Topic: Free will? Does God have a plan for everyone?
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Sat 05/24/08 06:17 AM

I think you are confusing the free will of a criminal to free will of a law abiding citizen.

"Dragoness"... a criminal is only a laws abiding citizen that's been caught or convicted of committing a crime why do the criminal now have less 'Free Will" than a law abiding citizen that may have committed a crime but haven't been caught and who dictates that the criminal is a criminal and how can they take away the criminal's "Free Will"

this shows how one's "Free Will" of their self-direction or actions is influenced or controlled by the laws of a society and if the "Will" or one's actions are controlled by others then how is it 'Free Will" or self direction if there will be consequences for the actions or "Will" they impose

One can be free and choose outside of the crowd without infringing upon the rights of others, right?

if one was Free then why would they have to choose?

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 05/24/08 06:31 AM
Free Will is the choices you make in everyday life.

A Man not of God may choose to rob a bank

A Man of god would not even make that an option no matter how hard thigs got.

A woman not of God may choose to have sex with 5 guys in one night.

A woman of God would not consider this......and if she did consider this....right away God convicts her heart that she has sinned....

God gave human the only creature in the kingdom free will......and the main reason he did it....

Was that for example.....

Debbie has free will to believe in my creator....The Father God, & Jesus Christ.

JB has free will to believe that she is an alien brought to planet earth to teach humans something......


no photo
Sat 05/24/08 06:53 AM

Free Will is the choices you make in everyday life.

then that would mean that a cotton mouthed water mocassin and a yellow bellied sap-sucker has free will ..don't they make choices in their everyday life?

A Man not of God may choose to rob a bank

A Man of god would not even make that an option no matter how hard thigs got.

a man of God would just rob the church

A woman not of God may choose to have sex with 5 guys in one night.

A woman of God would not consider this......and if she did consider this....right away God convicts her heart that she has sinned....

but yet it's not a sin for a woman of God to have pre-martial sex with God

God gave human the only creature in the kingdom free will......and the main reason he did it....

well some animals have the will to fly and breath underwater some can even grow limbs you?

Was that for example.....

Debbie has free will to believe in my creator....The Father God, & Jesus Christ.

JB has free will to believe that she is an alien brought to planet earth to teach humans something......


that's called having a thought .."Free Will" is turning thought into action without consequences

no photo
Sat 05/24/08 08:23 AM

JB has free will to believe that she is an alien brought to planet earth to teach humans something......

Is that what you think I think? No, rest assured, I am human.


davidben1's photo
Sat 05/24/08 11:44 AM

god's ultimate plan for us is to realize that he has no plan for us - most just have not seen it yet, as a species, the absurdness of this goal or ideal you call belief or faith will amount to nothing - god does not need man - man needs god - otherwise - man feel's incapable of understanding his purpose, and that's the big lie - "man does not have some ultimate purpose, man is but a spec of sub-microscopic dust living on a spec of larger dust in an infinite universe.

you will never know god in a personal way - nor will god know you in that way either.

the knowledge that men can build towers to the heavens, and cities atop oceans, and roads under them, but CANNOT make one blade of grass without stealing from the very place that created him, reduce any WISE man to futility in preperation for the WISDOM that come not from himself......

no man can born himself, as it take two people he has NEVER thought of to first enter into feelings of desire.....

of course this then by logic make him at the MERCY of what created him, just as a child is at the TOTAL MERCY of each parents will or desire.......

the parent can beat him, feed him, love him, abuse him, praise him, ridicule what WISE man does not run from the truth that he has HAD the option of reaction which CAN change ALL since he first became capable to REACT with logic......

but NONE has EVER had while alive the opportunity to view ALL thru eyes without FEAR each be born with WITHOUT PRESENT CONSENT!!!!

how these process come to be, and how they come to NEVER fail to maintain consistency, such consistency that each animal maintain the same, and each tree the same principles,
and even each dust particle that build man from the gound up,
and is turned into a living breathing thing of intelligence,
that seek it's ORIGIN all it's days of breathing out poison, lol.......

nothing is meant to NOT know the WHOLE purpose of ALL, but rather what PROCESSES must one PASS thru during life to get to the purpose, lol........

man has no present cognative memory of all that he once was, so how can he FEEL the impact he make on ALL he touch himself,
as each thing man touch he either add to it's FREEDOM, or lesson it's FREEDOM......

each word you have typed are personal words from your own god that are all truth, as god was said to only be the REST of the truth of each beings experience......

