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Topic: Scientifific Bible evidence.
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Sat 10/02/10 12:39 PM

This isn't scientific proof, but historical proof of Jesus.

The Bible reports that Jesus of Nazareth performed many miracles, was executed by the Romans, and rose from the dead. Numerous ancient historians corroborate the Bible's account of the life of Jesus and his followers:

Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 55-120), an historian of first-century Rome, is considered one of the most accurate historians of the ancient world.1 An excerpt from Tacitus tells us that the Roman emperor Nero "inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class...called Christians. ...Christus [Christ], from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus...."2

Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian (A.D. 38-100+), wrote about Jesus in his Jewish Antiquities. From Josephus, "we learn that Jesus was a wise man who did surprising feats, taught many, won over followers from among Jews and Greeks, was believed to be the Messiah, was accused by the Jewish leaders, was condemned to be crucified by Pilate, and was considered to be resurrected."3

Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, and Thallus also wrote about Christian worship and persecution that is consistent with New Testament accounts.

Even the Jewish Talmud, certainly not biased toward Jesus, concurs about the major events of his life. From the Talmud, "we learn that Jesus was conceived out of wedlock, gathered disciples, made blasphemous claims about himself, and worked miracles, but these miracles are attributed to sorcery and not to God."4

This is remarkable information considering that most ancient historians focused on political and military leaders, not on obscure rabbis from distant provinces of the Roman Empire. Yet ancient historians (Jews, Greeks and Romans) confirm the major events that are presented in the New Testament, even though they were not believers themselves.

Archaeology cannot prove that the Bible is God's written word to us. However, archaeology can (and does) substantiate the Bible's historical accuracy. Archaeologists have consistently discovered the names of government officials, kings, cities, and festivals mentioned in the Bible -- sometimes when historians didn't think such people or places existed. For example, the Gospel of John tells of Jesus healing a cripple next to the Pool of Bethesda. The text even describes the five porticoes (walkways) leading to the pool. Scholars didn't think the pool existed, until archaeologists found it forty feet below ground, complete with the five porticoes.7

The Bible has a tremendous amount of historical detail, so not everything mentioned in it has yet been found through archaeology. However, not one archaeological find has conflicted with what the Bible records.

hmmmmmmmm, now we have historical evidence and scientific evidence. If all this evidence points it to be true, why would we only pick and choose what may be true in the bible? Why would it not be safe to think the rest of it is to since it can't be proven either way? Or well hasn't been proven. More has been proven true about the accounts of the bible then proven false, for the simple reason NOTHING has been PROVEN false about the bible. But yet things have been proven true....... hmmmmmm.

ummm...yeah, except, all the stories written about your Jesus the Christ were written a minimum of 70 yrs, or at least 3 generations, AFTER he had supposedly died. From stories passed down by word of mouth.
At the supposed time of your Jesus, there were at least 3 other people running around claiming they were the Christ.
Pretty much everything written about your Jesus, were also written about other godlike people, hundreds and in some cases, thousands of years before your Jesus's time.
And as far as different popular books of mythos having similar refereces to a popular character goes, it's not much of a stretch to see that often such books borrowed from each other as well as the popular culture of the time.
The mere fact that books written at any particular time would use real places as settings for their stories means nothing more than the writers needed a place for their stories to take place. In other words, just because a place is real, doesn't mean the stories written about that place are also real.

And actually, quite a lot of the stories in the bible have been proven false. Absolutely false. There are no records absolutely any where, except in the bible, that the Egyptians ever owned Jewish slaves.
There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of a world wide flood. None. Nada. Zip. And people have looked. Really hard too.

Those are just 2 examples of the stories in the bible being wrong. No question about it. Look it up. You'll see. Now, if any part of the bible can be proven to be absolutely wrong, doesn't that mean all the rest of it probably isn't all that true as well?
let them believe what they want when they die as i typed before they'll be disappointed

I doubt it. When they die nothing will happen. They'll never know just how much of their lives and resources they wasted on such utter nonsense. They'll never realize the harm they did by not making THIS world a priority, instead of the next nonexistant one.
That's the real shame here.

no photo
Sat 10/02/10 12:52 PM

Our father hates no one.

If that's true, then "Our Father" can't be the God of the Bible.

And is it loving for a father to discipline his children or not discipline his children. Not specifically physically, just some form of punishment. And in a more personally perspective, if you had a child and your child continued to deny you as his/her parent, would you continue to provide for that child? Continue to show love to this child no matter how bad the child got towards even down to calling you dirt? Even as far as saying how bad of a parent you are?

If I was a bad parent then my child would be telling the TRUTH and it would be up to me to better myself. Taking it out on the child would be totally selfish and irresponsible of me.

I have never claimed that "Our Creator" is a bad parent.

That's your misunderstanding.

All I have ever said is that the God depicted in the Biblical stories is a horrible example of a parent.

However, since I don't believe that those stories have anything to do with "Our Creator", then I'm clearly not suggesting what you are attempting to claim. I am not suggesting that "Our Creator" is a poor parent. On the contrary, I'm saying that I refuse to believe in the Biblical picture of God because I don't believe that "Our Creator" is that unwise, sick, and demented.

In other words, I refuse to insult "Our Creator" by believing that a bunch of male-chauvinistic idiots speak for him.

You, on the other hand, seem to have no problem at all insulting "Our Creator" by demanding that these stories do indeed describe "him".

So who's truly insulting "Our Creator"?

The person who believes that "Our Creator" is far wiser than a bunch of stupid male-chauvinistic Hebrews?

OR the person who demands that "Our Creator" isn't any wiser than a bunch of stupid male-chauvinistic Hebrews?

Who's insulting "Our Creator"? huh

As far as I can see, to even believe in the Bible is an automatic insult to "Our Creator".

If that's true, then "Our Father" can't be the God of the Bible.

Why do you say as such? The bible NEVER tells us of any time, place, or being that our father hates. The father loves EVERYONE no matter what. With that love comes punishment to mold us into great of a person, same reasoning someone punishes their child.

If I was a bad parent then my child would be telling the TRUTH and it would be up to me to better myself. Taking it out on the child would be totally selfish and irresponsible of me.

With this you're insinuating that our father is a bad parent. What evidence do you have to support such an accusation? What has our father done that was so horrible as to where his children would deny him?

So...all those stories about God commanding the killing or enslaving whole populations, that was done out of love? If that's God's love, he IS a sick and twisted little freak now, isn't he. And quite frankly, he can keep his "love".
And as far as He being a father figure, what kind of "father" says to some of his children, "Hey, go over there and KILL all your brothers and sisters. And all their kids too. Why? Because I like you better than them. They pissed me off."?
I'll tell you. A really f'ed up father.

Personally, if I die and stand before God, I'll simply ask if the Bible is more or less true. If it is, I'll be happy to cuss God out and jump into Hell. Satan was right in his rebellion and he could use a few pointers in tactics.

Deuteronomy 15:12-15
12 If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, sells himself to you and serves you six years, in the seventh year you must let him go free. 13 And when you release him, do not send him away empty-handed. 14 Supply him liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress. Give to him as the Lord your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you. That is why I give you this command today.

Ephesians 6:9
And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him

Colossians 4:1
Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

As you can see it's not the same as the slavery the world has seen in the past recent of years. It's quite different, it wasn't cruel or evil, it was fair and caring. And it also if you notice wasn't "forced" these men and women sold themselves to the person, thus it's like employment to an extent. These people were willing to be this person's slave, or that person's slave.

Well, I would say to that, anyone who thinks ANY form of SLAVERY is oky doky, is pretty F'ED up too.
And I noticed you didn't even touch the mass murdering of some of God's children by some others of God's children. Typical.

Personally, even though I know my life is finite, I would gladly surrender it to free slaves. Any slaves. And I would grant not one iota of mercy to any enslaver. But maybe that's just me. I have morals and believe some things are always wrong and just plain evil. Unlike, appearently, you and your god.

no photo
Sat 10/02/10 01:03 PM

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

Even if what YOU say is true (which isn't supported by the Bible anyway), that doesn't change a thing. No matter who the "Israelites" are, or were, the God of the Bible most certainly plays "Favorites".

It never ceases to amaze me how you "WRITE" your own fables and expect everyone to take YOUR WORD as the word of God, over what the authors of the Bible actually had to say. whoa

I think this whole religious proselytizing has gone to your head. This is, in fact, the very danger of proselytizing religions. Instead of accepting what the book actually has to say, you're attempting to SELL "Your Interpretations" as the "Word of God".

