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Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 10/31/19 07:53 PM
i never claimed for one i believed that the Earth is only 6,000 years

I didn't say you did?
I don't even care if you do.

You did however say many, many other things which I did address with facts.
I gave real sources which you can look up, get a phone number and talk to the people first hand.

Got a phone number, address or email for anyone you refer to?
Anyone at all?
I'd like to talk to Adam and Eve.
How about Cain's wife's parents?
Do you have the number for the Nod city council?

Before you say pray, realize any conversation you might have in your head is
That same voice in people's heads that tells them to kill, torture and maim other people in its name.
I don't want people talking in my head, I prefer using my ears.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/31/19 08:05 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 10/31/19 08:07 PM
what voice are you talking about?

if i want to speak to God, i just verbally speak out loud since we've already met a real Angel (6 of us did and spoke to him for 3 hours along highway I-64)...and if the Angel said we would be in Paradise then in my view i should have a direct line connection to God.

after all, He answered our prayer in front of 6 of us in West Virginia, then He can hear me where i am currently now without this needing a voice in my head...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 10/31/19 08:06 PM

i never claimed for one i believed that the Earth is only 6,000 years

I didn't say you did?
I don't even care if you do.

You did however say many, many other things which I did address with facts.
I gave real sources which you can look up, get a phone number and talk to the people first hand.

Got a phone number, address or email for anyone you refer to?
Anyone at all?
I'd like to talk to Adam and Eve.
How about Cain's wife's parents?
Do you have the number for the Nod city council?

Before you say pray, realize any conversation you might have in your head is
That same voice in people's heads that tells them to kill, torture and maim other people in its name.
I don't want people talking in my head, I prefer using my ears.

I wrote this before your angel story.
Did you think to get the number of the angel driving the truck?
The license plate number?
Year, make and model of the truck?

There is a big difference between calling a scientist I do not know and calling someone you know or is family to you.

Then you assume I need proof of your claims but I have told you time and again, I don't care what you believe but I have no problem with you believing it. No matter what you do or say is not going to get me to start believing what you believe.
When you make off-the-wall claims and spout insults and have your rants, I find it entertaining to look into it.
Frankly, without you and your rants this thread would be boring and long dead.

Like I said a few times, there's only so many ways to answer Does God Exist?

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/31/19 08:09 PM
yes, my Dad did.

he worked part time as a sheriff so he was the most hesitant of us all. but none of the numbers were anywhere in the system. it all appeared legit but like my Dad and Aunt said, we were just entertained by a real Angel!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/31/19 08:57 PM
i only offer that there is proof since the story seems unrealistic.

but then again, i have argued where the First Law (God) always has priority over His Secondary Law, the Laws of Physics.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 10/31/19 11:47 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Fri 11/01/19 12:00 AM
You seem to forget I never asked you for PROOF of anything.
Others might have but I didn't.

In 1984 I had what I called at the time 'A Visit by My Guardian Angel"
It involved a man that appeared on the New Jersey Turnpike who provided me with a driveshaft u-joint on a Sunday evening in a snow storm.
This MAN took my friend and allowed him to remove a u-joint from an old junk truck with the same driveline as my truck.
I stayed with the truck but he and my friend returned, fixed the U-joint and we made it to Virginia Beach on time for Monday morning muster.
Without his help, We probably would have freezed and we would have been UA.
As it was, both of us were treated for cold weather hypothermia exposure.

Later that next year, my friend and I returned to his house so I could pay him for the u-joint and thank him again.
My friend was sure it was the right farmhouse.
We saw the truck my friend removed the u-joint from but the farmhouse was empty. Noone living there at all.

For years I counted that as an angelic influence but I also knew deep inside, it was a MAN being generous and helpful.
I have done much the same thing since then and I assure you, I am not an angel.
The people I have helped may think of me as an angel but I was merely paying back a good deed done or doing the right thing according to my discipline.