but you have heard them thru the fear of dissapoinment as if these great truths whispered to your mind are bad things, lol...

you see the IDEAS of men "about all" when seen from a conscious inventory of his "conscious" ideas MEANS nothings in the face of no feeling of "ALIVE CLEAR PURPOSE AND DESTINATION, lol......

your words remind me of the same wisdom once heard in an was a story of a place all men were said to
have to travel thru......

it was a story of a man named enoch, and enoch was said to have pleased god by speaking only his truths, as he had come to "naught" about all his former ideas.....

enoch no longer spoke what he had WISHED to be, or what was BEST to believe, but rather had the WISDOM to just speak his WHOLE mind, without pretense or wish..........

he had come to speak all he IS in each moment in truthfulness and honesty......this story i hear is the same wisdom as you speak, lol.....

a place of wisdom that speak of the PLACE you are in, and as EACH being have a TOTALLY UNIQUE PAST.......only YOU have viewed all thru the EYES of how you feel is not in ANY way indicative of the PLACE anybody else is in, nor does it say that another may not ALSO be in the same PLACE at the SAME time........

WHOLE PURPOSE of ALL owns own present experience has been made know the meaning of ones own "god given knowledge" rather than the feeling of hearing all thru ones past memories of dissapointment and pain and fear....

how can a generalization be made of the unique reign of each immortal as a human.....

why were there only a few stories of men and women passed down thru the ages in the GREAT PLAYBOOK you refer to by your pronounment of all it's meanings......

it was not needed to record the comings and goings of all people, but rather alegories that would tell the SPACES IN TIME
each human ever born WOULD pass thru, lol......

do you like your present stop of the stagecoach my friend......

do you feel all of life and love flowing thru you, as energizing as the first concert EVER seen, as fresh as the FIRST women you ever kissed, as NEW as the first earned vehicle that smell with self-satisfaction and pride of a job well done...

then there is more to come just as there ALWAYS is, and the MOST to come during a human experience come MOST after the naught of all "ideas" has been lived out, a PLACE most made known by the the experience of living wishes in the present but not feeling them.....

one cannot continue into the unknown eden of truth without seeing all you see, and why your words inspire as words of truth, and CAPTURE the end result of all that know there is
something that can make all the things they cannot.....

an AWAKENING as a BEAR as a GIANT in the SPRING OF NEW LIFE, that knowledge of the PURPOSE of ALL life since mortal life was tasted, is indeed next up on the stagecoach express of life.......

a mind has to come to naught to LOOK into the MIND of god it believe in even without one good feeling to remember it by

davidben1's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:05 PM

mankind make his list of wrongs MOST by what EACH FEAR, which with 6 1/2 billion, is a sure remedy for disator....

and that's why with 6 1/2 billion people is why one can not expect to have true self-direction without infringing on someone's else's true self-direction or fears and why laws exist to control one's self direction

"Will" is the ability to turn thought into action but those actions will have consequences and/or fear and that's why "Free Will" is the ability to turn thought into actions without any consequences or fear ..

because how can someone claim they have self direction if they have no choice but to follow the laws of society the laws or a god if they believe and/or the laws of nature

if one KNOW AND FEEL the laws of the universe as they only PASS thru them, then one coonnect with the PURPOSE INTENDED FOR EACH LAW PASSED ON EARTH, and see EACH was in it's intent PURE, but became diluted when it FAILED to bring about PEACE.....

seeing the PURE INTENT of each being EVEN in a so-called mistake give one the knowledge to EFFECT change without one side effect other than FEELINGS, and "WHOLE TRUTH" words in the end is enough to bring mankind to it's knees, and CHANGE can and will be accomplished without one drop of bloodshed, even when men of GREAT evil plans believe they shall succeed......

each thing is not truth or untruth, and all becomes TRUTH, but if any are unhappy in their PRESENT truth, then this no other can control, but can only speak what their own TRUTH say......

this DESTINY of words spoken is only for making BETTER all that is NOT BETTER.......

does not one that steal NEED to know HOW this AFFECTED another, as to know and feel why they WISH later to NOT MAKE ANOHTER FEEL THE SAME AS THEY DID WHEN STOLEN FROM THEM, LOL........


so great is the excitment of what the "whole truth" can accomplish in the shortest span EVER concieved to change a galaxy.......3 1/2 years.......THE FREEDOM of 6 1/2 billion, the same number of beings that were alive when the story of ADAM AND EVE WAS WRITTEN, LOL.....jmo

no photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:29 PM
Edited by sam53 on Sat 05/24/08 12:31 PM

If god gave free will, but planned the lives of people, how does that make people free? If he is in charge doesn't that mean he made people sin? Is it like a person makes plans of what he is going to do and god already knows these plans, or is it that god already knows what were going to do but ignores it?
Isn't this theory rather confusing because if god controls everything where is the free will?

