Topic: Salvation, Free Will, & behavior - confusion
Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/06/10 07:33 PM

Well I personally enjoyed reading your divine wisdom even if it be a mere rant.

Sure beats reading the repetitive bigotry and hatred being spewed in the name of a jealous bigoted God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and cannot forgive or love poor souls unless they condone his lust for sadistic violence.

Is there truly any wonder that people who worship such a God would in some sense be somewhat like the God they choose to worship? After all, stupid is as stupid does, as Forest Gump always says.

Repetitve bigotry???

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Oh yeah I think if you looked up repetive bigotry in the dictonary you would find a certain members name who is a frequent poster in this section.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I can't stop laughing at that one.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/06/10 07:43 PM

In response to davidben1 unnecessary,extraordinarily long post which has to be some sort of record on this site....

I have to say what you posted is some of the most ignorant statements I have ever read in my entire life.What the people believe is what defines a country.It is their beliefs that shape a form a country from the beginning and make it what it is today.It is hardly surprising that when you look at Atheist countries they are almost the opposite of what Christian countries are.Communism is usually the way a Government runs,people have little or no free speech rights,news is censored or banned,freedoms are non existent,charities are non existent.

What are the best countries in the world with the most freedom and best way of life?United States,Australia,the UK,Canada.Are these Atheist countries?Are these some other religion?They are Christian and they are Christian by a huge majority.If you would read you history books you would learn that these countries were founded on Christian principles by Christian followers who had Christian beliefs.These countries were not founded on by Atheist beliefs or some other religion.

The rest of your message which deals with hate by Christians is still puzzling to me.I think you and others have a big problem telling the difference between the way someone acts and hating people for no reason at all.Of course Christians have morals and of course we are going to speak out against issues that effect us such as homosexuality and other issues.That doesn't mean we hate these people we just don't accept the lifestyle they are living.

I have said this many times before and I will say it again.Homosexuals,Muslims,Atheist,and others the Christians disagree with have more freedoms here and other Christian countries then anywhere else in the world.If the homosexuals think they are being racked over the coals by Christian countries I would strongly suggest they try being openly homosexual in Atheist China where it will get you swift death sentience.

I found you rant about Obama amusing.Considering Christians make up the majority of the population in this country if the Christians didn't approve of Obama he would get no more than 20% of the vote.Yet he got over 50%.Seems like your logic is looking pretty stupid on that one.

The rest of you worthless post claiming Christians are somehow just hiding in a hole waiting for the time to take over and force everyone to convert is totally stupid.I would really like to see some truth in that statement.I would love to see how Christians are saying they want to take over and force people to do anything.

Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning.


the sign of any lack of intelligence, is to first believe that anything that does not think as SELF, be the most ignorant in the world, lol...

is that suopposed to convince me your words are the opposite of ignorant?


no extremist christian in america?

so, you wish to exclude christian's from any extremism guilt?


there is never a time, that anything that exist, doth not exist in any ONE GROUP.



love to see proof you say?

if you would love to see proof, then you would have found proof, lol...

am i to believe your post is not extremly slanted to the "self agenda" and self belief?

it drips from every word.

not working dude.

ok, i'll lie...

please hold.


the accuracy in your post is utterly astounding.


unneccessary long post?

u mean you deem your own personal wants, as the guide to all that is neccessary?


is that not why the post itself said "largest religions" were what needed opposing the most.

do you not see, the post was LONG, because I WANTED IT LONG.

because it pleases ME!



is a long post NOT OK?


you don't HAVE TO READ IT!

just lettin ya know, in case you didn't know.

of ocurse, a long post espousing all that opposed your BELIEF AND WANTS AS SUPREME AND SPECIALL INTEREST AGENDA, is not neccessary to you, lol...

but it was too me.

those are my feelings your steppin all over!

wa wa wa wa wa wa...

no dude, i'm not religous, you can step on any feelings i have, lol...

i am not a demander.


of course, i know, and understand with total empathy, that the natural inclination of what believe's it's own belief be "of the supreme or divine, shall naturally feel it's own wants should be reveered as divine, somehow as "guide for all"...


sorry man, my condolences.

sorry to burst the bubble, but that is not the "real world", where ALL words AND ALL BELIEFS, must be taken into account as THE GUIDE FOR ALL.

but, then of course, i know in advance, no ONE BELIEF IS DIVINE PERSON, will ever embrace such at first, as that would oppose the SPECIAL INTEREST AGENDA, of a SELF AND SELF GROUP.

too bad dude.

i shall oppose such forever into eterninty.

for that is what create "freedom for all in the beginning and ending".

your words are extremly biased to the most extreme degree, in the self favor, and you want me to use them as some good guide of "good".