There are many more situations in my life similar.
A trucker gave me money so I could get my family home.
A farmer uses his tractor to pull me out of a ditch.
A family brings Christmas gifts for my family.
And on and on and on.

Even now I have people helping me with no request for compensation.
My GF cares for me without a need for thanx (I do thank her but she does it without my request).

Are all these caring, helpful people in my life angels?
I don't think so.
They are merely people like me.
They see someone in need and if they can, help them.
Not one has ever asked me for money.
Not one has attempted to get me to pray.
Not one has done what they did with any expectation from me.
I do the same.

I help people if I am able.
I have no need for compensation.
I have no need for them to agree with my religion.

I'm not motivated to help them by my beliefs in God.
My God doesn't work that way.
If they choose to bless me with their God, I have no issue with that because that is how they believe.
If it gives them satisfaction, I am not going to stand in their way.

I need no proof because I don't give a damn if you believe me or not.
I tell you this so you will know I know what you are talking about but I see it differently now that my delusional thinking has been suppressed.
But, yes, at one time in my life I did think it was angelic.
At that time I was unable to separate reality from delusion.

Looking back 30 years, there are many things I attributed to my religion that were just reality.
My delusions clouded my reasoning ability and I really believed I was helped by angels.
But, it was just people, being people.

You said MK couldn't possibly be a good person.
I said he could.
People are capable of great deeds of compassion without religion in their lives.
People are not evil.
Some people do evil things.
Some people are kind and caring.
Just because someone has the capacity to be kind and caring does not make them an angel or religious.

First Law (God) always has priority over His Secondary Law, the Laws of Physics

I couldn't find a reference for the First Law (God) anywhere on the web besides religion based websites.
I did find this which is interesting...

The 12 Spiritual Laws Of The Universe

This guide will explore and summarize all twelve of the laws. Plus, it should help you to understand how they influence you and how your awareness of them can lead to positive change.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness
2. Law of Vibration
3. Law of Correspondence
4. Law of Attraction
5. Law of Inspired Action
6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
7. The Law of Cause and Effect
8. The Law of Compensation
9. Law of Relativity
10. Law of Polarity
11. Law of Rhythm
12. Law of Gender

The First Law is:
1. The Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness is the foundational law, according to which absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected. In other words, every choice, word, desire, and belief you have will also have an impact on the world, and on the people in your life.

Sometimes this impact will be immediate and obvious. At other times, it may take a while to manifest, or you may never even discover that it has occurred. Try to think of yourself as part of everything around you to live in accordance with this law. We are all one, and awareness of this makes us more powerful as well as more empathetic.

Is this about God?
Do you see God mentioned, anywhere?
Do you see it as about God?
How do you make that correlation?

I see it as being about the person being in alignment with the Universe and knowing their stance in the scheme of existence.
It wants the person to accept the reality before them.
This makes sense to me.
I do this on a regular basis.

I'm thinking your writing what you did was supposed to make me believe what you say is true.
I wasn't sure what you were talking about so I googled it.

Thanx for an interesting insight I hadn't considered before.
I do find it amazing the first law aligns with how I see things.
Thanx fer inspiring me to look.
Gunna bookmark that page, could come in handy on other websites too.

I get a lot of these types of discussions.
I must be a magnet for religious fanatics.

As strange as this discussion is, its not as strange as having this discussion on a car repair forum, but, it happens.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 08:48 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 11/01/19 08:54 AM
and yet, TOM, 6 of us stood there in awe watching this semi drive away and climb the first incline before going over that leads to incline going up the other side before descending down that one.

the semi went up and then descended into the valley section and never came up. we were only 1/16 from where he would have began descending and we kept our eyes glued to the other side just waiting and he never made up.

and when we went over and descended ourselves, there was nothing but road and vast tree line and nothing else.

the driver, the semi both VANISHED into nothing to see.

that was no kind person just happened to be the only one on that stretch of road when that blizzard was crashing down and we ran out of fuel.

