Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/24/20 12:04 PM
Santa Claus will spread covid to all the houses, and he's an old man so he could easily die after getting it. My suggestion is block off the chimney and have him leave the packages at the door.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 12/23/20 03:54 PM

i am going to birthday party.....lots friends, good food .....

Would that be Jesus's birthday party?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 12/12/20 01:51 PM
The crazier they are the better the sex! Unfortunately crazy doesn't make for good relationships.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 12/12/20 01:46 PM
Happiest day on mingle2 was when an actual real girl messaged me. The saddest day came then next day when she ghosted me.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/11/20 05:43 PM

Don't thank me, Thank Space Cadet. I will thank him too, because I dig this dude's take on things.

I just said thank you for the video, I’m pretty sure Space knows he posted it :)

No problem! Was it you that wrote letters to the 17 other states about the lack of support I was talking about? Thank-you for addressing my concern. I'm happy to see Texas is not alone anymore.

I believe you are delusional ... This is unlawful for one ... becouse ballads have been counted ... the people have spoken who they want to be president along with the electoral votes ...all the GOP are doing now is shunning the voters... in all states... not just these you believe that are importuned and have already cased their votes... they have to live with what the people have wanted ... or there will not be anymore democracy in this country ... really don't understand why they want to continue crushing our country like they are doing ... McConnell the majority leader does not care about anyone but their selves ... they have dealings with china and want to continue their business deals ... and feel Biden and Harris might not want to operate with that ... I believe the elected president and Vic will keep ties with china and other country's ... and passably in up reversing some of the tariffs not all ... and all Trump and his family are doing is crushing everything in sight they can before leaving ... he is a very sore psycho looser ... thats it in a nut shell and trying to take away the votes that has been cast by his own struggles of crime ... is not fair at all and anyone who plays with our constitution like this is breaking those laws ... and our voting system will never be trusted again... by anyone who is trying to take this to the high courts ... those youth that voted will see our system is not fair and of course they are trying to push aside the black votes also ... not fair ... this is our democracy and the people have voted ... for our democracy and anything less will be unfaithful to that democracy ... as those who want to talk hope for a better tomorrow ..:heart:

Funny that the Democrates claimed the Russians interfered with the the 2016 election for the last 4 years and tried all they could to get Trump impeached and yet now they cry because a few lawsuits have been attempted? Seems like a what comes around goes around type of thing.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/11/20 05:40 PM

Off topic -just something funny I thought....

I heard something about Trump agreeing to leave the white house or similar....

Made me think....

Can someone just stay? Refuse to leave?

Just had images of everyone trying to get on with things at that point.


Have you ever tried to evict somebody? It takes like 3 months and then you got to get the cops to charge them with unlawful detainer. Then there's always squatters rights. So if he really wanted I'm sure he could really turn it into an ordeal.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/04/20 04:56 PM

Now it is your time to win back the senate for our country ...
no pressurelaugh and lets welcome our new President that has good people in charge of things that need to be done ASAP ... for our country ...

This is why you should get out an vote Georgia democrats ... save the senate from the same old same old ... republican garbage ... vote for Rev Raphael Warnock you are the only ones that can save those filibusters in the senate ... vote for change in our democracy an do not be intimidated ... TCBSafe <3

Kelly Loeffler: Not From Georgia


This is why Georgia should (not reelect) Perdu... he is racist ... just like trump.... close your eyes almost sounds like him ... but this guy is doing insider trading for the last umpteenth yrs ... while being in the senate... which this seat helps him make lots of $ off the market... I say vote him out & Dems vote Jon Ossoff in ... so we can move on to the future and not the same old same old senators ... make your vote a call for actions an change ...TCBSafe <3

Senator Perdue Mocks Kamala Harris’s Name | Now This

There is only one reason they seem to not be willing to give out the relief our country needs for people who maybe loosing everything ... is becouse the republicans want more for them selves (again)... for the rich and wall street ... I think it should let go for the democrats this time ... republicans had theirs ... an do not need anymore ... lets the people come first this time ... ones in need and their are many brokenheart in all of the History of this country ... it has been the democrats to pull the country back together along with the people ... Dems are the givers ...