Religions never made any sense : full of contradictions and full of primitive ideas . sad .

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 09:59 PM

If god gave free will, but planned the lives of people, how does that make people free? If he is in charge doesn't that mean he made people sin? Is it like a person makes plans of what he is going to do and god already knows these plans, or is it that god already knows what were going to do but ignores it?
Isn't this theory rather confusing because if god controls everything where is the free will?

Religions never made any sense : full of contradictions and full of primitive ideas . sad .

Amen to that.grumble

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 05/27/08 07:09 AM
As the Lord only gave man freewill....I would say this does not apply to the cotton mouthed wqater mocassin nor the yellow bellied sap sucker...

And yes men of God sin all the time....which included robbing a church.

It was not a sin for Mary to be chosen to have the son of God......the Christ of the world....if God spoke to my heart to do this...I would in an instant.....Mary was a Godly woman and to make a joke of this.....tisk tisk my sweet.

It's not free will that will make a bird fly or a fish swim......It just is......It was how God created them and as soon as they take their first breath instinct is in them to do what God chose for them to do.

Freewill is choice....Choice that God gave every human choose to believe in Him or not.....that is a choice that all must make...

no photo
Tue 05/27/08 07:52 AM

As the Lord only gave man freewill....I would say this does not apply to the cotton mouthed wqater mocassin nor the yellow bellied sap sucker... forgot to explain why

It was not a sin for Mary to be chosen to have the son of God......the Christ of the world....if God spoke to my heart to do this...I would in an instant.....Mary was a Godly woman and to make a joke of this.....tisk tisk my sweet.

it wasn't a joke..wasn't Mary married or atleast not married to God if per-maritial sex or fornication is naughty then why are the rules different in this case

It's not free will that will make a bird fly or a fish swim......It just is......It was how God created them and as soon as they take their first breath instinct is in them to do what God chose for them to do.

birds may make a decision to fly so explain how is that different than you making a decision to walk and why the bird's decision is not "Free Will" and why your decision is "Free Will"

Freewill is choice....Choice that God gave every human choose to believe in Him or not.....that is a choice that all must make...

so the choice is either believe in God or burn in hell ..any choice that comes with a threat is not "Free Choice"'s "No Choice"

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:22 AM
The bible makes it clear here that God has already set your destiny. You have no free will. Just like Mary could not refuse a lustful God, or Job save himself from grief. If you believe in that book you believe you are puppets of God.

8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.ans

tribo's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:21 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if someone actually knew the answer's???

" There are only 2 thing's that are infinite, the universe and man's stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."

Albert Einstien smokin

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:39 PM

Free Will is the choices you make in everyday life.

A Man not of God may choose to rob a bank

A Man of god would not even make that an option no matter how hard thigs got.

A woman not of God may choose to have sex with 5 guys in one night.

A woman of God would not consider this......and if she did consider this....right away God convicts her heart that she has sinned....

God gave human the only creature in the kingdom free will......and the main reason he did it....

Was that for example.....

Debbie has free will to believe in my creator....The Father God, & Jesus Christ.

JB has free will to believe that she is an alien brought to planet earth to teach humans something......


I find this offensive to say that because a man is of god he would only choose the right.noway It is definitely not true at all. Religious folks go to jail all the time too. Prejudice is ugly.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:42 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 05/27/08 03:44 PM
Free will is non existant in a religious realm. Everything done is part of god's plan in the religious realm. It is god's plan when thousand die, it is part of god's plan when someone is killed in a freak accident on their way home from work, etc..... There is no free will in a religion.

To be truly free one must realize that they are in complete and utter control of themselves at all times, no god or devil controls them or leads them astray, they lead themselves astray and are therefore free to choose the path they walk daily, minute by minute.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:47 PM

I think you are confusing the free will of a criminal to free will of a law abiding citizen.

