Community > Posts By > Chazster

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:55 PM
As an update, my therapist wants me to be tested for Aspergers/high functioning autism.....

This outcome could very well affect my decision. I guess I should add I have difficulty forming bonds.

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/01/14 08:31 AM
So I currently stand at a crossroads. I am actually going to see a marriage counselor today(just me). Basically my wife wants kids and I don't. I am the rational not very emotional kind of person. My wife even accuses me of being cold sometimes which is probably true. She knows I don't realize I am coming across that way. Anyway, the main point is I was wondering if people have ever regretted their choice on children. Whether you decided to have them or not, did you later regret your choice and why.

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/01/14 06:34 AM
As I stated in another post, sexual compatibility is an important issue I think. If you wait until after marriage you won't know if your difference in sexual tastes will cause difficulties in your relationship. I believe if you talk to marriage counselors you would find that sexual incompatibility is a big cause of divorce.

Chazster's photo
Wed 10/01/14 06:29 AM
Wait where do I live again? scared

Chazster's photo
Tue 09/30/14 06:58 AM
What I have learned is that the more important thing is sexual compatibility. Having similar sex drives and enjoying the same things in bed. If you are a twice a day person and the other is a once a week person you are gonna have a bad time(low sex drive person will think the other is all about sex, high sex drive person will feel rejected and undesirable). Oral their favorite thing but you think its gross, bad time.

Chazster's photo
Tue 09/30/14 05:58 AM
So the year is wrapping up and we are entering Q4 where there is usually a decent amount of big games coming out. Is there anything you are especially looking forward to in the next few months?

For me.
Borderlands Pre-Sequel
Assassin's Creed Unity
Dragon Age Inquisition

Chazster's photo
Tue 09/30/14 05:53 AM
Edited by Chazster on Tue 09/30/14 05:53 AM

I couldn't help myself.....

Chazster's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:50 PM

if capping income limits createivity and 'job creation',, why is it back in the seventies when the wealthy earned LESS of the money, we had LOWER unemployment

<b>and since the seventies , while their share grew,, unemployment also got larger</b>

lets try paying people decent wages,, that is the difference between the 'taxpayer' and the 'non'.. not morals or productivity, but WAGES, as the tax system is based upon income brackets

lets try creating those jobs that these wealthy allegedly can create more of while their income exponentially grows

lets evolve from our slave worker system that tells people take what we offer you and don't complain and don't be upset that you cant participate and don't matter because you are in the wrong income bracket,,

create the environment where people can earn the income necessary to pay taxes, and the gap wouldn't be so large

as to the sexists who continue to blame women having babies ,, women have been having babies since time began,,, it really cant continue to be the scapegoat for all social problems,,,and BY THE WAY,, none of them have managed to do it without an all too willing man,,,,

1970 the US population was 203 million today it is 314 million. That is over 50% increase + we also have robotics. You can't will say there is a correlation to wages.

How exactly does this relate? What correlation do you speak of? Between what to wages exactly? How can you say that there is no correlation? Can you give me the metadata? What information are you using that shows no correlation?

Are you saying that there is no relation to the 70's versus now because of new technology and because of a difference in population?

I am saying you can't prove a correlation when there are so many other uncontrolled factors. You were trying to imply if the wealthiest made less money then we would have more employment. I disagree and am saying you can't prove that correlation. Wages could be higher, but that is different than the number of jobs.

I see... So the issue is that of the definition of correlation. Here's the thing. Correlations means that there is a relation between one statistical data set to another statistical data set. E.G. there is a correlation between gender and height of people. Does this mean there aren't mitigating factors involved like race or age? No. All a correlation states that there is a trend weather positive, negative, or neutral.

In this specific situation there could be correlation between increase in population and lower wages, increase in technology and lower wages, or even increase in medical costs and lower wages. As I haven't seen the data my self I can't say that there is or isn't. However, correlations between other factors doesn't decrease the validity of a previous set correlation. What would decrease the validity is the actual statistical data taken, how it was taken, the randomness of the data for the sample pool (less randomness reduces validity), and objectivity of the people writing the conclusions.

Furthermore, your issue seems like you feel that we are purporting causation (as in wealthier earning less "causes" lower unemployment rates). While I can't say for who wrote the original quote, I can say that interpreting the words in that way would cause even me to have issues with the statement. I still read it as a correlation, and since correlation doesn't prove causation due to uncontrolled factors. Then you would be right is saying that you can't prove causation until you deal with those factors and experiment.

I hope that helps clear up the issue. :smile:

Actually we don't even need to look into causality here. You didn't do an experiment. You gave two data points of two data sets. If you have say a graph of the unemployment and profits of the wealthiest for each year for the past century then maybe you could give a correlation. At this point you can't.

