Topic: Gay Bakeries Refuse To Make Anti-Gay Cake
Conrad_73's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:38 PM

Why couldn't the bakery just bake a cake? Why do they care about people's private lives.. as long as they are getting paid to bake cakes? It seems like the bakery has the agenda not the cake customers. It's just a stupid cake right?

this says more than words could ever say !!!!!

That photo is strange isn't it? You know why?
Because it would be more true to life if there were a black man and woman couple as customers and the kkk as a the cake maker who is being offensive and discriminating, which is what it is about. No one is doing anything wrong by asking a bakery for a damn cake that has a gay message. What if it was a Christian cake maker and the customer wanted a cake saying 'Allah is Great'?? Who cares, make the damn cake.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:38 PM

This is a silly debate. The US cake makers should make cakes for everyone who is a paying customer and doesn't hurt anybody or promote hurting anybody for that matter. They should not refuse service because they feel threatened by someone else's freedom of thought which differs from their own. Real Americans know the difference between rights and anti rights. These cake makers are all about anti rights. They are so closed minded about gays that they are just making bad publicity for anti gays and good publicity for gays...this is being an idiot.

and thats your opinion...

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:39 PM

estelle, what your not seeing is that your saying what you belive and not taking into consideration what others believe...

your doing the same thing as the gays, KKK, muslims or any religious group...

there is over 7 billion poeople on the earth, all with different opinions... yours is but one

No. I'm saying 7 billion people better learn to be tolerant of differences and bake each others damn cakes anyway. I don't have an opinion on the matter.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:41 PM

This is a silly debate. The US cake makers should make cakes for everyone who is a paying customer and doesn't hurt anybody or promote hurting anybody for that matter. They should not refuse service because they feel threatened by someone else's freedom of thought which differs from their own. Real Americans know the difference between rights and anti rights. These cake makers are all about anti rights. They are so closed minded about gays that they are just making bad publicity for anti gays and good publicity for gays...this is being an idiot.

and thats your opinion...

I have no opinion on this matter. I honestly don't care about how others have sex.

mom333's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:41 PM

It's hard to understand why someone cares about how someone else has sex. That's being against sexual that's being a hypocrite if you say it's about upholding rights.

You are anti religion. There are several religions that don't agree with this country it is freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion

Heck there are non religious that doesn't support gay marriage. That is their right

No I'm not anti religion lol. I am pro religious freedom and any freedom..
a man once called my little girl a black *****, he said it twice on the bus not loud but just enough for her to hear. he has a right to say what he wants but SHOULD he get to say what he wants, my girl was 5 at the time.

and i watched a 5 year old little black girl screaming on the bus about how she hates white people... your point?
my point is freedom of speech yes but there is supposed to be an unspoken word of conduct. would you call a little girl a black *****.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:41 PM

It's hard to understand why someone cares about how someone else has sex. That's being against sexual that's being a hypocrite if you say it's about upholding rights.

You are anti religion. There are several religions that don't agree with this country it is freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion

Heck there are non religious that doesn't support gay marriage. That is their right

No I'm not anti religion lol. I am pro religious freedom and any freedom..
a man once called my little girl a black *****, he said it twice on the bus not loud but just enough for her to hear. he has a right to say what he wants but SHOULD he get to say what he wants, my girl was 5 at the time.

That is a TERRIBLE thing for any adult to say to a child.

However.. Racial discrimination or Racial prejudice or just being RUDE can not be equated with Religious Freedom/ Faith.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:43 PM

This is a silly debate. The US cake makers should make cakes for everyone who is a paying customer and doesn't hurt anybody or promote hurting anybody for that matter. They should not refuse service because they feel threatened by someone else's freedom of thought which differs from their own. Real Americans know the difference between rights and anti rights. These cake makers are all about anti rights. They are so closed minded about gays that they are just making bad publicity for anti gays and good publicity for gays...this is being an idiot.

It is their business and shouldn't be forced into something against their beliefs!

No a hard concept. They should decided and not have someone else decided and force them!

FREEDOM OF RELIGION..not from religion

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:44 PM

This is a silly debate. The US cake makers should make cakes for everyone who is a paying customer and doesn't hurt anybody or promote hurting anybody for that matter. They should not refuse service because they feel threatened by someone else's freedom of thought which differs from their own. Real Americans know the difference between rights and anti rights. These cake makers are all about anti rights. They are so closed minded about gays that they are just making bad publicity for anti gays and good publicity for gays...this is being an idiot.

and thats your opinion...

I have no opinion on this matter. I honestly don't care about how others have sex.

Then open a bakery

mom333's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:53 PM

It's hard to understand why someone cares about how someone else has sex. That's being against sexual that's being a hypocrite if you say it's about upholding rights.

You are anti religion. There are several religions that don't agree with this country it is freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion

Heck there are non religious that doesn't support gay marriage. That is their right

No I'm not anti religion lol. I am pro religious freedom and any freedom..
a man once called my little girl a black *****, he said it twice on the bus not loud but just enough for her to hear. he has a right to say what he wants but SHOULD he get to say what he wants, my girl was 5 at the time.

That is a TERRIBLE thing for any adult to say to a child.

However.. Racial discrimination or Racial prejudice or just being RUDE can not be equated with Religious Freedom/ Faith.

there are a lot of Christians Muslims Jewish Catholics etc here who do not believe in mixed marriages. being gay, women wearing short skirts, having their hair out the list could go on forever. these people make their views well known around the city. its true these people should be able to say what they want, what im saying is not all of what someone wants to say should be said, especially when what your saying is hurt full to people just trying to live their lives. it might be just a cake to some people but do you know how many gay people have taken their lives because of people saying that sort of thing, people shouting outside someone's house because there were gay making them feel bad for being themselves there not hurting anyone. if they wanted to carry on spreading hate they should bake their own cake.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 04/03/15 01:55 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 04/03/15 01:56 PM
It is not about Cakes,but about the People's Right to Free Association!

