Topic: Christian dope heads going to hell.
no photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:21 PM

Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion.

Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then...

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians.

Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry.

The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for?

Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers.

One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic.

Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their

My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really?

Weird to say the least.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/]

Alright, here's my opinion and references...

First, I agree with the whole anti-alcohol/drug theme. If you want biblical reasons, I'll summarise by stating it's my understanding that one should always retain complete control of their mind. That includes alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, seances, basically anything that could alter your perception/control.

Yes, bigotry. This is obvious by the title thread. Also by the fact that you resort to name-calling using such terms as "thumper" and "an average Christian, so therefore not a very smart human being", "little fairytale book thing", etc...

You start off with over a dozen quotes of other authors and maybe write 3 sentences on your own. Two of which are incorrect.
1. You don't know who will or won't go to hell. You're an Atheist, so you don't even believe your own statement.
2. 60% cited "A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings" as reasons for abstinence. You never mention what the other 40% cited or if they admited to drinking or not. And again, you're an Atheist so you STILL don't believe your own words...

You then go on to post some stats for alchohol with no evidence of what part Christians play in those stats. You do however, attemp to support some study with this: "How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them" Hmmm, sounds like an opinion there....
(then after the P.S. you claim people are going to hell, which we all know an Atheist doesn't believe)

After that, you state "guess it's easy to ignore the truth to defend one's own drug abuse" to noone in particular because not one person has said that they drink alcohol. Then you do your ad-hominem attacks of Christians... blah, blah, blah

Which leads us to the above quoted post. I don't have a problem with the cited alcohol related links, but I'm pretty darn sure the NIH rebuked their "recommended alcohol intake". I'm sure it now stands that they do not recommend drinking at all and the 1 and 2 drink limits are the cut-off point where they belive alcohol does too much harm.
I still don't see any drunks here defending their alcohol or drug consumption.

P.S. pot IS hemp... Perhaps you should read the articles that form your opinions.... The only difference is THC and CBD content.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 07/29/10 07:55 PM

Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion.

Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then...

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians.

Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry.

The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for?

Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers.

One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic.

Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their

My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really?

Weird to say the least.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/]

Alright, here's my opinion and references...

First, I agree with the whole anti-alcohol/drug theme. If you want biblical reasons, I'll summarise by stating it's my understanding that one should always retain complete control of their mind. That includes alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, seances, basically anything that could alter your perception/control.

Yes, bigotry. This is obvious by the title thread. Also by the fact that you resort to name-calling using such terms as "thumper" and "an average Christian, so therefore not a very smart human being", "little fairytale book thing", etc...

You start off with over a dozen quotes of other authors and maybe write 3 sentences on your own. Two of which are incorrect.
1. You don't know who will or won't go to hell. You're an Atheist, so you don't even believe your own statement.
2. 60% cited "A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings" as reasons for abstinence. You never mention what the other 40% cited or if they admited to drinking or not. And again, you're an Atheist so you STILL don't believe your own words...

You then go on to post some stats for alchohol with no evidence of what part Christians play in those stats. You do however, attemp to support some study with this: "How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them" Hmmm, sounds like an opinion there....
(then after the P.S. you claim people are going to hell, which we all know an Atheist doesn't believe)

After that, you state "guess it's easy to ignore the truth to defend one's own drug abuse" to noone in particular because not one person has said that they drink alcohol. Then you do your ad-hominem attacks of Christians... blah, blah, blah

Which leads us to the above quoted post. I don't have a problem with the cited alcohol related links, but I'm pretty darn sure the NIH rebuked their "recommended alcohol intake". I'm sure it now stands that they do not recommend drinking at all and the 1 and 2 drink limits are the cut-off point where they belive alcohol does too much harm.
I still don't see any drunks here defending their alcohol or drug consumption.

P.S. pot IS hemp... Perhaps you should read the articles that form your opinions.... The only difference is THC and CBD content.

