Topic: Is the Bible historically accurate?
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Mon 07/11/11 02:51 PM

Wow, I know that "we" should all be humbled to have someone who was there and can speak of things as though they speak to god daily....not!!slaphead

Too funny....


The hypocrisy is too obvious and to be said with such venom and derision as though being spoken down to with it.


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Mon 07/11/11 02:53 PM

Spider wrote:

The truth is, the Bible depicts hell as having been created for demons, but because of our behavior, we are headed there too. So God generously offers to save us from ourselves and the fate we have earned. That's not a threat even in the wildest sense.

How can you be "saved" from a metaphor. whoa


Silly Pantheist, "A metaphor is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea"

So obviously there is a place or a state of being for which the Biblical authors used "hell" as a metaphor.

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 02:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 07/11/11 02:54 PM

As for you telling me I'm being ignorant :

I did not say that.

You typed it. Does that count as "saying" it?

post #9909

You are being willfully ignorant on this and I think you know that.

I said "willfully ignorant", which doesn't mean "ignorant". It means "A bad faith decision to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt. It may also be shown as for a person to have no clue in a decision but still goes ahead in their decision."

I think you know that you should just say "Okay, the use of metaphors doesn't prove the Bible is false" (and you could say that while still claiming the Bible was false for other reasons), but you don't. I have offered reasoned arguments and you have just said "They were stupid!" and "If any of the Bible is a metaphor, then all of it is!".

So basically you are calling me stupid. I see.

In any case, you are purposely being insulting and rude.

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 02:56 PM

So basically you are calling me stupid. I see.

Nope, that's not what I'm calling you. I'm calling you prideful or to use the metaphor from the Bible "stiff necked".

In any case, you are being insulting and rude.

Well, we can't all be perfect and not everybody has perfect manners. I guess that just means I'm a human and not an alien space lizard Jew.

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:07 PM

Spider wrote:

The truth is, the Bible depicts hell as having been created for demons, but because of our behavior, we are headed there too. So God generously offers to save us from ourselves and the fate we have earned. That's not a threat even in the wildest sense.

How can you be "saved" from a metaphor. whoa

There's something we agree on...

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:17 PM

So basically you are calling me stupid. I see.

Nope, that's not what I'm calling you. I'm calling you prideful or to use the metaphor from the Bible "stiff necked".

In any case, you are being insulting and rude.

Well, we can't all be perfect and not everybody has perfect manners. I guess that just means I'm a human and not an alien space lizard Jew.

No it just means you are rude and obnoxious.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:34 PM

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:38 PM

So basically you are calling me stupid. I see.

Nope, that's not what I'm calling you. I'm calling you prideful or to use the metaphor from the Bible "stiff necked".

In any case, you are being insulting and rude.

Well, we can't all be perfect and not everybody has perfect manners. I guess that just means I'm a human and not an alien space lizard Jew.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:39 PM

So basically you are calling me stupid. I see.

Nope, that's not what I'm calling you. I'm calling you prideful or to use the metaphor from the Bible "stiff necked".

In any case, you are being insulting and rude.

Well, we can't all be perfect and not everybody has perfect manners. I guess that just means I'm a human and not an alien space lizard Jew.

No it just means you are rude and obnoxious.

pot/kettle... remember that?

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:41 PM
I take pride in my obnoxiousness. pitchfork

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:42 PM

I take pride in my obnoxiousness. pitchfork


no photo
Mon 07/11/11 03:48 PM

I take pride in my obnoxiousness. pitchfork


rofl rofl rofl

jrbogie's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:13 PM

did genesis mention six thousand years?...

no. genesis mentions a 'history' that begins with the creation of the universe and then follows adam, who appears merely a few days later, and his descendants chronologically. by doing the math and reading further in the bible through the the life of jesus and adding another couple thousand years to get to present day it comes out to about six thousand years since 'creation.' however you do the math it damn sure doesn't come near the 13.75 billion years that science has estimated the age of the universe to be.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:55 PM
Looking at this planet and all that we find here, there is no way this planet is only 6000 years old. You can feel the age on it. When you go to the mountains and look at the formations and erosion and stuff. No way is this planet that young.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 07/11/11 05:59 PM

did genesis mention six thousand years?...

no. genesis mentions a 'history' that begins with the creation of the universe and then follows adam, who appears merely a few days later, and his descendants chronologically. by doing the math and reading further in the bible through the the life of jesus and adding another couple thousand years to get to present day it comes out to about six thousand years since 'creation.' however you do the math it damn sure doesn't come near the 13.75 billion years that science has estimated the age of the universe to be.

It can hardly be called an "estimate" anymore. They have it down to within 1 or 2 percent accuracy.

I think it's better to recognize it as a very precise and confirmed measurement. We now know that the universe is at least 13 billion years old for sure, and no more than 14 billion years old.

