! I'm sure there was some hacking going on and some kind of collusion somewhere. Maybe some USA Democrates can get to the bottom of this!

dust4fun's photo
Wed 05/22/19 05:38 PM

A woman has full rights to control her body during the reproduction act until the child is conceived.

Once the child is conceived it exists in the placenta and the woman's body acts as a cocoon.

The child is tied to but not part of her body and she has no moral right to murder that new life.

Since abortion became legal this nation has murdered over 60,000,000 babies. May God have mercy on our nation.

Hmm, 60million, that would work out to about 1million every year and there is about 4million babies born each year in the United States. So you are saying 1 in 5 babies are aborted or 20%? So apparently there are not that many people having abortions so we should just do away with it, or I should say make it illegal again because we know that will stop everybody just like prohibition stoped everyone from drinking.
So we probably shouldn't remove cancer from bodies anymore either because its just "Gods Way" and we certainly wouldn't want to interfere with that. A woman having a child affects her life very much for 19 years and even beyond. The embryo can not keep growing outside the woman's body so is it really "life" at that point? Clearly at 7 or 8 months things get much more complex because the fetus most likely could live outside the women's body and except for the most extreme conditions I don't believe an abortion at that point would be acceptable. People who receive any type of public assistance clearly can not take care of themselves, or they are scamming the system, so if they can't take care of themselves clearly they are not able to take care of a child. People should take precautions when having sex, or don't have sex if you are unable to do it safely. However people do make mistakes, or other unforseen factors occur and the woman and possible child to be should not be dramatically punished for the rest of their lives if the woman believes that is how things will work out.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/21/19 08:52 PM
So us humans shouldn't be allowed to destroy an embryo? But yet we are so far above every other species that we can kill and eat animals and plants? And then there is the Military, the USA wouldn't be what it is today if they hadn't killed men, women, children, and yes even babies! And yet many think it is very acceptable to create embryos in a test tube and then plant them into the womb. Its a bunch of bible thumpers that have brought many to believe that we can not sacrifice any humans for any reason. I say nonsense, in order make the human population stronger we should be allowed to act as other species in nature and take out the weak to keep us from becoming extinct.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/21/19 08:29 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Tue 05/21/19 08:31 PM

Okay so do actually think people will buy Chinese products with a 30 increase. I doubt it. Causing Chinese finance disruption.


There is a HUGE difference on what it cost to produce something in China compared to the USA. Maybe somethings could be made in some 3rd world country for similar prices, but that's about it. So lets say the gas tax went up 50cents a gallon, almost everybody would pay that and all the increases that go along with it, however a few people may buy more fuel efficient, or electric cars. But for the most part people will just pay it and learn to adjust. The US has created a very high cost of living, and many don't realize how spoiled and lazy many people are in the US. The only leveling in the playing field is technology. Robots do not take breaks, make excuses not to show up to work, or expect a raise on a regular basis. However sooner or later they do need maintenance, but for the majority of things they are way cheaper than employing people and they get more advanced and cheaper all the time. What do people consider "middle class"? Compared to much of the world everybody in the US is At least "middle class", and the majority are "rich".

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/14/19 07:32 PM

I think China will win this trade 'war' because their leader, unlike Trump, does not have to stand again for election. All they have to do is wait for the next US government which will, of course, be democrat, who will no doubt have different policies on trade.

