Community > Posts By > wux

wux's photo
Mon 10/22/12 05:16 AM

I actually think it’s sort of condescending to add the phrase “jmo”, simply because we, those of us with brains, already know it’s your opinion, regardless of the facts.

You are right. I agree. JMHO is a different thing though -- it is not an opinion merely, but a HUMBLE opinion, which qualification changes a lot of things, including an opinion perhaps having been formed, that the poster is arrogant.

wux's photo
Mon 10/22/12 05:13 AM

I NEVER qualify anything I say.
Because, it is always my opinion, or my take
on the subject.
Everyone should know this.
Everyone's opinion is as valid as everyone else's.
I do believe tis the whole point of the forums.

I am always amazed, seriously, when someone takes
issue with another's opinion.

Well, I'd take an issue with a person whose opinion is that all short dark-haired fat males must be eliminated.

Or that women with breasts smaller than a certain bra size, must undergo implant augmentation operations.

Or whatever. There are lots and lots and lots of opinons which I would take, and indeed have taken, issues with in the past, present, or future. Like today I took issue with the fact thing, and with an idiot who insists on the high fulfilment rates of Nostradamus' predictions.

Opinions can be offensive, retarded, dangerous and evil, even if they are "only" opinions.

Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword. Hitler would have not amounted to much if his opinions in general he hadn`t published in his book, 'Mein Kampf'. ('My Kind Of Kamp.')

wux's photo
Mon 10/22/12 05:09 AM

I believe all to be opinions unless verified from more than one credible source.

I go even further. In the ultimate, every statement that makes a description or qualitatitve or quantitative delimitation of the state or events of the world or any big or small part of it, is an opinion, EXCEPT for the only existential truth that is undeniably more than just an opinion, and was coined by Descartes, which reads, "cogito ergo sum".

If I say I had toast and jam this morning for breakfast, maybe just a memory planted by others, and not a fact. If two thousand people photograph the assassination of the pope, and they all swear it's true, they all may be non-existent people, and the world in which you see them, on tv, on the Internet, could be just a figment of your own imagination. YOU will never be able to tell the difference, and there is NO reliable way of telling the difference by anyone.

So all statements, no matter how reasonable they are when they refer to events and existences in our universes, are all potentially no more than falsehoods.


Then again, there ARE things that can be beleived, and must be believed, because they are true, necessarily true. Such are:

There is a god, or there is no god.

I shaved yesterday, or else it is not the case that I shaved yesterday.


If Tally is taller than Evarage, and Evarage is taller than Shorty, then Tally is taller than Shorty.


These are not facts, though. They are necessarily true, that is true, but they are not statements or descriptions of facts.

wux's photo
Mon 10/22/12 04:49 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 10/22/12 04:56 AM
"i do firm believe on him as a great astrologer who saw the future through divine vision..."

Are you a follower of Antichrist? Because only followers of Satan or the DEVIL believe in the validity of Astrological predictions and Astrological typology of learning- and personality preference inventories.

BECAUSE!!! has been written, that's impossible to see astrology through devine vision. Because astrology is banned in all religions, which decry it as a faith of false craven images. Really. Astrology is evil, a device of the devil, a device of Satan, and has no prediction value, if you ask ANY priest of ANY religion.

So god will NEVER be caught dead talking to Astrologists. Or showing them photographs (for a vision or two.)

Maybe Astrologists, such as Nostradamus, customarily talk to the DEVIL, <<-& That, is, to Satan <<-& and that is How nostradamuS got his special knowledge of the future.

He was indeed a visionary, but he failed all the spelling bees he had partaken of as a school kid. He would spell Hitler as Hister, and Bush as Mabus. Nostradamuologists of the modern sciences are convinced he suffered of dyslexia. Nostradamus was given the special skill of seeing the future, but the special skill of spelling, and also the skill or talent of casting spells, were taken from him, to compensate for his other gifts. This explains many mysteries of the future and the past, like how come you are such an avid beleiver of Nostradamus' predictions -- well, a cast stone will always bounce into the bosom of its own brethren, so bad spellers of the world unite, since they got nothing to do, and nothing to gain.