if you demand your belief be the "good" guide for all, then tell me what be "good"?


hate to break it to ya, but you can't win in your quest to RULE THE WORLD WITH YOUR BELIEF.


because there are too many different agendas dispersed into humanity itself at this point.


so, which agenda shall i back?

well of course, the least accepted, the smallest, as those be the one's that keep freedom for all alive, and balance the power of majority, as these most only but seek EQUAL REPRESENTATION, and not to RULE THE WORLD WITH THEIR OWN BELIEF.

of course, i don't expect you to fight for the same, as you only care most about your own belief, and it being DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ENDORCED AND HAILED BY ALL AS SURPEME.


so, carry on...


and so the gears of the "religious brain" ticks and tocks, with more malice, and pre disposed bias toward anything NOT LIKE ITSELF, as evidenced in all your words?

so what new.

i already knew that.


and btw...

i thought you loved your enemies as a follower and believer in the "good ole book"?

damn dude, not feeling the divine love here...

please hold for one moment while i embrace my sorrows from your hateful and maliced words against me.

tears tears tears tears tears


what oh what shall i do to be as smart as you?

i have a ignorant idea.

post a list of all desired words and behaviour for me to abide by, to be as smart and as "good" as you, and i swear to abide by them.

i shall post a list of all things i wish for you to do and speak to be as wise as me.

mine shall include but one want of you.

your list may include as many as you wish of me.

if i ever break one thing in your list, you may call me on it at all times, and i will bow unto you and insist it be my error, and cease to do it.

IF, you agree to abide by my ONE WANT, for you.

now how's that for compromise?

you get as many demands of me as you want, and i get JUST ONE FOR YOU.

that siding in your favor.

so thats more than fair.

then i can please you my lord, and never dissapoint you, so that i may be deemed as equal unto you.

that is why self belief as supreme for anything, is damned, but to create human hell for other's, creating the will, and intent, and motive, to control a populous per self wishes alone.

just a ignorant rant.

hold on, are rants ok?

If you are going to say there are Christian extremist

Then show me the facts

Because I have better things to do

Then to argue with someone about facts that don't exist

Philosphy,what if's,maybes,maybe great for you

But it doesn't work for me

If you are going to debate like a normal person

from time to time you will have to back up what

you are claiming with some facts

if not I certainly dont care

I have heard it all before

how the Christians are jerks,homophobes,racists


so insulting me is not only boring it's lame

I suggest you go to some website such as Craigslist

where you can post anything you like and spew hatred

towards Christians 24/7 all the in comfort of knowing

you can hide in behind your little computer safe and sounds

in your little room.

You want to debate with me?

Then act like a real man because that is who you are debating with

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/06/10 08:03 PM
well lets see peterpan...


that is the very reason i wrote what i wrote!


that is the VERY REASON, the largest "special interest" groups need to be opposed, just as i listed, as these are the most willing and ready to DEMAND OTHER'S BE SILENCED.


but you want other's silenced?

well damn, thats no fair or nice...

tears tears tears tears tears


even with malice and force if need be, doth the largest majority of special intertest seek to exert it's force and demand over other's.

nah, not a good thing or of the common good...


that was the premise of the logic used in the post you despise, lol...


how is it not true?

check history, check your words...

the proof is all there man, lol...

the largest majority of extreme christain's, DO WANT ALL OTHER'S FORCED TO SHUT UP, and to control all other brains and bodies, down to music, dress code, speech, group affiliation, even as to what restaurants are of the "devil"....

nah, i say not of the common good.


you don't have to agree ya know, lol...

and the post i wrote, just simply stated such does exist, and why, and how it be created, and that this can i see is not all the good is be purpoted to be, and in fact, is bad for MANY other's...

how is that babble of no common good, lol...


and so now you confirm it all as even more true, with your response, lol...

go figure...



to give compliance, to anything that wishes to silence any opposing view, will this make anything more demanding, or less demanding?

more controlling or less controlling?

i dare say more demanding and more controlling.

yes of course...

this would makes one believe it's right to control was correct to start with, so then more demands and control taken for itself?

so, with that in mind, i shall have to "respectfully" decline your want of me to stop posting...

i can not grant you your one wish.

not a very insightful wish i might add.

can you not see, that your reaction show's me the insight posted was indeed accurate?

how is that not seen?


now peterpan, i ask of you, how is your demand repsecting others?

why, it seems that borders on extreme distain, for what does not believe as self, or oppose self belief, or does not speak to self as self demands...

that could indeed be very detrimental to common good, and in fact, is against common good ya know?

common good is all can speak equally, and none are hated for their words or action's, lest they threaten or perp some body harm on another.

but, hey, even your religion teaches to hate nor despise none...

so, if these did not, they would not insist other's do not post would they?