Just a few quick things, first why should I be happy the Democrates give away my hard earned money to those who don't even respect it. Not once, never has anybody ever thanked me for paying for their food with my hard earned money much less their housing, daycare, health insurance, and whatever else the Democrates want to give.

Second is do you say "car-mel? Or are you one of those weirdos that say "care-a-mel" Harris?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 12/04/20 04:36 PM

Don't give advice to someone unless they ask you for it.

So your "advice" is "don't give advice to someone unless they ask for it"? That reminds me of "those who THINK they know it all make us people who do ACTUALLY know it all look bad". But I agree that people should often MYOB!

dust4fun's photo
Sat 11/28/20 09:52 AM

Apparently women have a “universal “ flirting sign ..,

Do men know this ??? biggrin :wink: tongue2

I probably miss this a lot cuz I'm too busy checking out the T&A.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 11/23/20 06:28 PM

Yes, I have seen a lot of the photos of guys in cars and public rest rooms. I can understand the car thing, but the public bathroom??

Maybe because they both have mirrors and people are to stupid to figure out how to turn the camera on their screen side on? Besides that if I'm in a public restroom I want to get out asap. What if someone walks in on you? Um, really just taking a photo for a dating site, not doing anything perverted!

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/22/20 06:52 PM

I notice a lot of people use profile photos taken either in bed or lying down ... is the point to be suggestive or are they just too tired to sit up ???:biggrin

In most cases . If a man’s photos include a photo of him in his bed.. I usually just check out his taste in decor .. .. or the tidiness of his room Lmao :angel: .. of course there are occasional exceptions blushing blushing pitchfork

I have noticed a lot of women in cars or public bathrooms. Can someone explain this to me?That is the ones that aren't clearly fake profiles that are clearly not theirs of nude photos.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 11/21/20 12:23 PM

Hello, :relaxed:

I wish all Members a beautiful and sunny day :relaxed: Today in Poland is a first day with a sun, although temperature is only 3 degrees Celsius..

I would like ask you about something what I still believe ..that exist...
Do you think that it is possible a friendship between woman and man?

Hey Nicole, well I'm a guy so what can I say "in my mind" we've already had sex. The term friend is loosely used nowadays especially with things like facebook where sometimes people haven't even meet in person so it depends on the level of friendship. BFF's will always have some kinda tension with sex. FWB is usually F..Buddy's with some friendship on the side and there is no such thing as NSA. But as long as 2 people have never engaged in an sexual activity and at least one of the people aren't interested in having sex with the other it can be done. Of coarse add some alcohol to the mix and anything could happen.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 11/03/20 07:50 PM

I do believe you can register at voting places ..with Id and a bill to show where u live ... ck first call local court house ...

I am voting ... becouse I believe our country needs to take a better attitude forward and not a dictators point of view nor a raciest view in America ...

Voting for are rights to have democracy and for... women's right...from RBG...

+ for are rights to vote ... with

how to check your resolution

and for our health INS ... and the right also to have our preexisting conditions covered ... for males and females ... and our SS to be safe for our futures ... and also for our military to let them know ... that are not looser nor weak...

the taxes they say that will raise ... are for those who make four hundred thousands of dollars a yr... their call the rich & wealthy ... sense they are so rich this will be peanuts to them ... with all bail out they had an received before the American people that have lost to much due to the pandemic that is still not under control ... I suggest you vote Blue ... and take the power back here in the united states... your voting for Democracy... and not to be killed at peaceful protests ...

Yes, you can register at the poll, took me an extra 15 minutes because someone was registering in front of me, but that's fine.

So what is the reason you believe that socialism is not a form of dictatorship? Trump still has checks and balances in the things he does. Its not about liking the person, it about liking the policies and I prefer to make more money and pay less tax, practice fair trade, and control the people coming into the country.

I've seen clips of Biden making racial remarks, I've also seen him stumble and bumble. He is a career politician, time to drain the swamp.