This is why any dogma that claims to be the "Word of God" is utterly useless, all it serves to do is feed the egos of Paper Popes who lust to be the voice of God.

These dogmatic fables that are based on jealous God who clearly play favorites and hate everyone who refuse to believe in them have been a thorn in the side of humanity for ages.

It's really time that we insist that this nonsense stops.

Cowboy, you DO NOT speak for God.

You want to twist this ancient dogma around to suit your own personal interpretations and desires that ultimately puts down everyone's faith, philosophy, and beliefs, that to not MATCH YOURS.

These kinds of selfish egotistical religions are simply harmful and unproductive. Look at how much time you waste in life trying to convince people to believe that our creator is a completely insensitive and unreasonable bully who hates everyone who doesn't agree with YOU. whoa

How sick is that?

You even reject the views of other "Christians"

You say things like, "There is a terrible misconception by many, if not most Christians,... blah blah blah"

So here we have a personal proclamation by Cowboy that only HE speaks the truth of God and any other Paper Popes who don't agree with HIS interpretations are Christians who have "Misconceptions".

You're going down the same tubes that all Paper Popes fall into. You're attempting to claim that only your interpretations and impressions of this dogma represents "God's True Word" and everyone else (Including other Christians) are mistaken. whoa

When does this nonsense stop?

And what happens when two or more Paper Popes disagree on the interpretations?

All that you are truly "preaching" is that everyone should bow down and worship Cowboy as the only "True Prophetic Paper Pope". Your wisdom trumps the wisdom of all others, whether they be Christians or non-believers.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind. whoa

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

This is supported by the bible, which is why i said it.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind.

I never said such a thing. I didn't say i speak for God, the bible is God's word. Thus only relaying what the word of God says, not in anyway saying i speak for God.

You are a perfect example of why atheists truly suck. It only serves to create people like you. If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken. But no atheists sit and debate over and over. If there is no God fine, move on. Let us people that believe in the father waste our time. So we may talk about God, preach if you may to atheists. Just let it roll off your back and move on, we won't hunt you down i promise. Why stick around causing problems and foul emotions amongst two people debating? What do you gain? As you can see this or that person isn't willing to bend in their beliefs, why not just move on to another and not waste your time with this person that is steadfast?

umm...I've been "hunted down" by "good" christians before. I've had my property stolen, damaged, destroyed by "good" christians before.
So, indicating that won't happen, again, fails to alleviate MY apprehension(sp?).

no photo
Sat 10/02/10 01:34 PM

Abra wrote:

If you're looking for a forum where you're views will be openly accepted try the Christian Forums. Although, by the sounds of the things you say, even many Christians aren't going to accept everything you have to say.

Peter Pan responded:

lol, the same paragraph could be addressed to you, except maybe you need a Moron forum where your ego can be stroked, because we know how much you like mutual stroking.

Just look at what's happening here.

This web site was kind enough to provide the Christians with their very own forum where they can discuss their religious beliefs among themselves without having to argue with non-Christians.

Yet what is happening? Christian proselytizers continually come to the General Religious forums to proselytize their religion harass the non-christion and call them "Morons" for not believing that the ancient Hebrews speak for God.

Here's what Cowboy had to say:

If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken.

Move on? huh

What is this? The Crusades all over again?

Christians invading the General Religion Forums telling everyone who doesn't believe that the ancient Hebrews speak for God to "Move On"? spock

This is the problem with a totally intolerant proselytizing religion. Anyone who refuses to believe in your religious mythology is a moron, an atheist, etc, etc, etc.

It's disgusting.

Is Cowboy even speaking in terms of "General Religion"?

No he's not. All he ever posts here are comments that demand that the Bible is the infallible word of God and that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God who must be recognized as God. Anything else is totally unacceptable to him. He won't consider anything else.

He's basically breaking the rules of the General Religion Forum by using them to constantly and relentless proselytize his religion.

The Special Rules for the General Religion Forum state:

"Also, topics which are designated for response exclusively from one religion or belief system, or which may cause that type of polarization, will be deleted. The concept behind these forums is to encourage anyone to participate and post their opinions and thoughts as long as they are on-topic. Topics which do not adhere to that philosophy will be removed, and the poster may lose his/her posting privileges."

Yes Cowboy is telling me that if I don't accept his Biblical Views I should "Move On". And all he's doing is proselytizing Christianity.

He totally ignores all of the absurdities and contradictions that are brought up by other people. He simply refuses to acknowledge them, pretends they don't exist, and continues his proselytizing campagine.

He's just abusing these forums and using them as a pulpit to preach Christianity. He's clearly not open to any "General Religion" discussions. As far as he's concerned Jesus is the Christ and that's that. There's nothing to discuss. Just accept that Jesus is God or "Move on".

There are many topics worthy of discussion in world religions and spiritual philosophies.

I have presented very sound evidence of why it makes far more sense that the old fables of the ancient Hebrews are totally ungodly.

1. They support male-chauvinism
2. They support slavery
3. They support bigotry
4. They support violence and bloodshed
5. They contradict the very nature of the God they describe.
6. They contain totally unrealistic stories (like Noah and the Ark)
7. They have their God directing people to mass murder "heathens".

The list goes on, and that's just the Old Testament.

In the New Testament we have a man who taught moral values that didn't even come close to matching the moral values in the Old Testament. Instead, the teachings of this man match up far better with the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism and the actions of a Bodhisattva. So the idea that Jesus was teaching from this perspective is a very valid idea.

I think the Christians don't like this scenario because it make far too much sense, and therefore does indeed pose a genuine potential threat to their current belief that they can trust everything the authors of the New Testament had to say in Jesus' Name.

So it's important for people to realize that Jesus did not write the New Testament, nor did he even instruct anyone to write any such documents. The whole entire story is hearsay that wasn't even authorized by the man named Jesus.

This is important information that people need to become aware of.

It's called "Education and Enlightenment". Something that Christianity, being a product of the Dark Ages, has little or no understanding of.

Now, Cowboy would like me to "Move on" from the General Religion Forums because I refuse to accept Christianity on Blind Faith.

Peter_Pan just likes to call people "Morons".

However, I'm confident that people who read my posts see the wisdom and many years of education behind my words. I'm not preaching blind faith. I'm asking people to take an open-minded intellectual look at an ancient fable that is truly absurd, IMHO.

And I'll be the first to confess that all of this is indeed "my opinion and view". But isn't that what the General Religion Forums are all about?

Cowboy is just frustrated because I do make so much sense and he knows it. I show the flaws in the ancient Hebrew mythology that he's trying to sell to people in the "Name of God".

As long as I have the power of FREE SPEECH I will continue to share the wisdom I have learned.

By the way, Peter Pan, are we also supposed to believe that men like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and many other great minds of humanity are "Morons"? huh

Everything that I say about the ancient Hebrew mythology is true. It's ungodly, inconsistent, and truly utterly absurd in places.

That's my personal view after having been exposed to this religion for 61 years of life.

Albert Einstein had this to say about it:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbour such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms." (Albert Einstein, obituary in New York Times, 19 April 1955)

He also had this to say:

"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism." - (Albert Einstein)

So I'm in good company in my views and thus I am not bothered by religious fanatics who call everyone a 'moron' who doesn't buy into their blind faith religion.

You people are clearly losing the intellectual debate. When you resort to asking other people to "Move on" and calling them "Morons" it's a clear sign that you recognize the truth they are speaking and that you cannot address these point intellectually. So rather than confess defeat, you attempt to slaughter the character of your "perceived enemy".

Christians resorting to their "Crusade" tactics once again. History repeats itself. Just destroy the non-believers, either have them removed physically, or assassinate their character.

Today's world has moved into an era of Free Speech and with the advent of the Internet, freedom of speech will soar to an even higher level. These religions that rely on keeping people oppressed through the silencing of the lambs will soon die out and Einstein's vision of a world that moves onto a more philosophically sound spiritual view will finally come to pass.

The only moronic behavior I've seen of you is your inability to apply your brilliant logical and deductive reasoning skills to your own brand of mystical claptrap.
Well, that and not knowing when a battle is unwinable. But I'm guessing most people on here are guilty of that.

Einstein was brilliant. Of that, there can be no doubt. However, as far as scientists go, he was, more or less, a flash in the pan. He spent most of the latter half of his life trying to prove a theory that was impossible to prove. Impossible because he was wrong. He ignored evidence gathered by other scientists. Which goes to show that brilliance is no guarentee of wisdom.