but, that is not what is being exuded here at all.

when all i fight for is equal representation for all, so to do that, one must oppose the large special interest, or these would even make laws that would have many imprisoned, if they heed not their 'bible' commands...

hey, not all are as such, but we are not saying here all are, just the extremist.

they want laws that delegate human behaviour and morality, based upon A FUCCKING 2000 YEAR OLD BOOK, WRITTEN BY PRIMITVE HUMANS 2000 YEARS AGO, AND SEEK TO ACTUALLY INSTITUTE SUCH INTO SOCIETY.

sheer delusion.

as if humanity is somehow not smarter than 2000 years ago...


is that not the society you wish to create too?

perhap i shall insist that "that the torah be used for rule"?

how would that be fair and impartial?

but, the insistence the bible be crafted into legislation, by way of the words within it used as "guide for all", literally border on dictator...

oh wait...

it is dictaterous.

come now, let us reason together, this thing called "respect"...

lack of respect, is to demand how other's shall speak to self, dress to site self, believe as self, speak as self, or they should shut up?


so, i repsectfully decline to accept your notion of what repsect is as well.

hey wait!

and i never made that offer to you!

that was to thomas, not you.

but, you took the offer for yourself?

thats not nice.

the post was addressed to him personally.

not to you.

but, thats ok...

i forgive you dearest brother that declare itself wear the loin cloth of god.

you are free my dear brother to say any words you like, and i shall never insist, or even imply, you should be silenced.

that would be an atrocitiy, and the gravest disrespect known to mankind.


but, but it cannot be missed, your "one wish" of me, prove's to me, to stand by my post, and in each last assertion made within it.

now, now, now....


maybe so.

why i posted what i did.

thanks for the added proof.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/06/10 08:10 PM

Well I personally enjoyed reading your divine wisdom even if it be a mere rant.

Sure beats reading the repetitive bigotry and hatred being spewed in the name of a jealous bigoted God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and cannot forgive or love poor souls unless they condone his lust for sadistic violence.

Is there truly any wonder that people who worship such a God would in some sense be somewhat like the God they choose to worship? After all, stupid is as stupid does, as Forest Gump always says.

Repetitve bigotry???

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I can't imagine what you see as being so funny.

I said repetitive bigotry in the name of God.

Moreover, where else is there any 'bigotry'?

I don't see anyone 'putting down' Christians. All I see are people attempting to point out the foolishness of holding up an absurd mythology as though it's the "word of God".

That can hardly be seen as 'bigotry'.

No one is telling the Christians that they are 'turning away from God.

The bigotry is all one-side. It all emanates from the Christians. Every single last drop of it.

For example, I allow that Cowboy is worshiping God through his Christian mythology.

However, he refuses to acknowledge that anyone who doesn't worship his mythology is worshiping God.

So where's the bigotry coming from again? huh

ONLY from the Abrahamic religions.

I'll be more than happy to worship my Goddess alongside any Christian who is worshiping the God of Abraham or Jesus. I have absolutely no problem with that. I'm not a religious bigot.

But the Christians ARE!

Don't kid yourself otherwise. Only the Abrahamic religions spew religious bigotry.

So if you laughing, then it's only because you are blind to the truth and haven't yet had the ability to comprehend what's actually going on in the world.

It's the Christians who worship a bigoted religion, not me.

Get that straight and then come back and we can laugh at the craziness of the world together my friend.

People spreading bigotry in the name of God truly is silly. Unless of course they start to take themselves too seriously, then it becomes truly disgusting.

But hey, in the meantime, anytime you're prepared to acknowledge the validity of my spirituality as being just as valid as yours, then we will have both succeeded in stamping out religious bigotry.

Until then your laughter is in vain.

no photo
Sat 11/06/10 08:55 PM

well lets see peterpan...


that is the very reason i wrote what i wrote!


that is the VERY REASON, the largest "special interest" groups need to be opposed, just as i listed, as these are the most willing and ready to DEMAND OTHER'S BE SILENCED.


but you want other's silenced?

well damn, thats no fair or nice...

tears tears tears tears tears


even with malice and force if need be, doth the largest majority of special intertest seek to exert it's force and demand over other's.

nah, not a good thing or of the common good...


that was the premise of the logic used in the post you despise, lol...


how is it not true?

check history, check your words...

the proof is all there man, lol...

the largest majority of extreme christain's, DO WANT ALL OTHER'S FORCED TO SHUT UP, and to control all other brains and bodies, down to music, dress code, speech, group affiliation, even as to what restaurants are of the "devil"....

nah, i say not of the common good.


you don't have to agree ya know, lol...

and the post i wrote, just simply stated such does exist, and why, and how it be created, and that this can i see is not all the good is be purpoted to be, and in fact, is bad for MANY other's...

