Topic: What gets you goat about a profile???
Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/19/10 03:37 PM
I don't need babysitter anymore..I just like for all to know I have 3 grown sons and if you even look like your gonna be a Dick to their WILL be escorted to the door....

Their pretty nice so they won't hurt ya, except that oldest one, he's kinda crazy, never know what he'll do. spock

It's just easier to be nice.... :smile:

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 03:47 PM

Oh....."your kids come first"? had really hoped they didn't.
when I read this, I move on, What it really says is I do not have time for a relationship, I do not know how to prioritize an adult relationship with a promary partner, and my children run my life

Folks children look to a unified adult couple who can put that bond first for security. The primary partnership bond has to come first in the best interests of the kids. It doesn't mean that they are not a priority in ur life. It is a diffrent kind of priority and it is a first priority. But if ur partnership bond is not the 1st priority in the family, the kids will feel insecure

just my opinion of course. I have just seen too many marriages tumble because the pair lost sight of the marriage coming first.

Totally disagree in the parameters of DATING.

We're not talking 1st marriage here. They are usually referring to dating random people, and honestly that is only right to put your children first.

It's one thing to put your spouse who is the biological children's parent as a priority, because as the children see that love and committment modeled it is a positive example. That's THEIR daddy or mommy. Or a step parent even if the relationship is healthy and they love the kids as their own.

But to put someone who just came into your life above children who you have birthed, are raising and investing in the lives of .. that's wrong on so many levels.
u r correct to sssume that I am talking in the context of stable long term relationships, and marriages

I do not agree that it only includes the biological parents. It is sometimes even more important for step parents to present a united front because of the relationship dynamics in blended families with children in the home (crying out for structure BTW). Divorced parents are sometimes so guilt ridden that they have a hard time here, and I am one (divorced parent whose been there done that) I am definitely talking in the context of the nuclear family whatever that happens to be. This does not include the occasional guy who I kids seldom if ever even meet those men - because of exactly what u r saying. So I think we prolly agree on more than not, actually

Once again I have witnessed up close many many relationships fall apart because one or both parents put the chldren (who became spoiled and whiny) above not only their primary relationship partner, but before their own authority as well (the kids ran the household and were catered to at the EXPENSE of the adult relationship model-that is what is actually wrong on so many levels -look at what it teaches them- to expect to be catered to)

I have seen it time & time again, and to a lesser extent expereinced it. Children draw security from united loving parents who care for them, and they learn their place from where they learn to be self supporting, considerate, and independent adults who have grown up in a home wiht a functional model - be it bio or step, or adoptive parents. I have witnessed this success many times over also.

But as usual c'est la vie - we r entitled to our own opinions, and I expected disagreement on this because it is hard to explain what I mean.

First no one and I repeat not one person anywhere loves their children more than I love mine. no matter how much I love my sons, it is a different type of love and obligation than that to my marital partner - anything else is just too weird -

for example, My fiance and I have a pre-planned important anniversary dinner, but Sally Sue decides she wants to go to Kings Island...really? ummm answer is no Sally Sue, but that does not mean she is not first in my life. It means she goes to King's Isalnd some other time because the world does not revolve around her and she needs to learn that at a young age.

I honestly think we agree more than disagree. I just don't believe guys I JUST DATE should come before children I've raised all my life.

Step parenting is totally different, and even a fiance.:wink:

navygirl's photo
Sat 06/19/10 04:42 PM

What pet peeve do you have about any random profile? The cut and paste? The terribly misspelled words? Something else? Do tell!!!!

For me it's those that don't know the difference in they're and their and there! They were taught to us in elementary school! Also, it's and its!!!

I don't like a profile when a person doesn't talk about themselves. However on the spelling front; my pet peeve is loose and loser. I see so many see he is such a looser; that drives me crazy.

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 08:39 PM
What bugs me is when someone asks me everything that I've already written about in my profile. When I ask them if they've read it, they say yes, but they're just checking because too many people lie. Why should I have to repeat everything over and over because people are paranoid everyone is lying?

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 08:52 PM

What bugs me is when someone asks me everything that I've already written about in my profile. When I ask them if they've read it, they say yes, but they're just checking because too many people lie. Why should I have to repeat everything over and over because people are paranoid everyone is lying?

Yeah, that is REALLY annoying.

When I did my 3-month stint on a pay site back in 2006, I was bombarded by messages from locals, asking me to meet them at such-and-such bar in town that evening.

