Topic: Do you consider yourself stylish?
IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 09/12/10 02:33 PM

I'm fashion-challenged ... never cared much about it. I just wear what I think is cute and not so much what is particularly "in-style"

Okay, I can see we need some definations.

Fashion is what the clothing buisness offers each season.

Style is your own unique look.

Personally, I dress to look my best all the time. I may jump on a trend once in a while, but that doesn't mean I wore parachute pants in the 80s.

I know what works on my body and I know what doesn't. I also know the things I can wear that others cannot and why they work on me and not someone else. I am stylish.

Well by that definition everyone is stylish- even if their style is sweatpants.

laugh laugh laugh laugh :thumbsup:

newarkjw's photo
Sun 09/12/10 02:35 PM

How much effort do you put into dressing well?

I put a little effort. You have to wake up early to get to the good yard sales.......smokin

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/12/10 02:44 PM
Comfort is more important to me than style, but I don't usually find it a problem to have both.

no photo
Sun 09/12/10 03:07 PM
I wear what I like, period. If I had to put a label on my style it would be the rocker look. I usually go with camo pants/shorts, and a concert T shirt. Sometimes I wear baggy skater pants because they're very comfortable. I don't really have any "in between" clothes. With me it's either my normal attire or a nice suit if I'm at a wedding or something. My shopping is pretty easy. Army surplus store for pants, and I order my shirts online. Boxers and socks can be bought at the store. I like hoodies too in the winter, but since I'm moving to Hawaii I won't need those anymore. Last year when I was there it was so hot for a week straight that I pretty much just wore swim trunks and sleeveless T shirts the whole week. LOL But that's the norm out there, so I fit right in. :smile:

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 07:29 AM
Awesome! I was afraid this thread wasn't going to take off. But, I see alot of people have replied and given their views.

The clothes we choose really do say a lot about who we are. Sometimes they say who we aren't. Sense you "never get a second chance to make a first impression," I make an effort to look as good as I can as often as I can.

Many of my most stylish clothes I found in thrift stores. Although I usually have to take them to a tailor so they fit better, it still costs less than buying new. You just have to be more careful about what you buy.

I can usually spend less money on an oxford shirt than on a printed T-shirt. For the same money, I can buy a sports coat or a hoodie. Sense the former looks so much better, that's the way I go.

The most importnat thing is that I spend the little money I have on clothes that fit, or on making them fit.

The best part is when attractive women come up to me and say "Wow, you look really good."

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 09/13/10 08:00 AM
I don't think clothes say anything much about who we are really...

It's all just wrapping...

You can wrap a chest full of diamonds and gold in plain brown paper, the same as you can wrap a box of dog excrement in silk and lace...

I believe that it's principles and values that "make" the man, not his wardrobe...

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 08:49 AM

I don't think clothes say anything much about who we are really...

It's all just wrapping...

You can wrap a chest full of diamonds and gold in plain brown paper, the same as you can wrap a box of dog excrement in silk and lace...

I believe that it's principles and values that "make" the man, not his wardrobe...

I agree. However, people cannot see those things. I could be the most upstanding man in the world, but if I dress like a crook, I'll be looked upon as a crook bt anyone that doesn't already know me.

We all make judgments about what people look like. We can't help it, it's part of being human. If dressing one way puts people off and dressing another way draws them in, why not dress in a way to get the results you are looking for?

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:21 AM

I don't think clothes say anything much about who we are really...

It's all just wrapping...

You can wrap a chest full of diamonds and gold in plain brown paper, the same as you can wrap a box of dog excrement in silk and lace...

I believe that it's principles and values that "make" the man, not his wardrobe...

I agree. However, people cannot see those things. I could be the most upstanding man in the world, but if I dress like a crook, I'll be looked upon as a crook bt anyone that doesn't already know me.

We all make judgments about what people look like. We can't help it, it's part of being human. If dressing one way puts people off and dressing another way draws them in, why not dress in a way to get the results you are looking for?

And the opposite is true, I'm sure you'll agree... Dress a crook like a prince but he's still a crook.

