Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Thu 02/04/10 09:42 AM
I don't watch tv to be educated, I go to school for that lol

I watch tv to be entertained and maybe have a laugh.

Even as a child I watched cartoons for enjoyment, if mom wanted me to go play outside all she had to do was turn on educational cartoons and i'd disappear.

Foliel's photo
Wed 01/27/10 10:07 PM
for me, I figured a long time ago that if having religion helped people feel better about themselves and helped them deal with the bad times, let em have it, they aren't really hurting anyone.

Foliel's photo
Wed 01/27/10 10:01 PM

You cannot kill a breeze, a wind , a fragrance you cannot kill a dream or an ambition. God, manufactured by mortals in their own quintessential image, exists only to make daliy life bearable despite the path that everyone of us treads toward extinction.
As long as men are obliged to die, some of them unable to endure teh prospect will concoct fond illusions. we cannot assassinate or kill an illusion. In fact, Illusion is more likely to kill us- For God puts to death everything that stands up to him, Begining with Reason, Intelligence and the Critical Mind. All the rest follows in a Chain reaction. My opinion, its very true in order to use faith you have to close the eye of reason

God is not manufactured, he is as real as you and I. And not all men are abliged to die, the only ones that will die are those who deny God, and or do not keep the commandments the best they can. The rest of man will be rewarded with heaven and have eternal life.

"HE" Your God is always described as MALE. If there is a perfect creator I find it hard to believe that IT would have a sex closer to man. Why is that? I have to agree with Frank- Man made the God and Bible to suit his needs. Not to spread the love and acceptance Jesus maybe talked of. Have beliefs and faiths. Don't use it to spread discontent among your fellow humans just because you refuse to accept them.

God has no gender, i do not know of one verse where it calls God a he. There is no need for gender in heaven for different genders is for reproduction and their is no need for reproduction in heaven.

And yet you continue to call God a he. And many of you do. You also probably expect the woman to stay home with the children, do all the house chores and have your dinner on the table by the time you get home from work. Regardless if there was a perfect creator. How could IT possibly be jealous? And that is in the Bible- that it's a jealous God. Jealousy is supposedly a human fault. How could something be perfect possibly function with such faulty programing?

Jealousey is an emotion, and all living beings have emotion. And no "I" do not expect the woman to stay home with the children and or do all the house work. That would differ from family to family depending on the structure of the family and the best possibility operation of the family. To run a family as God has instructed us to is for the man to go out working and support the family while the woman takes care of the house. This would work fine if so many men weren't lazy as all get out and would actually go out and work.

It's not always because the men are lazy, nowadays it's near impossible to run a household on one income. I know many christian families that both people work and still barely manage to keep up with bills.

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/24/10 07:04 PM

Is there any religion out there pagan or otherwise, that will accept people for who they are not for who they want them to be?

I'd have to say, Buddhism.

"The Buddha exhorts his disciples to depend on themselves
for their deliverance, for both purity and defilement depend
on oneself. Clarifying his relationship with his followers and
emphasizing the importance of self-reliance and individual
striving, the Buddha plainly states: "You should exert yourselves,
the Tathagatas[2] are only teachers." The Buddhas point out
the path, and it is left for us to follow that path to obtain
our purification.

To depend on others for salvation is negative, but to depend
on oneself is positive." Dependence on others means a surrender
of one's effort. In exhorting his disciples to be self-dependent
the Buddha says in the Parinibbana Sutta: "Be ye islands unto
yourselves, be ye a refuge unto yourselves, seek not for refuge
in others." These significant words are self-elevating. They reveal
how vital is self-exertion to accomplish one's object and, how
superficial and futile it is to seek redemption through benignant
saviors and to crave for illusory happiness in an after life through
the propitiation of imaginary Gods or by irresponsive prayers
and meaningless sacrifices."

I will have to look into this then

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/24/10 05:57 PM
Is there any religion out there pagan or otherwise, that will accept people for who they are not for who they want them to be?

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/24/10 09:06 AM
I know this question is aimed towards msharmony but I would go help him regardless of our feeling towards each other.

and in other respects...

I may not get in to heaven but what if, I follow a more open religion where the only requirement is that you live a good loving life. My idea of eternal rest is a place where mistakes are forgiven if you ask (within reason mind you). No strings attached, just a parent welcoming a child home and letting the past go because that's all it is, the past.

