Topic: A critique of atheism
ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/23/13 06:50 PM
There are no "facts" that "disprove" evolution. And as for all the other things you mentioned, yes, Christians do those things.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 06:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/23/13 06:54 PM
-------->"without God we are prone to these traits. "

God is omnipresent. That means everywhere.

If this is true, no one is ever "without God."

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/23/13 07:07 PM
Christianity has many different denominations and different beliefs. When I hear Christians preach their gospel, I am never sure what is going to come out of their mouths. There are so many different interpretations and religions spawned from the Bible the different interpretations and beliefs would fill a library.

Not only that, Judaism and Islam depend on Bible myths to hold their religious beliefs together.

It's all so totally illogical and varied that even if I could, or wanted to believe in one of these, I would have no idea which one to pick.

So I go my own way, and I have my own concept of God and Spirit and all of the religious establishments who are deluded into thinking that only they are the chosen ones of God who are going to heaven, should go their own way and stop judging others while claiming not to be judging others.

To them I say... go forth to your God and do good works and don't look back or worry about anyone else. We will be just fine.

(Remember what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back.)


ViaMusica's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:11 PM
As far as I'm concerned, all religions have some small piece of the truth (some smaller than others, probably) and none of them have the entire enchilada. God is far too big to fit into any of the convenient boxes we humans make to contain Him/Her/It/Them.

andrewzooms's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:16 PM
Edited by andrewzooms on Sun 06/23/13 07:16 PM

Is it Christians spreading AIDS?

Yes since most deaths from Aids are in Africa. And the majority of citizens in Africa are Christian and or Muslim.

Is it Christians creating the drug and alcohol culture?

Jesus drank wine lol.

Is it Christians selling drugs on the streets to your kids?

Yes since 89 percent of the prison population are Christian.

Is it Christianity that is hiding the facts that disprove evolution?

How about you prove women are created from ribs?

pb3's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:22 PM
Edited by pb3 on Sun 06/23/13 07:38 PM

Is it Christians spreading AIDS?
Yes, I would think some do. Leukocytes are not affected by religious beliefs; Christians are just as susceptible to receiving and transmitting all diseases as non-Christians.

Is it Christians creating the drug and alcohol culture?
John 2:1-11

Is it Christians selling drugs on the streets to your kids?
No, they're molesting them instead.

Is it Christianity that is hiding the facts that disprove evolution?
Disprove evolution? What shows are you watching? I believe in intelligent design. IMHO there IS a Creator. This Creator created creation with the capacity to evolve. Evolution is real for the same reason we have homeostasis (which in itself is a product of evolution): to cope with dynamics. Darwin (yes, the obligatory D word in a religion thread) proved microevolution the best he could at the time and science has proven it wholly since. Macroevolution is artificially achievable by humans if albeit fallible(Liger or GMO's although GMO's are more micro) I would argue that if us lowly beings made from dust can manage to force microevolution or macroevolution, then this really smart guy who created EVERYTHING could pull it off legit.

What you got to understand that by the nature of the fall, we are inherently rebellious toward God and ultimately self seeking and full of self importance. By nature, without God we are prone to these traits.

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

To this charge I say

andrewzooms's photo
Sun 06/23/13 07:28 PM
Is it Christians selling drugs on the streets to your kids?

No, they're molesting them instead.

Sad but true.

1Cynderella's photo
Sun 06/23/13 09:40 PM
Edited by 1Cynderella on Sun 06/23/13 09:41 PM
William, I don't know what makes me sadder. Knowing people do all the things you talk about, or the fact that it's what you EXPECT certain people to do. frown

William8's photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:24 PM
The Bible is the only religion that identifies the real problems in us and give us a real solution.

It doesn't pull any punches or panders to anyone or anything.

Like a true surgeon does.

It has real demands, its real.

People who just flatter themselves with airy fairy belief are niave.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:38 PM

The Bible is the only religion that identifies the real problems in us and give us a real solution.

It doesn't pull any punches or panders to anyone or anything.

Like a true surgeon does.

It has real demands, its real.

People who just flatter themselves with airy fairy belief are niave.
Look in the Mirror then!
Sure glad you Guys ain't running things!
Would make Torquemada look like a Saint!