I have no problem with fashion per se, I just don't care about catering to others superficial sensibilities.

I don't agree that "we all make judgments about what people look like". Some look beyond outward contrivances.

Right, I'm human, not a peacock...

My opinion is that if one is "put off", based simply on an appearance which doesn't jibe with what they consider stylish, that's not someone that I want to know... It tells me way more about their central core values than what they're wearing at the moment.

It's fine to dress in whichever way makes you feel good but judging others by their covers is often a mistake.

Personally, I'm much more impressed by the greasy mechanic who can help me get back on the road, or the frumpy nurse that's adept at CPR, than I've ever been with someone who knows all the latest trends in footwear or whatever.

But it's a fashion over function society, I do agree on that much...


TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:29 AM

I don't think clothes say anything much about who we are really...

It's all just wrapping...

You can wrap a chest full of diamonds and gold in plain brown paper, the same as you can wrap a box of dog excrement in silk and lace...

I believe that it's principles and values that "make" the man, not his wardrobe...

I agree. However, people cannot see those things. I could be the most upstanding man in the world, but if I dress like a crook, I'll be looked upon as a crook bt anyone that doesn't already know me.

We all make judgments about what people look like. We can't help it, it's part of being human. If dressing one way puts people off and dressing another way draws them in, why not dress in a way to get the results you are looking for?

And the opposite is true, I'm sure you'll agree... Dress a crook like a prince but he's still a crook.

I have no problem with fashion per se, I just don't care about catering to others superficial sensibilities.

I don't agree that "we all make judgments about what people look like". Some look beyond outward contrivances.

Right, I'm human, not a peacock...

My opinion is that if one is "put off", based simply on an appearance which doesn't jibe with what they consider stylish, that's not someone that I want to know... It tells me way more about their central core values than what they're wearing at the moment.

It's fine to dress in whichever way makes you feel good but judging others by their covers is often a mistake.

Personally, I'm much more impressed by the greasy mechanic who can help me get back on the road, or the frumpy nurse that's adept at CPR, than I've ever been with someone who knows all the latest trends in footwear or whatever.

But it's a fashion over function society, I do agree on that much...


Your point about the mechanic is a good one. Who would you trust more? A mechinac wearing gressy coveralls in a shop that looks disorganized shop or one that LOOKED like he knew what he was doing by having his tools in order and was wearing mostly clean clothes? Assuming you hadn't already met him.

All the best mechanics I've known may have had dirty hands, but otherwise were pretty clean.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:38 AM
I think you should sport a ball cap Scoundrel. Maybe wear it a little cocked to the side. Just offering some fashion tips........smokin

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:45 AM

I think you should sport a ball cap Scoundrel. Maybe wear it a little cocked to the side. Just offering some fashion tips........smokin

Ball caps don't suit my head. However, I can rock a wide brimmed fedora.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:48 AM

I think you should sport a ball cap Scoundrel. Maybe wear it a little cocked to the side. Just offering some fashion tips........smokin

Ball caps don't suit my head. However, I can rock a wide brimmed fedora.

Thats because you never cocked to the side.........smokin

no photo
Mon 09/13/10 09:53 AM
Nothing beats walking into a high end store in ripped up jeans and dropping a wad of cash "by mistake" on the counter. winking

My granpa always said: Your stomach doesn't have windows so make it a point to look your best... Not sure if I agree.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:00 AM

I think you should sport a ball cap Scoundrel. Maybe wear it a little cocked to the side. Just offering some fashion tips........smokin

Ball caps don't suit my head. However, I can rock a wide brimmed fedora.

Thats because you never cocked to the side.........smokin

You may be right.

I think it's because of my proportions. I have a small head to body ratio. Ball caps look better on guys with bigger heads than I have.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:03 AM

Nothing beats walking into a high end store in ripped up jeans and dropping a wad of cash "by mistake" on the counter. winking

My granpa always said: Your stomach doesn't have windows so make it a point to look your best... Not sure if I agree.

