Topic: Who Do You See Fit! Our Next President!
2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 10:39 AM
Good Day My friends of M2, I want to thank all those who supported me in my last forum on health and my friendly advice I gave to an old friend. okay lets get into the meat , red wine, and the potatoes of what I have in store for you today. okay America, I usually don't get into politics due to I think America not ready for both sides critique in opposing powers but I'm take a controversial topic and bring fun to it. Okay imagine you had the power to really choose who you want to run the country of United states. I'm not talking voting, or voicing revolutions but each of us would like to see in power of U.S. president. I have a few friends said they would like to see a woman in office. Not just a black woman but a woman in general. some say a young person like 25-35 to office. others say you know what things is fine with the current age and sex with our past & present candidates. your boy 2fly would like to see everybody be president. let me explain why, okay I think the roles of men and women would change every week. if a week a man is pres. than the following week a woman. another week would be a straight and another week a transgender or a gay win. one week again a poor man another week a rich. look at it like everybody would cater to the real people needs and understand. I know that sounds like a fantasy in a make believe world that's the point of this to luminate your mind to if you had the power who you would like to see fit in office and why?
People keep in mind everybody's views is valuable. no smearing ones thinking. that's what makes this country so great. its like having balls and a *&^% we all have so my " Opinions Minions" spill the coffee to me whats your choice and why?
love Ya keep

Rock's photo
Wed 11/04/15 11:07 AM
My vote will go to whichever candidate, pisses the libtards off the most.

no photo
Wed 11/04/15 11:57 AM
to tell you the Gods honest truth.. I don't like any of them. Not one impresses me or stands out in the crowd.

They all remind me of a bunch of used car salesmen ( and women)

no photo
Wed 11/04/15 02:36 PM
Caitlin Jenner for potus and Bruce Jenner for vp. 2 for one.:thumbsup:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 11/04/15 02:44 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 11/04/15 02:54 PM

The 3 nation/city states (Wash DC, City of London, and the Vatican) will give us whoever makes them laugh the most while screwing the enslaved people of the worlds nations and robbing them blind.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 11/04/15 02:48 PM

no photo
Wed 11/04/15 02:51 PM

Caitlin Jenner for potus and Bruce Jenner for vp. 2 for one.:thumbsup:

All that is needed is a good wardrobe manager and crew ( like NASCAR fast crew).. and this could work

no photo
Wed 11/04/15 03:02 PM

Caitlin Jenner for potus and Bruce Jenner for vp. 2 for one.:thumbsup:

The new "Entertainers" party... Sure to compete as a contenders in 2020 lol

X Donald Trump
X Kanye West
X Lindsay Lohan
X Caitlin Jenner


mightymoe's photo
Wed 11/04/15 03:08 PM
i always thought charlie sheen would make a good prez...

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:18 PM
To RockGnome

you right my friend.....I totally agree

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:19 PM
To devildog123

why you feel like that I'm curious

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:20 PM
to alleooops

OH My I second that maybe Kendal jenner would get

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:21 PM
to mighty moe, would think emilo Estevez would be a better choice of the 2 brothers

soufiehere's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:24 PM
I look for a person whose hand will be steady
on the red nuke phone if and when needed.

A person who can administrate effectively.

As it happens I have voted for every single person
that has won that office in the last 45 years..except one.
Did not vote for Junior Bush.

So, we wait and see who can survive the punishing critiques.

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:26 PM
To John111 okay

I would of picked ebe-1 at Roswell AFB

Grumpy Cat of Animal

Both of the members of Draft Punk...

Jim Jones....just watch the glass of juice at his inauguration

Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison....need I say more!

George Clinton from parliament....that's one Clinton I vote for......

2Fly4Wings38's photo
Wed 11/04/15 04:27 PM
to sorjurning_soul

brother you right about enslavements....take credit card industry that's the new slavery!