Topic: Do you believe in life after death
Mark's photo
Tue 09/21/21 01:10 AM

Once had a room mate when I was in my 20's, as soon as he'd remove his shoes it was evident something Supernatural was afoot.

Dr. Scholl's to the rescue!

no photo
Tue 09/21/21 01:12 AM

Brian's photo
Wed 09/22/21 10:51 AM
No. Am quite content in the knowledge that I am in the circle of life like any other animal. In that aspect, we all live forever, especially using natural burial. We degrade, feed the flora around the burial site which then feeds numerous animals down the line.
Having no religious/spiritual influence probably helps in that perception.

 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Mon 11/08/21 09:24 AM
No. looking at current population and corruption's :grin::grin::grin:

But 50/50 maybe or maybe not as per my confused vision after reading lots supervisions,:laughing:

We all living creature's
Every living has to die oneday.

Some expert's says we all were monkeys then evolutionary in nature we progessed for being humans,
which we still are not..:monkey::grin::grin:

Some says after death our souls freezes to new borns :grin:

I short i don't know even after death i won't know..

Just a philosophy virus hit in my body so jumped in these topics today..
Stay Safe an Keep Smiling :monkey::slight_smile:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 11/08/21 10:39 AM
Um, still no.

Life requires bio-mechanical processes in a state of constant activity.
"Life" after "Death" is nonsense.
Death is the absence of bio-mechanical processes.

Existence after Death is something different.
The issue being parts of you will exist after death but those parts will not be you as you think of you.

If you were to have somebody take a genetic sample of you and clone it into a living organism, that organism would be you in physical form but the you that is you would no longer exist.
This is because everything which makes you, you, is a combination of physical and mental experience you experience every moment you are alive.
The clone would have different experiences than you did so your clone would not be you in the sense as you know yourself to be you.

Memory is a living bio-electrical imprint pattern which happens in your brain and is maintained and preserved by the living process. "You" are a combination of living memory and collected stimuli. If that process is removed, "You" cease to exist. This is why brain dead people do not have "self". This is also why you don't remember the details of what it felt like during surgery. When the brain shuts down, "You" cease.

In near-death experiences, many people claim to exist past the point of physical death.
This is the body's last-ditch effort to jump-start the life process. It fires everything in an effort to restart the living process which fails. Kinda like when you have a near fall and your muscles tense up and your heart beats faster forcing more blood into your brain and muscles. All in an effort to arrest the condition of threat.

Near-death experiences are when your body/brain succeeds in restarting the process. When it is unsuccessful you die, for good.

The thing is, when you actually die and all life processes stop forever, you don't know it happened. You are not you anymore you are nothing at all so you can't have a sense of death or of past life. You're dead. There's no longer a life-process to support memory or thinking or senses. The body starts to decay. If you are not breathing your blood can't become oxygen saturated. Without a heart, the blood can't flow. Without oxygenated blood in your brain synapse don't fire, no chemical-electrical signal is released and nerves do not transmit. Without the living process, the body shuts down and consequently, all the aspects of the body also fail. You are essentially a bag of meat, stagnate and devoid of essence.

The only thing left is the energy that was you. This energy (essence) is slowly released from the body similar to out-gassing. Energy which combines with the energy of the Universe like an raindrop being absorbed by the ocean (an ocean the size of the Universe). It mixes and dilutes, no manifestation of you is remains, no sense of self, no memory, hopes or dreams.
This is because energy is the baseline of the Universe. All the matter of the Universe is made up of the same energy. The value of all the energy in the Universe is ONE. The energy which makes up "You" is the same energy which makes up the rest of the universe.
You return to being one with the Universe.

oozerdood's photo
Sat 11/20/21 06:17 AM
If you believe, as the song goes, that "life is just a dream" in the 1st place, then you CAN'T die. Only one's body dies, and much as we like (or dislike) them, we are not our bodies. In fact, it can be mathematically proven that we live in the so-called matrix; that time, space and matter do not exist, that the entire physical universe is the construct of the mind, and that its an illusion that we were ever in a body looking out, and its an illusion that there's any more than one being in all of existence.