He nevertheless cast a spell as a first step into his prophetness, he cast his grade 6 Latin grammar and speller into the lake of Hades, from which the river Styx flows, forteen hundred miles, exactly as many as years between his predictions and the predicted events, into the Ocean of Abyss, which surrounds Jerusalem at equal distances, and at the edge of which Ocean the water falls down into the Void of Ursrpungen. This is also in N.'s book of "Predictions", volume VIXLMCCDXII, which talks about Geographical Anomalies and why the world is the crteation of an Unintelligent Designer.

wux's photo
Mon 10/22/12 04:30 AM
Edited by wux on Mon 10/22/12 04:52 AM
Naubat, the third Antichrist was or is or is going to be George W. Bush.

The word "mabus" has his last name perfectly spelled out, without the H. at the end. Bus. Ma maybe his original Chinese name, because very few know, that he was oroginally Taoist. A very dangerous religion. Nostradamus said that the third Antichrist will have constant constipation, and a difficulty of expressing himself in speech. He also said of the third antichrist that he would have difficulties with passing from one room to another via doors, which Nostradamus worded, I quote "Hee wull havv unsurmountable problems with the mysteryous natture ov Door Latch, a device Mann wull have been giventh from Yhvh to sort out Mann from Devil, Who Is Satan, Who iss suseJ, Third Aunty Chrisstus." These are the exact words, you can check it in your own hand-held book device of "Preditctions". Nostradamus predicted the third AC will be an evil man who destroys worlds outside his own "remblarantoineourat", which means Nation of America. Nostradamus predicted that he will be a king, also son of a king, and he is a second-generation president. Nostradamus said that the third antichrist will betray his own people, and he will also eat gum that he finds on the bottom of his shoe every day when he unrobes to go to bed in the evening.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 06:20 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 10/21/12 06:22 PM

i didn't know chats had sexual orientations.

Chat means dog in French. Chat lunatique = mad dog.


Edit: to make sure everyone understands, I am not into sexy gay dogs. Maybe a gay tapeworm... yes. Or a straight albino tiger. I draw the line at bisexual Paraguayan zororo monkeys.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 06:18 PM
I usually go as the pillsburry dough boy or the michelin man.

this year I will lie on the floor, with a connecting tube to the punch bowl, and get bigger and redder visibly; I will be the Speed Zit.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 06:12 PM

here, move over a bit, Gianni. Gimme some room. I'll help you with that.

Hope I did not offend you and hope you don't think I was condescending. I was trying to build a fictional character with a specific personality trait. I did not mean to say that in real life. This was a work of art, you understand. In art and love all is fair.

(Case in point: In NYC they show bronzed kaka as art.)

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 06:08 PM

That reminds me I never did a "First profound post"

Hmmmm maybe I should!

It's never too late to say something profound:wink:

True , true :)

So what's your profound statement

I'm still working on it ;)

here, move over a bit, Gianni. Gimme some room. I'll help you with that.

"I don't like to lose things. If I really have to lose something, then I like it when someone finds it and returns it to me. I guess I'm very much pro-found."

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 06:05 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 10/21/12 06:09 PM

That reminds me I never did a "First profound post"

I did. About 7 years ago, when I first joined forums on the Internet.

It was on a Hungarian Internet site, more a chat line. Old fashioned, you know, the added new posts joined in on the bottom of the page, and scrolled up. I had a DOS computer then, a 487.

So... I added my first profound post, and a Hungarian poster replied, "... (My username, I can't remember), you just sounded out like a shooting gallery gun at the harvest fair."

It was much more pointed, and making me sound much more ridiculous than how it comes across in English.

It was also true, because I replied to a post that was passe by the time I managed to post mine, so it was rather obvious that I worked on that line, and worked too much on that line, and too much time went by, because I wanted that first post to sound so profound.

I actually can't remember the post itself.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 05:58 PM

Philistine? Weird.

Maybe they meant "pilipino".

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 05:48 PM

The battle of the sexes is over and the men won. We won the moment women started doing pole dancing for exercise.

Careful, your misogyny is showing.....laugh

I think the guy can be charged with sarcasm in this case, but not with mysogyny... he was trying to point you ladies to the fact that with pole dancing as a form of exercise women are themselves turning mysogynists. In a sort of self-reflective way they debase themselves for men, even without being asked for it, on their own initiative, AND now as a sport.

I could start a business translating from Menian to Womenian.

I believe you are incorrect here. The fact that a restraining order and rape (pushed sex) has been brought into the conversation shows that there is misogyny present.

It is pretty much everywhere with men because religion teaches it, society teaches it and even women teach it unknowingly to their sons.