The affordable care act or Obama care is a joke, I had a $7000 deductible, my premiums skyrocketed, and I don't qualify for any discounts. I got a check for $1800 from my insurance I had last year a couple months back because TRUMP got a law passed saying insurance has to pay out at least 80% to claims and can only keep 20% for administration. Could of done a lot more if the dems would have been doing their job instead of wasting their time trying and our money trying to find a way to get him out of office.

Like in any job some people in the military are losers while others stand up and do what needs to be done. Lets face it they are generally just kids and if you've looked at the work force lately, or lack of it, its hard to find anyone who's willing to show up when they are supposed to, do their job, and expect a reasonable starting wage til they work their way up the ladder.

Why should the rich pay for everything? And where do you think that money is going to come from anyway? One way or another your going to pay for it! Why do poor people have such a Robin Hood syndrome? Is it because they think that means rib some one in the hood because its easier then working? We all use public services so why shouldn't everyone pay for them? The rich are already paying 35% or more of their income to taxes and that doesn't even include all the other taxes they pay, most of the tax money created in this country is corporate tax, and long story short the little man ends up paying that indirectly one way or another anyway between purchases and lower wages.

Do you really believe that social security is ever going to go away? They have been saying that for years, problem is if that happens the entire economy would crash. Have you ever stopped to think how much your local grocery store makes on food stamps? Its huge, your world would totally change if they went back to handing out a block of cheese and a loaf of bread. Stores in many areas would shut down completely while others would have to raise their prices. The economy is a very complex system and even small changes can make a huge difference. Maybe all the tariffs now being collected thanks to TRUMP could be used toward social security? I know also they still take social security and Medicare out if my check every payday, the money may run short, but as long as their are people willing to work that money will be collected. The problem is nobody seems to want to actually work no days. This Millennial "Everyone's a winner" BS and you can't tell me what to do needs its cycle broken. Ask your grandparents each generation gets worse.

Burning down buildings, looting, and rioting are not peaceful protests. Defunding the police is just great til you are getting raped and robbed and nobody comes to help. If somebody dies because they are overdosing on drugs, threatening a cop, or harming people maybe they should think about their actions instead of getting killed by the cops. Mane people should be more concerned about the large number of black people shoring black people.

I don't care if you vote red, or green, or yellow. But before you vote blue you should stop and think is this really going to improve my life, the last 4 years they have done nothing but try to find a way to get TRUMP out of office. West says this is just a practice run for 2024 and he will be president then, as much as I hate him maybe that is what this country does need. Ventura has become a nut case with his conspiracy theorys but there are still great things going on that he passed as governor of Minnesota. If we could just get a big enough group that wasn't democrats or republicans we could transform many things and perhaps even "Make America greater then it has ever been"

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/01/20 06:06 PM

Congress would work for free.

Its not that Congress cost all that much to run, its that they make money else where do to their power and that causes them to make decisions that aren't always good for the common folks.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/01/20 06:03 PM

Umm, in the USA the people DO choose how the taxes are spent.
At least the people who attend all those meetings.
The problem is, even tho every single citizen has the right to attend every single meeting, most do not.
So, a 'select few' determines how tax money is distributed.
Many people 'can't be bothered' by affairs of state then choose to complain instead.

I pay my water bill every month in person at city hall. Every meeting is posted in advance on their bulletin board. I don't attend but I really don't care how taxes are spent. I also do not complain about the government unless it directly affects me. Most of it doesn't.

Our system of government is broken. It has been broken for a very long time.
The only way to fix it would be to 'change all the monkeys' and have citizens take an active role in the decision making. But, that is not going to happen.
So we get the government we have and just complain about it.

Expenditures in all levels of government are public and can be viewed by any citizen. The general public has become complacent with the government.

Someone who is complacent has become overly content — the junk-food-eating couch potato might be feeling complacent about his health.

The literal meaning of this word's Latin root is "very pleased," but even though complacent people may seem pleased with themselves, we are rarely pleased with them. They are unconcerned by things that should concern them, and they may neglect their duties. A complacent person might be heard saying, "Ehh, don't worry about it!" — when there really is something to worry about.