"Have you even read my profile?"


"Then you need to read it again, because it's pretty clearly stated in there that I don't drink and I don't go to bars!"

And THAT profile was only a few paragraphs long!

rue2105's photo
Sun 06/20/10 02:08 AM

as far as pictures go...yes pictures will get more of a response than the mingle bubble. But there are people cautious about posting pictures for many reasons. Some aren't good reasons (cheating, etc) but people can steal pictures online and use them for fake profiles or whatever. That is why at times I post the avatars and I turn my pictures to private.

oohhh...i hate that n have been cheated with fake pics couple of times!!!! there was once an indian man who put pics of white handsome gorgeous looking white totally opposite of him!!!!!explode

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 05:22 AM

What pet peeve do you have about any random profile? The cut and paste? The terribly misspelled words? Something else? Do tell!!!!

For me it's those that don't know the difference in they're and their and there! They were taught to us in elementary school! Also, it's and its!!!

I don't like a profile when a person doesn't talk about themselves. However on the spelling front; my pet peeve is loose and loser. I see so many see he is such a looser; that drives me crazy.
We if their honest about it..happy

Loser Mitchbigsmile

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:03 AM

What bugs me is when someone asks me everything that I've already written about in my profile. When I ask them if they've read it, they say yes, but they're just checking because too many people lie. Why should I have to repeat everything over and over because people are paranoid everyone is lying?

Yeah, that is REALLY annoying.

When I did my 3-month stint on a pay site back in 2006, I was bombarded by messages from locals, asking me to meet them at such-and-such bar in town that evening.

"Have you even read my profile?"


"Then you need to read it again, because it's pretty clearly stated in there that I don't drink and I don't go to bars!"

And THAT profile was only a few paragraphs long!

They also use the excuse they'd rather find out from the person, rather than the profile, otherwise there will be nothing left to talk about. laugh

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 02:45 PM

What bugs me is when someone asks me everything that I've already written about in my profile. When I ask them if they've read it, they say yes, but they're just checking because too many people lie. Why should I have to repeat everything over and over because people are paranoid everyone is lying?

Yeah, that is REALLY annoying.

When I did my 3-month stint on a pay site back in 2006, I was bombarded by messages from locals, asking me to meet them at such-and-such bar in town that evening.

"Have you even read my profile?"


"Then you need to read it again, because it's pretty clearly stated in there that I don't drink and I don't go to bars!"

And THAT profile was only a few paragraphs long!

They also use the excuse they'd rather find out from the person, rather than the profile, otherwise there will be nothing left to talk about. laugh

Sad but true -- many of them are lost for conversational content once they've told you "I'm laid back and easy going"....

Peccy's photo
Sun 06/20/10 04:22 PM

What bugs me is when someone asks me everything that I've already written about in my profile. When I ask them if they've read it, they say yes, but they're just checking because too many people lie. Why should I have to repeat everything over and over because people are paranoid everyone is lying?

Yeah, that is REALLY annoying.

When I did my 3-month stint on a pay site back in 2006, I was bombarded by messages from locals, asking me to meet them at such-and-such bar in town that evening.

"Have you even read my profile?"


"Then you need to read it again, because it's pretty clearly stated in there that I don't drink and I don't go to bars!"

And THAT profile was only a few paragraphs long!

They also use the excuse they'd rather find out from the person, rather than the profile, otherwise there will be nothing left to talk about. laugh
LOL.that is just lazy BS when someone says that. There are ALWAYS things to talk about, but you have to use a brain!

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 04:37 PM
honestly though I think some profiles are better than others I also think it's a silly thing to have a peeve over. Most of us r on here just tryin' to live life & make it a little better for ourselves & each other

I think, really, that only a thin-skinned petty individual would care all that much about whether someone's profile is up to snuff, I mean cripes - get a lifeslaphead

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 04:44 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Sun 06/20/10 04:45 PM
I was told today that my profile is too demanding. Also that I should read dating books because I'm trying to change people by suggesting they take a bit of time and fill out their profile. Apparently he thought shorter profiles were better and I'd be better off just asking him questions about himself.

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:37 PM

I was told today that my profile is too demanding. Also that I should read dating books because I'm trying to change people by suggesting they take a bit of time and fill out their profile. Apparently he thought shorter profiles were better and I'd be better off just asking him questions about himself.

