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Topic: Palin Resigning As Alaska Governor
AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:45 AM
How quickly we forget.

Anyone remember Ross Perot.

There could be many reasons why such a manuever would be necessary. Think about the malestrom that would spring up and effect alaska if she was to become politically involved no matter who runs for pres in 2012.

While I think the lady had some very good input in the last presidential race I also feel she was not even close to ready to engage with the carefull and coordinated democratic machine that existed at the time...

Or the criminal and delibrate damage done to our country's financial systems for the sake of political control by that same 'enemy'.


The presidential race of 2012 will not look anything like what the current stratigests predict or plan (democratic or republican).
It will be quite interesting...
and will contain elements no one even considers yet...
Nothing brings change like waking up that sleeping giant...

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/05/09 10:32 AM
Sarah’s Straight Talk
by Gail Collins

Truly, Sarah Palin has come a long way. When she ran for vice president, she frequently became disjointed and garbled when she departed from her prepared remarks. Now the prepared remarks are incoherent, too.

"And a problem in our country today is apathy," she said on Friday as she announced that she would resign as governor of Alaska at the end of the month. "It would be apathetic to just hunker down and ‘go with the flow.' Nah, only dead fish ‘go with the flow.' No. Productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time ... to BUILD UP."

Basically, the point was that Palin is quitting as governor because she's not a quitter. Or a deceased salmon.

Sarah Barracuda made her big announcement Friday afternoon on the lawn of her home to an audience that appeared to include only Todd, the kids and the next-door neighbors. Smiling manically, she looked like a parody of the woman who knocked the Republicans dead at their convention. She babbled about her parents' refrigerator magnet, which apparently had a lot of wise advice. And she recalled her visit with the troops in Kosovo, whose dedication and determination inspired her to ... resign.

"Life is about choices!" declared the nation's most anti-choice politician.

People, what is going on with governors in this country? Are we doomed to see them go bonkers one by one, state by state?

The timing of Palin's announcement was extremely peculiar. Not only did she interrupt the plans of TV newscasters to spend the entire weekend pointing out that Michael Jackson is still dead, she delivered her big news just as the nation was settling into Fourth of July celebrations. You'd have thought she didn't want us to notice.

"I choose to work very hard on a path for fruitfulness and productivity," she said in a fairly typical moment. "I choose not to tear down and waste precious time, but to build up this state and our country, and her industrious, generous, patriotic free people!"

Palin has a year and a half left to go in her term of office. The political world had been wondering whether she'd run for re-election. The answer is no. And furthermore, it turns out that Palin believes that the only way her administration can "continue without interruption" is for her to end it.

Anyhow, no point in wasting precious time.

One underlying theme in Palin's remarks was that many ethics complaints have been filed against her on issues ranging from her alleged attempts to get her former brother-in-law fired from the state troopers to charging Alaska for her children's travel expenses.

According to the about-to-be-ex governor, fighting all this negativity has cost the state "thousands of hours of your time" and $2 million "to respond to ‘opposition research.' " But now this is all water under the bridge. Every single unfair charge has been dismissed. ("We've won!") And now that the battle is over and the time/money has been wasted, Palin is going to leave her job in the name of "efficiencies and effectiveness."

"I cannot stand here as your governor and allow millions upon millions of our dollars go to waste just so I can hold the title of governor," she said.

Perhaps there is some new and interesting scandal that Palin has yet to let us in on. (If so, I hope it involves a soul mate.) Otherwise, it would appear that this is all about her desire to start raising money and setting up operations for a presidential run in 2012. Her fans immediately interpreted the resignation as a canny move to get her back down to the lower 48, with as much time on her hands as Mitt Romney. (Mary Matalin called it "brilliant.")

Palin was the subject of a devastating article in this month's Vanity Fair by Todd Purdum, who wrote that McCain campaign aides found it almost impossible to get Palin to prepare for her disastrous interview with Katie Couric. And there is no sign, Purdum reported, that Palin has made any attempt to bone up on the issues so that next time around, she could run as a candidate who actually had some grasp of the intricacies of foreign and domestic policy.

So if she's starting to run, it will be as the same reporter-avoiding, generalization-spouting underachiever that she was last time around.

Now we know she not only doesn't have the concentration to read a policy paper, she can't focus long enough to finish the job she was hired to do.

On Friday, Palin said that finishing out her term would be just too easy. "Many just accept that lame-duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck and ‘milk it.' I'm not putting Alaska through that," she said.