Ummm, in the USA people choose the people who decide what to spend the money on to a certain degree. But there is Federal, state, county, and city all of which has their budgets and rights to distribute certain money for certain things. They also have ways to collect, or borrow money in order to pay for whatever their agenda consists of. Maybe because you don't work for your money you don't feel that it "directly affects you"? But it does affect people who earn income in the amount of tax they pay, and also things we buy with sales tax. About 7 years ago my state had a spot on the ballot if you wanted to raise the sales tax one half of one percent for "clean water". For whatever reason the people voted it in and all the money goes to useless "art" projects, just another way for people to live off the system and not do their part. 1/2% may not seem like a lot of sales tax because its not on food and clothing, however whenever I buy a car new or used I have to pay my state sales tax and it adds up quickly.
I would agree that the system is broken and the monkeys need to be replaced, but clearly nobody is ever going to be able to drain the swamp with out destroying much if the structure of the country. The government is too big to fail. It would be nice to at least give back more power to the state and local governments while still keeping thing united.
The thing I would like to see is the money paid into gas tax goes to the roads, money paid for social security goes to that, and property tax goes toward police, fire, schools, and things needed at the local level. Viewing expenditures doesn't mean you have any control to change them. The government wants people to make more money because that means more taxes and more money to spend, however eventually the US government will have spent so much money that the US dollar will be devalued and useless.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 10/04/20 07:33 PM

Oil and gas is not ideal for the electric grid because it is needed for mobile industrial equipment and will run out in the next 60 years.

The predominant uses of electricity is in buildings. Somewhere between half and 95% of electricity is used for Heating, cooling, and lighting. Lighting can be reduced by using more natural sun windows and red LED lights at night. Geothermal systems can store heat in deep wells in the summer and use it in the winter, compared with traditional systems that release the heat to the outside air. These are all components of green buildings.

Nearly half of electricity is lost in transmission so I find it hard to believe half to 95% is used for heating. To find a better way to transfer the electricity could make a huge impact. Some natural gas is used to produce electricity and some coal. The burning if coal can be done fairly efficiently with new technologies, however you will always have those trying to do things as cheap and easy as possible. We have natural gas and petroleum to last more than 60 years, the problem is it becomes more expensive and disruptive to get it. People often over look the fact that much of the plastic is also made from petroleum and simply reducing the number of plastic shopping bags is hardly going to make a difference. Hydro power and electricity has been used for hundreds of years, but now they are worried about the fish and other things impacted. Wind farms have disrupted migratory birds, any thing that people come up with have pros and cons. Since Covid people have not been flying as much and this is causing the global warming to increase because the haze for the airplane emissions has been greatly reduced allowing more solar to make it to the earth, in return we have more fires in western US and people running more AC for cooling. So to make dramatic changes very quickly could cause many more problems short term then they benefit in the long term. A much better way to control energy use or pollution is to control the population.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/03/20 03:29 PM

It is sad to see how many people are victimized regularly by biggotous public servants. I feel it is important to mention that a great many americans are abused by law enforcement solely because of their social status or lack of financial stability. As a teenager, I suffered a shattered knee cap at the hands of an over aggressive Officer Nelson of former Sonoma Police Department. Today I suffer from permanent nerve damage and sciatica as a direct result of this injury. I grew up poor in a wealthy town, which made me a constant target for the prejudice of both law enforcement and the school district. I feel that far too many innocent, well intentioned individuals have been victimized and displaced, even in their home towns, at the hands of unsupervised, malicious police. A great many of these people are only in a position of hopeless vagrancy because of gross overgentrification as more and more wealthy, self centered people have flooded their home towns raising the cost of living to an unreasonable level. A vast amount of these people are of african descent, and I feel that such vile mistreatment of any living being is appalling, especially since those at fault consider themselves to be civilized. There is a serious
problem in america and most people seem to consider it to be of. I importance what so ever.