how is that babble of no common good, lol...


and so now you confirm it all as even more true, with your response, lol...

go figure...



to give compliance, to anything that wishes to silence any opposing view, will this make anything more demanding, or less demanding?

more controlling or less controlling?

i dare say more demanding and more controlling.

yes of course...

this would makes one believe it's right to control was correct to start with, so then more demands and control taken for itself?

so, with that in mind, i shall have to "respectfully" decline your want of me to stop posting...

i can not grant you your one wish.

not a very insightful wish i might add.

can you not see, that your reaction show's me the insight posted was indeed accurate?

how is that not seen?


now peterpan, i ask of you, how is your demand repsecting others?

why, it seems that borders on extreme distain, for what does not believe as self, or oppose self belief, or does not speak to self as self demands...

that could indeed be very detrimental to common good, and in fact, is against common good ya know?

common good is all can speak equally, and none are hated for their words or action's, lest they threaten or perp some body harm on another.

but, hey, even your religion teaches to hate nor despise none...

so, if these did not, they would not insist other's do not post would they?

but, that is not what is being exuded here at all.

when all i fight for is equal representation for all, so to do that, one must oppose the large special interest, or these would even make laws that would have many imprisoned, if they heed not their 'bible' commands...

hey, not all are as such, but we are not saying here all are, just the extremist.

they want laws that delegate human behaviour and morality, based upon A FUCCKING 2000 YEAR OLD BOOK, WRITTEN BY PRIMITVE HUMANS 2000 YEARS AGO, AND SEEK TO ACTUALLY INSTITUTE SUCH INTO SOCIETY.

sheer delusion.

as if humanity is somehow not smarter than 2000 years ago...


is that not the society you wish to create too?

perhap i shall insist that "that the torah be used for rule"?

how would that be fair and impartial?

but, the insistence the bible be crafted into legislation, by way of the words within it used as "guide for all", literally border on dictator...

oh wait...

it is dictaterous.

come now, let us reason together, this thing called "respect"...

lack of respect, is to demand how other's shall speak to self, dress to site self, believe as self, speak as self, or they should shut up?


so, i repsectfully decline to accept your notion of what repsect is as well.

hey wait!

and i never made that offer to you!

that was to thomas, not you.

but, you took the offer for yourself?

thats not nice.

the post was addressed to him personally.

not to you.

but, thats ok...

i forgive you dearest brother that declare itself wear the loin cloth of god.

you are free my dear brother to say any words you like, and i shall never insist, or even imply, you should be silenced.

that would be an atrocitiy, and the gravest disrespect known to mankind.


but, but it cannot be missed, your "one wish" of me, prove's to me, to stand by my post, and in each last assertion made within it.

now, now, now....


maybe so.

why i posted what i did.

thanks for the added proof.

You are quite welcome, and your response to my words prove my point.

Dance little puppet, DANCE!

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/06/10 09:27 PM

In response to davidben1 unnecessary,extraordinarily long post which has to be some sort of record on this site....

I have to say what you posted is some of the most ignorant statements I have ever read in my entire life.What the people believe is what defines a country.It is their beliefs that shape a form a country from the beginning and make it what it is today.It is hardly surprising that when you look at Atheist countries they are almost the opposite of what Christian countries are.Communism is usually the way a Government runs,people have little or no free speech rights,news is censored or banned,freedoms are non existent,charities are non existent.

What are the best countries in the world with the most freedom and best way of life?United States,Australia,the UK,Canada.Are these Atheist countries?Are these some other religion?They are Christian and they are Christian by a huge majority.If you would read you history books you would learn that these countries were founded on Christian principles by Christian followers who had Christian beliefs.These countries were not founded on by Atheist beliefs or some other religion.

The rest of your message which deals with hate by Christians is still puzzling to me.I think you and others have a big problem telling the difference between the way someone acts and hating people for no reason at all.Of course Christians have morals and of course we are going to speak out against issues that effect us such as homosexuality and other issues.That doesn't mean we hate these people we just don't accept the lifestyle they are living.

I have said this many times before and I will say it again.Homosexuals,Muslims,Atheist,and others the Christians disagree with have more freedoms here and other Christian countries then anywhere else in the world.If the homosexuals think they are being racked over the coals by Christian countries I would strongly suggest they try being openly homosexual in Atheist China where it will get you swift death sentience.

I found you rant about Obama amusing.Considering Christians make up the majority of the population in this country if the Christians didn't approve of Obama he would get no more than 20% of the vote.Yet he got over 50%.Seems like your logic is looking pretty stupid on that one.