I hope that clears up the issue. :smile:

Chazster's photo
Mon 09/29/14 11:20 AM

if capping income limits createivity and 'job creation',, why is it back in the seventies when the wealthy earned LESS of the money, we had LOWER unemployment

<b>and since the seventies , while their share grew,, unemployment also got larger</b>

lets try paying people decent wages,, that is the difference between the 'taxpayer' and the 'non'.. not morals or productivity, but WAGES, as the tax system is based upon income brackets

lets try creating those jobs that these wealthy allegedly can create more of while their income exponentially grows

lets evolve from our slave worker system that tells people take what we offer you and don't complain and don't be upset that you cant participate and don't matter because you are in the wrong income bracket,,

create the environment where people can earn the income necessary to pay taxes, and the gap wouldn't be so large

as to the sexists who continue to blame women having babies ,, women have been having babies since time began,,, it really cant continue to be the scapegoat for all social problems,,,and BY THE WAY,, none of them have managed to do it without an all too willing man,,,,

1970 the US population was 203 million today it is 314 million. That is over 50% increase + we also have robotics. You can't will say there is a correlation to wages.

How exactly does this relate? What correlation do you speak of? Between what to wages exactly? How can you say that there is no correlation? Can you give me the metadata? What information are you using that shows no correlation?

Are you saying that there is no relation to the 70's versus now because of new technology and because of a difference in population?

I am saying you can't prove a correlation when there are so many other uncontrolled factors. You were trying to imply if the wealthiest made less money then we would have more employment. I disagree and am saying you can't prove that correlation. Wages could be higher, but that is different than the number of jobs.

Chazster's photo
Thu 09/18/14 08:04 PM

if capping income limits createivity and 'job creation',, why is it back in the seventies when the wealthy earned LESS of the money, we had LOWER unemployment

<b>and since the seventies , while their share grew,, unemployment also got larger</b>

lets try paying people decent wages,, that is the difference between the 'taxpayer' and the 'non'.. not morals or productivity, but WAGES, as the tax system is based upon income brackets

lets try creating those jobs that these wealthy allegedly can create more of while their income exponentially grows

lets evolve from our slave worker system that tells people take what we offer you and don't complain and don't be upset that you cant participate and don't matter because you are in the wrong income bracket,,

create the environment where people can earn the income necessary to pay taxes, and the gap wouldn't be so large

as to the sexists who continue to blame women having babies ,, women have been having babies since time began,,, it really cant continue to be the scapegoat for all social problems,,,and BY THE WAY,, none of them have managed to do it without an all too willing man,,,,

1970 the US population was 203 million today it is 314 million. That is over 50% increase + we also have robotics. You can't will say there is a correlation to wages.

Chazster's photo
Thu 09/18/14 07:59 PM

How is it,folks who CHOOSE not to work can afford internet and Iphone bills, then say they NEED welfare?

Sorry I wouldn't know. Oh got a question for you. Do Spouses of millionares
work? do spouses in general work and "contribute" as you define it?

I don't know this may be a reason as to why. but who knows except them.

Dodo he is right that there are people in the civilian population that don't work because they choose not to. Examples: Married spouses with children, Children in general, the retired community, debutantes(yes they still exist), ex presidents, priests, nuns, the list continues...

But you are right that there are a vast ammount of people that are unemployed that can't find work. I believe that I already mentioned the statistics on this in a previous post so I won't reiterate unless I have to.

Married spouses with children can work. I work with many who do. Children can't work because of labor laws. Retired people who have an income contribute.

You missed the point... There Exists married spouses that don't work and yet have smart phones. There Exists children that don't work and yet have smart phones. There Exists retired individuals that never worked a day in their life because They are living off of their families inheritance, and yet have cellphones and billions of cash.

As all of these people are considered apart of the populace, and as such treated a part of the non labor stats. By the way did you know that it is required to have a phone number to have a job? Especially a job that is low income? If your employer has no way of contacting you, how is it that they will be able to let you know you have the job?

What I am saying is that if you define contribution to society by solely making bank. That definition is flawed, as there are people who contribute to society that don't make money (example: Mother Teresa), AND there are people who make bank without even lifting a finger (example: Lottery winners).

Also trying to distinguish between those who "contribute" and those who don't isn't a viable option either. This goes back to the issue of "any law like this that is passed will be struck down by the supreme court".

Now can we continue with a discussion where "Exclusion" is off the table, because it can't go any where.

It doesn't matter if you worked or not. That isn't contributing. The billionaires pay inheritance tax which is a lot. They have billions because they invest and pay capital gains as well as income tax on dividends. They children who have smart phones have phones paid for by their contributing parent. Same with house wives/husbands. Contributions are judged by households. If I make $1 million/yr have a wife who doesn't work and 5 kids and I pay for all of them and pay taxes my household is contributing. We might have 6 people not working but they are paid for by my own money and I still pay taxes. That is different than someone receiving money from the government to pay for things they can't afford on their own.

In a previous post you mentioned the poverty level being the minimum needed to survive. Wouldn't you agree Mother Teresa survived well below that?

Chazster's photo
Thu 09/18/14 04:45 PM

How is it,folks who CHOOSE not to work can afford internet and Iphone bills, then say they NEED welfare?

Sorry I wouldn't know. Oh got a question for you. Do Spouses of millionares
work? do spouses in general work and "contribute" as you define it?