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/24/10 12:07 AM
I play alot of rpg video games, used to play D&D.

I love Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Dragon Warrior

I play guild wars, world of warcraft and FFXI

Foliel's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:03 PM
Edited by Foliel on Sat 01/23/10 12:03 PM
I'm not a morning person, happy people annoy me lol

...and I was hungry...


Foliel's photo
Sat 01/23/10 11:38 AM

I do know alot of good religious people which is why I am spiritual still. I believe that there might be something out there and will continue to live as good a life as I can.

You literally contradicted yourself in less than 30 minutes.
Decide what your *true* opinion is.

"... What turned me away from religion ..."

".. which is why I am spiritual still." (which is why I am still spiritual).

I most certainly did NOT contradict myself. You can be spiritual without being religious. It means I believe in the idea of something out there but not necessarily a God.

So my comment still stand and is truthful.

Foliel's photo
Fri 01/22/10 07:39 PM
I do know alot of good religious people which is why I am spiritual still. I believe that there might be something out there and will continue to live as good a life as I can.

Foliel's photo
Fri 01/22/10 07:38 PM
At the rate I see people arguing over religion not a single one of us is getting into heaven lol so save me a seat

Foliel's photo
Fri 01/22/10 07:14 PM
What turned me away from religion had absolutely nothing to do with the devil..unless he resides in a catholic church....

When I was 7 I was hit by a car, the church priest told my mom that it was god trying to take me home and she should pull the plug...

Luckily the doctors ignored that and I woke up 2 days later alive and well (besides having to learn how to walk again.)

2 years later at a different catholic church, I went in for confession a little early...and walked in on the priest having his way with an altar boy......sorry but that was a clue for me. i never went back to church.

Foliel's photo
Fri 01/22/10 01:15 PM
This is why my pets are indoor pets :)

Foliel's photo
Thu 01/21/10 01:31 PM
I've seen this before, as soon as B takes the option to move out, who do you think the mother will start on next...the next oldest of course.

While I do agree that maybe it's best to stay out of it, I also worry about B's emotional state. Yes she's 19, she has the option to move out but maybe she feels responsible for the other 2? Maybe she realizes that when she moves the motehr will start on the next oldest?

OR worst case one does anything and the mother finds B dead one day? People knew and did nothing to help her? What happens to the other two?

I agree with msharmony on this point, it wouldn't be any different than someone knowing that a parent beats their child on a daily basis and they do nothing about it, the song "Concrete Angel" by Martina Mcbride points this out...

Foliel's photo
Thu 01/21/10 08:29 AM
I can't believe this topic is still going lol.

Neither side can prove or disprove, you will never be able to disprove God to a true believer. They will believe in their savior no matter what anyone else says, this goes for any religion not just christianity.

For the record, witnessing the birth of a baby only proves that the parents had sex that's all. Since the egg can't do its thing without a sperm. So that is not a valid proof of God's existance.

Foliel's photo
Wed 01/20/10 08:59 AM
while I agree that some people may spend too much time on the pc, what about those people who are disabled and can't leave their homes?

People that can't move around very well, people that are aggorophobic, or people with smaller issues like a borken legs or some such thing...

How about the people that use the internet to keep in touch with friends and family that lives in completely different states? We're supposed to spend a fortune that we don't have to go visit them?

I like the internet the way it is, if people don't socialize more that's not the internets fault. Without the internet people will start just using the phone if they really don't want to leave their home.

Foliel's photo
Thu 01/07/10 11:52 AM
omg, I hope those people don't put too much stock in a narcissistic (spelling?) website. That just promotes outer beauty and not inner beauty.

I wonder if there will be lawsuits against that site.

Foliel's photo
Thu 01/07/10 11:44 AM
Edited by Foliel on Thu 01/07/10 11:44 AM

oops....article said i couldn't copy and paste so that what I get when I tried it their way.


If interested, located here....

Foliel's photo
Sun 01/03/10 08:13 PM
sorry i agree with vivian.....ewwwww sick

Foliel's photo
Sat 01/02/10 07:16 AM
Someday the world will wake up but by that time, one of the many possible cataclysmic events will propably happen.

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