PBS Frontline did a show "Trumps trade war" the other day if anyone has interest in nonbias reporting. Their thought is China is looking to be a world super power like the USA, and like USSR or Russia used to be and if the "trade war" continues it will turn into a "cold war" that could last for years. Yes tariffs hurt the US economy and bussiness's short term, but long term it could possible lower the US debt by keeping more money inside the US and if tariffs are used to pay down debt (highly unlikely) it would do good for both the US and China. Another thing people don't look at is the tariff is on wholesale price, not retail. So lets say there is a 25% tariff on a washing machine. That is 25% that the seller pays on the $120 they paid for the machine, not the $1200 retail that you pay as a consumer, so an extra $30 on a $1200 purchase probably isn't going to make or break anyone. If you think about the tariffs as a "Sin Tax" like you would pay on cigarettes or alcohol or gambling you can just pay it and get over it, or you can look else where for other options.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 05/08/19 07:38 PM
It is far to complicated to just build a wall around the country and not trade with other countries. Sure we COULD get by with just the resources that we have in the United States, however I don't know how people are going to handle not having their cup of coffee in the morning. Not to mention the debt that we have taken on, and just a matter of time before people come to collect on that debt. The problem with China is their government has much control over their economy and how much it cost to make things. The biggest problem right now us Chinas stealing our intellectual property. That means if it cost someone millions of dollars to develop something in the United States and China copys it, or knocks it off, then the developer is not rewarded for their efforts and are less likely to develop something new while China is making billions of dollars off the product, and often creating new products off the original idea. Remember the days of the Television repair man? Well it does not make sense to repair a TV now days because they are so cheap and the technology is out dated befor you even get it out if the store. TV's used to cost a months salary and wages were relatively low so it made sense to get them fixed. So buying "better" or more expensive items isn't always your best bet. Now they only want your appliances to last 10 years because they know in another 10 years there will be something better, and more efficient.
People are expecting these tariffs to magically work over night, that is not the way they are set up to work, over time they are ment to balance the trade of goods buy not allowing country like China to sell their unregulated cheap metal on the US's more expensive regulated market. The economy is very complex and people are looking to complain about anything they can. Tariffs are actually ways to control monopolies and give others a fair chance to compete.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/07/19 07:25 PM
Well in order to make the US competitive we would have to lower wages to about $3.00 an hour and do away with all environmental protection and do away with many safety measures too. So far the tariffs have mostly hurt the US more then its helped. And people need to understand that tariff is just a fancy word for tax. In other words it just taxes the goods coming from China, and as everyone knows that just gets pushed on to the consumer. The US government collects the tax, this could be good if they used it wisely, but by now we all know you give ungreatful people money and the just end up wasting it instead of respecting it, just as the welfare system does.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 03/13/19 05:36 PM

Personally I'd like to see another
Ross Perot run ( he's too old), but someone like him. He wanted to run the country like a business ( make $ instead of lose $). He was an outsider and really stirred up interest in a third party, but unfortunately we will never convince the majority of people to split from being Democrat or Republican.

There is nothing saying Trump will even run in 2020, or have the Republican endorsement. The Republicans really need to pull a rabbit out of their hat and come up with a good candidate, or just make sure the Democratic candidate really sucks.

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance? 5 of them had no political experience before being elected, to me this would not be an issue, sick of the sellouts we got in Washington, but money talks so I really don't see a way to change that.

Adams served as VP
Jefferson as governor, sec of state, and VP
Madison as congressman and sec of state
Monroe as senator and governor
Adams as senator and secretary of state
Jackson was senator and governor
Van Buren was governor and VP
Harrison, a senator
Tyler, congressman, a senator and VP
Polk, a congressman and governor
Zach Taylor was a soldier ... ONE

Fillmore, congressman and VP
Pierce, congressman and senator
Buchanan, congressman, senator, secretary of state
Lincoln, a congressman
Johnson, congressman, senator, governor, VP
Grant was an Army general ... TWO

Hayes was congressman and governor
Garfield, congressman
Arthur, VP
Cleveland, Mayor
Harrison, Senator
McKinley, congressman and governor
Roosevelt, governor and VP
Taft, justice of supreme court, sec of war ... is this THREE?
woodrow wilson, governor
Harding was a senator
Coolidge, governor and VP
Hoover, sec of commerce ... is this FOUR?
Roosevelt, governor
Truman, senator and vP
Eisenhower, army chief of staff ... is this FIVE?
Kennedy, congressman and senator
Johnson, congressman, senator, VP
Nixon, congressman, senator, VP
Ford, congressman and VP
Carter, governor
Reagan, governor
GHW Bush, congressman, ambassador, VP
Clinton, governor
GW Bush, governor
OBama, state senator and US senator

As far as historically, all presidents have worked within the three branches of the government infrastructure, which I think is an important experience to gain before holding the TOP government office, OR they have served in the military, which as Commander in Chief, is the only experience in lieu of the government that I feel is worthy of POTUS.