You are just plain wrong about the internet. I wish it were not so. The current bills being considered by our "wonderful" government will see to it that free speech becomes a thing of distant memory.
More's the pity.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 10/02/10 01:35 PM

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

Even if what YOU say is true (which isn't supported by the Bible anyway), that doesn't change a thing. No matter who the "Israelites" are, or were, the God of the Bible most certainly plays "Favorites".

It never ceases to amaze me how you "WRITE" your own fables and expect everyone to take YOUR WORD as the word of God, over what the authors of the Bible actually had to say. whoa

I think this whole religious proselytizing has gone to your head. This is, in fact, the very danger of proselytizing religions. Instead of accepting what the book actually has to say, you're attempting to SELL "Your Interpretations" as the "Word of God".

This is why any dogma that claims to be the "Word of God" is utterly useless, all it serves to do is feed the egos of Paper Popes who lust to be the voice of God.

These dogmatic fables that are based on jealous God who clearly play favorites and hate everyone who refuse to believe in them have been a thorn in the side of humanity for ages.

It's really time that we insist that this nonsense stops.

Cowboy, you DO NOT speak for God.

You want to twist this ancient dogma around to suit your own personal interpretations and desires that ultimately puts down everyone's faith, philosophy, and beliefs, that to not MATCH YOURS.

These kinds of selfish egotistical religions are simply harmful and unproductive. Look at how much time you waste in life trying to convince people to believe that our creator is a completely insensitive and unreasonable bully who hates everyone who doesn't agree with YOU. whoa

How sick is that?

You even reject the views of other "Christians"

You say things like, "There is a terrible misconception by many, if not most Christians,... blah blah blah"

So here we have a personal proclamation by Cowboy that only HE speaks the truth of God and any other Paper Popes who don't agree with HIS interpretations are Christians who have "Misconceptions".

You're going down the same tubes that all Paper Popes fall into. You're attempting to claim that only your interpretations and impressions of this dogma represents "God's True Word" and everyone else (Including other Christians) are mistaken. whoa

When does this nonsense stop?

And what happens when two or more Paper Popes disagree on the interpretations?

All that you are truly "preaching" is that everyone should bow down and worship Cowboy as the only "True Prophetic Paper Pope". Your wisdom trumps the wisdom of all others, whether they be Christians or non-believers.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind. whoa

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

This is supported by the bible, which is why i said it.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind.

I never said such a thing. I didn't say i speak for God, the bible is God's word. Thus only relaying what the word of God says, not in anyway saying i speak for God.

You are a perfect example of why atheists truly suck. It only serves to create people like you. If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken. But no atheists sit and debate over and over. If there is no God fine, move on. Let us people that believe in the father waste our time. So we may talk about God, preach if you may to atheists. Just let it roll off your back and move on, we won't hunt you down i promise. Why stick around causing problems and foul emotions amongst two people debating? What do you gain? As you can see this or that person isn't willing to bend in their beliefs, why not just move on to another and not waste your time with this person that is steadfast?

umm...I've been "hunted down" by "good" christians before. I've had my property stolen, damaged, destroyed by "good" christians before.
So, indicating that won't happen, again, fails to alleviate MY apprehension(sp?).

They just were not strong Christians, please don't let them paint the picture as to how a Christian is to be. No where does our father tell us to do as such. Actually tells us to do quite the opposite. The father doesn't teach us to treat anyone in any special way, as in treat atheists, people of other beliefs, and Christians the same way...... with love and respect.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 10/02/10 02:25 PM
Arcamedes wrote:

The only moronic behavior I've seen of you is your inability to apply your brilliant logical and deductive reasoning skills to your own brand of mystical claptrap.

I never really get a chance on these forums to discuss the brilliance of mysticism. Any conversations along those lines almost always deteriorate into Christians arguing for the Biblical picture of God.

When it comes to pure atheism, as you portray it, I have many reasons why I feel that mysticism is a wiser picture, even from a purely "scientific" point of view.

I tried to discuss this with you before but to no avail. As long as your happy with the idea that your essence is nothing more than an 'emergent property' of a bunch of spiritually inert stuff, then there isn't much sense in attempt to convince you otherwise.

In fact, I personally have no need to convince you otherwise.

Well, that and not knowing when a battle is unwinable. But I'm guessing most people on here are guilty of that.

I'm not having a "battle" with anyone. It only appears that way to people who don't understand what's going on here.

I'm just bouncing off the comments that religious zealous make to reveal how absurd their claims truly are. I'm not actually trying to convince the person whose posts I'm responding to of anything. I realize that he is not going to see the light.

In fact, Cowboy would like for me to "move on" because he perceives me to be an obstacle in the way of his goal. I, on the other hand am tickled pink that Cowboy continues to post in the GR because it just give me tons of thing to respond to. bigsmile

As I've said many times. I'm not "debating" with Cowboy. I'm just pointing out the fallacies of his claims for others to see.

I fully realize that he is not going to change his view. His view is that the Bible is the word of God and Jesus was the Christ, and that's that. Period amen. Blind faith all the way.

Einstein was brilliant. Of that, there can be no doubt. However, as far as scientists go, he was, more or less, a flash in the pan. He spent most of the latter half of his life trying to prove a theory that was impossible to prove. Impossible because he was wrong. He ignored evidence gathered by other scientists. Which goes to show that brilliance is no guarentee of wisdom.

Oh I absolutely agree. Einstein isn't my personal idol. He made a lot of mistakes and did indeed stick to particular old views in spite of new scientific evidence.

None the less, he was still a great mind.

You are just plain wrong about the internet. I wish it were not so. The current bills being considered by our "wonderful" government will see to it that free speech becomes a thing of distant memory.
More's the pity.

Well, that may be true, but it hasn't happened yet. Although as stupid as governments have been, and continue to be, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

I personally can't see anyone preventing free speech at this point of technological advancement. It would be pretty hard to keep people from saying what they want to say with all the means of communication available today.

In truth, I don't see where any government could prevent free speech at this point. Maybe on an individual basis. If they started arresting individuals and giving them horrible punishments they might be able to scare the masses into silence. But to actually control what's being said on a large scale? I personally don't believe that would even be technologically doable.

If you know much about the Internet, you'll know that even the expert technologists are having a hard time keeping things "under control" as it is. Much less trying to monitor individual speech.

I just heard on NPR radio that in India over 800 million people have mobile phones. Yet only 300 million have toilets! laugh

So free communications is running wilder than diarrhea. laugh

Just a little joke there, but not far from the truth. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 06:26 AM

Abra wrote:

If you're looking for a forum where you're views will be openly accepted try the Christian Forums. Although, by the sounds of the things you say, even many Christians aren't going to accept everything you have to say.

Peter Pan responded:

lol, the same paragraph could be addressed to you, except maybe you need a Moron forum where your ego can be stroked, because we know how much you like mutual stroking.

Just look at what's happening here.

This web site was kind enough to provide the Christians with their very own forum where they can discuss their religious beliefs among themselves without having to argue with non-Christians.

Yet what is happening? Christian proselytizers continually come to the General Religious forums to proselytize their religion harass the non-christion and call them "Morons" for not believing that the ancient Hebrews speak for God.

There is no "invading" of the general religion forum, the topics have been universal for the most part. Those that aren't, are moved...
There is only one here that I call a Moron. It is you for your delusional ideas that pagans are Christians. Have you forgotten that post already?
What, you can call people delusional, assinine, un-intelligent and then cry like a baby when someone says you must belong to the Roman Moron Church???? Cry me a river Wang Chung, I don't buy your false indignation.

LOL @ Dawkins, you should read this:
So you think dishonest people are brilliant? I think he must be a Moron too, he has the same tactics that you have..... Or most likely, you stole all of your material from him, no originality, really there's NONE.

And If I were you, I'd be cautious of bringing up the forum rules as you break them with just about every one of you irrelevant posts.

"In this forum, we will not allow users to bash other users for either believing or not believing in a specific religion."

Here, I will show how you are either senile or a liar:

You say:
"No, I'm not the one who tries to apply humanistic traits to him. That's done within the fable itself. Just as Albert Einstein had recognized in the quote in my previous post. This fable clearly assigns human traits and weakness to this God.

In fact, here's a verse from the Bible I just learned from MiddleEarth yesterday.

Exod.32:14 And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.

So here we have the Bible telling us that even God has evil thoughts and that God himself is in need of repentance at times.

Thus we have no choice but to conclude that God has human frailties."