First off you spelled “Atheist” as “atheist”…individually I am not of a proper noun as a label. I belong to NO group. The first lines are from the bible some of these people take literally…I just used their own words against them, the rest is obvious as to how I present an argument. I was challenging Christians for their perverting their text that they take so literally.

“thumpers” Heh, my mother was a southern Baptist who used that term to describe the crazy element of her church…including the preacher. No, I think the terms are applicable and reserve my right to use them…lol…I don’t mind if you call me “hippy”

No, the pot they have criminalized IS NOT the HEMP that we could grow if we had our heads out our arses. We import 6 to 8 Billion a year into the US that we COULD HAVE GROWN OURSELVES.

The rest is not worth staying up for…I have pointed out well how thumpers (literalists) are brain damaged to ignore the drug that affects us all so badly and then they spend time on anti-choice bills in women’s private health issues. Also who marries who…who cares??? Yet the “average christian” will vote for another moron to lead the country because of those issues…incredible.

Great! I have time to catch a SP.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 07/31/10 04:26 PM
Found anoher interesting one"

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

So your god wants people to do drugs if they have a problem? Really?
What about the winehead that awakens the next day to find his/her problems are still there?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/31/10 04:42 PM

Found anoher interesting one"

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

So your god wants people to do drugs if they have a problem? Really?
What about the winehead that awakens the next day to find his/her problems are still there?

You're not taking the entire verse.

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

Nottice the give strong drink to "the one who is perishing". It doesn't matter if they drink it or not, for they are perishing. And also to give better understanding to this verse. This is from old testament and in those days we were judged on earth for our sins. And the only reward for sin is death. So what did it matter if he drank alcohol if he was already perishing anyways?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 07/31/10 04:57 PM

Found anoher interesting one"

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

So your god wants people to do drugs if they have a problem? Really?
What about the winehead that awakens the next day to find his/her problems are still there?

That nasty book teaches the stupidest stuff.

I highly recommend keeping that book away from your children, or better yet just toss it in a burn barrel where it belongs.

Clearly these utterly insane verses did not come from any all-wise supreme being. In fact, the authors were probably drunk themselves when they wrote this stuff and that's why it contains so many absurdities and blatant contradictions and nonsense.

There are far better moral values and wisdom to be found from mere mortal men. bigsmile

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 07/31/10 04:58 PM

Found anoher interesting one"

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

So your god wants people to do drugs if they have a problem? Really?
What about the winehead that awakens the next day to find his/her problems are still there?

You're not taking the entire verse.

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

Nottice the give strong drink to "the one who is perishing". It doesn't matter if they drink it or not, for they are perishing. And also to give better understanding to this verse. This is from old testament and in those days we were judged on earth for our sins. And the only reward for sin is death. So what did it matter if he drank alcohol if he was already perishing anyways?

Dude, I bolded the part to're not reading the entire verse...jeez. This insinuates that if you are porr you should be a dope other conclusion unless you want to make one up.

So far I see god does not want his followers to drink...uh...unless they are poor or depressed....I think we have better drugs and counseling now...somewhat that is.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 07/31/10 06:03 PM
OP-you mixed Old Testament and New Testament quotes without explaining why. Very intellectually dishonest of you.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 07/31/10 06:39 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sat 07/31/10 06:46 PM

OP-you mixed Old Testament and New Testament quotes without explaining why. Very intellectually dishonest of you.

Excuse me? It's been updated for modern


4 "It is not for kings, O Lemuel—
not for kings to drink wine,
not for rulers to crave beer,

5 lest they drink and forget what the law decrees,
and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.

6 Give beer to those who are perishing,
wine to those who are in anguish;

7 let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.

Who's being dishonest now?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/31/10 08:03 PM

Found anoher interesting one"

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

So your god wants people to do drugs if they have a problem? Really?
What about the winehead that awakens the next day to find his/her problems are still there?

You're not taking the entire verse.

