Topic: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a temper tantrum.
BeachCruzer77's photo
Mon 01/14/19 05:08 AM

The real difference is Kavanaugh was interrogated by a hostile gang that found him guilty before any investigation had begun and A.O.C.has been disputed and questioned by members of congress and the media who wonder how the country will pay for all her freebies. Intelligent folks see the differance.

do 'intelligent' folks worry about all the 'freebies' the other representatives and politicians are using?

Kavanaugh was interviewed for a JOB, he was questioned about an allegation, thats how the country works, someone accuses you of being unfit for a lifetime position as SCOTUS, you are given an opportunity to address it in an interview to determine the best candidate for said LIFETIME position. If any group of individuals should sail through and understand that concept, it should be a JUDGE.

So many people in this country are quick to twist the truth into something that resembles their paranoid narrative . The hell with integrity as long as they can get the sheep to follow. The way our country works is a person is innocent until " proven guilty" no matter how many morons scream guilty or racist or sexist it's all just blather until the real facts come out.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/14/19 11:25 AM

The real difference is Kavanaugh was interrogated by a hostile gang that found him guilty before any investigation had begun and A.O.C.has been disputed and questioned by members of congress and the media who wonder how the country will pay for all her freebies. Intelligent folks see the differance.

do 'intelligent' folks worry about all the 'freebies' the other representatives and politicians are using?

Kavanaugh was interviewed for a JOB, he was questioned about an allegation, thats how the country works, someone accuses you of being unfit for a lifetime position as SCOTUS, you are given an opportunity to address it in an interview to determine the best candidate for said LIFETIME position. If any group of individuals should sail through and understand that concept, it should be a JUDGE.

So many people in this country are quick to twist the truth into something that resembles their paranoid narrative . The hell with integrity as long as they can get the sheep to follow. The way our country works is a person is innocent until " proven guilty" no matter how many morons scream guilty or racist or sexist it's all just blather until the real facts come out.

and how do we go about 'proving' guilt without questioning the accused, exactly?

K is on the court, people can quit whinging and move on. He was a judge. he knows the process of being accused and answering to it, I never understood the pretense of being so offended by it. You are going to be a lifetime judge, you shouldnt be offended merely by questions unless you got something to hide.

as far as racist or sexist, thats a judgment call, not so much about 'facts' but what those facts mean.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/16/19 03:14 AM

not necessarily,but when the republicans are so UTTERLY DESPERATE to try to discredit their opponents that they dig up 'dirt' from her past and try to use it to embarrass her as a political strategy,but they are SO INCOMPETENT that all they can do is post videos that show her dancing and being cute,and adorable,i think THAT says A LOT about them,PLUS,it ALSO says A LOT about HER,if that is the best that they can come up with on her to try to discredit,or embarrass her!!

sorry to disappoint you,but the difference between kavnaugh,and
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that when they dug into kavanaugh's past,THEY FOUND SOMETHING in his past!
[several somethings,actually!!]

in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's past,all hey could come up with was the video of her dancing!!

so,your comparison is basically the equivalent of trying to compare mother Teresa with Adolph hitler.
[or,should I say,mother Teresa with donald trump?]

so,once again...

would you rather have a politician who is so morally,and ethically above reproach that a video of her dancing when she was in college is the most embarrassing thing that they can find on her,or somebody whose whole life has been nothing but an ethical,and moral train wreck?

it is REALLY a VERY simple question,with a VERY simple answer!

Everyone of those somethings were false and charges are being filed against the lawyer and one of the accusers so far. The other so called victims the Democrats have abandoned and left them to hang themselves out to dry.

BeachCruzer77's photo
Wed 01/16/19 03:41 AM

The real difference is Kavanaugh was interrogated by a hostile gang that found him guilty before any investigation had begun and A.O.C.has been disputed and questioned by members of congress and the media who wonder how the country will pay for all her freebies. Intelligent folks see the differance.

do 'intelligent' folks worry about all the 'freebies' the other representatives and politicians are using?