I think the US is meant to be run as a 'not for profit', not to profit, but to pursue constitutional objectives and maintain the country. I think, like in any top job of any industry, it is not desirable that someone START gaining experience in the top position, ahead of others who have already started.

I think 4 out of 45 is 8 percent, which leaves 92 percent chance of not getting killed, is not bad odds.

All presidents have been 65 or under when elected, EXCEPT Harrison, Reagan, and Trump, Harrison died of illness in office. Reagan was later announced to have Alzheimers, though not revealed until his 80s, I believe he was beginning to suffer from in office. And Trump seems to have plenty of the signs of senility, regression to childlike thinking and acting. I do hope we get a more 'vibrant' and healthy candidate in office(mentally, physically and emotionally).

I don't care so much about the 'either/or' politics for candidates. Even though we have two main parties, we have a large SPECTRUM of individual political ideas and beliefs.

The candidates, though registered under a political label, are individuals first. And I care about what experience and education and ideas the Individual has. I care whether there is past indicator of their 'concerns' for fellow Americans. I care about their experience with and knowledge of global affairs and with the obstacles and concerns of 'average' AND struggling citizens, not just the elite. Knowledge of/experience with the constitution and military are certainly also a plus.

I really hope we get another OBama or Kennedy(minus the assassination). I wonder what can be accomplished during a time when we are NOT already in economic downfall. I also hope we get someone who can lead with unifying language and behavior.

Grant was commander of the entire US Army and war effort during the Civil War. I would count that as experience. He didn't even want to be President, but he was drafted and then he saw the nation coming apart in the aftermath of the Civil War, and it was. He knew enough about politics and leading that he jumped in and became one of the greatest Presidents in history.

The South was rearming, and Grant saw another war coming. That's why Federal Troops were deployed in a law enforcement capacity in Southern States to put down any chance of rebellion. Johnson also Signed the Posse Comitatus Act, at the end of his Presidency all because the Southern Democrats were having a $hit fit that armed soldiers were in their cities.

You think what were going through now is difficult, doing what right isn't always popular and Lincoln and Grant sure felt the weight of their decisions, and both Presidents are why we are still a nation.

I agree 100%. I would add not ONLY is doing what is right not always popular. but nowadays, with minimalistic standards and values, doing what is popular is not always right either.

Issue is, usually, the person elected is doing things that are popular with their constituency(and with the state of education, unfortunately, sometimes because they follow blindly and dont care to know anything but what their candidate proposes and claims). And on the flip side, the person elected is doing things that are unpopular with those not in their consituency(sometimes because they blindly oppose anything that candidate proposes or claims)

Party politics, which focuses on the party and not the individuals themselves, is the biggest problem we face leading to our division and contributing to our falling apart.

But you don't agree that President Grant was one of the best Presidents and saved our country?

what makes you say that?

Im not a historian, I dont do best presidents because so many have done well in different areas and not so well in others. it would depend on which areas were considered 'most important' to really say, and I dont do that either.

I would say keeping the country together after the Civil War was a huge accomplishment, especially since everyone predicted that the Southern States were going to pick right back up. General Grant saw that coming and is why he accepted the nomination at the Convention. He really didn't want to be President.

Who's to say that we wouldn't be better off being two or more countries? Or part of Canada, or Mexico. The thing is we will NEVER truly know what could have happened. Any decision made whether personally or politically could change the coarse of history. Some how we have been able to keep things together as a country pretty good so far, but that could easily change someday, so even thou we complain about congress and the President not accomplishing much, just maybe we are much better off that way.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/11/19 04:28 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Mon 03/11/19 04:34 PM

Four of the 45 Presidents have been shot and killed in office, a few more have been shot or shot at while in office. Not very good odds if you think about it, would you be willing to take the chance?

So your advocating for a President to get shot because you don't like them? Not only is your comment utter BS, it's a Federal Felony.

If you read that I said who would want the job with the risk that goes along with it. Clearly times have changed and there is much better security now.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/09/19 02:35 PM

Screw the third world, and the Amazon, and the ice caps

Build that wall

We aren't here for a long time, we are here for a good time. The world was already pretty screwed up when I was born, and it will be even more screwed up when I die. It may be selfish to say, but I'm going to enjoy my life while I'm here.