Apparently, she's going to put the rest of us through it instead.


Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/06/09 07:56 AM
You Betcha Sarah Palin Has a Higher Calling
Sarah Palin said she had a "higher calling" that required her to resign 17 months before her term ended as governor of Alaska, and not to seek a second term.

I have no idea where this "higher calling" came from, but I suspect it could only have come from two sources. The first one is God. I don't know what God said to Sarah Palin, but I suspect it might have been something like this:

"Sarah. I am a patient God. But, you have tried my patience. You are an embarrassment to my ideals, to yourself, to the people of your state, and to your country. Me, and my wolves and moose, would like you to please resign and devote the rest of your life in spiritual embrace of a better life. Oh, by the way, I knew a Sarah, and you are no Sarah."

The other possibility of her "higher calling" is from the Sultan of Greed. I also haven't talked to him about Sarah Palin's "Higher Calling," but this is a possibility of that conversation:

"So, Sarah, what do you earn as governor?"

"About $125,000."

"Would you like to earn more? Lots more?"

"You betcha! Half my salary is already taken up on clothes and jewelry so I can be the best darned governor in these here greatest United States of America!"

"Resign as governor, sign with me, and I'll get you a book deal worth millions."

"But I've never written nothing before."

"All you'll have to do is talk into a tape recorder. We'll correct some of your facts, add some stuff, take out some stuff, and make you sound as if you were Hillary Clinton but without all that liberal nonsense."

"Maybe you could put in a lot of pictures. If there were a lot of pictures, I wouldn't have to have as many words."

"We'll give you the best writers and fashion photographers. You'll be in the Best Sellers list the day our—I mean your—book is published."

"You would do that for li'l ole me?"

"Not only would my team do that, we'll get you speaking engagements."

"But I already give speeches. All the conservatives want my opinions."

"It isn't your opinions they crave, but that's another story. I can get you speeches at maybe a hundred thousand each."

"And it's all mine!"

"Minus expenses, administrative fees, and commissions."

"You're taking a cut of my wisdom?"

"Trust me, Babe, we don't want your wisdom, but that's how this business works. You want to ride, you have to pay the operator. Now, about punditry."

"But, Sultan, I'm not so good with puns. Maybe—"

"Not jokes, Darlin'! We'll get you a radio gig. Couple of hours a day. You just say whatever you want into a microphone."

"That sounds tough. I might have to spend time researching issues, and reading something, like maybe a newspaper."

"You ever listen to talk radio?"

"No research and reading?"

"It'll only hurt your credibility. Once we get you a radio contract, we'll move you onto TV."

"Do you think I'll be able to do TV?"

"You're a beauty queen. Miss Wasilla. America's favorite hockey puck."

"Hockey mom."

"Whatever. You're photogenic, nothing else matters. First, we get you a gig as a paid guest commentator on Fox—"

"Like, wow, that'll be the ultimate!"

"Sweet Cheeks, you ain't heard nothin' yet! Make the audience salivate when they see you on air, and we'll get you a regular slot. An hour, maybe more every week night."

"Wow! Like my idols Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly? Will Fox pay for my wardrobe? That's important. My contract has to have a wardrobe and jewelry clause. And makeup. I'll need my own makeup artist. And hairdresser. I can't be seen not looking like a superstar."

"No problem, Honey Bunch. Fox will probably throw in a personal trainer to make sure you don't gain any weight. It knows talent when it sees it."

"And I can make millions, just like Rush and Glenn and Bill, the greatest Americans ever!"

"Not as much as them the first year, of course. Maybe only a couple of million. But, hey, aren't I the Sultan of Greed? Am I not the one to lead you to the promised land, where you can rant all you want about high-paid celebrities and the government-controlled media? Did I not lead you to believe you have a higher calling than being a governor? Sign with Greed International, and we'll get you anything you want!"

"Can you make my ethics problems go away?"

"Hey, Doll, you'll be bathed by the media. Ethics won't be a problem."

"Sounds just gosh-danged wonderful, Sultan, but do you know what I want, what I really really want?"

"Whatever you want, we'll get. You're a money machine. So what can we get you?"

"Maybe a full time babysitter for Todd and the kids. They might be lonely without a wife and mother."


no photo
Mon 07/06/09 10:19 AM
"Palin Resigning As Alaska Governor"

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Anonimoose's photo
Mon 07/06/09 10:21 AM

"Truly, Sarah Palin has come a long way. When she ran for vice president, she frequently became disjointed and garbled when she departed from her prepared remarks."

