Topic: Religious Critics already refuting Gay study before it even
Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/18/07 04:49 PM
Yes eljay,
There is proof in dna that eople are born with a greater tendancy to addictions. So much so that the insurance companies have sought permission to use this evidence to charge higher life and med rates based on DNA samples!!!

I didnt say that there was proof that the study would link homosexuality to a birth defect, but it might, and I think perhaps it may be found that it is attributed to an external chemical source such as the female hormones fed to animals. These are showing up in humans and have been linked to the younger age that little girls reach puberty. Perhaps it is also linked to more and more little boys turning to homosexual tendancies.

I believe this study should be done. Maybe it wil answer some questions.

I do not fall for the religous rhetoric of the devil influencing people to chose this lifestyle and do not consider them sinners or look down my knose at them!

Britty's photo
Thu 10/18/07 04:54 PM
Elijay and Voil - you should have similar 'chats' more often, that was one of the more interesting and logical exchanges I have seen in some time.

Not sure what happened to Fanta's question...

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:19 PM
Fanta wrote:
“I didnt say that there was proof that the study would link homosexuality to a birth defect, but it might”

We toss words around like “Birth Defect”, but who’s to say what a “defect” is?

We create in our subjective minds what we might think of is the “perfect” human being, and then we claim that anything that doesn’t live up to our expectations is a “defect”

When I took genetics, (many years ago), they taught that blue eye color is actually considered to be a genetic “defect”. Not necessarily harmful nor undesirable, but it is caused by what can be thought of as a ‘defect’ in the normal scheme of things. I can’t recall the precise details, but I remember thinking that it was strange that it should be judged to be a ‘defect’.

We build models in our minds of how we think things should work and what the final products should be like. Then when things don’t appear to adhere to those models we call them “defects”.

Has anyone ever thought that maybe it’s our models and our expectations that are actually ‘defective’ and nature just is what it is?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:27 PM
I mean think about it.

Imagine a little baby girl is born. She has the ugliest face that you ever saw! Not deformed. Just ugly! Of course as a newborn baby she’ll probably still be the “Cutest little baby”, but as she grows her ugliness become more an more apparent. She also becomes extremely obese and not very tall. She walks kind of funny, again not deformity, just an extremely obvious lack of poise.

However, she’s 100% heterosexual in her thinking, even though she can’t seem to find a boyfriend.

So now what? Did she have a “birth defect”?

I don’t think anyone would say that. I think people should say, “No, she’s perfectly ‘normal’, she just isn’t a model that’s all”.

In other words, nature can produce whatever it likes, and as long as it fits in with what we find “acceptable” then it’s OK.

But as soon as it produces something that we find unacceptable (i.e. homosexual tendencies) then LOOK OUT! We’ve got a BIRTH DEFECT on our hands!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:29 PM
Thank you abradrinker

I think of defect as absent of normality, or a majority! Most of the population arent diabetic, or dwarfs or giants for that matter. Siamese twins, or children born with club feet, or autism are not a majority and I dont think homosexuality is either!

Blue eyes, that strikes me strange too. Maybe, I am looking at birth defect in the wrong way!! hmmm.......

Interestingdrinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:33 PM
I dont think your last example of the ugly girl even falls into the same category. A bit of a stretch, I think!!

I believe Jennifer Lopez is ugly, and yet everyone doesnt agree. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Not the same!!!

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:44 PM
Fanta wrote:
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Not the same!!!"

Well, you can say that it's not the same, but where's the line between what we merely consider to be ugly, and what we actually consider to be a "defect".

I mean there are obviously lines that can be drawn, like too many appendages etc. But how ugly does a person’s nose need to be before we call it a defective nose?

I mean, where do we draw these lines. Obviously they are all in the eye of the beholder eventually.

How short can a person be and still be within normal ranges. When does it cross over into the realm of a ‘birth defect’. That height, (whatever the number) must necessarily be an arbitrary human judgment because we don’t have a blueprint for human beings that has tolerances called out on it.

It’s all subjective. That’s all I’m saying. drinker

Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:45 PM
drinker drinker

KerryO's photo
Thu 10/18/07 05:51 PM
Rambill writes:

" AIDS IS A CURE. sorryaboutit."

Well, if God loves most those folks who get AIDS the least, soon everyone is going to have to become a lesbian. Because lesbians have an almost non-existent rate of HIV infection.

Of course, that might prove to be a problem for some people here..... :)

And BTW, Rambill-- you keep dodging questions about your posts in Sex and Dating about oral sex. How does God feel about.. well.... you know?