Kavanaugh was interviewed for a JOB, he was questioned about an allegation, thats how the country works, someone accuses you of being unfit for a lifetime position as SCOTUS, you are given an opportunity to address it in an interview to determine the best candidate for said LIFETIME position. If any group of individuals should sail through and understand that concept, it should be a JUDGE.

So many people in this country are quick to twist the truth into something that resembles their paranoid narrative . The hell with integrity as long as they can get the sheep to follow. The way our country works is a person is innocent until " proven guilty" no matter how many morons scream guilty or racist or sexist it's all just blather until the real facts come out.

and how do we go about 'proving' guilt without questioning the accused, exactly?

K is on the court, people can quit whinging and move on. He was a judge. he knows the process of being accused and answering to it, I never understood the pretense of being so offended by it. You are going to be a lifetime judge, you shouldnt be offended merely by questions unless you got something to hide.

as far as racist or sexist, thats a judgment call, not so much about 'facts' but what those facts mean.

whining? The left has done enough whining for the whole country , bunch or sore losers. How embarrassing it must be to be wrong on every issue like the democrats are every time not to mention that even the fake stories they create backfire on them. Who in their right mind takes any of you serious.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/19 10:55 AM

The real difference is Kavanaugh was interrogated by a hostile gang that found him guilty before any investigation had begun and A.O.C.has been disputed and questioned by members of congress and the media who wonder how the country will pay for all her freebies. Intelligent folks see the differance.

do 'intelligent' folks worry about all the 'freebies' the other representatives and politicians are using?

Kavanaugh was interviewed for a JOB, he was questioned about an allegation, thats how the country works, someone accuses you of being unfit for a lifetime position as SCOTUS, you are given an opportunity to address it in an interview to determine the best candidate for said LIFETIME position. If any group of individuals should sail through and understand that concept, it should be a JUDGE.

So many people in this country are quick to twist the truth into something that resembles their paranoid narrative . The hell with integrity as long as they can get the sheep to follow. The way our country works is a person is innocent until " proven guilty" no matter how many morons scream guilty or racist or sexist it's all just blather until the real facts come out.

and how do we go about 'proving' guilt without questioning the accused, exactly?

K is on the court, people can quit whinging and move on. He was a judge. he knows the process of being accused and answering to it, I never understood the pretense of being so offended by it. You are going to be a lifetime judge, you shouldnt be offended merely by questions unless you got something to hide.

as far as racist or sexist, thats a judgment call, not so much about 'facts' but what those facts mean.

whining? The left has done enough whining for the whole country , bunch or sore losers. How embarrassing it must be to be wrong on every issue like the democrats are every time not to mention that even the fake stories they create backfire on them. Who in their right mind takes any of you serious.

people who use logic and not prejudiced emotionalism found in words like 'EVERY TIME' and "ANY OF YOU"

T.Roy 's photo
Mon 02/18/19 02:01 AM

The utter ignorance and stupidity of that woman is only superceded by those who actually think she has brain.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 02:04 AM

Her priorities were no secret during her campaign. She was elected by voters in her district. Seems indicative of her constituents being in agreement with her agenda. Passionately working towards stated goals that those she represents voted in favor of by electing her should be commended. It's the level of performance that should be delivered by all elected officials, in my opinion.

it certainly seems to be the answer of Trump supporters to his negative criticism, doing what their CONSTITUENTS voted them to do ...

good for the orange goose, good for the young gander

oldkid46's photo
Mon 02/18/19 05:08 PM

Her priorities were no secret during her campaign. She was elected by voters in her district. Seems indicative of her constituents being in agreement with her agenda. Passionately working towards stated goals that those she represents voted in favor of by electing her should be commended. It's the level of performance that should be delivered by all elected officials, in my opinion.

it certainly seems to be the answer of Trump supporters to his negative criticism, doing what their CONSTITUENTS voted them to do ...

