Topic: Rand Paul Presidential Campaign Announcement
Conrad_73's photo
Thu 04/09/15 03:07 PM

not an Issue that would lend itself to a quick-fix by a POTUS with a Pen!

Constitutional Issues involved!

mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/09/15 03:14 PM

not an Issue that would lend itself to a quick-fix by a POTUS with a Pen!

Constitutional Issues involved!

weird how it says CONTINENTAL US... that would exclude Hawaii and Alaska...

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:17 PM
Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will

Lonegoat81's photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:20 PM
Edited by Lonegoat81 on Thu 04/09/15 06:22 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:39 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Thu 04/09/15 06:40 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

ha a woman wearing the pants gotcha by the ballz?


no photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:43 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

ha a woman wearing the pants gotcha by the ballz?


and I quote

"Washington works for everyone who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers," she said. "For everyone else, not so much." That's true.

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:51 PM
Elizabeth Warren, a fearless consumer advocate who has made her life's work the fight for middle class families, was elected to the United States Senate on November 6, 2012, by the people of Massachusetts.

the Boston Globe has called her "the plainspoken voice of people getting crushed by so many predatory lenders and under regulated banks."

this is my that she has her HEAD in the right place

here's my source

I don;t get much into politics but I like her chutzpah

Lonegoat81's photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:51 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

ha a woman wearing the pants gotcha by the ballz?


I actually like a strong woman. smokin

no photo
Thu 04/09/15 06:56 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

ha a woman wearing the pants gotcha by the ballz?


I actually like a strong woman. smokin

come to mama:wink:


no photo
Thu 04/09/15 07:55 PM

Elizabeth Warren is the best choice but she is not going to run, I don't think she will
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.
frustrated frustrated frustrated

ha a woman wearing the pants gotcha by the ballz?


I actually like a strong woman. smokin

come to mama:wink:


dont freak out, just messin' with ya:wink: laugh

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 12:31 AM
Islam has nothing to do with US citizenship birth rights. Islam is not a country, it's a religion..

Hawaii is part of the US. This would not be a problem if he was born in Hawaii. It has been a US state even since before his birth.

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 05:36 AM

Islam has nothing to do with US citizenship birth rights. Islam is not a country, it's a religion..

Hawaii is part of the US. This would not be a problem if he was born in Hawaii. It has been a US state even since before his birth.

I am thinking you posted on the wrong thread estelle?laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 06:16 AM
was just on yahoo, already rand paul is trying to be made to look like a fool, pointing out any little thing they can to make him look bad. hopefully the masses of people wont believe the crap the main stream media puts out. people before you listen to anything on the main stream news, just remember, brian williams! nuff said

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 04/10/15 06:58 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 04/10/15 06:59 AM

Elizabeth Warren, a fearless consumer advocate who has made her life's work the fight for middle class families, was elected to the United States Senate on November 6, 2012, by the people of Massachusetts.

the Boston Globe has called her "the plainspoken voice of people getting crushed by so many predatory lenders and under regulated banks."

this is my that she has her HEAD in the right place

here's my source

I don;t get much into politics but I like her chutzpah

yep,Pocaloontas,whose professorial Salary is paid by a Wallstreet-Bank Endowment!laugh

Lpdon's photo
Fri 04/10/15 07:48 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 04/10/15 07:51 AM

Jeb... is just another Bush

Cruz....his wife is a CFR member, and we already tried a soft spoken, foreign born, orator and look what that's brought us nucking futs!

Carson.... not bad, but not presidential material, definitely a cabinet position

Walker... too repulsicon, more of the same, but some good points too

Graham?!... how low would we have to go for him or McShame?

Christie?.... a new Krispy Kreme wing added to the WH! No Thanks!

Huckabee... again, too repulsicon elite, but we could do worse

Perry?.... Mr Duh.... another elitist repulsicon, but I give him credit as governor of Texas

All of the above are just more of the same and I for one am tired of that treadmill

The other contenders won't make the first debate

Rand is about the only logical choice if anyone wants something different out of DC, and he is a scrapper!

They'll have to blackball him in the media to try and discredit him and Reed (Graham's boy) is already running a million $$$ attack campaigne against him. That money is wasted to this point tho because people are tired of the "grand ole party" elitist nominees like Romney and Bush they try to stick us with.....just Hitlary 2.0's.... so we get more of the same no matter who wins.

Let’s look at those you were so quick to judge. Jeb Bush, with over 8 years of Executive experience in a large state that prospered under his watch. He also has Executive experience in the private sector running of Florida’s must successful and profitable real estate development businesses. He also served as one of Florida’s most successful Secretary of Commerce. From 1998 to 2005, reading scores of 4th grade students in Florida on the National Assessment of Educational Progress increased 11 points, compared to 2.5 points nationally.