"Proverbs 31: Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."

Nottice the give strong drink to "the one who is perishing". It doesn't matter if they drink it or not, for they are perishing. And also to give better understanding to this verse. This is from old testament and in those days we were judged on earth for our sins. And the only reward for sin is death. So what did it matter if he drank alcohol if he was already perishing anyways?

Dude, I bolded the part to're not reading the entire verse...jeez. This insinuates that if you are porr you should be a dope other conclusion unless you want to make one up.

So far I see god does not want his followers to drink...uh...unless they are poor or depressed....I think we have better drugs and counseling now...somewhat that is.

??? what in the world are you talking about? When did perishing mean poor, dope head, or anything of such?

People that are lost and do not know God and aren't even trying to, are perishing. God is the only way to eternal life.

no photo
Sat 07/31/10 08:10 PM

Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion.

Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then...

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians.

Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry.

The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for?

Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers.

One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic.

Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their

My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really?

Weird to say the least.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/]

Alright, here's my opinion and references...

First, I agree with the whole anti-alcohol/drug theme. If you want biblical reasons, I'll summarise by stating it's my understanding that one should always retain complete control of their mind. That includes alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, seances, basically anything that could alter your perception/control.

Yes, bigotry. This is obvious by the title thread. Also by the fact that you resort to name-calling using such terms as "thumper" and "an average Christian, so therefore not a very smart human being", "little fairytale book thing", etc...

You start off with over a dozen quotes of other authors and maybe write 3 sentences on your own. Two of which are incorrect.
1. You don't know who will or won't go to hell. You're an Atheist, so you don't even believe your own statement.
2. 60% cited "A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings" as reasons for abstinence. You never mention what the other 40% cited or if they admited to drinking or not. And again, you're an Atheist so you STILL don't believe your own words...

You then go on to post some stats for alchohol with no evidence of what part Christians play in those stats. You do however, attemp to support some study with this: "How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them" Hmmm, sounds like an opinion there....
(then after the P.S. you claim people are going to hell, which we all know an Atheist doesn't believe)

After that, you state "guess it's easy to ignore the truth to defend one's own drug abuse" to noone in particular because not one person has said that they drink alcohol. Then you do your ad-hominem attacks of Christians... blah, blah, blah

Which leads us to the above quoted post. I don't have a problem with the cited alcohol related links, but I'm pretty darn sure the NIH rebuked their "recommended alcohol intake". I'm sure it now stands that they do not recommend drinking at all and the 1 and 2 drink limits are the cut-off point where they belive alcohol does too much harm.
I still don't see any drunks here defending their alcohol or drug consumption.

P.S. pot IS hemp... Perhaps you should read the articles that form your opinions.... The only difference is THC and CBD content.

First off you spelled “Atheist” as “atheist”…individually I am not of a proper noun as a label. I belong to NO group. The first lines are from the bible some of these people take literally…I just used their own words against them, the rest is obvious as to how I present an argument. I was challenging Christians for their perverting their text that they take so literally.

“thumpers” Heh, my mother was a southern Baptist who used that term to describe the crazy element of her church…including the preacher. No, I think the terms are applicable and reserve my right to use them…lol…I don’t mind if you call me “hippy”

No, the pot they have criminalized IS NOT the HEMP that we could grow if we had our heads out our arses. We import 6 to 8 Billion a year into the US that we COULD HAVE GROWN OURSELVES.

The rest is not worth staying up for…I have pointed out well how thumpers (literalists) are brain damaged to ignore the drug that affects us all so badly and then they spend time on anti-choice bills in women’s private health issues. Also who marries who…who cares??? Yet the “average christian” will vote for another moron to lead the country because of those issues…incredible.

Great! I have time to catch a SP.

Hmmmm, here are some more of my opinions...

"The rest is not worth staying up for…" - Just a lame cop-out to avoid addressing the important issues of my post.