that Angel interfered with the Laws of Physics by first being there to pick us up...and then second by just VANISHING!!

and what human in west virginia would have known the 6 names of 4 females and two males from NORTHERN, (AS IN 10 MILES FROM THE mICHIGAN BORDER) Indiana in 1977? computers, technology, mobile devices DID NOT EXIST in person to person format like today. so that knowledge would have been LITERALLY UNKNOWN to any human outside MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY in 1977.

and still, that semi driver knew everyone of our names and called us by name as we loaded into his cab.
i'm sorry, but knowing our names in 1977 and then just VANISHING into thin air in front of 4 adults and 2 children 9 and 7 is the result of God and His intervening on His Followers behalf WHETHER IT PISSES ON YOUR PARADE OR NOT!!

Argo's photo
Fri 11/01/19 09:13 AM
guardian angels ?

YES, they will be there for someone stranded on the highway with
car problems....Glory Hallelujah !

for the mother searching bombed out rubble for her dead children...NO
for the baby who is born addicted to heroin thru their addicted parents...NO
for the 12 year old altar boy being sodomized by a priest...NO

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 09:52 AM

guardian angels ?

YES, they will be there for someone stranded on the highway with
car problems....Glory Hallelujah !

for the mother searching bombed out rubble for her dead children...NO
for the baby who is born addicted to heroin thru their addicted parents...NO
for the 12 year old altar boy being sodomized by a priest...NO

i guess you have not read my post about 20 pages back being hit crossfire and all 5 surrounding me burnt up alive and not a single scratch could be found on my own body. or when i saw and heard i would be ok while watching the others beside me burning alive or dying from the impact and blast?

God works in many ways IF you are ONE of His Chosen!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 10:00 AM

i put a literal and factual conversation of something that happened that goes directly against our Laws of Physics (semi vanishing in front of 6 watching eagerly sets of eyes).

and the other person involved had no hesitation but also mentioned another person there and what they said.

so, its a truthful fluid conversation with no hidden agenda or tricks.

i know this took place since i was there.
are you calling me, my mother, my Aunt, or the others a Liar for this story?
and since it did factually take place, HOW CAN A SEMI VANISH INTO THIN AIR IN FRONT OF 12 EYES?

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 10:03 AM

ive been a dallas cowboys fan since meredith and i love LandrY!!

jerry has been good but i think he knows he meddled too much with aikmen, irvin, smith he is trying to correct that with elliot, zak, cooper and the big o line.

i know for one i am hoping he makes it work and garrett finally wins the conference championship

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 10:06 AM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Fri 11/01/19 10:32 AM
I have experienced miracles that extended beyond the world as I know it too. They have made me realize that challenges I was experiencing were only the beginning of some of incredible challenges to come, and perception of tranquility that later realized was a mere fragment that fits into a complete peace and tranquility.

In society, judgment often occurs when someone is trying to use someone else or else needs their space. The context of “discernment” holds an image closer to reality than the context of “judgement” which generally does not hold likeness to reality. I have a theory that the experience of frustration is when someone is growing new neural structures and does not know how to use them yet. It is not a delusion, but an illusion.

I have prayed to God before by ordering him around like he’s my servant, and no good came of it. I do like praying while lifting weights though. It is just a mental exercise for the benefit of our relating to God, but it has the power to turn the word into flesh.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 10:53 AM
the other night channel 7 news here showed a woman pushing a shopping cart across the street.

sudding from the bottom view you see this car going fast and going directly at this woman walking with the cart.

and then the car is so close in view you no longer see the woman and just know she has been hit and killed.

when suddenly from the left side a vehicle just rams into this car and you see that car roll over on its side plus moving forward.

and then at last, this lady pushing her cart continues by as this all was happening in real time.

long story short, after making sure all lived, they assumed the driver hitting the car headed for the woman was this hero. they talk to him and he says, i dont know. i still dont know. i was holding the brake pedal and my car just moved faster than i could by pressing the gas pedal hahahahahaha

that was only a couple weeks ago.

yeah God only helps those with no fuel hahahahaha

Argo's photo
Fri 11/01/19 11:41 AM
Dear grieving mother, newborn baby and altar boy,

I regret to inform you that your names do not appear on
My list of *Chosen Ones*, therefore I am unable to send My
guardian angels to assist you in your time of trouble..
evidently you are receiving what is due you according to

Sorry those are the facts and there is no way I can help..