While Governor, Jeb Bush reduced taxes by $19 billion, reduced the size of state government by 6.6 percent, and vetoed $2 billion in new spending.[34] He increased the state's reserves from $1.3 billion to $9.8 billion and presided over Florida receiving the highest possible bond rating for the first time.

Cruz and Carson, like Rand Paul is not Presidential material.

Trump is one of the most successful business men in the world and has decades of Executive Experience. He is fearless and would stand up to our enemies both foreign and domestic. He wont give BS red lines like our current President. He also has the experience necessary to fix our current financial issues and get our credit rating back up to an A.

Scott Walker has more executive experience then most candidates so far. 8 years as the Executive of Milwaukee County and has been governor since 14 3executive experience.

Graham a decorated Military officer, but no executive experience. I don’t think he is running though.

Christie, like Rand Paul is a HELL NO!

Governor Perry, HELL YES! He is one of the longest serving Governor’s in history. He is also a decorated military officer and pilot and he has proven himself to use the National Guard to protect our borders and stood up to Obummer. With everything going on in the world right now, I think our next President and or our next Vice President should have military experience.

Rand is the only illogical choice if anyone is mentally ill! He has no experience and is a danger to our National Security. He is a loon just like his father, who was the least productive Member of Congress in our nation’s history only getting one bill passed in his entire time in Congress because he is constantly running for higher office. Honestly, if by the SLIM chance Rand does make it to the general election (Which he wont), I will be voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

Governor Perry, Governor Bush or Donald Trump are the only ones to vote for.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 04/10/15 07:55 AM

not an Issue that would lend itself to a quick-fix by a POTUS with a Pen!

Constitutional Issues involved!

weird how it says CONTINENTAL US... that would exclude Hawaii and Alaska...

read the whole Article again!

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 09:51 AM
Does Rand Paul accept 'donations' from big businesses/banks? If not he won't stand a chance.

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 10:13 AM

Jeb... is just another Bush

Cruz....his wife is a CFR member, and we already tried a soft spoken, foreign born, orator and look what that's brought us nucking futs!

Carson.... not bad, but not presidential material, definitely a cabinet position

Walker... too repulsicon, more of the same, but some good points too

Graham?!... how low would we have to go for him or McShame?

Christie?.... a new Krispy Kreme wing added to the WH! No Thanks!

Huckabee... again, too repulsicon elite, but we could do worse

Perry?.... Mr Duh.... another elitist repulsicon, but I give him credit as governor of Texas

All of the above are just more of the same and I for one am tired of that treadmill

The other contenders won't make the first debate

Rand is about the only logical choice if anyone wants something different out of DC, and he is a scrapper!

They'll have to blackball him in the media to try and discredit him and Reed (Graham's boy) is already running a million $$$ attack campaigne against him. That money is wasted to this point tho because people are tired of the "grand ole party" elitist nominees like Romney and Bush they try to stick us with.....just Hitlary 2.0's.... so we get more of the same no matter who wins.

Let’s look at those you were so quick to judge. Jeb Bush, with over 8 years of Executive experience in a large state that prospered under his watch. He also has Executive experience in the private sector running of Florida’s must successful and profitable real estate development businesses. He also served as one of Florida’s most successful Secretary of Commerce. From 1998 to 2005, reading scores of 4th grade students in Florida on the National Assessment of Educational Progress increased 11 points, compared to 2.5 points nationally.

While Governor, Jeb Bush reduced taxes by $19 billion, reduced the size of state government by 6.6 percent, and vetoed $2 billion in new spending.[34] He increased the state's reserves from $1.3 billion to $9.8 billion and presided over Florida receiving the highest possible bond rating for the first time.

Cruz and Carson, like Rand Paul is not Presidential material.

Trump is one of the most successful business men in the world and has decades of Executive Experience. He is fearless and would stand up to our enemies both foreign and domestic. He wont give BS red lines like our current President. He also has the experience necessary to fix our current financial issues and get our credit rating back up to an A.

Scott Walker has more executive experience then most candidates so far. 8 years as the Executive of Milwaukee County and has been governor since 14 3executive experience.

Graham a decorated Military officer, but no executive experience. I don’t think he is running though.

Christie, like Rand Paul is a HELL NO!

Governor Perry, HELL YES! He is one of the longest serving Governor’s in history. He is also a decorated military officer and pilot and he has proven himself to use the National Guard to protect our borders and stood up to Obummer. With everything going on in the world right now, I think our next President and or our next Vice President should have military experience.