From the tone of the article, it's obvious the writer supported the Dem ticket last year. Amazing that she didn't notice those very same characteristics about the TOP of the ticket on that side, considering how apparent they were to the rest of us. Biden, of course, puts his foot in his mouth whether his remarks are prepared or not.

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 10:42 AM
Oh heck, one didn't have to be on the Dem side to recognize her lack of knowledge.

Couldn't help just now thinking about her on the campaign trail so intent on her rhetoric, she was actually yelling at what she thought were hecklers, her hubby had to tell her to stop, she was insulting her own supporters. Oh ya, very intuitive.

I don't mind flubs and an occasional foot in mouth event, but I do mind intentional meanness, and she had more of that than smarts.

Winx's photo
Mon 07/06/09 04:05 PM

Oh heck, one didn't have to be on the Dem side to recognize her lack of knowledge.

Couldn't help just now thinking about her on the campaign trail so intent on her rhetoric, she was actually yelling at what she thought were hecklers, her hubby had to tell her to stop, she was insulting her own supporters. Oh ya, very intuitive.

I don't mind flubs and an occasional foot in mouth event, but I do mind intentional meanness, and she had more of that than smarts.

Ain't that the truth. lol

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 07/06/09 04:13 PM

You Betcha Sarah Palin Has a Higher Calling
Sarah Palin said she had a "higher calling" that required her to resign 17 months before her term ended as governor of Alaska, and not to seek a second term.

I have no idea where this "higher calling" came from, but I suspect it could only have come from two sources. The first one is God. I don't know what God said to Sarah Palin, but I suspect it might have been something like this:

"Sarah. I am a patient God. But, you have tried my patience. You are an embarrassment to my ideals, to yourself, to the people of your state, and to your country. Me, and my wolves and moose, would like you to please resign and devote the rest of your life in spiritual embrace of a better life. Oh, by the way, I knew a Sarah, and you are no Sarah."

The other possibility of her "higher calling" is from the Sultan of Greed. I also haven't talked to him about Sarah Palin's "Higher Calling," but this is a possibility of that conversation:

"So, Sarah, what do you earn as governor?"

"About $125,000."

"Would you like to earn more? Lots more?"

"You betcha! Half my salary is already taken up on clothes and jewelry so I can be the best darned governor in these here greatest United States of America!"

"Resign as governor, sign with me, and I'll get you a book deal worth millions."

"But I've never written nothing before."

"All you'll have to do is talk into a tape recorder. We'll correct some of your facts, add some stuff, take out some stuff, and make you sound as if you were Hillary Clinton but without all that liberal nonsense."

"Maybe you could put in a lot of pictures. If there were a lot of pictures, I wouldn't have to have as many words."

"We'll give you the best writers and fashion photographers. You'll be in the Best Sellers list the day our—I mean your—book is published."

"You would do that for li'l ole me?"

"Not only would my team do that, we'll get you speaking engagements."

"But I already give speeches. All the conservatives want my opinions."

"It isn't your opinions they crave, but that's another story. I can get you speeches at maybe a hundred thousand each."

"And it's all mine!"

"Minus expenses, administrative fees, and commissions."

"You're taking a cut of my wisdom?"

"Trust me, Babe, we don't want your wisdom, but that's how this business works. You want to ride, you have to pay the operator. Now, about punditry."

"But, Sultan, I'm not so good with puns. Maybe—"

"Not jokes, Darlin'! We'll get you a radio gig. Couple of hours a day. You just say whatever you want into a microphone."

"That sounds tough. I might have to spend time researching issues, and reading something, like maybe a newspaper."

"You ever listen to talk radio?"

"No research and reading?"

"It'll only hurt your credibility. Once we get you a radio contract, we'll move you onto TV."

"Do you think I'll be able to do TV?"

"You're a beauty queen. Miss Wasilla. America's favorite hockey puck."

"Hockey mom."

"Whatever. You're photogenic, nothing else matters. First, we get you a gig as a paid guest commentator on Fox—"

"Like, wow, that'll be the ultimate!"

"Sweet Cheeks, you ain't heard nothin' yet! Make the audience salivate when they see you on air, and we'll get you a regular slot. An hour, maybe more every week night."

"Wow! Like my idols Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly? Will Fox pay for my wardrobe? That's important. My contract has to have a wardrobe and jewelry clause. And makeup. I'll need my own makeup artist. And hairdresser. I can't be seen not looking like a superstar."

