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Topic: Oops! Can't believe I said that....!!!
thayet153's photo
Wed 10/20/10 02:13 PM

Thank you all for your posts, and I know that I should break it off with him to help in the long run, but at the same time, I don't want to give up on him, I wanna be there for him. I feel like if I give him time, he will see me for more than what he sees me as now. Probably a big mistake, but I will learn the lesson soon enough I suppose. But this may be pointless anyways, I might have scared him off. He did call when he said he would, and all that, but I don't know, I'm freaking out, need to calm down. I've read an entire book since Monday, it's the only thing that keeps my mind off it. Gotta find another. :)

Breaking it off with him will only be the best thing for you. You also have to think of yourself and your well being. I know how you feel. I've been in your shoes before. He isn't going to treat you any differently than he has.

southern_bee's photo
Wed 10/20/10 02:15 PM
so after 2 week u dont hear from him..what did he like fall off the face of the earth,if he truly cared about you he would have found time to call you not when he needed you to comfort his pansy ***!

he only talks or sees you when its convenient for him,it does take that long to send a text and it sure isnt that hard to pick up the phone and make a phone call!

its B.S,B.S i tell you!

and he knows you have a weak spot for him and,so you want to be there for a guy that hasnt called for 2 weeks doesnt bother to even text you or call you,way to be a door matt,

no you didnt scare him off he didnt care about you enough if he only comes around when he needs to fix his ego!and you said ok he called when he said he would but then you say hes going back to his old ways?so youre going to hold on to one good thing he did and ignore everything else that is making you sad?

best of luck

Renagade37a's photo
Wed 10/20/10 03:41 PM
i would like to take what i have said earlier now that i have all the facts i say dumb his sry *** hes not worth the heart ache

no photo
Tue 12/07/10 12:26 PM

Ok, I know it's been a while, so here goes. A week before Halloween, he came over and stayed at my place. (for a week) went home on Fri, then came back on Sat and hasn't left since. Well, he's gone home twice, but that is it, in fact he's at my place right now, (I'm at the library) He's had drunken spurts, (He once went 6 days straight drunk) but I finally put it through his head that if he keeps it up, that it's over. Just so he knew I was serious, I packed all of his ****, ready to go. We still arent GF and BF, but we are dating. I like that he's there, but sometimes I get annoyed. I dont know how to feel. When he leaves its a relief at first, but after a few hours I want him to come back, but when he's there I am bored. Arrrgggg!!!

no photo
Tue 12/07/10 12:39 PM
Hi, your fella can't love you as he is still in love with his ex. He is trying to fill his time to keep busy and you seem a nice girl by allowing him to do that, but what about your feelings. Keep away from drink and in time you will be over this. How long have you known him

Seakolony's photo
Tue 12/07/10 01:12 PM


Ok, I know it's been a while, so here goes. A week before Halloween, he came over and stayed at my place. (for a week) went home on Fri, then came back on Sat and hasn't left since. Well, he's gone home twice, but that is it, in fact he's at my place right now, (I'm at the library) He's had drunken spurts, (He once went 6 days straight drunk) but I finally put it through his head that if he keeps it up, that it's over. Just so he knew I was serious, I packed all of his ****, ready to go. We still arent GF and BF, but we are dating. I like that he's there, but sometimes I get annoyed. I dont know how to feel. When he leaves its a relief at first, but after a few hours I want him to come back, but when he's there I am bored. Arrrgggg!!!

Ummm sounds like he is living with you..............if you go to the lengths to pack his **** he shoudlnt be allowed back..........and you need counseling..................learn to love yourself and not use other people for your personal entertainment........don't really think you should be in a relationship until you learn to respect and love yourself......and quit enabling his addictions

Goofball73's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:16 PM
If the six days straight drunk didn't tell ya all ya needed to know, then I can't help ya. However, you should know that he is only using you to serve his needs for right now. Even if this lasts a year or so, in the end, you are gonna get hurt.

no photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:42 PM
Ditch this relationship now, it is toxic.
Take a look at yourself and figure out why YOU keep participating in it.

fireflysgirl's photo
Wed 12/08/10 12:01 PM
If a guy is truly into you, he won't go 2 weeks without calling! just sayin', but you'd be better off dropping him & moving on in life

no photo
Mon 01/03/11 06:37 PM
UPDATE: The past week has been HORRIBLE! Long story short, I kicked him out. Just think about the worst of what could happen on the holidays, and it happened. (Excluding rape, murder, robbery and cheating) Anyways, we are still talking, but we agreed to be friends until he gets himself fixed. When and if that happens, then we will see where it goes after that. He has cried and I don't think I'm done crying, but I feel like this is the best way. Thank you all.

esperanza79's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:33 PM

Thank you all for your posts, and I know that I should break it off with him to help in the long run, but at the same time, I don't want to give up on him, I wanna be there for him. I feel like if I give him time, he will see me for more than what he sees me as now. Probably a big mistake, but I will learn the lesson soon enough I suppose. But this may be pointless anyways, I might have scared him off. He did call when he said he would, and all that, but I don't know, I'm freaking out, need to calm down. I've read an entire book since Monday, it's the only thing that keeps my mind off it. Gotta find another. :)

If he's really focusing on his alcoholism....yes he needs support, but he needs to work through it on his own. And he's not reaching out to you for support. He's...not reaching out to you at all. Let it go, move on. IF and when he's sober, let him come seek you out.

buttons's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:48 PM
Edited by buttons on Mon 01/03/11 08:49 PM
wait a min here... so it is his family trying to get over his alcoholism? so are u saying he is an alcoholic? and you say you call him drunk and tell him u love him? if this is the case.. do you think maybe he isnt trying to think about his family and how important they are to him and maybe trying to make a positive change? im not saying you are one.. either. please dont think that.. but maybe he fears being around you a little cause u do drink? and maybe he is ready for a change in his life?... also i see that you said... he called you and you did not answer.. so why is it so bad when he doesnt answer? did you not say he had called you and you did not answer as well? he also said he wasnt ready for a relationship so why does he need to answer every time? he made no ball and chain.. sounds like he isnt sure of much right now.. a gal pressuring a guy is not gonna make him do what you want him to do.. i think it will make him run... even if he is interested.. i might have this all wrong here.. and read it wrong or took it wrong.. if i did im sorry..

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