good for the orange goose, good for the young gander
Yes, AOC was elected to that district, in 2 years we will find out if they are happy with her representation. It just goes to show how divided our country is in different geographic areas. I doubt I could live in a district that far off center to the left; must be a nightmare!! I'm sure there are people that feel just as negative toward areas dominated by the hard right.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/18/19 06:18 PM

Her priorities were no secret during her campaign. She was elected by voters in her district. Seems indicative of her constituents being in agreement with her agenda. Passionately working towards stated goals that those she represents voted in favor of by electing her should be commended. It's the level of performance that should be delivered by all elected officials, in my opinion.

it certainly seems to be the answer of Trump supporters to his negative criticism, doing what their CONSTITUENTS voted them to do ...

good for the orange goose, good for the young gander
Yes, AOC was elected to that district, in 2 years we will find out if they are happy with her representation. It just goes to show how divided our country is in different geographic areas. I doubt I could live in a district that far off center to the left; must be a nightmare!! I'm sure there are people that feel just as negative toward areas dominated by the hard right.

I think left and right EXTREMISM suck, by nature of them being EXTREME. I am personally more concerned with BALANCE.

FeelYoung's photo
Mon 02/18/19 07:52 PM

I'm still amused, that the baby shaker got any votes.
She seriously looks like she ate the whole
bag of crazy.

I don't think she ate the whole bag, Ilhan Omar and Pelosi dipped into it also.

Rock's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:41 PM
The Ultimate Goal of the Green New Deal Is DEPOPULATION!!! OAC Exposed (2:03)
The true and ultimate purpose of the New (Gang) Green Deal is undeniably, DEPOPULATION. In the words of the architect’s stooge, OAC, she speaks clearly to the intent of the NWO and George Soros who has been funding OAC all along. The details are in the following broadcast

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/06/19 12:50 PM
I think AOC has alot to learn. Only concern if is she is willing to. To her benefit, she has been in the trenches and seen how common folks live and struggle, and she has served in environmental and humane and political environments for a little while, so she has exposure and knowledge there. She is still in her twenties and an average citizen in terms of socio economic status, so it is easier to believe her motivations are not profit related.

But I do see a potential to get too big to quick and not grow, which would be a shame. I think she has potential, still alot of youthful naivety there though. Time should be interesting to see what develops.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 02:35 PM
The title for this thread seems rather misleading.
But somewhat ironically, it caused a tantrum here, by the thread being edited and posts removed.
How would really be scared by 'green' energy?
The only ones I can think of, are the ones whose profits would drop

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 06:04 PM
She's asked for nothing rational. If we don't like any of her ideas, we're racist. That ploy was used by those that didn't like anything obama proposed. We were called racists, for not going along with him. Since I didn't like his job performance, I was considered that. Ok, I'll play along. I'm racist, so, he gets called what normal racists would say.

Cortez, in her infinite wisdom, is trying to take away people's rights, stated in the green new deal. Some are completely illegal. Now, however, she may be involved with champagne fraud. I'm reasonably sure she will plead stupid, and get away with it all.

But the fuse was lit. It's just a matter of time before it blows up in the dems face. Sit back and enjoy the show.

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 08:40 PM
That simply does not compute
Nobody has mentioned race unless I've missed something
And quite how green energy screws anybody, I'm unsure of
I live in the North of England, we don't get much sunshine. Yet you can still have no energy bills, if you have solar panels. Not only that, you can make about £200 a year, selling your slight excess, back to the national grid

no photo
Wed 03/06/19 11:51 PM
And what's champagne fraud? Has she been growing grapes? Our French cousins will be very unhappy

Lpdon's photo
Thu 03/07/19 02:12 AM

Her priorities were no secret during her campaign. She was elected by voters in her district. Seems indicative of her constituents being in agreement with her agenda. Passionately working towards stated goals that those she represents voted in favor of by electing her should be commended. It's the level of performance that should be delivered by all elected officials, in my opinion.

it certainly seems to be the answer of Trump supporters to his negative criticism, doing what their CONSTITUENTS voted them to do ...

good for the orange goose, good for the young gander
Yes, AOC was elected to that district, in 2 years we will find out if they are happy with her representation. It just goes to show how divided our country is in different geographic areas. I doubt I could live in a district that far off center to the left; must be a nightmare!! I'm sure there are people that feel just as negative toward areas dominated by the hard right.