"No problem, Honey Bunch. Fox will probably throw in a personal trainer to make sure you don't gain any weight. It knows talent when it sees it."

"And I can make millions, just like Rush and Glenn and Bill, the greatest Americans ever!"

"Not as much as them the first year, of course. Maybe only a couple of million. But, hey, aren't I the Sultan of Greed? Am I not the one to lead you to the promised land, where you can rant all you want about high-paid celebrities and the government-controlled media? Did I not lead you to believe you have a higher calling than being a governor? Sign with Greed International, and we'll get you anything you want!"

"Can you make my ethics problems go away?"

"Hey, Doll, you'll be bathed by the media. Ethics won't be a problem."

"Sounds just gosh-danged wonderful, Sultan, but do you know what I want, what I really really want?"

"Whatever you want, we'll get. You're a money machine. So what can we get you?"

"Maybe a full time babysitter for Todd and the kids. They might be lonely without a wife and mother."

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

wiley's photo
Tue 07/07/09 06:46 AM
I believe the professional term for Ms. Palin is "whack-a-doodle" although I could be mistaken.

Winx's photo
Tue 07/07/09 09:33 AM
Whack-a-doodle? laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:36 AM
Sarah Palin and her defenders have cited numerous ethics complaints against the Alaska governor as a practical reason for her resignation. Fighting the claims, Palin told the Anchorage Daily News Monday, was immobilizing her: "I'm not going to let Alaskans go through a year of stymied, paralyzed administration and not getting anything done."

Naturally, skeptical observers have wondered how Palin would handle being president if some ethics complaints are enough to make her unable to run a state. Palin's answer: if she was president, the Department of Law would protect her.

Palin said there is a difference between the White House and what she has experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House the "department of law" would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.

"I think on a national level your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out," she said.

There is no Department of Law.

no photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:42 AM
"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."


Winx's photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:44 AM
By DAN JOLING, Associated Press Writer Dan Joling, Associated Press Writer – 56 mins ago

KOTZEBUE, Alaska – Sarah Palin says she's not a quitter, she's a fighter, but adds that, politically speaking, "if I die, I die. So be it."

Sporting fishing waders, a pony tail and a French manicure, Palin defended her decision to resign as Alaska governor in half a dozen interviews broadcast and published Tuesday morning. The former vice presidential candidate invited media outlets to Dillingham, an Alaska town of about 2,500, where she was fishing with her husband, Todd, and children.

Palin wouldn't rule out a 2012 presidential run, and told CNN that "all options are on the table" for her future.

"I don't know what doors will be open or closed by then," the Republican told Time magazine. "I was telling Todd today, I was saying, 'Man, I wish we could predict the next fish run so that we know when to be out on the water.' We can't predict the next fish run, much less what's going to happen in 2012."

But she told ABC's "Good Morning America" that she recognizes she might not have political staying power after her surprise resignation Friday, which came just as she had been expected to elevate her national profile ahead of a possible 2012 GOP presidential run.

"I said before ... 'You know, politically speaking, if I die, I die. So be it,'" she said.

"I'm not going to take the comfortable path. I'm going to take the right path for the state," she said of her resignation, which she characterized as a matter of progressing in an unconventional way.

"That caught people off guard. ... It's out of the box and unconventional. That's what we are as Alaskans and certainly how I am as a public servant."

Palin criticized President Barack Obama, a possible sign she's looking toward the 2012 presidential race.

"President Obama is growing government outrageously, and it's immoral and it's uneconomic, his plan that he tries to sell America," Palin told Time. "His plan to 'put America on the right track' economically, incurring the debt that our nation is incurring, trillions of dollars that we're passing on to our kids, expecting them to pay off for us, is immoral and doesn't even make economic sense."

The outgoing Alaska governor told the Anchorage Daily News she stepped down because ethics complaints against her and her squabble with lawmakers would have paralyzed the 18 months she had left in office.

"Especially when all these lawmakers are lining up for office," she said. "Their desire would be to clobber the administration left and right so that they can position themselves for office. I'm not going to put Alaskans through that."

She told the paper she believes her replacement, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who will take office on July 26, will diffuse the controversy that surrounds her.

"With Sean in the governor's seat, it won't be the politics of personal destruction, I don't believe," Palin said.

She added she wasn't sure what her next step would be.

"I can't predict the next fish run much less what's going to happen in a few years," she told the Daily News. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm going to keep working hard for Alaska."