I really don't think the capitalization of a letter matters, you yourself claimed to be an atheist, so either way, it is correct. The only one I see perverting text here is you...

"Thumpers" - It is a derogatory term, one which I agree with your definition. So the very same term could be applied to you! You quote Bible verses to justify your bigoted view and use them incorrectly I might add. It is quite hillarious actually, that the biggest "thumpers" on these boards are not Christian...

Pot is hemp, deal with it... Do you know anything about hemp? What is hemp, cannabis sativa??? Did I read that right?

And you have yet to provide a connection between your thumping, bigoted view and Christians...

no photo
Sat 07/31/10 08:13 PM

I highly recommend keeping that book away from your children, or better yet just toss it in a burn barrel where it belongs.

Spoken like a true religious zealot.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 07/31/10 10:43 PM

I highly recommend keeping that book away from your children, or better yet just toss it in a burn barrel where it belongs.

Spoken like a true religious zealot.

Well at least I'm not preaching hate in the name of Jesus. I'm just offering my own personal views in my own name. I think it's really sad when people use Jesus as a dead rubber doll to try to beat other people over the head with. I doubt that Jesus would appreciate their idol worship of him in that way.

Preaching hate for Jesus sake is the greatest of oxymorons.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:24 AM

Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion.

Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then...

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians.

Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry.

The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for?

Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers.

One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic.

Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their

My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really?

Weird to say the least.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/]

Alright, here's my opinion and references...

First, I agree with the whole anti-alcohol/drug theme. If you want biblical reasons, I'll summarise by stating it's my understanding that one should always retain complete control of their mind. That includes alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, seances, basically anything that could alter your perception/control.

Yes, bigotry. This is obvious by the title thread. Also by the fact that you resort to name-calling using such terms as "thumper" and "an average Christian, so therefore not a very smart human being", "little fairytale book thing", etc...

You start off with over a dozen quotes of other authors and maybe write 3 sentences on your own. Two of which are incorrect.
1. You don't know who will or won't go to hell. You're an Atheist, so you don't even believe your own statement.
2. 60% cited "A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings" as reasons for abstinence. You never mention what the other 40% cited or if they admited to drinking or not. And again, you're an Atheist so you STILL don't believe your own words...

You then go on to post some stats for alchohol with no evidence of what part Christians play in those stats. You do however, attemp to support some study with this: "How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them" Hmmm, sounds like an opinion there....
(then after the P.S. you claim people are going to hell, which we all know an Atheist doesn't believe)

After that, you state "guess it's easy to ignore the truth to defend one's own drug abuse" to noone in particular because not one person has said that they drink alcohol. Then you do your ad-hominem attacks of Christians... blah, blah, blah

Which leads us to the above quoted post. I don't have a problem with the cited alcohol related links, but I'm pretty darn sure the NIH rebuked their "recommended alcohol intake". I'm sure it now stands that they do not recommend drinking at all and the 1 and 2 drink limits are the cut-off point where they belive alcohol does too much harm.
I still don't see any drunks here defending their alcohol or drug consumption.

P.S. pot IS hemp... Perhaps you should read the articles that form your opinions.... The only difference is THC and CBD content.

First off you spelled “Atheist” as “atheist”…individually I am not of a proper noun as a label. I belong to NO group. The first lines are from the bible some of these people take literally…I just used their own words against them, the rest is obvious as to how I present an argument. I was challenging Christians for their perverting their text that they take so literally.

“thumpers” Heh, my mother was a southern Baptist who used that term to describe the crazy element of her church…including the preacher. No, I think the terms are applicable and reserve my right to use them…lol…I don’t mind if you call me “hippy”

No, the pot they have criminalized IS NOT the HEMP that we could grow if we had our heads out our arses. We import 6 to 8 Billion a year into the US that we COULD HAVE GROWN OURSELVES.