I don't know if she will last her full term. Shes managed to piss off the Entire Republicans in Congress and shes pissed off about 90% of the Democrats in Congress. It's really bad when Pelosi and Schumer keep her at arms length and Pelosi just walked out of a meeting with her disgusted.

She's also hurting the Democrats chances in 2020, and the Democrats cant have that. They have to do damage control and remove her from office.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/07/19 03:31 PM

Her priorities were no secret during her campaign. She was elected by voters in her district. Seems indicative of her constituents being in agreement with her agenda. Passionately working towards stated goals that those she represents voted in favor of by electing her should be commended. It's the level of performance that should be delivered by all elected officials, in my opinion.

it certainly seems to be the answer of Trump supporters to his negative criticism, doing what their CONSTITUENTS voted them to do ...

good for the orange goose, good for the young gander
Yes, AOC was elected to that district, in 2 years we will find out if they are happy with her representation. It just goes to show how divided our country is in different geographic areas. I doubt I could live in a district that far off center to the left; must be a nightmare!! I'm sure there are people that feel just as negative toward areas dominated by the hard right.

I don't know if she will last her full term. Shes managed to piss off the Entire Republicans in Congress and shes pissed off about 90% of the Democrats in Congress. It's really bad when Pelosi and Schumer keep her at arms length and Pelosi just walked out of a meeting with her disgusted.

She's also hurting the Democrats chances in 2020, and the Democrats cant have that. They have to do damage control and remove her from office.

Thank goodness for elections then.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 03/07/19 06:10 PM

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't officially a member of Congress yet, and she is already having a temper tantrum.

From The Hill, 31 December 2018:

Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ripping her fellow Democrats for failing to take up her proposed special climate change committee called the Green New Deal because it was deemed "too controversial."

Ocasio-Cortez in a Twitter thread Monday blamed House leadership for rejecting the idea behind the Green New Deal, which aimed to create a plan to get the country on a 100 percent renewable energy electric grid.

"A few weeks ago, I joined youth activists in a specific demand for a Green New Deal Committee. It had 3 simple elements: 1. No fossil fuel money on climate cmte 2. Offer solutions for impacted communities 3. Draft sample #GreenNewDeal All 3 were rejected as "too controversial," she tweeted.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's problem isn't that she is a Democrat or a Socialist.

Her problem is that she believes that her election equals a mandate from all Americans.

No, it doesn't.

She was elected to speak on behalf of the residents of her congressional district.

She doesn't speak for everyone else in the USA.

It is bad enough that she is woefully naive about the complications involved in converting all America to 100% renewable energy.

Has she told her constituents just how much her Green New Deal would cost them? Of course not! She doesn't know how much it would cost. It is as if she doesn't know where New York City gets its heat during winter. Perhaps she doesn't.

Then there is this from economist Dr. Charles N. Steele: "Scientific economic analysis suggests radical responses are unnecessary, even if we accept the basic models of global warming. Economics also shows that attempts by government planners to redirect the economy will result in unsustainable catastrophe, not sustainable development."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still has much to learn about reality.

She is the dumbest person ever elected to Congress. The Democrats should be proud.


no photo
Thu 03/07/19 08:08 PM
Edited by The Wrong Alice on Thu 03/07/19 08:21 PM

In the words of a wise person....
Stick that in your pipe, and smoke it

And if you can't watch that 1, like I can't, then here's a shorter 1, that I can watch.
No, diesel? What to do? Coconuts, less pollution, twice the mileage