"Dragoness"... a criminal is only a laws abiding citizen that's been caught or convicted of committing a crime why do the criminal now have less 'Free Will" than a law abiding citizen that may have committed a crime but haven't been caught and who dictates that the criminal is a criminal and how can they take away the criminal's "Free Will"

this shows how one's "Free Will" of their self-direction or actions is influenced or controlled by the laws of a society and if the "Will" or one's actions are controlled by others then how is it 'Free Will" or self direction if there will be consequences for the actions or "Will" they impose

One can be free and choose outside of the crowd without infringing upon the rights of others, right?

if one was Free then why would they have to choose?

This makes no sense to me. Free will is a concept outside of religion and it is the choices people make every day every minute of the day. One can violate the laws if they want to in the concept of free will but they do not have to. Free will means you use your own common sense to live daily and make choices for your betterment or detrimental to you but you chose and that is free will.

no photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:54 PM
Amen Dragoness!


Come one come all, and free yourselves from the dark grip of false doctrine and lack of will. Leave the darkness and come into the light.

Take back your power and take responsibility for your own actions! Save yourselves and be free!

None can free a slave, they must free themselves. None can be saved if they do not want to live with the responsibility for their own actions.

This is the coming of the new age. We are entering the light. If you are still separating yourselves from love, you will be left behind in the darkness.

The earth passes over to the other side of the galaxy at the end of the age, and enters the new world and a new vibration of enlightenment.


tribo's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:26 PM
"This is the coming of the new age. We are entering the light. If you are still separating yourselves from love, you will be left behind in the darkness."JB.

If we take our selfishness with us - we will be no better of on the next plain than we are on this one, or any other past or future one's. None of us are capable of seperating or joining ourselves to anything, as long as we wear this selfcentered flesh we all wear.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:28 PM

This makes no sense to me. Free will is a concept outside of religion and it is the choices people make every day every minute of the day.

"Dragoness" that's called making a decision and just because you make a decision doesn't mean you have the will to carry out that decision ..what if you make a decision to fly to the moon in one hour that doesn't mean you can or have the will to carry out that decision other words there are laws in place that controls everything you do..every step you take every move you make therefore you are limited into what decisions you can make and what decisions you can carry out ...let's use this site for an example

you may think you have the "free Will" to post on this site...but the moderators can censor what you say delete some of the words you type and even ban you from this are controlled by their laws and do not have the "free Will" to do or say anything you choose have to make a choice to follow their laws if you want to come to this site are forced to make a decision be forced to do something is not "Free Will"

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:39 PM

This makes no sense to me. Free will is a concept outside of religion and it is the choices people make every day every minute of the day.

"Dragoness" that's called making a decision and just because you make a decision doesn't mean you have the will to carry out that decision ..what if you make a decision to fly to the moon in one hour that doesn't mean you can or have the will to carry out that decision other words there are laws in place that controls everything you do..every step you take every move you make therefore you are limited into what decisions you can make and what decisions you can carry out ...let's use this site for an example

you may think you have the "free Will" to post on this site...but the moderators can censor what you say delete some of the words you type and even ban you from this are controlled by their laws and do not have the "free Will" to do or say anything you choose have to make a choice to follow their laws if you want to come to this site are forced to make a decision be forced to do something is not "Free Will"

You are still associating free will to doing the impossible or breaking laws. Stop it. Free will is choices you make every day. If you make a choice and do not have the energy to do it or fail at it, the point is you had the free will to choose it.

But if I make a free will choice to do something to get to kicked off, it is my free will to do it, it is my free will to follow the rules, it is my free will to address you on this post. It is my free will to choose to read your post. My free will is in play while I type this I could choose to mispell every word, or type in caps,etc.... and so on...... free will.

It is your free will to choose to connect free will to criminal activity or impossible scenerios, etc... Your free will is in place to read my post or not, to address it or not. That is all free will.

no photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:49 PM

You are still associating free will to doing the impossible or breaking laws. Stop it. Free will is choices you make every day. If you make a choice and do not have the energy to do it or fail at it, the point is you had the free will to choose it.

But if I make a free will choice to do something to get to kicked off, it is my free will to do it, it is my free will to follow the rules, it is my free will to address you on this post. It is my free will to choose to read your post. My free will is in play while I type this I could choose to mispell every word, or type in caps,etc.... and so on...... free will.

It is your free will to choose to connect free will to criminal activity or impossible scenerios, etc... Your free will is in place to read my post or not, to address it or not. That is all free will.

ok "Dragoness"..then I will ask you the ultimate question ...if you truely have 'Free Will" and not under the influence of the collective then clearly you have the "Free Will" to form your own rational thought that is independent of the influence of the collective and that no one else ever said ... so let us hear that one rational thought