The Almighty

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 12:10 PM
the newborn is in good hands, even if it survives and grows to be a human who suffers or is in great health will be remembered for what its MOTHER put it through.

the priest who molests is part of the same entity going back to Rome, it's demonic in every shape or form.

what's sad about the altar boy scenario, the fathers of those boys probably also were molested. and instead of doing something about it, allow their own sons to be persecuted through it. they CHOOSE to allow this to happen and do nothing. it has NOTHING to with God. it has all to do with parents allowing their child to go through what they did...that is beyond TWISTED!!

and the grieving Mother watched her own Son allow Himself to be brutally beaten beyond recognition and then murdered by the ultimate form of SUFFOCATION = the Crucifix!! (the detail of this is when the storm begins at the Death of Yeshua (Jesus) the Roman Soldiers hurried up and broke the knees of the other 2 so they would begin to SUFFOCATE)...all to save those who want it!!

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 02:37 PM

the other night channel 7 news here showed a woman pushing a shopping cart across the street.

sudding from the bottom view you see this car going fast and going directly at this woman walking with the cart.

and then the car is so close in view you no longer see the woman and just know she has been hit and killed.

when suddenly from the left side a vehicle just rams into this car and you see that car roll over on its side plus moving forward.

and then at last, this lady pushing her cart continues by as this all was happening in real time.

long story short, after making sure all lived, they assumed the driver hitting the car headed for the woman was this hero. they talk to him and he says, i dont know. i still dont know. i was holding the brake pedal and my car just moved faster than i could by pressing the gas pedal hahahahahaha

that was only a couple weeks ago.

yeah God only helps those with no fuel hahahahaha

That is so awesome! Haha

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 04:31 PM

since you have spoken up twice, basically saying what happened cannot be God if these other scenarios go on simultaneously.

You still have not offered a viable attempt to at least explain how the the semi vanished into thin air before 6 people watching most intently?
what took place here?

and, in 1977, before technology like now (you remember) existed. how would a stranger just pulling up to a designated pull over and first time reading the license plate of my Aunt Elaine's vehicle while my own Dad rushing over to seek help from him and getting his attention...

...have the time to know where we are from (1 license plate does not explain the habitat of 6 people) and call each one of us by our NAME without introducing ourselves EVER to him...

...how would YOU know that information about us 6 in 1977?

you would not have that info or even know how it could be randomly accessed in 1977 unless you were a POLICE OFFICER, not a SEMI tRUCK dRIVER!! and back in 1977, the Police barely had any more technical advances than the Pentagon, and that was barely intel on anyone!!

so, it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for this man to know this information UNLESS he was a Spiritual Being!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 04:40 PM
if this story was about something that happened yesterday, there are literally 200 ways to debug it based solely upon technical advancement to where our own cell phones had the same amount of data and info as our laptops and desktops and you can reverse search anyone and have technology to steal identity to know who you are talking to before ever speaking to them...



iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 04:43 PM
you know 1977, when our own military technology sucked donkey balls and carter crashed 2 choppers in attempt to free the hostages.

today, we fly a model airplane/drone and it drops a bomb literally 10,000 feet above its target.

but not back in 1977!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 11/01/19 04:46 PM
i think it's rather clear, that that was NO HUMAN Being who told me what my name was as i was helped into his cab back in 1977!!

that was something not from this Planet!!

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