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Topic: using for money
farmgirl2345's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:03 PM
My boyfriend And I have only been together for a half a month. And he's been asking me for a lot of money And I don't know what to do or how to stop it.

mikeyspace4691's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:08 PM
Rub his nose in it and smack his bottom.. No wait.. IDK

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:08 PM
I suggest an assertiveness class so you can learn how not to be a ATM as no one is forcing you to give any are they?

Rock's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:25 PM
Life's too precious, to have to support a sponge.

Throw him out!

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:26 PM
Hello...don't do it

no1phD's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:27 PM
stop giving him your money.
Hmm.. better yet give me your money.. and I will set you up with an allowance..ok... problem solved..
Jk.... sharing expenses is one thing.
. giving your new friend money out of your pocket..... big no no... even if you have to go back to being single and alone.... at least you will have what you have earned yourself...ok

soufiehere's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:31 PM

My boyfriend And I have only been together for a half a month. And he's been asking me for a lot of money And I don't know what to do or how to stop it.

It has been my experience that a taker will continue
taking from a giver until the giver stops giving.

And not a minute longer.

no1phD's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:35 PM
Mmmmlook.. not only beautiful.
intelligent.. but she is a philosopher as well.... be still my beating heart..mmmmm

mikey5360's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:46 PM
Say no....really quite simple...and then you will discover if he is serious about what you guys have...

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:53 PM
and be prepared to discover that
"nope" he is not serious.

and then take the action that is the right one to protect yourself from this person.

what that is... you sure do know.

JustScribbles's photo
Sun 04/05/15 04:58 PM
Channel Nancy Reagan and Just Say No! You'll learn a great deal about the relationship in a pretty big hurry. You might also consider sayin' no in a public setting, just for safety's sake. There are some goofs out there...

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 05:01 PM
Dang, farmgirl, farmboy must be satisfying in some way that you are throwing money at him.

I recall giving a car each to my first two ex husbands. oops

farmgirl2345's photo
Sun 04/05/15 05:08 PM
Thank you for your great advice. I always go to people that are older than me for advice because they have been there.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:12 PM
Wait he has been your boyfriend for 2 weeks and he is asking for money.. Is that right.. Gf if it is run as fast as you can..
I am sorry I have a firm policy I don't give or loan money to friends or family. BFs are at the bottom of the list..

If you want to keep him for some reason;
The next time he asks you for money tell him real sweet.
I would love to but your are a poor credit risk..You haven't paid me back
for all the other loans when you do that we can talk about the next loan.
Good luck

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:17 PM
Tealbreeze, marry me. I need a car.

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:25 PM

Tealbreeze, marry me. I need a car.

After I stick my tongue down your throat, I might even give you a truck. :heart:

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:38 PM
Omg!!! smooched :heart: love drinker flowers

no1phD's photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:39 PM

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 06:40 PM

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 04/05/15 07:06 PM
That is your hard earn cash don't give it away to someone who don't have their own. Like you he needs to workfor it.
A lesson learned if a guy leaved his wallet at home RUN BABY RUN because you will be paying for everything for as long as he is hanging on to you.

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