The rest is not worth staying up for…I have pointed out well how thumpers (literalists) are brain damaged to ignore the drug that affects us all so badly and then they spend time on anti-choice bills in women’s private health issues. Also who marries who…who cares??? Yet the “average christian” will vote for another moron to lead the country because of those issues…incredible.

Great! I have time to catch a SP.

Hmmmm, here are some more of my opinions...

"The rest is not worth staying up for…" - Just a lame cop-out to avoid addressing the important issues of my post.

I really don't think the capitalization of a letter matters, you yourself claimed to be an atheist, so either way, it is correct. The only one I see perverting text here is you...

"Thumpers" - It is a derogatory term, one which I agree with your definition. So the very same term could be applied to you! You quote Bible verses to justify your bigoted view and use them incorrectly I might add. It is quite hillarious actually, that the biggest "thumpers" on these boards are not Christian...

Pot is hemp, deal with it... Do you know anything about hemp? What is hemp, cannabis sativa??? Did I read that right?

And you have yet to provide a connection between your thumping, bigoted view and Christians...

"I really don't think the capitalization of a letter matters".

I rest my case.

Dan99's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:49 AM
"Thou shalt roll it long, and thou shalt roll it fat, and thou shalt inhale the goodness until your face turns white and you pass out on the ground" Daniel 4:20

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Sun 08/01/10 07:33 AM

Then again perhaps a poster should debate the issues instead of feigning insult? I see very little here in regards to forming an opinion and then referencing to support that opinion.

Makes one wonder why they respond at all. Maybe some reply out of guilt so I say if the insult fits then...

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

You're right, there is very little in regards to forming an opinion .I see posters using other's opinions as a means to degrade and try to insult Christians.

Perhaps if there were some original thoughts to discuss instead of the closed-minded ramblings of a non-Christian, discussions would progress past the point of name-calling and bigotry.

The issue? Well for one, you have no authority to judge anyone, regardless of what the Bible says. Second, cut-n-paste posts show originality has died, is that the opinion you were looking for?

Bigot? LOL....BS, the things I posted in relation to facts about the drug alcohol are not "opinions", they are facts about that drug. I have referenced everything I've's not my fault that some have no clue as to what the NIH and NIMH are...and the "cut and paste" you refer to is from MY anti-teen drinking org site that is vetted, peer reviewed by some at the AMA and several local alcohol (and other drug) recovery centers.

One director approached me after a speech I once gave and said, "You're right but you are just ahead of your time". I told him it's past time we dealt with the teen drinking epidemic.

Strangely, there are two particular groups that oppose reforms, the AA (because they are taught they had no choice in being an addict) and politicians who get major contributions from the alcohol industry to not cut into their profits from selling to kids. You'd think these two groups would care about children's rights to grow up drug free. The thumpers surely don't care as well if they won't even follow their

My original points's written in the bible that it's wrong to do drugs like alcohol yet the drunks here twist and lamely (I might add) try to justify their drug use using their little book, twisting by context that is cleary stated. If you drink wine or strong drink you are sinning. Weird that even when I do reach out and use the bible the followers are STILL blind to the words they are suppossed to live by. They obviously don't care since in this case they like their drugs and want to justify abusing them...even at the cost of our children's health and welfare. As I mentioned before alcohol play a part in most of our social ills...child and spousal abuse/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, poor I take it that the thumpers think their imaginary "god" approves of this drug? Really?

Weird to say the least.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.[b/]

Alright, here's my opinion and references...

First, I agree with the whole anti-alcohol/drug theme. If you want biblical reasons, I'll summarise by stating it's my understanding that one should always retain complete control of their mind. That includes alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, seances, basically anything that could alter your perception/control.

Yes, bigotry. This is obvious by the title thread. Also by the fact that you resort to name-calling using such terms as "thumper" and "an average Christian, so therefore not a very smart human being", "little fairytale book thing", etc...