WOW!!! it only took you 7 sentences to contradict yourself!!!
So which is it? Senility or compulsive liar?

Really, if you want to try something new, try dealing with the relevant topics and try being honest. Let's start with the virgin birth....

Do you still believe that is original doctrine after the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary?

carold's photo
Sun 10/03/10 06:39 AM
I've not called anyone a Moron but I always get slammed in here. Par for the course. There is a hand full of yah that jump on anything that is Christian. As long as someone has faith in a God I'm happy for them. I feel sad for the ones that don't.
I say something and there goes up a map of education though out the U.S.
Or a forum set up for where they think I should go.
Lots of finger pointing out there.

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:15 AM

They just were not strong Christians, please don't let them paint the picture as to how a Christian is to be.

Cowboy ..you also claimed to be weak....so do the same apply to the picture that you are painting?

carold's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:25 AM

So how do you explain Animism which was probably the olds belief around, claiming thousands of years before your bible appeared what these so called quantum scientists clam now?

Hindus is another religion that had trinity way before Christians did.

Bible is not science it never has been. Judaism, Christians and Muslims stolen the idea from each other and from may other older beliefs.

Never said the bible was science. All i was doing was bringing people's attention to the knowledge the bible contains even before the secular world knew it. How would these people have known such knowledge if not given by our father? Where else would they have known things we're fairly recently learning now?
"1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." "

Again, how would people in that day and age have such knowledge without someone informing them of such?
Would be nice to be decussing the topic not the op's weaknesses, who doesn't have them

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 09:00 AM

Would be nice to be decussing the topic not the op's weaknesses, who doesn't have them

according to the scientific evidence provided by the Mingles2 religion forum the data when analyzed specifically denotes that it was the O.P. that brought up the point that only strong christians should paint the picture pertaining to Christianity ...

since the O.P. has admited to being a weak Christian that trys to preach christianity ...then wouldn't the scientific evidence along with the Christian belief along with the O.P. statement of being a weak Christian suggest that perhaps the O.P. shouldn't be trying to preach Christianity to others until the O.P theirself become a strong christian

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 10/03/10 10:24 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sun 10/03/10 10:31 AM
Peter Pan wrote:

There is no "invading" of the general religion forum, the topics have been universal for the most part. Those that aren't, are moved...

Have I asked anyone to "Move on" if they refuse to believe in my ideas? No I have not. Cowboy has directly asked me to "move on" for not believing in his personal interpretation of the God of the Bible.

Peter Pan wrote:

There is only one here that I call a Moron. It is you for your delusional ideas that pagans are Christians. Have you forgotten that post already?

You're the only one who is being so immature as to fling insults at people. I have not called anyone any names. Only you are doing that. And you do it continually. In fact, as far as I can tell that's all you ever do.

I also completely disagree with your misguided delusion that I believe that pagans are Christians. That's a total misunderstanding on your part. You and I don't even agree on the very meaning of the term "pagan", moreover, YOU are the only one who ever brings that term up. I very seldom, if ever, refer to "Pagans". I don't personally use that label much at all. IMHO, it's an extremely ill-defined label that means quite different things to different. People who actually consider themselves to be "Pagans" don't use the term to mean the same thing that Christians claim it should mean anyway. We've been though this before.

To a Pagan the term "pagan" simply means a worshiper of Nature.

To a Christian the term "Pagan" is often used as a synonym for "Heathen" or non-believer of they religious doctrines.

So it's a term that doesn't even mean the same thing to different people.

I don't use the term. You're the one who continually brings that term up and tries to use it in a negative way.

Peter Pan wrote:

What, you can call people delusional, assinine, un-intelligent and then cry like a baby when someone says you must belong to the Roman Moron Church???? Cry me a river Wang Chung, I don't buy your false indignation.

I haven't called anyone any such thing. That's all in your mind.

You see me post my views on an ancient fable, and then transfer what I have to say about that fable onto the people who claim to "believe" in the fable.

Besides, it's the Christian proselytizers who are insulting everyone else when they claim that only the Bible is the "True Word of God" and all other views of God are false.

So then when someone say, "No, from our point of view it's the Bible that is false and here's why we believe this to be so,..."

Then the Christians start screaming foul and that they have been "insulted" because someone is challenging the validity of their religious fable. whoa

That's utter baloney.

Cowboy continually refers to me as an "atheist" simply because I refuse to believe in his distorted views of the Biblical myth. He totally rejects the idea that I even "recognize" God, much less acknowledge that my belief in God is valid.

So why should I treat him any differently than he treats me? huh

LOL @ Dawkins, you should read this:
So you think dishonest people are brilliant? I think he must be a Moron too, he has the same tactics that you have..... Or most likely, you stole all of your material from him, no originality, really there's NONE.

I'm not an atheist. I don't support the position of Dawkins. So I have no clue what you are attempting to insinuate here. Could you be more specific?

I went the web page that you linked to and the only thing that I can see is that Dawkins has also referenced some of Albert Einsteins thought to support his atheistic position. However, I personally feel that Dawkins is wrong to use Einstein to support atheism because as far as I can see Einstein was clearly leaning toward pantheism which doe not represent atheism.

And If I were you, I'd be cautious of bringing up the forum rules as you break them with just about every one of you irrelevant posts.

"In this forum, we will not allow users to bash other users for either believing or not believing in a specific religion."

I don't bash anyone. You're the one who is doing all the name calling here and making personal insinuations against me.

Who have I personally "bashed"? I haven't even called Cowboy names. All I've done is address the issues that he brings up.

Here, I will show how you are either senile or a liar:

You say:
"No, I'm not the one who tries to apply humanistic traits to him. That's done within the fable itself. Just as Albert Einstein had recognized in the quote in my previous post. This fable clearly assigns human traits and weakness to this God.

In fact, here's a verse from the Bible I just learned from MiddleEarth yesterday.

Exod.32:14 And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.

So here we have the Bible telling us that even God has evil thoughts and that God himself is in need of repentance at times.

Thus we have no choice but to conclude that God has human frailties."

WOW!!! it only took you 7 sentences to contradict yourself!!!
So which is it? Senility or compulsive liar?

Where is the senility or lie in that? spock

I just verified that the authors of the Bible themselves are the ones who continually describe what God is supposed to be like. All I did was show that I'm not the one who is placing "human frailties" onto the Biblical God. The authors of this mythology are the ones who have done this.

The only thing I can see here is that you haven't fully grasped the significance of this.

Really, if you want to try something new, try dealing with the relevant topics and try being honest. Let's start with the virgin birth....

Do you still believe that is original doctrine after the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary?

I have no clue what you are talking about here. You seem to be starting a new topic about the "Virgin Birth" and then making some sort of proclamation that I already hold a particular position on this.

I think everyone who is familiar with Christianity will tell you that the main belief of Christians is that Jesus was born of a virgin, they call her the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Matthew wrote

Matt.1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Of course Jesus wasn't named Emmanuel, but it appears that Matthew is attempting to make a case that Emmanuel simply means "God with us" and therefore wasn't mean to be the actual name of the child.

Does this really matter anyway? huh

It's clearly by the scripture of John that John is demanding that Jesus is a demigod. (i.e. The Only Begotten Son, of God)

John.3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

So it's paramount to this fable that Jesus is a demigod.

To believe that Joseph was the mortal father of Jesus would be to suggest that Jesus was merely a mortal man like everyone else.

In other words, you'd have to reject the gospel of John if you want to claim that Joseph is the mortal father of Jesus.

You'd have to reject the whole demigod thing.

In short, you'd have to reject the idea that Jesus was the "Only Begotten Son of God"

So what's your point? spock

Are you rejecting the idea that Jesus is a demigod in this religious fable?

If so, it seems to me that you'd be rejecting the very premise upon which this Christian religion is founded.

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 11:33 AM

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

Even if what YOU say is true (which isn't supported by the Bible anyway), that doesn't change a thing. No matter who the "Israelites" are, or were, the God of the Bible most certainly plays "Favorites".

It never ceases to amaze me how you "WRITE" your own fables and expect everyone to take YOUR WORD as the word of God, over what the authors of the Bible actually had to say. whoa

I think this whole religious proselytizing has gone to your head. This is, in fact, the very danger of proselytizing religions. Instead of accepting what the book actually has to say, you're attempting to SELL "Your Interpretations" as the "Word of God".

This is why any dogma that claims to be the "Word of God" is utterly useless, all it serves to do is feed the egos of Paper Popes who lust to be the voice of God.

