Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Wed 08/07/13 01:32 PM
no matter what the verdict, someone was gonna be unhappy. Our justice system works but when it gives a verdict that people don't like, it's suddenly corrupt.

I don't know all the details but whatever happened to:

Innocent until proven guilty?

Has that been thrown out the window?

Foliel's photo
Fri 07/26/13 11:39 AM
For some people, there is a limit to how much heartbreak they'll take before giving up. I won't tell someone not to give up since i don't know why they gave up. I will say that when you least expect it or want it, love will clobber you.

Foliel's photo
Tue 07/23/13 09:06 PM
I agree with you msharmony but at the same time, there are probly alarge number of children waiting to be adopted, that would be very happy if even just one person took them in, better than living in a foster home or orphanage forever while waiting for 2 people to decide to adopt, adoption is also a good way to have a child in the case of people that don't want to get married or have a significant other but still would like to be a parent.

It's also a bit selfish to keep potential good parents from adopting simply because they are single.

Foliel's photo
Tue 07/23/13 09:47 AM
My mom raised me, as a single mom for the most part, my father skipped out when he was told she was pregnant, and my step-dad was never home, usually out cheating on mom (great role model). I turned out quite well for being raised by mom alone.

The only men in my life were not men to build a foundation on, they taught me the bad things in life, I think I did fine without a father figure and it never bothered me to see other kids with their dads as mine would only take me fishing (which I hated) or work on cras IF he was home.

If you think you can be a great single parent mom, go for it, I'm sure the child you adopt will be the better for it.

Foliel's photo
Sun 07/21/13 09:11 PM
They could be all one guy with a bunch of profiles

Foliel's photo
Sat 07/13/13 11:10 PM
Honestly a good number of gay people don't care if you condone it or not. Some of us just want to be given the same rights as other humans have. I'd like to know that my significant other will be cared for when I am gone, I'd also like to know that my family members will not be able to remove him from my hospital room in the event that I am hospitalized.

If you don't condone gay marriage that's not our issue, most of my christian friends support me, some don't but they don't say anything either because i am not christian so they feel that it's not their business.

Gay people are looking for the same things in a marriage that others are looking for, spending their life with the person they love and want to be with.

As I have said before, if you don;t like gay marriage, then don't get one. Simple as that.

Foliel's photo
Wed 07/03/13 09:34 AM
I'm happy that people are fighting for equal treatment because we are all human, we all bleed the same blood, just happen to all like different things. Alot of people need to remember that the founders of america came here to be freed from religious persecution, and yet here they are, repeating that action. The ones that were once persecuted are now persecuting others. America is not a fully christian nation, not everyone believes in the one God, or Jesus or Allah or whatever deity you happen to follow.

Christians, even though they'd never admit it, do not hold the monopoly on marriage, it existed long before christianity came about, and before christianity no one cared who you married as long as you were happy. Whether they admit to it or not, marriage is now a big part of the government, it's not all about the religious aspect anymore.

and for the people that say "God made adam and eve not adam and steve", if we are all God's children then wouldn't he have made both?

When people finally realize that what makes a person happy isn't necessarily their business, the world will start to get better

Foliel's photo
Mon 07/01/13 12:40 AM
The world would be far better off if the busy bodies would stop worrying so much about what other people are doing behind closed doors.
What I do in private, with my boyfriend is no ones business, and if my family and friends support me getting married, then I am not concerned with people that don't approve as I am not marrying them.

I do not need marriage to be happy, my mom always called it "a piece of paper that allows you to do what you've been doing all along."

Foliel's photo
Sat 06/29/13 10:07 PM
Yes, why should only straight people get to have all the misery...err, i mean joy of won't hurt anyone letting us gay men and women marry the person we love. I do believe that it should be done my a JP, UNLESS a religion person, priest, minister or such wishes to perform the ceremony.

My cousin, an ordained minister, will perform my wedding if I ever wish to get married. As if that's gonna happen lol

Foliel's photo
Mon 03/25/13 10:53 AM
I do not agree with guns but I also will not support taking guns away from people that treat them responsibly. Most of the people are correct, more gun control laws would only hinder law abiding people, while the criminals would still get guns. I do feel that guns should be a last resort, not the first thing you grab. Laws should be a little stricter though in the respect of people that don't respect guns, no the guns don't kill people but they sure as hell make it alot easier...