Read more at:

In the public sector, the government must administer equal justice under the law and treat all Americans equally. Thus, the anti-gay discrimination of Don't Ask, Don't Tell deserved to end. Likewise, conservatives such as Ted Olson and I believe that government should not discriminate against gay couples when handing out marriage licenses. (Obviously, other conservatives disagree.) The private sector, such as it is, is something different. Private individuals on private property should be free to associate with whom and without whom they wish. Just because someone runs a business or is part of a private group or organization does not mean that she surrenders her rights or becomes a mere appendage of government.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/03/15 02:04 PM
If I went to an atheist bakery and wanted a celebration cake for a baptism, they have a right to refuse. Guess what? My money is still good somewhere else. I would say "thank you. I will take my business elsewhere" and leave. Find another bakery. I had throw a hissy fit. As a business owner, they should have that right just as a customer has the right to go somewhere else.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 02:19 PM

It's hard to understand why someone cares about how someone else has sex. That's being against sexual that's being a hypocrite if you say it's about upholding rights.

You are anti religion. There are several religions that don't agree with this country it is freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion

Heck there are non religious that doesn't support gay marriage. That is their right

No I'm not anti religion lol. I am pro religious freedom and any freedom..
a man once called my little girl a black *****, he said it twice on the bus not loud but just enough for her to hear. he has a right to say what he wants but SHOULD he get to say what he wants, my girl was 5 at the time.

A person who talks rudely to a five year old of any race is a scumbag, but that is a bit off the topic. Any business has the right to reject work they don't want. A garage doesn't have to rebuild a car that was sunk in a sewage lagoon.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 02:24 PM
It is not about Cakes,but about the People's
Right to Free Association!
Why cant it be about cakes? I love cake! laugh

Of course its not about cakes.....a bakery was just the vehicle for the debate.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/03/15 03:30 PM

It's hard to understand why someone cares about how someone else has sex. That's being against sexual that's being a hypocrite if you say it's about upholding rights.

You are anti religion. There are several religions that don't agree with this country it is freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion

Heck there are non religious that doesn't support gay marriage. That is their right

No I'm not anti religion lol. I am pro religious freedom and any freedom..
a man once called my little girl a black *****, he said it twice on the bus not loud but just enough for her to hear. he has a right to say what he wants but SHOULD he get to say what he wants, my girl was 5 at the time.

and i watched a 5 year old little black girl screaming on the bus about how she hates white people... your point?
my point is freedom of speech yes but there is supposed to be an unspoken word of conduct. would you call a little girl a black *****.

this ain't about me...would you laugh while your daughter screams this on a bus?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/03/15 03:30 PM

This is a silly debate. The US cake makers should make cakes for everyone who is a paying customer and doesn't hurt anybody or promote hurting anybody for that matter. They should not refuse service because they feel threatened by someone else's freedom of thought which differs from their own. Real Americans know the difference between rights and anti rights. These cake makers are all about anti rights. They are so closed minded about gays that they are just making bad publicity for anti gays and good publicity for gays...this is being an idiot.

and thats your opinion...

I have no opinion on this matter. I honestly don't care about how others have sex.

3 pages here says otherwise...

JLaDawn's photo
Fri 04/03/15 03:49 PM
It saddens me that our nation has become a place that it is common to trample one citizens right in order to uphold anothers. Whether it is baking a cake, making a t-shirt or any other service provided we should have the right to not be forced to provide services against our personal conviction, religious or otherwise. My sister in law is a photographer. ...under the same reasoning the govt has provided for sanctioning small business owners she cld be fined for refusing to photo nude men swinging in trees sucking on popsicles. It is preposterous to me.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 04:19 PM

It saddens me that our nation has become a place that it is common to trample one citizens right in order to uphold anothers. Whether it is baking a cake, making a t-shirt or any other service provided we should have the right to not be forced to provide services against our personal conviction, religious or otherwise. My sister in law is a photographer. ...under the same reasoning the govt has provided for sanctioning small business owners she cld be fined for refusing to photo nude men swinging in trees sucking on popsicles. It is preposterous to me.

Taking photos of nude men swinging from trees is just wrong.

Nude women however, now that's a different matterohwell

InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/03/15 04:57 PM
If a gay couple walks into a cake shop in Tehran they will be arrested by the religious police, sent to trial, convicted and sentenced to hang.

While we are debating the merits of denying someone a cake, Obama is working a deal with the same Mullahs that hang gays.

WTF am I missing here?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 04/04/15 06:58 AM

I gotta ask.....

What ever happened to "We have the right to refuse service to anyone"

and what about "No shirt, No shoes, No service" is there going to be a lawsuit coming down the pike on that too?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 04/04/15 07:01 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 04/04/15 07:07 AM

estelle, what your not seeing is that your saying what you belive and not taking into consideration what others believe...

your doing the same thing as the gays, KKK, muslims or any religious group...

there is over 7 billion poeople on the earth, all with different opinions... yours is but one

No. I'm saying 7 billion people better learn to be tolerant of differences and bake each others damn cakes anyway. I don't have an opinion on the matter.

No, what your saying is "screw your rights and beliefs to freedom of religion and the Constitution its protected under".

I'm agnostic, have no use what-so-ever for religion, but peoples rights to believe as they will, I defend that to the death, fought and bled to prove it!

I think all 13 bakeries the guy called should be sued. Why not? He has the proof, they discriminated, some were even abusive to him.

If a statement is what they want to make, why not give them one by their own choice of weapon?

Intolerance and bigotry goes both ways too bigsmile