So the cop thought you were black? Because BLM seems to think this only happens to black people, I've never seen protesters with "Poor Lives Matter" signs. Where you just an inoccent victim sitting in your car taking fentanyl who just happened to have accidentally come across some fake money like George Floyd? There is always more to a story then what is being told, I feel like maybe there was a reason why this Nelson had to go to the extent of causing injury? There are poor people who do not commit crimes or get beat up by the cops, however there are always certain people who do violent crimes, or are on mood altering substances that cause them to do crazy things.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 09/28/20 07:51 PM

What a bunch of BS. Just a bunch of sheep following the flock. Most people didn't even watch the full George Floyd videos, they seen clips that where promoted with propaganda. The prosecutor didn't want the body cam footage released, and for good reason. However the defendants and judge wanted the people to see the full story, no finally the 2 body cam videos have been released. Take the time to watch them and tell me how they can possibly charge these officers of "murder"? Watch the convict not fallow orders, they should have shot him right there as he was busy grabbing in the console instead of following orders. Then he cries for his mama like a baby, saying don't shoot me like I've been shot before. He says multiple times he's clostrphobic, he says I can choke. I won't be able to breathe twice. Something about covid. And he says I can't breathe at least 6 times before he is ever even taken to the ground. Are they charging these cops with " scaring him to death"? At what point does Chauvin supposedly start to choke him? He couldn't breathe before he was put to the ground and nothing changed when he was put on the ground. One officer asked about rolling him over and Chavin responded no we will wait for the ambulance, that is not murdering someone, that is controlling the situation til the ambulance arrived. Apparently the people in the ambulance are not the ones to provide medical care and they had to wait for the fire department which had trouble finding the ambulance because it had moved. Clearly there are things that need to be addressed in this whole ordeal, but at no time was any murder committed, officers are not required to give first aid, especially if that could in danger the lives of others. If there is any justice at all left in this world, which I highly doubt with everything that has happened since this incident, 3 of those cops will walk free and just maybe Chauvin will get a tap on the wrist. But clearly everything that happened to Floyd was due to his health, drug use, and panic.

If Chauvin had put George Floyd on his side, as the one officer suggested, you believe
he still would have died?

Floyd died of a panic attack/ fentanyl overdose. Did you watch the police body cam video? Have you ever delt with anyone overdosing? They restrained him til the medics showed up. That was in everyone's best interest and its doubtful any action could have saved Floyds life. Remember Floyd was a convict who was on Fentanyl and had meth and thc in his system, and he was also trying to use fake money. The stress on his already fragile health along with the threat of going back to prison is what did him in. People die everyday going into detox centers, treatment centers, and hospitals because if no one knows exactly what these people have taken there is little they can do. There is no proof of how much pressure was applied and where, its easy for people to jump to judgement in the aftermath, but there is nothing to say they wouldn't have done the same. Read the autopsy, there were no marks from excessive pressure, and he had enough fentanyl to easily kill him.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 09/05/20 07:18 PM

Polls aren't always accurate.

The only polls I look at have strippers hanging off

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/22/20 04:45 PM

I call this B/S he thinks regular H C insurance will pick up the rest of the cost ...
how many see those commercials that their asking $ for our wounded worriers that have been hurt from the wars ... does it peeve you off... like it does me ... does it make you think that if you send men and women to war... they should be compensated if they are hurt from a war that some gave some ...where other gave their all ... sure Trump is saying he does not want this.. well it is out of his hand now... but wants u to think that for your military vote... I have always supported out troops in some ways...some can hardly live now... when they come back ... with PSD and other mental illnesses problems ...

I think its B/S when someone serves 4 uneventful years in the military and thinks the VA should provide them with free health care the rest of their life. How many employers do you know of that continue to provide your insurance after you have left? This is taking valuable time and money for those who have actually been wounded during their time in the military. As far as mental illness I think many had issues before they went in, while others feel into the structure of being controlled and don't know how to live without. Like anything run by the government they waste tons of money and are very poor at doing what they are actually paid to do. Bottom line is if you signed the dotted line you knew what you were getting into, so unless you actually were blown up or shot quit running around with the hey look at me I'm special attitude.

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