You start off with over a dozen quotes of other authors and maybe write 3 sentences on your own. Two of which are incorrect.
1. You don't know who will or won't go to hell. You're an Atheist, so you don't even believe your own statement.
2. 60% cited "A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings" as reasons for abstinence. You never mention what the other 40% cited or if they admited to drinking or not. And again, you're an Atheist so you STILL don't believe your own words...

You then go on to post some stats for alchohol with no evidence of what part Christians play in those stats. You do however, attemp to support some study with this: "How many of those parents are Christians? In Oklahoma you can bet MOST of them" Hmmm, sounds like an opinion there....
(then after the P.S. you claim people are going to hell, which we all know an Atheist doesn't believe)

After that, you state "guess it's easy to ignore the truth to defend one's own drug abuse" to noone in particular because not one person has said that they drink alcohol. Then you do your ad-hominem attacks of Christians... blah, blah, blah

Which leads us to the above quoted post. I don't have a problem with the cited alcohol related links, but I'm pretty darn sure the NIH rebuked their "recommended alcohol intake". I'm sure it now stands that they do not recommend drinking at all and the 1 and 2 drink limits are the cut-off point where they belive alcohol does too much harm.
I still don't see any drunks here defending their alcohol or drug consumption.

P.S. pot IS hemp... Perhaps you should read the articles that form your opinions.... The only difference is THC and CBD content.

First off you spelled “Atheist” as “atheist”…individually I am not of a proper noun as a label. I belong to NO group. The first lines are from the bible some of these people take literally…I just used their own words against them, the rest is obvious as to how I present an argument. I was challenging Christians for their perverting their text that they take so literally.

“thumpers” Heh, my mother was a southern Baptist who used that term to describe the crazy element of her church…including the preacher. No, I think the terms are applicable and reserve my right to use them…lol…I don’t mind if you call me “hippy”

No, the pot they have criminalized IS NOT the HEMP that we could grow if we had our heads out our arses. We import 6 to 8 Billion a year into the US that we COULD HAVE GROWN OURSELVES.

The rest is not worth staying up for…I have pointed out well how thumpers (literalists) are brain damaged to ignore the drug that affects us all so badly and then they spend time on anti-choice bills in women’s private health issues. Also who marries who…who cares??? Yet the “average christian” will vote for another moron to lead the country because of those issues…incredible.

Great! I have time to catch a SP.

Hmmmm, here are some more of my opinions...

"The rest is not worth staying up for…" - Just a lame cop-out to avoid addressing the important issues of my post.

I really don't think the capitalization of a letter matters, you yourself claimed to be an atheist, so either way, it is correct. The only one I see perverting text here is you...

"Thumpers" - It is a derogatory term, one which I agree with your definition. So the very same term could be applied to you! You quote Bible verses to justify your bigoted view and use them incorrectly I might add. It is quite hillarious actually, that the biggest "thumpers" on these boards are not Christian...

Pot is hemp, deal with it... Do you know anything about hemp? What is hemp, cannabis sativa??? Did I read that right?

And you have yet to provide a connection between your thumping, bigoted view and Christians...

"I really don't think the capitalization of a letter matters".

I rest my case.

If the only counter-point you have to my post(s) is the capitalization of the letter "A", then it is obvious that you have proven yourself to be less intelligent than an average Christian...

I'm really surprised that you responded to me at all, the evidence is staring you in the face and you have not addressed one of the important issues.

1. You are the bible thumper...
2. You didn't connect your bigoted views with Christians AT ALL!!!
3. You were dishonest in the OP...

So you rest your case, huh? Why, couldn't form your own opinion and back it up with facts?

"Yet the “average christian” will vote for another moron to lead the country because of those issues…"

I nominate "MiddleEarthling", he's more than qualified by that description.

**sorry mods, if I get a warning for this, I'll understand**

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Sun 08/01/10 08:06 AM

I highly recommend keeping that book away from your children, or better yet just toss it in a burn barrel where it belongs.

Spoken like a true religious zealot.