Palin has spent the past four days with her family, but she returned to work as Alaska governor Tuesday in a remote fishing village 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Palin was scheduled to appear in Kotzebue to sign a bill designed to bring public safety officers to small towns. Kotzebue, a town of about 3,000 people, is 550 miles northwest of Anchorage and lies on a spit of sand at the end of a peninsula.

There has been speculation that she has some legal issue that is not yet known to the public. But her lawyer told The Associated Press on Monday that she has no legal problems whatsoever, and simply is tired of the hostile political climate, legal bills and other distractions.

"She is leaving now because I think she believes that she has become the issue, rightly or wrongly, with all these ethics complaints and with the issues involving the Legislature, the combativeness they've been demonstrating toward her since she returned from the campaign," Thomas Van Flein said.

"I think she believes it's in the best interest of the state to progress forward, for her to move on to other issues."

Palin has become a lightning rod for partisan politics in Alaska since her return from the 2008 presidential campaign after John McCain selected her as his running mate for the GOP ticket. She has racked up an estimated $500,000 in legal bills defending the flurry of ethics complaints, including one filed Monday that alleges she is violating ethics law by taking per diem payments when she stays in her Wasilla home instead of the governor's mansion in Juneau.

In addition, her relationship with Democrats in the state Senate — once among her staunchest allies — deteriorated in the last session.

At the state Capitol in Juneau, the "Time to Make a Difference" clock that counted the time left in Palin's term was taken down from the wall outside her office. And people from around the country called up her office to inquire about the situation, as did a few cruise ship tourists who made the trek to the Capitol.

The young woman at the desk outside Palin's office was busy answering phones.

"Yes, she is getting swamped with e-mails," the woman tells one caller. "Yes, they do get forwarded to the appropriate person."

"Unfortunately, we are having a back load of e-mails so it will take some to get a response," she tells another.

Where is she? Why is she stepping down? When is her last day? Why so soon?

The tour guide tried to politely answer the questions for the tourists when she could, but for the most part had no answers.

Some of the visitors left Palin messages in a guest log.

"Sarah — Please Stay!" one person wrote.


AP Writer Mary Pemberton contributed to this report from Juneau.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:54 AM

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Oh please! What is her higher calling? MILF USA?laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/07/09 12:45 PM
Only dead fish go with the flow." This was wisdom that Palin said she'd acquired during the days she and her husband spent in commercial fishing up there in alaska.
We all know what happens to dead fish........... they get gnawed on by racoons and crayfish and end up stinking in some backwater. Palin looks alot like a dead fish to me

Dragoness's photo
Tue 07/07/09 01:40 PM
Palin is an idiot. The fact she can snow people still is a concern for me. You know the old saying fool me once, fool me twice....

America should all know by now that she is nothing but hot air and a bag of goodies.

I felt sorry for Alaska when I realized what they had to put up with.

no photo
Tue 07/07/09 01:42 PM
Who the flip are you ...that she has to tell you!!!

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Oh please! What is her higher calling? MILF USA?laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/07/09 01:50 PM

Who the flip are you ...that she has to tell you!!!

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Oh please! What is her higher calling? MILF USA?laugh

Opps my bad your right I am just a humble tax payer who lives in this once great land. I live in what is left of the Bush/republican disaster. I have no right to free speach or thought. Please forgive me. I forgot I am but a lowly serf. :wink:

no photo
Tue 07/07/09 01:54 PM
You live in Alaska?

You sound like an unemployed union worker.....been on the bench too long madman???????

I should have realized you changed/renewed your profile, because of your alienating remarks and pictures from threads past...

now I get it!! Your spiteful anger is not endearing

Who the flip are you ...that she has to tell you!!!

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Oh please! What is her higher calling? MILF USA?laugh

Opps my bad your right I am just a humble tax payer who lives in this once great land. I live in what is left of the Bush/republican disaster. I have no right to free speach or thought. Please forgive me. I forgot I am but a lowly serf. :wink:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 07/07/09 02:06 PM

You live in Alaska?

You sound like an unemployed union worker.....been on the bench too long madman???????

I should have realized you changed/renewed your profile, because of your alienating remarks and pictures from threads past...

now I get it!! Your spiteful anger is not endearing

Who the flip are you ...that she has to tell you!!!

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country," the statement said. "And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Oh please! What is her higher calling? MILF USA?laugh

Opps my bad your right I am just a humble tax payer who lives in this once great land. I live in what is left of the Bush/republican disaster. I have no right to free speach or thought. Please forgive me. I forgot I am but a lowly serf. :wink:

That is not Madisonman. LOL

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