The rest of you worthless post claiming Christians are somehow just hiding in a hole waiting for the time to take over and force everyone to convert is totally stupid.I would really like to see some truth in that statement.I would love to see how Christians are saying they want to take over and force people to do anything.

Wake up!There are no extremist Christians in America and there never has!The only the the Christians are doing is feeding the poor,operating orphanages,and singing songs on Sunday morning.


the sign of any lack of intelligence, is to first believe that anything that does not think as SELF, be the most ignorant in the world, lol...

is that suopposed to convince me your words are the opposite of ignorant?


no extremist christian in america?

so, you wish to exclude christian's from any extremism guilt?


there is never a time, that anything that exist, doth not exist in any ONE GROUP.



love to see proof you say?

if you would love to see proof, then you would have found proof, lol...

am i to believe your post is not extremly slanted to the "self agenda" and self belief?

it drips from every word.

not working dude.

ok, i'll lie...

please hold.


the accuracy in your post is utterly astounding.


unneccessary long post?

u mean you deem your own personal wants, as the guide to all that is neccessary?


is that not why the post itself said "largest religions" were what needed opposing the most.

do you not see, the post was LONG, because I WANTED IT LONG.

because it pleases ME!



is a long post NOT OK?


you don't HAVE TO READ IT!

just lettin ya know, in case you didn't know.

of ocurse, a long post espousing all that opposed your BELIEF AND WANTS AS SUPREME AND SPECIALL INTEREST AGENDA, is not neccessary to you, lol...

but it was too me.

those are my feelings your steppin all over!

wa wa wa wa wa wa...

no dude, i'm not religous, you can step on any feelings i have, lol...

i am not a demander.


of course, i know, and understand with total empathy, that the natural inclination of what believe's it's own belief be "of the supreme or divine, shall naturally feel it's own wants should be reveered as divine, somehow as "guide for all"...


sorry man, my condolences.

sorry to burst the bubble, but that is not the "real world", where ALL words AND ALL BELIEFS, must be taken into account as THE GUIDE FOR ALL.

but, then of course, i know in advance, no ONE BELIEF IS DIVINE PERSON, will ever embrace such at first, as that would oppose the SPECIAL INTEREST AGENDA, of a SELF AND SELF GROUP.

too bad dude.

i shall oppose such forever into eterninty.

for that is what create "freedom for all in the beginning and ending".

your words are extremly biased to the most extreme degree, in the self favor, and you want me to use them as some good guide of "good".

if you demand your belief be the "good" guide for all, then tell me what be "good"?


hate to break it to ya, but you can't win in your quest to RULE THE WORLD WITH YOUR BELIEF.


because there are too many different agendas dispersed into humanity itself at this point.


so, which agenda shall i back?

well of course, the least accepted, the smallest, as those be the one's that keep freedom for all alive, and balance the power of majority, as these most only but seek EQUAL REPRESENTATION, and not to RULE THE WORLD WITH THEIR OWN BELIEF.

of course, i don't expect you to fight for the same, as you only care most about your own belief, and it being DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ENDORCED AND HAILED BY ALL AS SURPEME.


so, carry on...


and so the gears of the "religious brain" ticks and tocks, with more malice, and pre disposed bias toward anything NOT LIKE ITSELF, as evidenced in all your words?

so what new.

i already knew that.


and btw...

i thought you loved your enemies as a follower and believer in the "good ole book"?

damn dude, not feeling the divine love here...

please hold for one moment while i embrace my sorrows from your hateful and maliced words against me.

tears tears tears tears tears


what oh what shall i do to be as smart as you?

i have a ignorant idea.

post a list of all desired words and behaviour for me to abide by, to be as smart and as "good" as you, and i swear to abide by them.

i shall post a list of all things i wish for you to do and speak to be as wise as me.

mine shall include but one want of you.

your list may include as many as you wish of me.

if i ever break one thing in your list, you may call me on it at all times, and i will bow unto you and insist it be my error, and cease to do it.

IF, you agree to abide by my ONE WANT, for you.

now how's that for compromise?

you get as many demands of me as you want, and i get JUST ONE FOR YOU.

that siding in your favor.

so thats more than fair.

then i can please you my lord, and never dissapoint you, so that i may be deemed as equal unto you.

that is why self belief as supreme for anything, is damned, but to create human hell for other's, creating the will, and intent, and motive, to control a populous per self wishes alone.

just a ignorant rant.

hold on, are rants ok?

If you are going to say there are Christian extremist

Then show me the facts

Because I have better things to do

Then to argue with someone about facts that don't exist

Philosphy,what if's,maybes,maybe great for you

But it doesn't work for me

If you are going to debate like a normal person

from time to time you will have to back up what

you are claiming with some facts

if not I certainly dont care

I have heard it all before

how the Christians are jerks,homophobes,racists


so insulting me is not only boring it's lame

I suggest you go to some website such as Craigslist

where you can post anything you like and spew hatred

towards Christians 24/7 all the in comfort of knowing

you can hide in behind your little computer safe and sounds

in your little room.