If a man believes that women can be sluts he is a misogynist, if he believes they are gold diggers he is a misogynist, if he only "loves" them for how they look on his arm and what they do for him he is a misogynist, etc...

Reason being that if a man does the same things, he is not called those same names by other men. Misogyny

And the OP, no offense intended, wants validation of his resistance to commitment from others, that is reason for this post.

He has the right to resist it, no question.

Just as she has the right to require it and leave if not provided.

I'm guilty as charged.

I only read the last line of the post that is the first quote in this post. That is, I read the line about the pole dancing, and nothing or not much before that line in that post.

So I drew the conclusion wrongly, and I plead guility to that.

I don't like to read long and complicated texts, you see. I like to write them, but not read them.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:44 AM

The battle of the sexes is over and the men won. We won the moment women started doing pole dancing for exercise.

Careful, your misogyny is showing.....laugh

I think the guy can be charged with sarcasm in this case, but not with mysogyny... he was trying to point you ladies to the fact that with pole dancing as a form of exercise women are themselves turning mysogynists. In a sort of self-reflective way they debase themselves for men, even without being asked for it, on their own initiative, AND now as a sport.

I could start a business translating from Menian to Womenian.

Thanks for your opin Wux...but you're too late, he already admitted to being one...AND FYI, I was not commenting on the pole dancing comment.....Don't invest your life savings on start up costs:wink:

Jesus... first I misread your post, I read 'don`t invest in your life, save the start-up costs.' Hehe. That would have been even more appropriate, from the sounds of it (proof: this is the first of my many posts in this thread that made anyone acknowledge I exist.)

I don't care how many times you take the Lord's name in vain, I'm not buying your BS Wux.....smokin

You are not... buying?

But look at the quality!! The consistency!! The workmanship that went into it!! And all that food...

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:31 AM
Edited by wux on Sun 10/21/12 10:35 AM

Bars. I try to avoid because I either end up:
A.**** face (See: I'm there to meet someone and as the hours tick-tock away I get drunker and drunker on account of not meeting any women.)

B.Broke (It ain't cheap that hooch where I live)

C.With cuts and bruises(maybe I fell got in a fight) don't remember because...

D. Blackouts (might not be a bad thing)

So I tend to tell my self:

"Being single is better than rushing into a sh!tty relationship."

That's why I'm giving this a shot. But from reading around these post it looks like I'm gonna need all the luck I can get.

As I was reading this, from the sounds of it, I thought you`d already been married and in a long, loving relationship with your wife and the seven keeds you two have. Especially after reading the second last line.

I got the conclusion, coz if this (points A to D) to you is better than being in a relationship, then... you are IN a relationship. (Grass, side, greeen, other.)

AND your drawing looks like John Travolta -- very good, very good.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:29 AM

i hate to say this on this (mostly) free site but,,,,, the dating sites that you must pay for actually gives you waaaayyy more chances of finding the right one, plus scammers and trolls dont,wont and usually cant pay for it.

That may be true but any dating site, free or not, still needs an active local user base and where I live, no one seems to use any of them. eHarmony might match me up with the perfect women for me, but if she lives on the other side of the globe it doesn't do me much good

never stop praying. The globe may be right up into your face, close-up, on the other side of which she can be found, and that globe may well be one of her two full breasts.

Granted, you would need to pray quite a lot.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:25 AM

True some people do not know themselves very well and say sometheing in their profile that more or less sounds rogjt and not exactly right... Not always easy to be exactly right though

Well, it depends on your standards and your expectations.

If you don`t demand of yourself to be exactly right, then you are exaclty right, according to the expectations, even when you are less than exactly right.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:17 AM


what makes you broke

It is love that makes you broke: either your heart, or your finances, or your legs (if she`s the Godfather`s own daughter.)

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:15 AM
Like you are a fish... swimming in a lake of Bourbon.

Like you are a fisherman... and all you got is your man-killling rifle.

Like you are a Nobel-prize winning writer... and can't make a sentence more than five words long, and they still mistake you for a genius, whereas you're a moron.

Stay tuned for more on the moron later on.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:11 AM
like there is a stone in your shoe... and she takes it off for you.

Like you are drowning in a lake... and she blows you out of water.

like you feet are killing you... and she lays you like you never been laid.

Like you`re hankering for a cheesedog (if you`re a woman)... and ... never mind.

wux's photo
Sun 10/21/12 10:03 AM

Love is Duty
Like is Choice

Love is Gates
Like is Jobs