Foliel's photo
Sun 03/24/13 11:29 AM
I think the new term is "people take things far too seriously and need to relax" lol

Foliel's photo
Sun 03/24/13 11:28 AM
Morality seems to be the issue here, from what i'm guessing it's not morally ok to be with the same sex but it is morally ok to be in a fake relationship with someone of the opposite gender, lead a "straight" life all the while lying to your spouse about you gender preference, using her in order to hide the fact that you are gay, pretending to all your friends that you are straight, and in general being a huge hypocrite about freedom simply to make sure that the people who do not approve of homosexuality, will not know that you are...

(you in a general term not in a targeting a person term)

somehow i think that the scenario I just described is alot more morally wrong....I hate lying, I hate hiding things and I hate secrets...things that destroyed my relationship with both guys and girls (yes i dated girls in and effort to hide the fact that I like men). As it stands people like christians and anti-homosexuality people are why I refuse to date and would never EVER have thought about having kids, even though one of my previous girlfriends wanted kids...not gonna happen.

Foliel's photo
Sun 02/10/13 04:40 AM
Love Story or Beaches

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/18/12 07:42 AM
Dear Santa,

Please help bring some peace to the families of the school shooting in CT. They need the help far more than I do at this time...


Foliel's photo
Tue 12/18/12 07:40 AM
Turn Offs:

People who smoke but don't take care of their mouth...IDC if they smoke I just don't want to taste it or smell it when i'm kissing him.

Someone expecting me to put out on our first date....not gonna happen

Someone that talks about their ex non-stop...

Sorry girls, I'm gay, move on to a straight or bi guy laugh frustrated

Someone that tries to change me, as in, wants me to do stuff thats not who I am or in my nature...

and I'm not very fond of overly muscular men, I don't mind some muscle but too much is a turn off...

Probly a few others but I just woke up and the rest are minor things that don't really dictate whether or not I'll date someone

Foliel's photo
Wed 11/28/12 08:31 AM
Some people do better with the flu shot, the 3 times I got the shot, it was right at the start of shots being offered, and 2 weeks later I had the flu. I have never had the flu until I got the shot. I might be one of the lucky ones as I have also never had any of the childhood illnesses such as chicken pox. I went 28 years without ever having the flu, never had the shot either. As soon as I got the shots, I got the flu. I haven't had the flu shot in 5 years, guess what I haven't gotten...haven't had the flu. Maybe I'm just abnormal lol, I am also in the group of people that does not like to take preventative medication for an illness I might not get.

My memere never had a flu shot in her life, she lived to be 98 years old, and never had the flu. My meme died at 58 from cancer complications but she never got the flu. My mom is almost 58 now, never had the flu. None of them ever got a flu shot.

Foliel's photo
Tue 11/27/12 02:21 PM
I've gotten the flu shot 3 times in my life and all three times I got the flu shortly after, i missed work each time. After the third time I decided the flu shot was worse than the risk of possibly getting it.

Foliel's photo
Mon 11/26/12 10:41 PM
We live in a time when sex has become far too casual, I don't agree that you should wait for marriage, since there are alot more people nowadays that just don't want to get married, but men and women both can practice safe sex.

I also don't feel that contraceptives should be paid for by health insurance as it is a medication for an illness or required to cure something. It is optional to use and should be paid for by the people having sex. Yes I know they can be somewhat costly...but then again so can a baby.

If you wanna get laid, make sure to have protection, and don't ask taxpayers to pay for your lay.

Foliel's photo
Tue 11/20/12 12:04 PM
I worked for wal-mart for awhile, I usually volunteered to work thanksgiving because I do not need a specific holiday to give thanks, I have all year to do that. Usually they were very willing to work around my schedule for christmas. I would tell them what time I would be unavailable and they would schedule me for after that time.

During the holidays is not a good time to end up without a job, there are a good number of people that will gladly take their place so that they can support their own families. Yes the job can be stressful, very stressful, but so can not having a job, having no way to support you family and a few other things.

I also had very good managers when I worked for wal-mart, guess i was a lucky one. They actually tried to make our jobs easier, several times I had a manager apologize in person because someone forgot to schedule someone to come in to replace me at the end of my shift. There were several times I would work open to close, long shift.

Be thankful for what you have, not for what you want. This is a time of year that we really do count our blessings, because in the long run wal-mart does not owe its employees anything beyond a paycheck.

Foliel's photo
Wed 11/07/12 11:19 PM
I have a hard time voting for who I want since 90% of the time I don't want either candidate, I usually end up voting just to vote against the candidate i want least in office.

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