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Topic: heaven and hell
no photo
Fri 03/30/07 03:19 PM
im done lol we could go on and on about this, enjoy ur day

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 03:23 PM
This among others can be a topic from here to eternity. Enjoy UR day

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 03/30/07 08:19 PM
I wrote this many/many years ago, when I thought I had some answers. At
first read it may seem like one thing, but the truth of it is deeper
than I think most will recognise. No matter, I like it still and hope
it means something to all of you. Do I believe in hell - no, do I
believe in heaven - yes but without defining heaven how will you know
what I believe in?


Once, there was only IT and IT was ALL
and the universe, as we concieve it, wa one in the ALL.
But lonliness became clear to the ALL and in ITs'need,
in ITs' desolation, IT created within ITself, others.
IT alled these, entities, and IT imagined them
into personalities and gave them wakefulness.
Soon these entities felt the same need to be, as the ALL.
The need became so great as to cause the ALL pain.
The ALL formed an idea, that the ALL should release the entities by
giving them each a part fo the ALL,
for to be many, rather thane one, would extent ITs' vastness.

The ALL devised a plan of creation, that each entity would be unto
themselves while still always remaining part of the ALL.
Each entity would live by its' own free will and would eventurally
become as knowing as the ALL and would one day return to become a more
important part of the ALL, joining with IT all of that entities

Behld, there were humans, the entities. So there is reincarnation, a
planning station to make all learning and knowledge possible without
An there is the God, the ALL that IS. IT gave us life with ITs' need
and imaginiation, and gave us creation at our own will.

All of us together, all souls, are the "ALL that IS".

netuserlla's photo
Sat 03/31/07 07:20 AM
That is awsome Red. I haven't read anything closer to what I believe
than what you have just wrote. Thanks.

bigermay's photo
Sat 03/31/07 08:37 AM
It is only the soul which lives after death. Sometime in the future
there will be physical resurrection like Jesus. It is a long time from
now. www.geocities.com/sarcaphar

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 03/31/07 06:39 PM
Thanks Net for, glad you liked it. Guess I should have typed it for
spell check first, but I was writing "again" after about 20 hours no
sleep. Gotta remember to spell check if I'm gonna do that. Thanks for
even trying to make sense of it.

Hey bigger, I hope you read this, I have a question? - Well on second
thought, think I'll set it up as a new topic. It will be
And about resurrection?

alexiateigra's photo
Sun 04/01/07 12:07 AM
I do not believe there is a hell or a heaven. I do believe in the
afterlife which is just a transisition for our souls until we are

Ydalnogard's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:57 AM
I absolutely believe in the afterlife 100%.

GodsOutlaw1964's photo
Sun 01/25/15 08:05 AM
I believe in both Heaven and Hell, I had a dream about hell a few years ago and tho I don't put much on dreams ( we all have them) but this particular one had a sobering reality of what is to come without being saved in Christ Jesus, I was in the place of eternal torment and as I looked around at all the horrible things imaginable in such a dreadful place one stone cold reality struck me and it was worse than anything or nightmare I could possibly have and that is the absolute absence of any hope of ever getting out of such a place called hell.I believe in both places Heaven and Hell 101%, I personally cannot afford not to.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/25/15 08:14 AM

laugh slaphead

no photo
Sun 01/25/15 09:40 AM
Well Conrad, it's hard to argue with this picture & caption.

I used to have a next door neighbor who was an adamant Atheist, and he used to say, "Man so loved himself, that he created God in his own image."

As profane as that comment was, it did have a measure of irony in it, historically.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/25/15 10:25 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 01/25/15 10:29 AM
yes, I believe in heaven and hell and life after death,, but , ironically

the only time I think about Hell is when non believers bring it up,,lol

strange that,,,

I care about people, I have no need to worry about Hell

Galatians 5:14 (RSV)
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your
neighbor as yourself."

no photo
Sun 01/25/15 10:46 AM
The plate of food looks like hell

no photo
Sun 01/25/15 11:25 AM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Sun 01/25/15 11:32 AM

Yes I believe in both, and have been to both while in a coma

Now, I do find this comment interesting.

The reason being, when my father was lying on his death-bed in the hospital, he had endured a series of complete heart-failures. The hospital staff had to 'jump-start' him.

Every time he came back to life, he had this look of absolute horror in his eyes. He also had several strokes too, and this didn't permit him to be able to speak at all.

I asked my father, "Dad, You've seen something...? Haven't You?"

I asked again, "You, look afraid, did You see something when your heart was stopped?"

He had the ability to nod his head, up-and-down, but struggled to do so.

I then asked, "Dad, are you able to 'blink' your eyes voluntarily...? If so, show me two-long-blinks, for YES."

He replied, 'with two long blinks of his eyes.'

"Now, give me three-short-blinks for a NO."

He replied, 'with three short blinks of his eyes.'

"So Dad, You can understand what I'm about to ask, and You can reply will blinking Your eyes?"

He replied, 'with two long blinks.' (Yes)

"Dad, did You see something that scared You, on the-other-side?"

He replied, 'with two long blinks.' (Yes)

"You, weren't looking at a 'happy-scene?"

He replied, 'with three short blinks.' (NO)

"Dad... Were You in a place of 'smoke-and-fire-and-torment?"

He replied, 'with two short blinks.' (Yes)

I just held his hand from that point onward, till he went back to sleep.

The next day, he passed away and only my eldest brother was beside him.

This was over 20 years ago, and my own complacent ideas of Gehenna as being a place of oblivion, were shattered.

Gehenna, was the original word used in the Christian Greek Texts of the Bible, that were often replaced with the words 'Hell or Hades.'

Years later, when I hadn't yet become a Muslim, I met a real Sheihk that was the serving Imam of a Mosque in Winnipeg.

I had to ask him, "Can You please tell me, in Arabic, how do you pronounce 'the-place-of-the-fire' in the after-life?"

He said, "Jinnhenna."

He continued, "Jinn are the 'Fire-Spirits' and henna 'realm or world.'"

So, Gehenna is the Greek attempt to retranslate the Aramaic word Jinnhenna.

The Fire-Spirit's World, and not merely a metaphor for the Hinnom Valley which served as a garbage-dump for Jerusalem.

Really, it could be argued that the Hinnom Valley was a metaphor or a superlative for Jinnhenna.

TBRich's photo
Sat 01/31/15 05:20 PM
GeHenna or the wadi of fire was were the rituals of Moloch took place, as can be seen in:

Jeremiah 7:31–32

31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind. 32 Therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when it will no more be called Topheth, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; for they will bury in Topheth, because there is no room elsewhere.

no photo
Sat 01/31/15 06:05 PM
An interesting quote TB Rich.

How far away is this Hinnom, and to what extent may it have been a metaphor?

I do know that in the original Greek Christian Scriptures, the word that was often retranslated into other languages as Hell or Hades was 'Gehenna.'

TBRich's photo
Sat 01/31/15 06:31 PM
Olam Ha-Ba, in the Jewish faith, does refer to a heaven or hell. Hell or Hades originates in Paganism. I cannot see how it could be a metaphor to the Jewish mind, but can understand its translation, to the Greek mind, whose culture ruled the area since Alexander, would reference it as Hades

no photo
Sun 02/01/15 11:15 AM
Yes, TB Rich... This is what is so fascinating about the original Greek Christian Texts. (The Source Of The New Testament)

The fact that they replaced the word 'Gehenna' with their Mythological based word, 'Hell' or 'Hades'.

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