Well at least I'm not preaching hate in the name of Jesus. I'm just offering my own personal views in my own name. I think it's really sad when people use Jesus as a dead rubber doll to try to beat other people over the head with. I doubt that Jesus would appreciate their idol worship of him in that way.

Preaching hate for Jesus sake is the greatest of oxymorons.

LOL, it's sad when people use Jesus? And then you use Jesus?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Sun 08/01/10 12:13 PM

Hey, I didn't make this's in the "book". Alcohol is a drug so therefore if you drink this drug you're a dope head. It's only fair. If you reply "Jesus made water into wine" and think that negates the "truth" then you'll be in good company when you arrive in hell (according to the bible).


“nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God” 1 Corinthians 6:10.

“He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.” Numbers 6:3.

“Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die:” Leviticus 10:9

“You ate no bread and drank no wine or other fermented drink. I did this so that you might know that I am the LORD your God” Deuteronomy 29:6.

“Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean,” Judges 13:4.

“Wine makes men foolish, and strong drink makes men come to blows; and whoever comes into error through these is not wise” Proverbs 20:1.

“Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks” Isaiah 5:22.

“But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.” Isaiah 28:7.

“..and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards” Matthew 24:49.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” Luke 1:15.

“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” Luke 21:34.

“Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. Romans 13:13.

“Envyings, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” Galatians 5:21

Plus a few dozen more you can find in your little fairytale book thing…as for my view of adults drinking? CHEERS! unless of course you’re a Christian then YOU’RE GOING TO HELL. Repent ye SINNERS, drink not from the tit of the addictive drug beast!

This post was inspired from this report.

"Practicing What they Preach: Most Evangelical Leaders Abstain from Alcohol

A family history of alcoholism and religious teachings were among the reasons cited by the 60% of U.S. evangelical leaders who said they don't drink alcohol socially, CNN reported June 24."

Wait, isn't that also 40% of them who are going to HELL!...

Heaven isn't an easy to receive. It's not a given. You have to earn your way into heaven. Yes drugs, drinking, and all that party stuff is a sin. But there is always a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness of your transgressions.

And there is a big difference from drinking some wine here and there and being a drunkard. We are to remain in a sober mind.

It's as simple as just stop doing the sinful things of which will cause one not to receive the gift of heaven. No one is "damned" we ALL have a chance to share the gift of heaven.

Luke 13:3
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

I hope God kept the receipt for that gift. It doesn't fit all that well and I really don't like the color. Perhaps I could just get store credit?

no photo
Sun 08/01/10 12:15 PM

Im christian and I dont drink...

I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit.

If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do.

Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here?

Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary.

exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness.

Which is why so many "good" christians do so many bad things all week long, but "seek forgiveness" on Sunday.

no photo
Sun 08/01/10 12:17 PM

Im christian and I dont drink...

I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit.

If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do.

Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here?

Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary.

exactly, that's what i was getting at with my post after this. We still have a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness. NO ONE is "damned" to hell for something they have done. There is always that chance if they stop, and seek forgiveness.

Yep, I believe no matter what it is... its up to God... not for me to judge.

Good to know that someone could rob, rape, or murder and you'd be cool with that....

no photo
Sun 08/01/10 12:22 PM

Im christian and I dont drink...

I do smoke cigerettes though... which I have been working hard using the patch and the gum to quit.

If it werent for sin, we wouldnt need church the same as we do.

Christians are admitted sinners... This is News here?

Also.... It doesnt say in the bible all sinners go to hell... quite the contrary.

If you ever find something that works well with quitting i ask that you please tell me, i'm trying to quit myself. It's the hardest thing i've been faced with.

Shouldn't God be helping you with that? I mean, if you really believe in God, shouldn't you be able to quit just like that {snap} with God's help?

In any case, why would you want to quit? If smoking shortens your life, and you believe you'll be in paradise when you die, wouldn't it be a better idea to smoke MORE so you'll get there faster?