Topic: what do you miss about your last relationship?
RowBaby's photo
Tue 01/18/11 01:22 PM
Hahahaha (((sneaks)))

no photo
Wed 01/19/11 09:20 AM

I miss making out.

Neckin' at the drive-in.

no photo
Wed 01/19/11 11:00 AM
been so long i forgot

no photo
Thu 01/20/11 11:27 AM

Someone to kill bugs for you and lift heavy things

Nice one. laugh

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/20/11 11:31 AM
sexual potential,,,

josie68's photo
Thu 01/20/11 01:06 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm, have tried to think of one single thing, but cant. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful he is gone

hiddenmeaning's photo
Thu 01/20/11 02:17 PM
Being hit with cookware till it breaks no ..........
no still just my daughter

Ann14Annitah's photo
Fri 01/21/11 09:34 PM
His passonate kisses.slaphead slaphead

Tatilove's photo
Fri 01/21/11 11:53 PM
I miss our passionate kisses
the way he fondled/played with my breasts
driving around in his car just to be together
the long making out sessions :)

steelersgurl's photo
Sat 01/22/11 02:04 PM
absolutely, positively nothing:tongue:

wux's photo
Sat 01/22/11 02:14 PM
Her warmth... her adoration... her beauty... her salmon with mashed potatoes...

she was rather unmoving in bed as an experience... but she was at the time everything to me, still.

She had this weird way of intercoursing... and once I tried the regular way and she called me a dirty disgusting creature who did that dirty thing that they show in dirty pictures.

I did not have the heart to tell her she was weird in bed, because I loved her so much... and she loved me too.

One weirder than the sex thing, was her obsession with a fartless existence. She could not abide by that. Once I felt a big one coming on...I tried to escape out of the room, but I failed two steps from the door. It WAS a loud one. She called me names. That was the only time I saw her angry.

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 02:23 PM
I miss my house and my Yorkie that he tookbrokenheart

wux's photo
Sat 01/22/11 02:28 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 01/22/11 02:35 PM
I remember how kind and emotional she was... and how very hard she tried to hide that. You had to adore her. She was cute as bug, sharp as a tack, and sweet as a rose. I really... but really miss her.


I looked at the first page of this thread and the last page, maybe the second last page as well, and couldn't help but notice that most really good looking women here don't have good memories of their last relationships; their wording usually says how happy these gorgeous women are to have got rid of the lover, and how they don't miss anything. Whereas the guys usually say something sappy and sentimental. Black women, even the gorgeous and the beautiful ones, still miss the kisses.

What is this world coming to? Men are behaving like sweet little somethings, and women are hardened, calloused non-lovers with stones for hearts.

Or maybe only on this site, and that is the FIRST and VERY reason we are on this site -- for some reason we have mixed up the gender roles that society at large expects us to fulfil, and society at large is unforgiving about it. I don't mean gayness or kinkiness, I just mean too wide a difference between a median mental attitude of the expected and the actual.

It looks like, from the answers on the last and first pages of this thread, that the black women here are the only ones that got it right. Emotionally-mentally.



- the above are only my personal opinion;
- I claim no general truths or aim to gain wider acceptance of these views;
- I appreciate that while my findings were based on true data, and validly established, my opinion is still insignificant, since my total sample size was about 10 or 20 posts, which can't produce meaningful opinion, only a meaningless one, because that size sample is statistically insignificant.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 01/22/11 02:33 PM

me, i miss a lot of things. but really, the most important thing was having someone to just spill your heart out to . i miss getting a back rub while i talked about things i had never spoken about before. i miss that feeling of being there for one another. yes i miss sex, but whatever. thats not what made my relationship. i just want a good friend, a person to talk to. a person to make me feel good. what do you miss?

Absolutely nothing.

no photo
Sat 01/22/11 05:48 PM
Bottom line is when it's over it's over. It was over for a reason. Yes, the talks, hugs, kissing, things we did together, and mad passionate love making was great. I don't miss anything about the last two relationships I've had. When the bad out weighed the good it was time to move on. Look ahead, and never look back.

dconexion's photo
Sat 07/02/11 04:46 PM
The games, the bitching, the power tripping, the contempt (yes I love being put down)

What I miss the most was thinking that was love!

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/02/11 05:35 PM
my last relationship?

not a thing,, thats why it was my

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 07/02/11 05:51 PM
The bbq!

ybcat1's photo
Sat 07/02/11 06:48 PM

the familiarity and secure feeling of being with someone who knew me..I hate having to do that all over again...

Ditto! I miss him spoiling me in the little ways.

no photo
Sat 07/02/11 08:32 PM

surprised My eyes.

I don't even bother thinking about my last relationship, or missing it, as that's the last thing i need. Lol. He wasn't worth it.