You want to debate with me?

Then act like a real man because that is who you are debating with

do i need to be protected from the REAL CHRISTAIN MEN OF GOD?


damn, hold on, let me call fema for help....

no, homeland security i guess would handle that one...

can you hold please.

ah, hello...

is this homeland security?

we have a case of extremism gone awry, and i need protection, and fast!

do you offer protection from "real christain men"?




SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


it seems with each word posted, the overwhelming evidence suggests, that large special interest DOES INDEED deem itself as FIT AND WORTHY, AS REAL MEN, to control and dominate other's in society.

what a pity.

the very essence of EXTREMISM, is one that can be envoked to physical harm of another by words?


two post now by what declare "christain extremism" does not exist, seem to fit the every essence of extreme?


and please tell me again, why i am, ignorant, stupid, ridiculous, not a man, full of babble, if i opposed such as good?

those who think people need to be in a "safe place", to speak their mind, lol...

which of course, be anybody that opposes their own belief as the DIVINE GUIDE for all humanity...

get over it dude...

and if ya wanna be such a big man, show you can handle critique, or an opposing view, without the insults from yourself, lol...

i see the premise of what you deem a "man".

respect me or else.

the exact reason again you prove every word in the my post as accurate.

i see the notion's believed and purtorted to be "of god", are totally self serving in their attempts to squelch the voice of anything that opposes self...

of course, self belief is surpreme and of god, so this same one shall of course think itself should be heeded as "god", lol...

pretty simple to see.

self delusion's of self grandeaur run amock to the MOST EXTREME DEGREE.



did you not post a direct response to my post?

this is no debate man, lol...

in a debate, no one sets the rules for the other, based upon it's own belief and feelings as the guide for all other's to use when questioning it.

just because politician's can get away with it, does not mean that is what is goiung to be afforded to you in the real world.

and, if they don't conform, SILENNCE THEM NOW, says the relgiious extremist!

and one thinks itself ok and of common good or caring to believe another should be silenced, lol...

and doing such is a self declared "man" status?


somebody help, lol...


quite impressive indeed...

maybe someday i shall be a man as you.

ya know, never give up hope, on the ability of another to achieve the excellence of onself.



nay dude...

hate to tell ya, that is self as dictater.

kindergarten antic's, insisted as manhood only by what use it.

so, i repsectfully decline your invitation to speak on craigslist...



craigslist ain't got no forums...

you tryin to insult me willis...


oppose religious special interest, or they shall soon try to control all other's by force, was the premmise, and you just prove it true all the more...


of course, this essence lie's created by belief as the beast within, that deem belief as superior in importance and value over other humans.

ready to devour what oppose self, lol...

then, if such be stated...

the old fav...

if it oppose, it be a "hatin me mamma"...

tears tears tears tears tears

the words sound pretty extreme to me...

ah, but im just an ignorant fucck, member...

full of babble...


that seems pretty one sided there...

and btw, you wished to debate with me.

you aimed your post first to who?

me my boy.

so, if you wish for no response to your posting to me, than post neutral, and not toward me or any single individual, or you ask for their honest thoughts in return...

and lets get something straight.

who insulted who personally?


time and again, lol...

and did you hear me cryin, you insulted me?

tears tears tears tears tears



i was called ignorant, stupid, lol...



poor baby...

let mamma soothe your wounds...

shall we make a list of all the "personally insulting words" in your post to me?


guess you are only an accuser, but one that takes zero accountability for self.


just because you deem any opposing insight as an insult, is all the more proof of how the "extreme christains", that scream the loudest, wish to suppress and control all others in society the most.

ooh, dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out...

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/06/10 09:46 PM

dance little puppet...

i like it.

are you not a "religious man"...

of the scribes and pharisees of the christain belief??

you cannot endorse or embrace dancing!!!

i think that may be a sin.

uh oh...

oh well...

i like it!

suites you well.

it seems you choose dance, as you dance right into exposing controlling and demandings of other's.

think of me as your little puppet.

i like that.

it makes it easy to see the fallicy of the self declared belief as a good guide or commom good for mankind as it be protrayed, and more easily seen by all as not so.

would be dictator's have no place determining public policy for the masses.

for such to be seen, be my exact goal.

my exact goal.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 11/06/10 10:22 PM
I often feel as if I am reading stories from patients in Oregon state mental hospital when I read some of these posts.

Carry on :tongue: I need the amusment

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/06/10 10:26 PM

I often feel as if I am reading stories from patients in Oregon state mental hospital when I read some of these posts.