oozerdood's photo
Sat 11/20/21 06:22 AM
"Return"? You never left being "one with the universe"; how could you?

no photo
Sat 11/20/21 07:34 AM
Hard to say. The best case scenario is that there is a Heaven.
I'm under the impression that we all come from, and return to, the collective unconscious; which may be part of God themself.

no photo
Thu 11/25/21 07:28 AM
The way things always work is.......

much more goes into things being done the first time... then it's just a matter of repetition.

rohitsardan's photo
Thu 12/16/21 08:34 AM
i believe in it b.c there hasnt been anything to prove that there isnt.

i trust u

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 12/16/21 10:16 AM
Personally faced death recently - still...NO

Sophrix's photo
Sat 12/18/21 10:39 AM
I believe in life after death.

no photo
Fri 12/24/21 07:25 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/24/21 07:34 PM
FWIW, i'm an Atheist. Having said that i have had two near death experiences in my life.

Both revolving around the ocean, one was when i weas a toddler, i dont recall much of it (read: too young) but i do have video proof of it, but i digress.

The other was in my twenties and a surfing accident. A massive swell wave crashed around me took me in, knocked me around, i may have hit the hard sand or board with my head, all i recall is that i saw a white tunnel. It was surreal, but i didnt see anything else or anyone. Felt tranquil though and timeless. Then i remember regaining consciousness, using my water knowledge to figure out if i was upright or upside down, felt for sand and such then pushed out.

Now my mum took me to an oracle of sorts inbetween the two events and said that this happened once and that it would happen one more time in my life. She was absolutely correct. She didnt mention great whites though, lol.

Spitfire 's photo
Sun 01/02/22 07:39 PM
110 percent believe there is life after death. I have been there.

Vincent's photo
Wed 10/12/22 12:18 PM
Edited by Vincent on Wed 10/12/22 12:30 PM
Yes, I do. I believe we have multiple destinations after death. There are Heaven and Hell, Purgatory/Astral Realm which is right above us and below Heaven, and back here on Earth Realm which is the Reincarnation Cycle.

I don't believe we ever die. We just transform and change location according to our level of consciousness.

The Soul is Eternal. The Soul is who you really are. The Soul is the Light of Awareness. The one who is being Aware of Reality is the Soul. It is the very thing that makes you sentient or self aware.

The Source of the Soul is Nothingness and from Nothingness Everything came to be.

When you are having fun you forget you are there. That is nothingness. We never stay as nothingness. We are always blinking in and out of reality and it has always been like this for an eternity. It is all a flickering dream.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/13/22 10:48 AM
I believe there's death after life

Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 10/13/22 11:55 AM
Is there even life before death?

 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Thu 10/13/22 12:28 PM
Once Death, finished.... The End.
New Life new chapter begins

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/13/22 12:30 PM
Life is the end of death

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/13/22 12:53 PM
Ok now let's be serious for a while. Life after death is an invention of the human nature. Can be on one side a result of our selfishness that doesn't accept the idea of death.
Death, at least for the time being, and for humans, is a fact (some organisms like the immortal jellyfish can live theoretically forever).
Since death is our ultimate end (so far), we tried to trick our consciousness by inventing the life after death myth. That creates an inner peace that helps us, as conscious creatures, to reach an inner peace even when we think about death which we all know is the end.
If any normal human being is really convinced that there's life after death, they wouldn't fight death when it comes or fight for their lives. Only twisted minded people or religious fanatics run to their deaths because they are deeply convinced that there's life after death and that they're gonna find themselves in a better place after their death.
This myth has been also used and taken advantage of by the ruling class through history to (hypnotize) the masses and let them give up the struggle for their rights in this life in return for an eternal heaven where the ultimate justice that they missed in life exists.