These dogmatic fables that are based on jealous God who clearly play favorites and hate everyone who refuse to believe in them have been a thorn in the side of humanity for ages.

It's really time that we insist that this nonsense stops.

Cowboy, you DO NOT speak for God.

You want to twist this ancient dogma around to suit your own personal interpretations and desires that ultimately puts down everyone's faith, philosophy, and beliefs, that to not MATCH YOURS.

These kinds of selfish egotistical religions are simply harmful and unproductive. Look at how much time you waste in life trying to convince people to believe that our creator is a completely insensitive and unreasonable bully who hates everyone who doesn't agree with YOU. whoa

How sick is that?

You even reject the views of other "Christians"

You say things like, "There is a terrible misconception by many, if not most Christians,... blah blah blah"

So here we have a personal proclamation by Cowboy that only HE speaks the truth of God and any other Paper Popes who don't agree with HIS interpretations are Christians who have "Misconceptions".

You're going down the same tubes that all Paper Popes fall into. You're attempting to claim that only your interpretations and impressions of this dogma represents "God's True Word" and everyone else (Including other Christians) are mistaken. whoa

When does this nonsense stop?

And what happens when two or more Paper Popes disagree on the interpretations?

All that you are truly "preaching" is that everyone should bow down and worship Cowboy as the only "True Prophetic Paper Pope". Your wisdom trumps the wisdom of all others, whether they be Christians or non-believers.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind. whoa

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

This is supported by the bible, which is why i said it.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind.

I never said such a thing. I didn't say i speak for God, the bible is God's word. Thus only relaying what the word of God says, not in anyway saying i speak for God.

You are a perfect example of why atheists truly suck. It only serves to create people like you. If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken. But no atheists sit and debate over and over. If there is no God fine, move on. Let us people that believe in the father waste our time. So we may talk about God, preach if you may to atheists. Just let it roll off your back and move on, we won't hunt you down i promise. Why stick around causing problems and foul emotions amongst two people debating? What do you gain? As you can see this or that person isn't willing to bend in their beliefs, why not just move on to another and not waste your time with this person that is steadfast?

umm...I've been "hunted down" by "good" christians before. I've had my property stolen, damaged, destroyed by "good" christians before.
So, indicating that won't happen, again, fails to alleviate MY apprehension(sp?).

They just were not strong Christians, please don't let them paint the picture as to how a Christian is to be. No where does our father tell us to do as such. Actually tells us to do quite the opposite. The father doesn't teach us to treat anyone in any special way, as in treat atheists, people of other beliefs, and Christians the same way...... with love and respect.

That would be your opinion. I'm quite certain people like that think they are fine christians doing God's work. What's more christian than trying to beat the fear of God into a non-believer? slaphead

Well, they certainly taught me. Taught me that christains aren't to be trusted. That minor acts of terrorism is oky doky w/ their god.
It took a long time and much soul searching, so to speak, for me to get over just hating anyone or anything christian. I still have to make a conscious choice to, at least, remain neutral in opinion of someone upon learning of their christianity.

And yes, I understand you, my dear Cowboy, aren't like that. However, there are quite a few "good" christians that are.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/03/10 12:20 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 10/03/10 12:22 PM

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

Even if what YOU say is true (which isn't supported by the Bible anyway), that doesn't change a thing. No matter who the "Israelites" are, or were, the God of the Bible most certainly plays "Favorites".

It never ceases to amaze me how you "WRITE" your own fables and expect everyone to take YOUR WORD as the word of God, over what the authors of the Bible actually had to say. whoa

I think this whole religious proselytizing has gone to your head. This is, in fact, the very danger of proselytizing religions. Instead of accepting what the book actually has to say, you're attempting to SELL "Your Interpretations" as the "Word of God".

This is why any dogma that claims to be the "Word of God" is utterly useless, all it serves to do is feed the egos of Paper Popes who lust to be the voice of God.

These dogmatic fables that are based on jealous God who clearly play favorites and hate everyone who refuse to believe in them have been a thorn in the side of humanity for ages.

It's really time that we insist that this nonsense stops.

Cowboy, you DO NOT speak for God.

You want to twist this ancient dogma around to suit your own personal interpretations and desires that ultimately puts down everyone's faith, philosophy, and beliefs, that to not MATCH YOURS.

These kinds of selfish egotistical religions are simply harmful and unproductive. Look at how much time you waste in life trying to convince people to believe that our creator is a completely insensitive and unreasonable bully who hates everyone who doesn't agree with YOU. whoa

How sick is that?

You even reject the views of other "Christians"

You say things like, "There is a terrible misconception by many, if not most Christians,... blah blah blah"

So here we have a personal proclamation by Cowboy that only HE speaks the truth of God and any other Paper Popes who don't agree with HIS interpretations are Christians who have "Misconceptions".

You're going down the same tubes that all Paper Popes fall into. You're attempting to claim that only your interpretations and impressions of this dogma represents "God's True Word" and everyone else (Including other Christians) are mistaken. whoa

When does this nonsense stop?

And what happens when two or more Paper Popes disagree on the interpretations?

All that you are truly "preaching" is that everyone should bow down and worship Cowboy as the only "True Prophetic Paper Pope". Your wisdom trumps the wisdom of all others, whether they be Christians or non-believers.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind. whoa

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

This is supported by the bible, which is why i said it.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind.

I never said such a thing. I didn't say i speak for God, the bible is God's word. Thus only relaying what the word of God says, not in anyway saying i speak for God.

You are a perfect example of why atheists truly suck. It only serves to create people like you. If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken. But no atheists sit and debate over and over. If there is no God fine, move on. Let us people that believe in the father waste our time. So we may talk about God, preach if you may to atheists. Just let it roll off your back and move on, we won't hunt you down i promise. Why stick around causing problems and foul emotions amongst two people debating? What do you gain? As you can see this or that person isn't willing to bend in their beliefs, why not just move on to another and not waste your time with this person that is steadfast?

umm...I've been "hunted down" by "good" christians before. I've had my property stolen, damaged, destroyed by "good" christians before.
So, indicating that won't happen, again, fails to alleviate MY apprehension(sp?).

They just were not strong Christians, please don't let them paint the picture as to how a Christian is to be. No where does our father tell us to do as such. Actually tells us to do quite the opposite. The father doesn't teach us to treat anyone in any special way, as in treat atheists, people of other beliefs, and Christians the same way...... with love and respect.

That would be your opinion. I'm quite certain people like that think they are fine christians doing God's work. What's more christian than trying to beat the fear of God into a non-believer? slaphead

Well, they certainly taught me. Taught me that christains aren't to be trusted. That minor acts of terrorism is oky doky w/ their god.
It took a long time and much soul searching, so to speak, for me to get over just hating anyone or anything christian. I still have to make a conscious choice to, at least, remain neutral in opinion of someone upon learning of their christianity.

And yes, I understand you, my dear Cowboy, aren't like that. However, there are quite a few "good" christians that are.

These days Christian is usually just a title. Doesn't mean they follow God's word, doesn't mean anything along those lines. That is why i don't claim to specifically Christianity in the exact tense. I follow God's word, weather you want to call that a Christian or not is your choice. So again please don't let people that call themselves "christian" destroy the word of God for you. There is no such thing as HOLY wars, nor Christian crusades in it's exact sense. Jesus has told us to turn the other cheek, thus the crusades and anything of such does NOT support anything our father has instructed us to do or not to do.

And it's not about beating the "fear" of God into anyone. It's about revealing the truth and the love of our father to those that have been blinded by the world and it's views.

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 12:22 PM
Edited by Arcamedees on Sun 10/03/10 12:24 PM

Arcamedes wrote:

The only moronic behavior I've seen of you is your inability to apply your brilliant logical and deductive reasoning skills to your own brand of mystical claptrap.

I never really get a chance on these forums to discuss the brilliance of mysticism. Any conversations along those lines almost always deteriorate into Christians arguing for the Biblical picture of God.

When it comes to pure atheism, as you portray it, I have many reasons why I feel that mysticism is a wiser picture, even from a purely "scientific" point of view.

I tried to discuss this with you before but to no avail. As long as your happy with the idea that your essence is nothing more than an 'emergent property' of a bunch of spiritually inert stuff, then there isn't much sense in attempt to convince you otherwise.

In fact, I personally have no need to convince you otherwise.