Carry on :tongue: I need the amusment

thats what most extreme christians think of their fellow man.

not surpising at all.




no photo
Sat 11/06/10 11:18 PM
Oh but dear brother, you do not see?
That my words are not harsh like you would believe, but merely honest observations?
That whilst you exalt yourself as having more knowledge than others, you prove to those you chasten that you be what thou despise?
That whilst you claim to be for the "good of all", you are more detrimental to the masses than those you oppose?
That you yourself be more like unto the scribes and pharisees which have been declared by the book you question as hypocrites?


dance little puppet...

i like it.

are you not a "religious man"...

of the scribes and pharisees of the christain belief??

you cannot endorse or embrace dancing!!!

i think that may be a sin.

uh oh...

oh well...

i like it!

suites you well.

One who wishes to use a book to condemn others as sinners should do well to read that book, would you agree?

Psalm 150:4
4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

Jeremiah 31:13
13 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

2 Samuel 6:14
14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod

it seems you choose dance, as you dance right into exposing controlling and demandings of other's.

think of me as your little puppet.

i like that.

it makes it easy to see the fallicy of the self declared belief as a good guide or commom good for mankind as it be protrayed, and more easily seen by all as not so.

would be dictator's have no place determining public policy for the masses.

for such to be seen, be my exact goal.

my exact goal.

Oh but david, you don't understand...
I never claim to be a guide.
Contrarily, I attempt to make each individual a guide by forcing re-evaluation of one's self.

I must confess, I think my plan is working.
I am starting to understand thy words.
It's as if your veil of unsanity is falling apart.

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/06/10 11:58 PM
come one peter...

lets talk real then?

what is sanity?

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/07/10 12:04 AM
there is good and bad dancing,,,, just like anything else

no photo
Sun 11/07/10 12:20 AM

come one peter...

lets talk real then?

what is sanity?

An illusion...

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/07/10 12:55 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Sun 11/07/10 01:02 AM

come one peter...

lets talk real then?

what is sanity?

An illusion...

i can see why one would say that.

however, would not such be a dangerous proposal to accept?

is not sanity as an illusion the first unsanity?

if the goal was to "self empower" humans, to see that survival of the species, was to CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER, would seeing sanity as an illusion help create such?

if the goal, is to make it more known, that HUMANS THEMSELF, CREATE THE REALITY, THE SANITY, most by what they "believe", how could sanity disposed of as an illusion be beneficial?

i concur, sanity has come to be but a mere illusion more each day within our society, but such is really only due to "selective" belief of the self.

a human believing what it's "feelings" tell itself to believe, would tend to make sanity in time seem as an illusion?

but, is that to be taken as fact?

is not acceptable fact, what be proven as worthy to be accepted by all?

i believe you when you say, you aim to encourage people to self evaluation, but i propose one needs not a "book" to do that.

that using a book in itself, leads to sanity seen as an illusion.

the book itself, seen as the sole guide for self, leave the mind with but taking what proves self as correct, and dumping or ignoring what proves self incorrect.

and such but create more illusions taken as fact.

i propose sanity is TOTALLY ROOTED and founded in, THE CARE OF OTHERS AS EQUAL TO SELF, thus, hearing their words as meaningful.

a belief in a single book as divine, surely can be seen to diminish the embracing of other voices as meaningful.

if sanity is seen as illusion, than what human will be seen as real, and meaningful in due time?

which would create less caring each day, and a total ambition most but to hear only what agree's with self, or what swear allegiance to the "book" as meangingful.


only that the facts contained therein did indeed occur, but also as well stated, that many other facts that did occur were not contained therein.

and, it was stated that the prophecies were in "part", as to make sure such was not deemed as the "end and beginning" of all facts.

just my take.

i can state mine without attack.

can you.

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/07/10 12:58 AM

there is good and bad dancing,,,, just like anything else

come harmony...

i know already you shall support anyone that claims the bible as supreme, lol...

there is good dancing and bad dancing?

what is bad dancing?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 11/07/10 01:34 AM
Silly Wabbitt..:banana: :banana: slaphead waving

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/07/10 01:25 AM

Silly Wabbitt..:banana: :banana: slaphead waving

wow...da brilliance be wa dazzling...

silly wabbitt...

a beastly rabid wabbit, of the two legged creature form, whom can but utter "silly wabbit" as it's sole mating call...

from sutdies thus far in human civilization, this creature be a highly primitve life form not yet advanced to "human" self logical deduction capabilities.

status of this species?


it's tendencies to extreme bias based upon partial facts as reality, have in most cases created impartial unbalanced mental faculties, therefore this creature being prone to self extinction in past history, so modern case studies for analysis are somewhat limited.