-Kerry O.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:09 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:54 PM

Glad you enjoyed the exchange.

And stay tuned, there is more coming!


no photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:55 PM
By the way 'britty',

Don't be shy and share your thoughts on the matter!


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:05 PM
Kerry O. wrote:
"Of course, that might prove to be a problem for some people here..... :)"

Hey, I'm a lesbian in a man's body!

I chose a man's body to make it easier to get through life. laugh


Eljay's photo
Thu 10/18/07 09:54 PM

That may be so about the DNA for addiction, but my point tended to center on the fallacy of using a Socially considered Abnormalty as a deterrant to choosing a particular life action, so therefore it must be something one is born with. It just isn't a valid justification for a Homosexual being born this way. Again - that is not to say that therefore they are not - it just is saying - if they are, the social "abnormalty" is not the premise that establishes the proof.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 10/19/07 01:48 AM
Fanta brought up a point that I'd like to address.

""Lets suppose that homosexuality, in the course of this study, is found not to be a choice or a sin. Lets suppose it is discovered that it is a birth defect, and in the process they discover that unlike diabetes, autism, poor eye-sight, etc. it can be cured or at least prevented from occurring during the process of the development of a fetus.""

First of all, there's a great amount of reasearch currently being done, in the field of genetics. There are a great number of abnomalities that are known to be genetic. Some can already be tested for - cystic fibrosis is just one. Unfortunately these tests are extremely expensive and often it's a rare phenomenon as it takes a rare gene in both the donars, mother and father to pass it on. This is the case in almost all genetic factors. I don't remember the number of genetic malfunctions or predermanents they can now screen for, but there are many more on the horizon.

Screening for them is one thing. It allows those,would be, parents to decide if they want to 'take the chance' or not. But there may well be a day when those factors can be screened OUT before the spem and egg come together. It's not a natural process and fertilization takes place in a laboratory. That's probably going to be another issue Christians will have, should we ever get that far.

So of all the terrible genetic faults that might be found, stopped from happening, Cystic fiborsis, cancers, hemophelia, diabetes, Lou Gerigs disease, alzheimers, and so many others, I have to seriously wonder, if people REALLY put homosexuality in that catagory? And who would pay for that screen BEFORE any of the others? In a list of priorities, if the world accepted homosexuality, who exactly would put this test at the top of their list?

The other issue is the fact that even if homosexuality is discovered to be genetic, it will be only the elite who might be tested for it, and only a few of those would consider the expense of a baby, genetically designed.

So by determining that this 'abnormality' is genetic and even researching for a preventative, only few will partake, and there will still be homosexuals.

In the mean time the law will not change, and those who are discriminated against will have no comfort and those who are born, in spite of available testing, will not receive pity as those who suffer from disease, they will simply contine to be outcasts.

Research could be so much more beneficial to those whose lives could be threatened by horrible diseases, and yet the government chooses to fund research for genetic traits of homosexuality. THAT IS A SCARY THING.

no photo
Fri 10/19/07 07:13 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to expose one of our own for the incompetent idiot he is.


This clown make a ridiculous statement so full of holes, you could drive a truck thru it. I ask him ONE question about his comment, ans this jerk can't even answer it, instead opting to insult. I gave him another chance to eradicate himself from the hole he dug for himself, and true to form, he proudly displays his total ignorance by refusing to answer my question, instead opting to throw out another insult.

See folks, that's all he can do-insult. He makes half-cocked statements, and hides like the little baby he is when he's called on it.

Rambill, you call youself a Christian.
Boy, that's a laugh.
Somehow, I think once you kick the bucket, you'll be on the elevator marked "down".

Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, either.

no photo
Fri 10/19/07 07:15 AM
knoxman said...
"Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, either. "

I agree, we all deserve damnation equally.

no photo
Fri 10/19/07 07:24 AM
Spider, we agree on somethinglaugh ? Wow! Just kidding, we've agreed before.

I'll give you credit, Spider. Al least you'll oppose a point with a counterpoint, as opposed to not even trying to answer a simple opinion question. You, I have respect for.

Have a good one, Spider.drinker

no photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:15 AM
let me clarify here. i dont Hate Gays any more than i hate drunk drivers or shoplifters. . I try to witness to them rather than be all politically correct and coddle them however.

no photo
Sat 10/27/07 10:58 AM

What about liars? People with lustful hearts? People who hate?

We each equally deserve damnation. A homosexual man is no more guilty than you or I am. You don't have to "coddle" them, but remember that their heart is held captive to sin, just as yours once was. Love them, if they ask, feel free to tell them that homosexuality is a sin.