I call b.s. If you didn't have such a need, you wouldn't have argued so passionately for you own brand of mumbojumbo superstious nonsense. That's what true believers do. That's what christians do. That's what muslims do. That's what you do. Argue against everyone else's belief system and for your own. Because you just know you're right and everyone else is wrong and only if you could just make them see...
But hey, it doesn't matter. My main reason for being here is to debunk b.s. and people's misconceptions of what it is to be a an atheist.

Well, that and not knowing when a battle is unwinable. But I'm guessing most people on here are guilty of that.

I'm not having a "battle" with anyone. It only appears that way to people who don't understand what's going on here.

I'm just bouncing off the comments that religious zealous make to reveal how absurd their claims truly are. I'm not actually trying to convince the person whose posts I'm responding to of anything. I realize that he is not going to see the light.

In fact, Cowboy would like for me to "move on" because he perceives me to be an obstacle in the way of his goal. I, on the other hand am tickled pink that Cowboy continues to post in the GR because it just give me tons of thing to respond to. bigsmile

As I've said many times. I'm not "debating" with Cowboy. I'm just pointing out the fallacies of his claims for others to see.

If it walks like a duck...

I fully realize that he is not going to change his view. His view is that the Bible is the word of God and Jesus was the Christ, and that's that. Period amen. Blind faith all the way.

And so your point in responding to him at all is what exactly? To cause him as much mental anguish as possible? Just curious.

You are just plain wrong about the internet. I wish it were not so. The current bills being considered by our "wonderful" government will see to it that free speech becomes a thing of distant memory.
More's the pity.

Well, that may be true, but it hasn't happened yet. Although as stupid as governments have been, and continue to be, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

I personally can't see anyone preventing free speech at this point of technological advancement. It would be pretty hard to keep people from saying what they want to say with all the means of communication available today.

In truth, I don't see where any government could prevent free speech at this point. Maybe on an individual basis. If they started arresting individuals and giving them horrible punishments they might be able to scare the masses into silence. But to actually control what's being said on a large scale? I personally don't believe that would even be technologically doable.

If you know much about the Internet, you'll know that even the expert technologists are having a hard time keeping things "under control" as it is. Much less trying to monitor individual speech.

I just heard on NPR radio that in India over 800 million people have mobile phones. Yet only 300 million have toilets! laugh

So free communications is running wilder than diarrhea. laugh

Just a little joke there, but not far from the truth. bigsmile

You lack imagination of what governments are capable of. Right now, there's a bill being considered that would force all social networking and EMAIL sites, such as this one, to write into their computer code a backdoor so that government can, at any time, w/o a warrant, see who's saying what and to whom. It's not much of a stretch to think they won't have programs running to catch key words or phrases that anyone writes, anywhere, on the internet. But hey, it's to catch muslim terrorists so I guess it's ok. I'm sure it'll never be used for any other purpose.
Oh and don't forget the bill that says, in essence, any time you voice an opinion on the internet, you MUST include links to webpages that have a different opinion on the same subject. Yeah, that won't curb free speech at all...
Not to mention the bill that says any opinion mentioned on the radio MUST be matched with equal time for the opposition. Or the radio station gets fined, something in the 6 figure range. Good bye talk radio.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/03/10 12:37 PM

Arcamedes wrote:

The only moronic behavior I've seen of you is your inability to apply your brilliant logical and deductive reasoning skills to your own brand of mystical claptrap.

I never really get a chance on these forums to discuss the brilliance of mysticism. Any conversations along those lines almost always deteriorate into Christians arguing for the Biblical picture of God.

When it comes to pure atheism, as you portray it, I have many reasons why I feel that mysticism is a wiser picture, even from a purely "scientific" point of view.

I tried to discuss this with you before but to no avail. As long as your happy with the idea that your essence is nothing more than an 'emergent property' of a bunch of spiritually inert stuff, then there isn't much sense in attempt to convince you otherwise.

In fact, I personally have no need to convince you otherwise.

I call b.s. If you didn't have such a need, you wouldn't have argued so passionately for you own brand of mumbojumbo superstious nonsense. That's what true believers do. That's what christians do. That's what muslims do. That's what you do. Argue against everyone else's belief system and for your own. Because you just know you're right and everyone else is wrong and only if you could just make them see...
But hey, it doesn't matter. My main reason for being here is to debunk b.s. and people's misconceptions of what it is to be a an atheist.

Well, that and not knowing when a battle is unwinable. But I'm guessing most people on here are guilty of that.

I'm not having a "battle" with anyone. It only appears that way to people who don't understand what's going on here.

I'm just bouncing off the comments that religious zealous make to reveal how absurd their claims truly are. I'm not actually trying to convince the person whose posts I'm responding to of anything. I realize that he is not going to see the light.

In fact, Cowboy would like for me to "move on" because he perceives me to be an obstacle in the way of his goal. I, on the other hand am tickled pink that Cowboy continues to post in the GR because it just give me tons of thing to respond to. bigsmile

As I've said many times. I'm not "debating" with Cowboy. I'm just pointing out the fallacies of his claims for others to see.

If it walks like a duck...

I fully realize that he is not going to change his view. His view is that the Bible is the word of God and Jesus was the Christ, and that's that. Period amen. Blind faith all the way.

And so your point in responding to him at all is what exactly? To cause him as much mental anguish as possible? Just curious.

You are just plain wrong about the internet. I wish it were not so. The current bills being considered by our "wonderful" government will see to it that free speech becomes a thing of distant memory.
More's the pity.

Well, that may be true, but it hasn't happened yet. Although as stupid as governments have been, and continue to be, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

I personally can't see anyone preventing free speech at this point of technological advancement. It would be pretty hard to keep people from saying what they want to say with all the means of communication available today.

In truth, I don't see where any government could prevent free speech at this point. Maybe on an individual basis. If they started arresting individuals and giving them horrible punishments they might be able to scare the masses into silence. But to actually control what's being said on a large scale? I personally don't believe that would even be technologically doable.

If you know much about the Internet, you'll know that even the expert technologists are having a hard time keeping things "under control" as it is. Much less trying to monitor individual speech.

I just heard on NPR radio that in India over 800 million people have mobile phones. Yet only 300 million have toilets! laugh

So free communications is running wilder than diarrhea. laugh

Just a little joke there, but not far from the truth. bigsmile

You lack imagination of what governments are capable of. Right now, there's a bill being considered that would force all social networking and EMAIL sites, such as this one, to write into their computer code a backdoor so that government can, at any time, w/o a warrant, see who's saying what and to whom. It's not much of a stretch to think they won't have programs running to catch key words or phrases that anyone writes, anywhere, on the internet. But hey, it's to catch muslim terrorists so I guess it's ok. I'm sure it'll never be used for any other purpose.
Oh and don't forget the bill that says, in essence, any time you voice an opinion on the internet, you MUST include links to webpages that have a different opinion on the same subject. Yeah, that won't curb free speech at all...
Not to mention the bill that says any opinion mentioned on the radio MUST be matched with equal time for the opposition. Or the radio station gets fined, something in the 6 figure range. Good bye talk radio.

Not to mention the bill that says any opinion mentioned on the radio MUST be matched with equal time for the opposition. Or the radio station gets fined, something in the 6 figure range. Good bye talk radio.

This won't happen or last very long any ways in the USA. This is an invasion of privacy, which is unconstitutional. We have FREEDOM of SPEECH. Not freedom of speech with certain restrictions.

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 12:57 PM

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

Even if what YOU say is true (which isn't supported by the Bible anyway), that doesn't change a thing. No matter who the "Israelites" are, or were, the God of the Bible most certainly plays "Favorites".

It never ceases to amaze me how you "WRITE" your own fables and expect everyone to take YOUR WORD as the word of God, over what the authors of the Bible actually had to say. whoa

I think this whole religious proselytizing has gone to your head. This is, in fact, the very danger of proselytizing religions. Instead of accepting what the book actually has to say, you're attempting to SELL "Your Interpretations" as the "Word of God".

This is why any dogma that claims to be the "Word of God" is utterly useless, all it serves to do is feed the egos of Paper Popes who lust to be the voice of God.

These dogmatic fables that are based on jealous God who clearly play favorites and hate everyone who refuse to believe in them have been a thorn in the side of humanity for ages.

It's really time that we insist that this nonsense stops.

Cowboy, you DO NOT speak for God.

You want to twist this ancient dogma around to suit your own personal interpretations and desires that ultimately puts down everyone's faith, philosophy, and beliefs, that to not MATCH YOURS.

These kinds of selfish egotistical religions are simply harmful and unproductive. Look at how much time you waste in life trying to convince people to believe that our creator is a completely insensitive and unreasonable bully who hates everyone who doesn't agree with YOU. whoa

How sick is that?