I get hate mail like this all of the time. It was probably the same guy! laugh

I had to block the guy because he started calling me really bad names and putting his own "demands" on me saying I need to lower my standards so guys like him have a chance. laugh

Members (men and women): live and let live. If a profile doesn’t suit your needs just move on. Do not act argumentative, defensive and resort to malicious behavior. Life is too short and the person RIGHT for you might be the next profile. Just move on!

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:44 PM
Yeah, he seemed to think that I was expecting too much.

I agree. If you do not fit someone's preferences, just move on. There are plenty of single people out there. Things work out much better if you take the time to find someone you fit well with.

msmyka's photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:51 PM
The "hate mail" I've received before was from older men saying it's rude of me to have an age preference. I went back and forth for a few emails with one of them just to see what the hate was all about. Now I set age limits in my email filter so these guys can't get to me. It's unfortunate that some people who are outside of these age limits can not email me because these guys ruined it for me. I'm so sorry I don't want to date someone my parents age slaphead

no photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:56 PM
I've had issues with the age thing as well. I don't have any filters set, but I state in my profile that I prefer someone in their late 20s or 30s, as they're closer to my age. Some men don't like that, so I know how you feel.

NaughtyNacht's photo
Sun 06/20/10 11:10 PM
Edited by NaughtyNacht on Sun 06/20/10 11:17 PM
Both singmesweet and msmyka bring up valid points. Speaking to other men my age, I appreciate and prefer younger women but as mature males we must be respectful of the wishes of the young women who use these sites. I very often read a profile that resonates with me only to find that the cut off age is 2, 5, 10 or whatever years younger than what I am. And even though I am very youthful for my age (people guess me at around 35 to 42) I pass on those profiles regardless of my personal feelings.

I do believe however that women should at least go as high as 10 years above her own age. That is more of a reflection of the fact that women do mature more quickly than men, especially on emotional levels and the desire for family and life-long companionship.

I like the fact that this site has a posting board where we can address and discuss these issues. So to all the guys my age (and younger even) I say, respect the ladies space. State your point of view on the boards. Make your points cogent and valid without personalising or "dissing". And if ya can't do that .... say nothing and grow up will ya!!!

AmbiantNight's photo
Sun 06/20/10 11:14 PM
Zero info. I'm not saying tell me your entire life story but if you want me to send you a post then give me something to work with.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 06/21/10 12:08 AM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Mon 06/21/10 12:08 AM

Both singmesweet and msmyka bring up valid points. Speaking to other men my age, I appreciate and prefer younger women but as mature males we must be respectful of the wishes of the young women who use these sites. I very often read a profile that resonates with me only to find that the cut off age is 2, 5, 10 or whatever years younger than what I am. And even though I am very youthful for my age (people guess me at around 35 to 42) I pass on those profiles regardless of my personal feelings.

I do believe however that women should at least go as high as 10 years above her own age. That is more of a reflection of the fact that women do mature more quickly than men, especially on emotional levels and the desire for family and life-long companionship.

I like the fact that this site has a posting board where we can address and discuss these issues. So to all the guys my age (and younger even) I say, respect the ladies space. State your point of view on the boards. Make your points cogent and valid without personalising or "dissing". And if ya can't do that .... say nothing and grow up will ya!!!

You contradicted your own supportive statement. You agree members should respect others but then you say ...

"I do believe however that women should at least go as high as 10 years above her own age."

Your opinion is of little consequence to someone’s preferences. People "should" not have to date anyone they are not attracted to in dating.

I exclusively date younger men. My argument could be that men die younger so I don't want to be widowed. Yet, I would never say, "Men should at least date 15 years older" just to satisfy my own agenda.

Can I do that? laugh

It's great you like the forums! drinker Welcome!

NaughtyNacht's photo
Mon 06/21/10 12:26 AM
Thanks for the welcome MelodyGirl, I would like to point out that my stament, "I do believe however that women should at least go as high as 10 years above her own age." was stated clearly as a personal opinion and in no way contradicts the essense of being respectful and not mailing persons whose criteria one does not meet.

You said "I exclusively date younger men. My argument could be that men die younger so I don't want to be widowed. Yet, I would never say, "Men should at least date 15 years older" just to satisfy my own agenda."
Yes you can say that, so long as you qualify it as your own personal opinion and not a general rule we should all follow. And I see your point. I hate the idea of growing up and I may drop from a cardiac episode because of the stress that causes me .. lol.

Opinions are fine ... open up discussion ...