Calling it an "estimate" just because we don't have it down to a precise "year" would be silly. :wink:

Kleisto's photo
Mon 07/11/11 06:52 PM

I love the whole open minded thing too, how can anyone be open minded if they in effect by threat of what God will do if they don't believe them, they HAVE to believe something exactly to the letter? They can't. If you wanna be open minded you must be open to the truth no matter where it takes you, even if it means what you've been told is wrong. This is something Christians and a lot of religious people in general cannot get themselves to do. That however is true open mindedness, not just continually dismissing anything that goes against the truth they've been taught.

How many Christians have to tell you that there is no threat from God before you'll get it?

1) If you don't believe in God, why believe in hell?

2) If you love and trust God, then there is no fear of hell.

If you are staying up all night sweating about hell, then you must believe in God (and hell), but not love or trust him. Only in that situation could anyone consider hell a "threat".

The truth is, the Bible depicts hell as having been created for demons, but because of our behavior, we are headed there too. So God generously offers to save us from ourselves and the fate we have earned. That's not a threat even in the wildest sense.

Number 1, I DO believe in God, but I don't believe the Bible God is that. I'm not alone in that either. To say that everyone who rejects your idea of God rejects God too is the height of arrogance. Get over yourself.

Number 2, it is very much a threat I don't care how you wanna twist it. You're basically saying: "Oh he loves you, but if you don't exactly what he says he'll let you die anyway". That's utter crap and is far far from anything loving or divine.

Lastly, your idea of "generosity" is about the same as a rapist saying to his victim that he'll let her go but only if he lets him do what he wants to her. If she says no or tries to escape, he will kill her. There is no difference whatsoever. It is spiritual rape and spiritual terrorism.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:03 PM

did genesis mention six thousand years?...

no. genesis mentions a 'history' that begins with the creation of the universe and then follows adam, who appears merely a few days later, and his descendants chronologically. by doing the math and reading further in the bible through the the life of jesus and adding another couple thousand years to get to present day it comes out to about six thousand years since 'creation.' however you do the math it damn sure doesn't come near the 13.75 billion years that science has estimated the age of the universe to be.

It can hardly be called an "estimate" anymore. They have it down to within 1 or 2 percent accuracy.

I think it's better to recognize it as a very precise and confirmed measurement. We now know that the universe is at least 13 billion years old for sure, and no more than 14 billion years old.

Calling it an "estimate" just because we don't have it down to a precise "year" would be silly. :wink:

i have to call you wrong on that, the only reason they base that assumption is the furthest thing they know of is that far away from us... 1000 years ago they were sure the earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago they were sure the earth was flat... what will they be sure of 500 years from now?

no photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:06 PM

Number 1, I DO believe in God, but I don't believe the Bible God is that. I'm not alone in that either.

When I say God, I mean the God of the Bible. I don't capitalize the word "god", except when I'm talking about my God.

To say that everyone who rejects your idea of God rejects God too is the height of arrogance. Get over yourself.

I've never said that, you just pulled that statement out of thin air. Get over yourself.

Number 2, it is very much a threat I don't care how you wanna twist it.

No it's not.

You're basically saying: "Oh he loves you, but if you don't exactly what he says he'll let you die anyway".

No I'm not.

That's utter crap and is far far from anything loving or divine.

I don't blame you for rejecting that idea of God, that's idea is so far off the mark, that only a closed minded bigot who has never read the Bible could have come up with it.

Lastly, your idea of "generosity" is about the same as a rapist saying to his victim that he'll let her go but only if he lets him do what he wants to her. If she says no or tries to escape, he will kill her. There is no difference whatsoever. It is spiritual rape and spiritual terrorism.

Not even close. It's like having a fine that you could never pay and somebody comes along and offers to pay it for you.

Also, you should try to calm down a bit, you are letting your emotions speak instead of reason.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:31 PM

Not even close. It's like having a fine that you could never pay and somebody comes along and offers to pay it for you.

Also, you should try to calm down a bit, you are letting your emotions speak instead of reason.

Oh give me a break, I'm speaking on logic, and on logic the God of the Bible is simply a monster, period. I don't care how you wanna defend it, it isn't gonna change that fact.

And on the fine, it's not a just fine because WE NEVER DID ANYTHING! We're all suddenly sinners cause ONE soul messes up 2000 years ago? If you can't see how that makes no damn sense whatsoever you are just flat blind. So that argument fails.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/11/11 07:37 PM

Not even close. It's like having a fine that you could never pay and somebody comes along and offers to pay it for you.

Also, you should try to calm down a bit, you are letting your emotions speak instead of reason.

Oh give me a break, I'm speaking on logic, and on logic the God of the Bible is simply a monster, period. I don't care how you wanna defend it, it isn't gonna change that fact.

And on the fine, it's not a just fine because WE NEVER DID ANYTHING! We're all suddenly sinners cause ONE soul messes up 2000 years ago? If you can't see how that makes no damn sense whatsoever you are just flat blind. So that argument fails.
2000 years ago? i think adam was before jesus...