stay tuned for further developements in more scientific breakthrough's of this rare entity called the thing the "silly wabbit"...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 11/07/10 01:39 AM

Silly Wabbitt..:banana: :banana: slaphead waving

wow...da brilliance be wa dazzling...

silly wabbitt...

a beastly rabid wabbit, of the two legged creature form, whom can but utter "silly wabbit" as it's sole mating call...

from sutdies thus far in human civilization, this creature be a highly primitve life form not yet advanced to "human" self logical deduction capabilities.

status of this species?


it's tendencies to extreme bias based upon partial facts as reality, have in most cases created impartial unbalanced mental faculties, therefore this creature being prone to self extinction in past history, so modern case studies for analysis are somewhat limited.

stay tuned for further developements in more scientific breakthrough's of this rare entity called the thing the "silly wabbit"...

an analism synoptisys of proper attirenoway

davidben1's photo
Sun 11/07/10 01:42 AM

Silly Wabbitt..:banana: :banana: slaphead waving

wow...da brilliance be wa dazzling...

silly wabbitt...

a beastly rabid wabbit, of the two legged creature form, whom can but utter "silly wabbit" as it's sole mating call...

from sutdies thus far in human civilization, this creature be a highly primitve life form not yet advanced to "human" self logical deduction capabilities.

status of this species?


it's tendencies to extreme bias based upon partial facts as reality, have in most cases created impartial unbalanced mental faculties, therefore this creature being prone to self extinction in past history, so modern case studies for analysis are somewhat limited.

stay tuned for further developements in more scientific breakthrough's of this rare entity called the thing the "silly wabbit"...

an analism synoptisys of proper attirenoway


you liked it?

i thought it was fuccking hilarious!


come one miles...

lighten the load, give up the bias.

no photo
Sun 11/07/10 08:09 PM

come one peter...

lets talk real then?

what is sanity?

An illusion...

i can see why one would say that.

however, would not such be a dangerous proposal to accept?

is not sanity as an illusion the first unsanity?

if the goal was to "self empower" humans, to see that survival of the species, was to CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER, would seeing sanity as an illusion help create such?

if the goal, is to make it more known, that HUMANS THEMSELF, CREATE THE REALITY, THE SANITY, most by what they "believe", how could sanity disposed of as an illusion be beneficial?

i concur, sanity has come to be but a mere illusion more each day within our society, but such is really only due to "selective" belief of the self.

a human believing what it's "feelings" tell itself to believe, would tend to make sanity in time seem as an illusion?

but, is that to be taken as fact?

is not acceptable fact, what be proven as worthy to be accepted by all?

i believe you when you say, you aim to encourage people to self evaluation, but i propose one needs not a "book" to do that.

that using a book in itself, leads to sanity seen as an illusion.

the book itself, seen as the sole guide for self, leave the mind with but taking what proves self as correct, and dumping or ignoring what proves self incorrect.

and such but create more illusions taken as fact.

i propose sanity is TOTALLY ROOTED and founded in, THE CARE OF OTHERS AS EQUAL TO SELF, thus, hearing their words as meaningful.

a belief in a single book as divine, surely can be seen to diminish the embracing of other voices as meaningful.

if sanity is seen as illusion, than what human will be seen as real, and meaningful in due time?

which would create less caring each day, and a total ambition most but to hear only what agree's with self, or what swear allegiance to the "book" as meangingful.


only that the facts contained therein did indeed occur, but also as well stated, that many other facts that did occur were not contained therein.

and, it was stated that the prophecies were in "part", as to make sure such was not deemed as the "end and beginning" of all facts.

just my take.

i can state mine without attack.

can you.

Are any words that do not agree with yours an "attack"?

Sanity/insanity is a term used by one/few/many to deem another person(s) as less intelligent, more dangerous, less in control of their faculties or the opposite of those.

Everyone's crazy, so sanity is an illusion. Once a person accepts this, then it is quite easy to hold other's thoughts and words as having equal validity.

Each of us has their own experiences and upbringing which influence how we perceive reality. I hold that not a single person knows "true reality", only individual perceptions thereof.

You make the assumption that people (me?) conform their beliefs to a book. I myself have my own beliefs, it just so happens that the "book" agrees with me, not the other way around.

If you use the book as a sword to condemn others, I'll use the book to show your error. If you use the constitution, I'll use the constitution. If you use your own words, then I'll use your own words. See how it works?

You say the book nowhere claims to be "devine"? I agree with that, completely. The book actually instructs the reader to test everything, to seek knowledge, to not believe blindly.

So the terms sanity/insanity, good/evil, smart/dumb as well as other terms, are only good for promoting unequality. A tactic which is common in these threads to dismiss other's views as being inferior.