Rand is the only illogical choice if anyone is mentally ill! He has no experience and is a danger to our National Security. He is a loon just like his father, who was the least productive Member of Congress in our nation’s history only getting one bill passed in his entire time in Congress because he is constantly running for higher office. Honestly, if by the SLIM chance Rand does make it to the general election (Which he wont), I will be voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

Governor Perry, Governor Bush or Donald Trump are the only ones to vote for.

why is someone who believes in freedom and the constitution a loon, you make no sense, please educate yourself before you come on here talking about ron or rand paul, they are all about the fundamentals this country was founded on, and theyre loons? give me a break you obviously dont have the slightest clue when it comes to politics if you think we need another bush in the white house. its people like you are the reason this country is so messed up in the first place with your brainwashed thinking. i think your the loon for thinking we should vote another bush into office over voting for someone who actually believes in freedom and the peoples ability to make decisions for themselves. give me a break

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/10/15 10:34 AM

Jeb... is just another Bush

Cruz....his wife is a CFR member, and we already tried a soft spoken, foreign born, orator and look what that's brought us nucking futs!

Carson.... not bad, but not presidential material, definitely a cabinet position

Walker... too repulsicon, more of the same, but some good points too

Graham?!... how low would we have to go for him or McShame?

Christie?.... a new Krispy Kreme wing added to the WH! No Thanks!

Huckabee... again, too repulsicon elite, but we could do worse

Perry?.... Mr Duh.... another elitist repulsicon, but I give him credit as governor of Texas

All of the above are just more of the same and I for one am tired of that treadmill

The other contenders won't make the first debate

Rand is about the only logical choice if anyone wants something different out of DC, and he is a scrapper!

They'll have to blackball him in the media to try and discredit him and Reed (Graham's boy) is already running a million $$$ attack campaigne against him. That money is wasted to this point tho because people are tired of the "grand ole party" elitist nominees like Romney and Bush they try to stick us with.....just Hitlary 2.0's.... so we get more of the same no matter who wins.

Let’s look at those you were so quick to judge. Jeb Bush, with over 8 years of Executive experience in a large state that prospered under his watch. He also has Executive experience in the private sector running of Florida’s must successful and profitable real estate development businesses. He also served as one of Florida’s most successful Secretary of Commerce. From 1998 to 2005, reading scores of 4th grade students in Florida on the National Assessment of Educational Progress increased 11 points, compared to 2.5 points nationally.

While Governor, Jeb Bush reduced taxes by $19 billion, reduced the size of state government by 6.6 percent, and vetoed $2 billion in new spending.[34] He increased the state's reserves from $1.3 billion to $9.8 billion and presided over Florida receiving the highest possible bond rating for the first time.

Cruz and Carson, like Rand Paul is not Presidential material.

Trump is one of the most successful business men in the world and has decades of Executive Experience. He is fearless and would stand up to our enemies both foreign and domestic. He wont give BS red lines like our current President. He also has the experience necessary to fix our current financial issues and get our credit rating back up to an A.

Scott Walker has more executive experience then most candidates so far. 8 years as the Executive of Milwaukee County and has been governor since 14 3executive experience.

Graham a decorated Military officer, but no executive experience. I don’t think he is running though.

Christie, like Rand Paul is a HELL NO!

Governor Perry, HELL YES! He is one of the longest serving Governor’s in history. He is also a decorated military officer and pilot and he has proven himself to use the National Guard to protect our borders and stood up to Obummer. With everything going on in the world right now, I think our next President and or our next Vice President should have military experience.

Rand is the only illogical choice if anyone is mentally ill! He has no experience and is a danger to our National Security. He is a loon just like his father, who was the least productive Member of Congress in our nation’s history only getting one bill passed in his entire time in Congress because he is constantly running for higher office. Honestly, if by the SLIM chance Rand does make it to the general election (Which he wont), I will be voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

Governor Perry, Governor Bush or Donald Trump are the only ones to vote for.

why is someone who believes in freedom and the constitution a loon, you make no sense, please educate yourself before you come on here talking about ron or rand paul, they are all about the fundamentals this country was founded on, and theyre loons? give me a break you obviously dont have the slightest clue when it comes to politics if you think we need another bush in the white house. its people like you are the reason this country is so messed up in the first place with your brainwashed thinking. i think your the loon for thinking we should vote another bush into office over voting for someone who actually believes in freedom and the peoples ability to make decisions for themselves. give me a break

LP is a hard core republican, only votes republican, no matter what...

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 04/10/15 12:25 PM

Rand Paul would defend the child of a US born mother.
Also he would abolish the law that let's citizenship be acquired just for being born on US soil, when both parents are foreign. We need to protect the interests of US citizens.

Did you seriously just say Rand Paul would violate the Constitution? If he would, he is unfit for the Presidency. He would not abolish anything. Just because the current President wants to ignore Congress doesn't mean it's ok.