My grandfather was absolutely the best dressed man I've ever seen. He was always in a suit, vest and tie, even while sitting home watching football on TV. He'd also have his fingernails manicured once a week. A very daper, older gent.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:10 AM
i be big pimpin in my clothes smokin glasses

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:11 AM

I don't think clothes say anything much about who we are really...

It's all just wrapping...

You can wrap a chest full of diamonds and gold in plain brown paper, the same as you can wrap a box of dog excrement in silk and lace...

I believe that it's principles and values that "make" the man, not his wardrobe...

I agree. However, people cannot see those things. I could be the most upstanding man in the world, but if I dress like a crook, I'll be looked upon as a crook bt anyone that doesn't already know me.

We all make judgments about what people look like. We can't help it, it's part of being human. If dressing one way puts people off and dressing another way draws them in, why not dress in a way to get the results you are looking for?

And the opposite is true, I'm sure you'll agree... Dress a crook like a prince but he's still a crook.

I have no problem with fashion per se, I just don't care about catering to others superficial sensibilities.

I don't agree that "we all make judgments about what people look like". Some look beyond outward contrivances.

Right, I'm human, not a peacock...

My opinion is that if one is "put off", based simply on an appearance which doesn't jibe with what they consider stylish, that's not someone that I want to know... It tells me way more about their central core values than what they're wearing at the moment.

It's fine to dress in whichever way makes you feel good but judging others by their covers is often a mistake.

Personally, I'm much more impressed by the greasy mechanic who can help me get back on the road, or the frumpy nurse that's adept at CPR, than I've ever been with someone who knows all the latest trends in footwear or whatever.

But it's a fashion over function society, I do agree on that much...


Your point about the mechanic is a good one. Who would you trust more? A mechinac wearing gressy coveralls in a shop that looks disorganized shop or one that LOOKED like he knew what he was doing by having his tools in order and was wearing mostly clean clothes? Assuming you hadn't already met him.

All the best mechanics I've known may have had dirty hands, but otherwise were pretty clean.

I understand your point, I just don't personally give it much weight.
Your point is that outward appearance is often a gauge that's useful in determining the value of an individual. My point is that that method is often flawed.

I've been ripped off by mechanics that seemingly have all their tools organized and a clean & neat work area and outward appearance.

I was duped, in a way, by that illusion.

For contrast, I want to mention another time... I was driving across country from California to Tennessee once and was on a shoe string budget. I had gas, food & emergency funds but that was it.
In Kingman Arizona I stopped for gas and a snack. While filling up a young fella approached me in his tattered jeans & t-shirt. He had a dufflebag and a ratty old guitar case. He said hello, introduced himself as "Jody" and explained that he'd been trying to get a ride east for two days. He said that if I could possibly give him a ride up to the next town at least, it might break his bad luck.

I'm not advocating picking up strangers on the highway but I'm glad I looked past his road grimy exterior appearance because Jody and I not only had a blast on the trip, but once I got him home in Arkansas his family was so gracious and welcoming that I can't say I've ever known better folks.

After more than twenty years, Jody and I are still great friends.

BTW, Jody is a decorated war vet. He's well respected in his community as a substance abuse counselor and business leader, and he's been married to my sister for 19 years.
His oldest daughter (my niece) will be graduating from the University of Tennessee next year.

So much for first impressions...

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:25 AM
It's been my experance that about 99 times out of 100 you absolutly can judge a book by it's cover. Junkies look like junkies, hookers look like hookers and bankers look like bankers. There are exceptions, but most of the time the rule holds true.

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:37 AM

It's been my experance that about 99 times out of 100 you absolutly can judge a book by it's cover. Junkies look like junkies, hookers look like hookers and bankers look like bankers. There are exceptions, but most of the time the rule holds true.

Fair enough, but it's been my experience that almost nothing is what it appears to be on the surface.

As for the original question, I don't give a flip about impressing strangers and I'm glad that I don't categorize folks by what they're wearing.

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/13/10 10:40 AM

It's been my experance that about 99 times out of 100 you absolutly can judge a book by it's cover. Junkies look like junkies, hookers look like hookers and bankers look like bankers. There are exceptions, but most of the time the rule holds true.

Probably helpful if you are looking for a banker...........smokin