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Topic: Loving muscular guys who are handsome. How much do looks inf
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Tue 07/03/18 09:18 AM
I’m fond of muscular alpha males who are handsome.
I adore buff guys with deep voices, over 6 feet tall and with nicely maintained beard stubble.

I must admit though that I have stumbled on quite some players and machos who were very egocentric because I was misleaded by their looks. I let their looks speak and not their heart. Because I was blinded.
Part of it might have to do with my age ( 22 ) an age at which people still care a lot about appearence of others.

How much do looks influence your love for someone?
For me quite a lot sometimes to be honest. I know that I should work past that though.

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Tue 07/03/18 09:56 AM
Edited by GalaxyStarz on Tue 07/03/18 09:57 AM
For me, looks influence the desire for a relationship, balanced with the whole person.

and I'm nearly 60.


Duttoneer's photo
Tue 07/03/18 09:58 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Tue 07/03/18 10:01 AM

In your 20's/30's appearance is probably high on your list of preferences, but in your 40's/50's it maybe more about their education/career, after 60 it's a return to appearance. laugh

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Tue 07/03/18 10:01 AM
Like any good Chef would tell you, the first bite is with the eyes

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 10:12 AM
It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

NotPay4Play's photo
Tue 07/03/18 10:14 AM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 10:22 AM

I’m fond of muscular alpha males who are handsome.
I adore buff guys with deep voices, over 6 feet tall and with nicely maintained beard stubble.

I must admit though that I have stumbled on quite some players and machos who were very egocentric because I was misleaded by their looks. I let their looks speak and not their heart. Because I was blinded.
Part of it might have to do with my age ( 22 ) an age at which people still care a lot about appearence of others.

How much do looks influence your love for someone?
For me quite a lot sometimes to be honest. I know that I should work past that though.

I don't know. if you are always drawn to the player type.. don't you think they are going to play you.

that is what players do

Start looking elsewhere if you truly want substance and quality .. over flesh

Goofball73's photo
Tue 07/03/18 10:40 AM
Nothing wrong with have to be attracted to someone. Sometimes attraction doesn't start with looks (in the online dating world, words can go a long way), but being attracted to someone is always key.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/03/18 10:55 AM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

Same here. And I am a short fat guy, wearing glasses laugh

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 11:09 AM
for me looks attracts, but personality, intelligence and sharing core values keeps my attention.

because after a while into the relationship the initial physical attraction fades and if we haven't bonded or have a deep connection then its all about sex and eventually that fizzles out

At your age looks matter for most, as you hit into your 30's assuming you develop emotionally mentally etc you will change, you will see what attracted in you in the 20's doesn't do a thing for you in your 30's or older.

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 11:15 AM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

Same here. And I am a short fat guy, wearing glasses laugh
You guyz! laugh Men can be short in stature but a giant in personality. flowerforyou

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/03/18 11:30 AM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

Same here. And I am a short fat guy, wearing glasses laugh
You guyz! laugh Men can be short in stature but a giant in personality. flowerforyou

Good things come in small parcels flowerforyou

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 07/03/18 11:31 AM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

Same here. And I am a short fat guy, wearing glasses laugh
You guyz! laugh Men can be short in stature but a giant in personality. flowerforyou

Good things come in small parcels flowerforyou

Godsfriend10's photo
Tue 07/03/18 12:35 PM
I must admit that a woman's looks turns me on initially,then I will then focus on the inward beauty of character. The latter however,is more important than the former.

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 01:24 PM
Initially, first look:

I don't know of any man.. none. that has seen a good looking woman and said .. Wow.. I bet she also has a good brain".. not one.

I think women look at us the same way.

Initially, it is the physical appearance that is the first attraction.

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 01:33 PM

Initially, first look:

I don't know of any man.. none. that has seen a good looking woman and said .. Wow.. I bet she also has a good brain".. not one.

I think women look at us the same way.

Initially, it is the physical appearance that is the first attraction.

An honest and true answer.
The eyes are one of the most important, if not the most important sense, in humans. So of course we also use it when meeting other people.
It’s a basic instinct in the brains. Doing a “ quality check “ on your partner with the eyes.
The character plays another important role once you get to know each other better.

NotPay4Play's photo
Tue 07/03/18 02:20 PM

It’s possible to be taken in by a handsome face and well toned physique at any age. It just happens more in the movie screen than in person when you reach a certain age. laugh

Being the short fat guy i can second that notion.laugh

Same here. And I am a short fat guy, wearing glasses laugh
You guyz! laugh Men can be short in stature but a giant in personality. flowerforyou

Good things come in small parcels flowerforyou

Yup like a small woman in a giant cake.winking happy

Rock's photo
Tue 07/03/18 03:12 PM
Looks matter alot, when it comes to
a relationship. Then personality.

That being said,
What one person considers beautiful,
another person may consider completely
unattractive.... And, vice versa.

indianadave4's photo
Tue 07/03/18 07:55 PM
Whether younger or older people (men and women) want to have some amount of physical attraction in order to be in a romantic relationship.

no photo
Tue 07/03/18 08:09 PM
I think there has to be some kind of physical spark going on when I meet a man. It's a good feeling when it's seems mutual and the conversation goes on from there.

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