You even reject the views of other "Christians"

You say things like, "There is a terrible misconception by many, if not most Christians,... blah blah blah"

So here we have a personal proclamation by Cowboy that only HE speaks the truth of God and any other Paper Popes who don't agree with HIS interpretations are Christians who have "Misconceptions".

You're going down the same tubes that all Paper Popes fall into. You're attempting to claim that only your interpretations and impressions of this dogma represents "God's True Word" and everyone else (Including other Christians) are mistaken. whoa

When does this nonsense stop?

And what happens when two or more Paper Popes disagree on the interpretations?

All that you are truly "preaching" is that everyone should bow down and worship Cowboy as the only "True Prophetic Paper Pope". Your wisdom trumps the wisdom of all others, whether they be Christians or non-believers.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind. whoa

That great nation is not the country of Israel or the Jewish people of today. The name, "Israel," was given to Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob's 12 sons were literally the children of Israel. The word Israel in Hebrew means: "He strives with God and prevales." Christians are figuratively or symbolicly the children of Israel. Christians have become children of Israel through Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.

This is supported by the bible, which is why i said it.

You are a perfect example of why Christianity truly sucks. It only serves to create people like you. People who think that only THEY can speak for God and everyone else is mistaken, confused, and blind.

I never said such a thing. I didn't say i speak for God, the bible is God's word. Thus only relaying what the word of God says, not in anyway saying i speak for God.

You are a perfect example of why atheists truly suck. It only serves to create people like you. If you don't believe it, fine move on. Nothing personal taken. But no atheists sit and debate over and over. If there is no God fine, move on. Let us people that believe in the father waste our time. So we may talk about God, preach if you may to atheists. Just let it roll off your back and move on, we won't hunt you down i promise. Why stick around causing problems and foul emotions amongst two people debating? What do you gain? As you can see this or that person isn't willing to bend in their beliefs, why not just move on to another and not waste your time with this person that is steadfast?

umm...I've been "hunted down" by "good" christians before. I've had my property stolen, damaged, destroyed by "good" christians before.
So, indicating that won't happen, again, fails to alleviate MY apprehension(sp?).

They just were not strong Christians, please don't let them paint the picture as to how a Christian is to be. No where does our father tell us to do as such. Actually tells us to do quite the opposite. The father doesn't teach us to treat anyone in any special way, as in treat atheists, people of other beliefs, and Christians the same way...... with love and respect.

That would be your opinion. I'm quite certain people like that think they are fine christians doing God's work. What's more christian than trying to beat the fear of God into a non-believer? slaphead

Well, they certainly taught me. Taught me that christains aren't to be trusted. That minor acts of terrorism is oky doky w/ their god.
It took a long time and much soul searching, so to speak, for me to get over just hating anyone or anything christian. I still have to make a conscious choice to, at least, remain neutral in opinion of someone upon learning of their christianity.

And yes, I understand you, my dear Cowboy, aren't like that. However, there are quite a few "good" christians that are.

These days Christian is usually just a title. Doesn't mean they follow God's word, doesn't mean anything along those lines. That is why i don't claim to specifically Christianity in the exact tense. I follow God's word, weather you want to call that a Christian or not is your choice. So again please don't let people that call themselves "christian" destroy the word of God for you. There is no such thing as HOLY wars, nor Christian crusades in it's exact sense. Jesus has told us to turn the other cheek, thus the crusades and anything of such does NOT support anything our father has instructed us to do or not to do.

And it's not about beating the "fear" of God into anyone. It's about revealing the truth and the love of our father to those that have been blinded by the world and it's views.

Cowboy, I truly wish there were more like you, and less like "them".
You seem like a good man. A little goofy in certain ways, but hey, who isn't. I can respect you, which, if you knew me, you'd know how rare that is.
However, logic, knowledge, and reason ruined any sort of religion for me a long time ago. I've been to dozens of houses of worship, talked to reps of many different belief systems, studied all religions that I could find, both ancient and modern. Because I genuinly wanted to know.
And yet, I am unswayed. Having "faith" is a mystery to me. I don't understand it. I don't know why anyone would have it. It just makes no sense to me, at all. I've been told, by a good catholic, that I'll get a free pass into Heaven because I am utterly incapable of having "faith" and God wouldn't make someone that had no chance of going to Heaven.
Bad christains didn't ruin the word of God for me. The word of God ruined the word of God for me. I've read your holy book. And at the very least, it just seems silly to me.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 10/03/10 12:59 PM

These days Christian is usually just a title. Doesn't mean they follow God's word, doesn't mean anything along those lines. That is why i don't claim to specifically Christianity in the exact tense. I follow God's word, weather you want to call that a Christian or not is your choice. So again please don't let people that call themselves "christian" destroy the word of God for you. There is no such thing as HOLY wars, nor Christian crusades in it's exact sense. Jesus has told us to turn the other cheek, thus the crusades and anything of such does NOT support anything our father has instructed us to do or not to do.

The problem I have with this is is two-fold.

First off, you keep referring to a specific mythology as the "Word of God", which I personally find to be "offensive" to both mankind and any creator we might have.

As far as I can see, by choosing to place your "faith" in this mythology you have chosen to "define" God.

Plus it goes much deeper than this. Not only do you choose to demand that everyone except a particular mythology is the "Word of God", but you go much further than that.

From my point of view, you appear to have appointed yourself to be the "Pope" of this religion. Because not only do you demand that I believe in this particular fable, but you even insist that only your interpretations of it are valid!

You reject, my interpretations altogether.

Finally, again from my point of view, you are "interpreting" hearsay rumors that have already been "interpreted", translated, and potentially even completely re-written by the time they have taken the form that you ultimately call the "Word of God".

Why should I worship YOU? huh

That's basically what you are asking me to do.

Why should I respect YOU to be the "official spokesperson" for Jesus? Especially when I already have serious doubts about those original authors of the this text who have already claimed that very position.

I have huge problems with their claims. And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't like your interpretations at all. From my perspective you appear to always take the most negative interpretation that makes this demigod out to appear to be a viscous bully.

I see no reason to view these scriptures in such a negative light.

So even if I were going to "accept" this Christian that Jesus is indeed a demigod, I would still find your interpretations totally unacceptable.

In short, I "protest" against your authority as "Pope". Just as the protestants protested against the Catholic Pope.

And it's not about beating the "fear" of God into anyone. It's about revealing the truth and the love of our father to those that have been blinded by the world and it's views.

I don't see any "love" in anything you preach.

In fact, I totally disagree with many of your moral values when it comes to what constitutes "acceptable parenting" and acceptable methods of "teaching".

It doesn't surprise me that you hold these values because these are indeed the types of values that these ancient Hebrews taught. Since you worship their ideas as the "Word of God" it's no wonder that you have accepted these things. In fact, this is precisely why I reject any notion that these ancient Hebrews were speaking for any supposedly all-wise deity. The moral values they held simply aren't anywhere close to being "all-wise", IMHO.

You say that people have been "blinded" by the world and its views. But that's total baloney. My objections to this ancient Hebrew mythology stems directly from what these Hebrews claim that their supposedly "unknowable God" is like.

My objections to this fable have nothing to do with anything but the complete and utter absurdities that are claimed within the fable itself. IMHO, it ultimately teaches extremely poor moral values in terms of parenting examples via the behavior of its godhead, and it's far from being anything that can even remotely be considered to be "wise".

So I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to refer to this ancient unwise and often sick mythology as the "Word" of any divine being.

The fact that you keep referring to it as such is utterly ridiculous, IMHO.

You may have accepted such a notion, but I see absolutely no reason to follow you choice in that matter.

The picture of God revealed by Eastern Mystic Philosophers is a far wiser picture, IMHO.

I could argue that if you reject that picture then it's you who is rejecting "God". Although, I wouldn't be so arrogant, because the Eastern Mystical Philosophies don't claim to be the "Word" of any God. They are just the best wisdom of mortal men. Wisdom that far outranks the totally unwise teachings of the ancient Hebrews, IMHO.

no photo
Sun 10/03/10 01:02 PM

Arcamedes wrote:

The only moronic behavior I've seen of you is your inability to apply your brilliant logical and deductive reasoning skills to your own brand of mystical claptrap.

I never really get a chance on these forums to discuss the brilliance of mysticism. Any conversations along those lines almost always deteriorate into Christians arguing for the Biblical picture of God.