I don't know this may be a reason as to why. but who knows except them.

Dodo he is right that there are people in the civilian population that don't work because they choose not to. Examples: Married spouses with children, Children in general, the retired community, debutantes(yes they still exist), ex presidents, priests, nuns, the list continues...

But you are right that there are a vast ammount of people that are unemployed that can't find work. I believe that I already mentioned the statistics on this in a previous post so I won't reiterate unless I have to.

Married spouses with children can work. I work with many who do. Children can't work because of labor laws. Retired people who have an income contribute.

Chazster's photo
Tue 09/16/14 08:04 PM

yep that's why I'm giving you the info that I know of. Sorry that you don't trust the census though. There is a certain amount of unreliability taken into account in any statistical survey. And any statistician worth their grain of salt does what ever it takes to reduce as much bias as they can. How they do this is a bit complicated and very mathy (it deals with laws of probability and normal distributions of discrete random variables).

I unfortunately don't have many solutions to this problem other then redistribution of wealth. But that's an argument that is defined as "Against Capitalism", so I'm trying to find different ways. like placing an income cap on CEO's (majority of the top 1% earn their income through being CEO's). increasing the national minimum wage to $10 per hr (which will cause even more issues then you will think).

A national tax on Excess profit in big businesses?

we need to find a way to hit the 1% hard. Like robin hood but legally. any Ideas?

I personally believe this war on the wealthy mentality would do more harm than good. Problem is that "wealthy" is defined as those making $250k+ annually. Unfortunately 250k is not all that much when taking into consideration, say, a doctor paying $3000 a month on student loans, $1,000 a month in malpractice insurance (and this is cheap insurance), and also paying the additional income tax.

There is also a myth about wealthy individuals only paying 15% of their income on taxes. This is actually just dividends. If we raise this, we raise taxes average folks pay on selling their houses for a profit, or 401k (or the majority of retirement plans by that matter), which hurts the middle class.

Raising minimum wage, again, hurts the middle class despite helping the poor. I personally don't believe minimum wage should be a living wage. It's supposed to be for those jobs you get in high school or early college years for a little extra spending cash.

That being said, IF ANY cap is placed on administrative salaries, it should be a percentage not a limit, therefore still encouraging innovation and advancement. Maybe no one in a company should be making more than 75 times what the lowest paid employee makes. Or better yet, start small. For instance, ceo's/administrative personnel cannot get a raise unless everyone in the company gets the same percentage pay raise. But maybe this regulation is not the answer.

Perhaps it would be more beneficial to lower American corporate tax rates to roughly 25%, and slap an import tax on products coming in from overseas. Instead of encouraging businesses to bring work elsewhere we should focus on getting those middle income producing jobs back over here. Maybe if fewer people were making minimum wage, the income gap would even itself out a bit.

This a million times. Even when people try to talk about the 1% it isn't even the 1% getting tax breaks etc. It is more like the .001%. Even then it is often investment returns which unrealized gains are not taxed at all and people just don't understand investing.

Chazster's photo
Tue 09/16/14 08:01 PM

yeah, you really have to appreciate these so called 'small government folks" they're all over that when the corporations want to be rid of regulations, but if you are poor, female, minority, gay, well then they want to rule them with a Draconian, Fascist hammer, ie, small government is for a very select group.

So you are saying that female, minorities, gays, etc can't excel in life without the government forcing it? I don't own a business, but if a person was making me money I wouldn't care their ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference.

Chazster's photo
Wed 09/10/14 04:27 PM
And an Asian. The question is will there be a transgender president

Chazster's photo
Wed 09/10/14 05:42 AM
Actually google has their own airline search and I believe that is what he is talking about. You go to google . com/flights and it is a website. I still use Kayak though. That is what is typically the cheapest. Sometimes the companies site is cheaper. So I will use kayak, find the cheapest flight, go to that airlines site, and find it a couple bucks cheaper.

Chazster's photo
Sun 09/07/14 05:29 PM
BL1 until prequel sequel comes out, Last of us Remastered game +, titanfall.

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/29/14 03:52 PM

I have already written the FCC and my Congressman about stopping the merger. Is anyone else following this? I smell a potential monopoly.

Yes, its a bad idea. Not surprising though. Cable companies do already monopolize most areas. Where I live I can only get timewarner. Some of my friends can only get comcast.

This is because, unlike other countries, cable providers have exclusive use of their networks. So every company that wants to be able to offer you service would have to build their own network. Other countries like Korea operate more like our electric system. You only have one set of lines going to you but you can shop around because providers can all operate on the same lines.

The latter is how it should be. It would have more competitive pricing and bandwidth would be less of an issue.

Chazster's photo
Thu 08/28/14 07:03 PM
As a guy who is only 5'7" I can say that you feel a little awkward if the girl is taller than you.

Chazster's photo
Thu 08/28/14 05:44 AM
I have already written the FCC and my Congressman about stopping the merger. Is anyone else following this? I smell a potential monopoly.

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