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:40 PM

The Bible is the only religion that identifies the real problems in us and give us a real solution.

It doesn't pull any punches or panders to anyone or anything.

Like a true surgeon does.

It has real demands, its real.

People who just flatter themselves with airy fairy belief are niave.
Pray tell,of WHAT Religion is the Bible?

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:42 PM
It always saddens me,when I see "Christians" full of Anger raging at things they refuse to understand!

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:51 PM

Obeying a rule or a man made law does not necessarily have anything to do with Morality.

So do you only obey man's laws out of a fear of punishment, not out of a moral obligation to not steal, for example if you can get away with it.

Do you support homosexuality even though 3000 babies are born every day with HIV?

So homosexals are make all babys have aids stupid argument not logical point to any thing

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:56 PM
homosexuals dont reproduce,, not homosexually anyhow,,,

but, thats beside the point,,

there are rules people follow for conscious/religion/morality,,,,like not killing people or not taking whats not theirs,,,,(even if they could get awsy with it)

there are other rules people follow out of awareness of the potential consequences,,like not driving drunk, or not smoking weed , or not bedding people below a cultural 'legal' age

not because the actions by themself are 'wrong' but because the culture has deemed them 'illegal'

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 11:58 PM

Sodomy was the perfect catalysts for spreading AIDS, since the rectum wall was not designed for sexual intercourse and blood and semen get mixed together. Whereas the vagina does not bleed and a man can even have sex with a women who has AIDS and there is a very low chance of contracting the virus. Through anal there is a 100 percent chance if the giver has AIDS.

What stupid statement you can get aids both ways as easy as each other hope younger once in here understand that don't believe your statement

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:07 AM
someone should start another thread about sexual risks

some behaviors ARE riskier than others,,,but thats not really what the thread is about

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/24/13 12:08 AM

Sodomy was the perfect catalysts for spreading AIDS, since the rectum wall was not designed for sexual intercourse and blood and semen get mixed together. Whereas the vagina does not bleed and a man can even have sex with a women who has AIDS and there is a very low chance of contracting the virus. Through anal there is a 100 percent chance if the giver has AIDS.

What stupid statement you can get aids both ways as easy as each other hope younger once in here understand that don't believe your statement
what the other way around certainly isn't true!
If the Man has Aids,actually only need to be infected with the HIV-Virus,the Woman most likely will be infected!
Funny when People think that only Feces among all the Bodily Fluids and Wastes will transmit the Virus!
BTW,AIDS are the later Symptoms of an Infection with the HIV-Virus!
It's infectious way before!

William8's photo
Mon 06/24/13 01:55 AM
What does an atheist morality and a condom with holes have in common.


William8's photo
Mon 06/24/13 02:04 AM
If a man has sex with a woman with HIV he has a small chance of getting it. Her blood would have to infect his blood to contract it.

If a man has AIDS and has anal sex with another man, the rectum wall always gets small fractures that bleed, because the rectum wall is fragile.

That's why AIDS spread like wildfire amoungst gay men.

Then heterosexuals began to get it by blood transfusions.

But it is clear that sodomy was the cause of the spread of AIDS initially.

That is point A.

Point Z is that 3000. babies are born with HIV every day.

There could be no greater injustice then that.

It cries out against homosexuality and is a wittness against them and all who support it.

What's that you disagree, I am sorry can't here you, the cries of 3000 babies ring loud in my ear.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/24/13 02:31 AM

If a man has sex with a woman with HIV he has a small chance of getting it. Her blood would have to infect his blood to contract it.

If a man has AIDS and has anal sex with another man, the rectum wall always gets small fractures that bleed, because the rectum wall is fragile.

That's why AIDS spread like wildfire amoungst gay men.

Then heterosexuals began to get it by blood transfusions.

But it is clear that sodomy was the cause of the spread of AIDS initially.

That is point A.

Point Z is that 3000. babies are born with HIV every day.

There could be no greater injustice then that.

It cries out against homosexuality and is a wittness against them and all who support it.

What's that you disagree, I am sorry can't here you, the cries of 3000 babies ring loud in my ear.
Heap of Bullmalarkey!