When it comes to pure atheism, as you portray it, I have many reasons why I feel that mysticism is a wiser picture, even from a purely "scientific" point of view.

I tried to discuss this with you before but to no avail. As long as your happy with the idea that your essence is nothing more than an 'emergent property' of a bunch of spiritually inert stuff, then there isn't much sense in attempt to convince you otherwise.

In fact, I personally have no need to convince you otherwise.

I call b.s. If you didn't have such a need, you wouldn't have argued so passionately for you own brand of mumbojumbo superstious nonsense. That's what true believers do. That's what christians do. That's what muslims do. That's what you do. Argue against everyone else's belief system and for your own. Because you just know you're right and everyone else is wrong and only if you could just make them see...
But hey, it doesn't matter. My main reason for being here is to debunk b.s. and people's misconceptions of what it is to be a an atheist.

Well, that and not knowing when a battle is unwinable. But I'm guessing most people on here are guilty of that.

I'm not having a "battle" with anyone. It only appears that way to people who don't understand what's going on here.

I'm just bouncing off the comments that religious zealous make to reveal how absurd their claims truly are. I'm not actually trying to convince the person whose posts I'm responding to of anything. I realize that he is not going to see the light.

In fact, Cowboy would like for me to "move on" because he perceives me to be an obstacle in the way of his goal. I, on the other hand am tickled pink that Cowboy continues to post in the GR because it just give me tons of thing to respond to. bigsmile

As I've said many times. I'm not "debating" with Cowboy. I'm just pointing out the fallacies of his claims for others to see.

If it walks like a duck...

I fully realize that he is not going to change his view. His view is that the Bible is the word of God and Jesus was the Christ, and that's that. Period amen. Blind faith all the way.

And so your point in responding to him at all is what exactly? To cause him as much mental anguish as possible? Just curious.

You are just plain wrong about the internet. I wish it were not so. The current bills being considered by our "wonderful" government will see to it that free speech becomes a thing of distant memory.
More's the pity.

Well, that may be true, but it hasn't happened yet. Although as stupid as governments have been, and continue to be, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

I personally can't see anyone preventing free speech at this point of technological advancement. It would be pretty hard to keep people from saying what they want to say with all the means of communication available today.

In truth, I don't see where any government could prevent free speech at this point. Maybe on an individual basis. If they started arresting individuals and giving them horrible punishments they might be able to scare the masses into silence. But to actually control what's being said on a large scale? I personally don't believe that would even be technologically doable.

If you know much about the Internet, you'll know that even the expert technologists are having a hard time keeping things "under control" as it is. Much less trying to monitor individual speech.

I just heard on NPR radio that in India over 800 million people have mobile phones. Yet only 300 million have toilets! laugh

So free communications is running wilder than diarrhea. laugh

Just a little joke there, but not far from the truth. bigsmile

You lack imagination of what governments are capable of. Right now, there's a bill being considered that would force all social networking and EMAIL sites, such as this one, to write into their computer code a backdoor so that government can, at any time, w/o a warrant, see who's saying what and to whom. It's not much of a stretch to think they won't have programs running to catch key words or phrases that anyone writes, anywhere, on the internet. But hey, it's to catch muslim terrorists so I guess it's ok. I'm sure it'll never be used for any other purpose.
Oh and don't forget the bill that says, in essence, any time you voice an opinion on the internet, you MUST include links to webpages that have a different opinion on the same subject. Yeah, that won't curb free speech at all...
Not to mention the bill that says any opinion mentioned on the radio MUST be matched with equal time for the opposition. Or the radio station gets fined, something in the 6 figure range. Good bye talk radio.

Not to mention the bill that says any opinion mentioned on the radio MUST be matched with equal time for the opposition. Or the radio station gets fined, something in the 6 figure range. Good bye talk radio.

This won't happen or last very long any ways in the USA. This is an invasion of privacy, which is unconstitutional. We have FREEDOM of SPEECH. Not freedom of speech with certain restrictions.

laugh And ah...just how many times can you count, in recent times, laws violating the constitution were passed? Do you really think the government is concerned with a little thing like the constitution? Any more?

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/03/10 01:09 PM

These days Christian is usually just a title. Doesn't mean they follow God's word, doesn't mean anything along those lines. That is why i don't claim to specifically Christianity in the exact tense. I follow God's word, weather you want to call that a Christian or not is your choice. So again please don't let people that call themselves "christian" destroy the word of God for you. There is no such thing as HOLY wars, nor Christian crusades in it's exact sense. Jesus has told us to turn the other cheek, thus the crusades and anything of such does NOT support anything our father has instructed us to do or not to do.

The problem I have with this is is two-fold.

First off, you keep referring to a specific mythology as the "Word of God", which I personally find to be "offensive" to both mankind and any creator we might have.

As far as I can see, by choosing to place your "faith" in this mythology you have chosen to "define" God.

Plus it goes much deeper than this. Not only do you choose to demand that everyone except a particular mythology is the "Word of God", but you go much further than that.

From my point of view, you appear to have appointed yourself to be the "Pope" of this religion. Because not only do you demand that I believe in this particular fable, but you even insist that only your interpretations of it are valid!

You reject, my interpretations altogether.

Finally, again from my point of view, you are "interpreting" hearsay rumors that have already been "interpreted", translated, and potentially even completely re-written by the time they have taken the form that you ultimately call the "Word of God".

Why should I worship YOU? huh

That's basically what you are asking me to do.

Why should I respect YOU to be the "official spokesperson" for Jesus? Especially when I already have serious doubts about those original authors of the this text who have already claimed that very position.

I have huge problems with their claims. And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't like your interpretations at all. From my perspective you appear to always take the most negative interpretation that makes this demigod out to appear to be a viscous bully.

I see no reason to view these scriptures in such a negative light.

So even if I were going to "accept" this Christian that Jesus is indeed a demigod, I would still find your interpretations totally unacceptable.

In short, I "protest" against your authority as "Pope". Just as the protestants protested against the Catholic Pope.

And it's not about beating the "fear" of God into anyone. It's about revealing the truth and the love of our father to those that have been blinded by the world and it's views.

I don't see any "love" in anything you preach.

In fact, I totally disagree with many of your moral values when it comes to what constitutes "acceptable parenting" and acceptable methods of "teaching".

It doesn't surprise me that you hold these values because these are indeed the types of values that these ancient Hebrews taught. Since you worship their ideas as the "Word of God" it's no wonder that you have accepted these things. In fact, this is precisely why I reject any notion that these ancient Hebrews were speaking for any supposedly all-wise deity. The moral values they held simply aren't anywhere close to being "all-wise", IMHO.

You say that people have been "blinded" by the world and its views. But that's total baloney. My objections to this ancient Hebrew mythology stems directly from what these Hebrews claim that their supposedly "unknowable God" is like.

My objections to this fable have nothing to do with anything but the complete and utter absurdities that are claimed within the fable itself. IMHO, it ultimately teaches extremely poor moral values in terms of parenting examples via the behavior of its godhead, and it's far from being anything that can even remotely be considered to be "wise".

So I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to refer to this ancient unwise and often sick mythology as the "Word" of any divine being.

The fact that you keep referring to it as such is utterly ridiculous, IMHO.

You may have accepted such a notion, but I see absolutely no reason to follow you choice in that matter.

The picture of God revealed by Eastern Mystic Philosophers is a far wiser picture, IMHO.

I could argue that if you reject that picture then it's you who is rejecting "God". Although, I wouldn't be so arrogant, because the Eastern Mystical Philosophies don't claim to be the "Word" of any God. They are just the best wisdom of mortal men. Wisdom that far outranks the totally unwise teachings of the ancient Hebrews, IMHO.

From my point of view, you appear to have appointed yourself to be the "Pope" of this religion. Because not only do you demand that I believe in this particular fable, but you even insist that only your interpretations of it are valid!

I'm nothing special. I am a human with flaws just as everyone else. I myself aren't perfect in the lord, i stumble time to time. And i never ever claimed that only my interpretation was valid. If others have different interpretation then so be it, then civil discussion would proceed from there. And i demanded nothing of anything, it is your choice.

My objections to this fable have nothing to do with anything but the complete and utter absurdities that are claimed within the fable itself. IMHO, it ultimately teaches extremely poor moral values in terms of parenting examples via the behavior of its godhead, and it's far from being anything that can even remotely be considered to be "wise".

How does it teach poor morals? Teaches us to treat others with great love and respect and to raise our children in a loving enviroment. Where is the poor morals in this?

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