Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Wed 07/25/12 06:04 PM
It's aggravating, I'm not religious but still, i can see how wrong this is.

Foliel's photo
Wed 07/25/12 05:34 PM
Someone please explain to me why the westboro baptist church would protest a memorial service for the victims of aurora, colorado. They help signs that read "God bless the shooter". What did these people do to deserve this treatment. A 6 year old girl died in the shooting, is this a good thing too?

In my opinion the church is getting out of control with their protests. I don't understand why they would protest military services or a memorial for victims of a mass shooting.

Foliel's photo
Thu 07/05/12 08:50 PM
I feel that this is close to the "should i read my child's journal/diary" question...

If your child has given reason for you to read it then by all means, but if they haven't and you do it anyways, that teaches your children to not trust the people they should trust.

My mom always lived by her own motto "why should my kids trust me if I don't at least try to trust them", mind you that doesn't mean she never snooped, but only if she was truly worried for my safety.

Respect is earned not just given, you want your child's respect, give them a reason to respect you. I respect my mom and will do anything in my ability to never earn her disrespect or disappointment.

There needs to be a healthy, trusting relationship if you wish to have a good relationship with your child, or you can snoop, and read everything you like, and your child will start hiding things elsewhere, or sending texts and deleting them right away so that you can't read them.

Foliel's photo
Fri 06/22/12 01:34 AM
As I see it, if you want to be with one person but have an open marriage so you can be with other people as well don't bother getting into a committed relationship of any type. They usually end badly

Foliel's photo
Thu 06/14/12 03:26 PM
As far as I am concerned, if you feel the need to date someone else, maybe you should take a good look at your marriage. i would never agree to an open relationship, when I finally get married, my spouse is with me not other people.

Foliel's photo
Sun 06/10/12 10:16 PM
I can think of a few that should be cancelled but i'll be nice lol

Foliel's photo
Thu 05/03/12 02:57 AM
fave all time pokemon is Squirtle but I do have faves of each type.

Foliel's photo
Sat 04/21/12 12:24 AM
I found mine, i could spend the rest of my life with him and never be unhappy.

Foliel's photo
Fri 04/13/12 09:47 AM

Hi all.... I want to ask why people willing to start a relation wait for the other to approach???? N then when som1 else takes the chance they say i tried my best, i hope she/he didn't loved me.

? Can you rephrase this? Not sure what you're saying.

He's basically asking why someone will wait for someone else to make the first move in a relationship

Foliel's photo
Fri 04/13/12 09:44 AM
ya know, with topics like these and the facts they provide, if my boyfriend ever leaves me I think I'll stay single lol.

I was told to do what made me happy, i am not into christianity so i'm not conditioned to do anything. My dad cheated on my mom for 11 years and I vowed to never do it to my partner and if my partner does it, he's out. I am not going to end up in a relationship like that.

I'm going to buy rings soon for my partner and I, when I put the ring on his finger I am going to ask him if he is sure that this is what he wants. I plan to marry him because I love him and want to spend my life with him, but if it isn't what he wants he needs to tell me since I will not tolerate cheating.

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/06/11 10:27 PM
I grew up in a single parent home, my real father was pretty much a sperm donor, he split as soon as he found out my mom was pregnant...I grew up with male role models, usually my moms boyfriend....even with all the male bonding and teaching me alot of male still gay. My dad (her boyfriend that raised me) and my step dad (her current boyfriend) are very proud of me. I did not do what others wanted me to do, I will not just marry a woman and have kids just to make others happy. I am my own person, as long as he knows he is loved and knows he can be himself and not lose everything he holds dear, I am positive your son will turn out fine.

And yes you need a man to make a baby but you dont need one to raise a child

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/06/11 08:48 PM
Everyone has given great advice, but in the end only you can really know what to do. Love him as he is and cherish that, be thankful that you have a son willing to be himself and not do only what other people make him do, cuz in the long run your family's happiness is at stake.

A good movie for this type of this is Doing Time on Maple Drive, great movie....

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/06/11 07:12 PM
Gonna be tough to help other countries when they haven't even gotten our own country to agree on gay rights itself.

Foliel's photo
Mon 12/05/11 02:47 PM
I will stay a guy, I have never felt a desire to be something I am not.

Foliel's photo
Fri 09/09/11 05:11 PM

Unconditional love is giving love with no conditions, no "reward" needed, just gives love no matter what.

This is exactly what Jesus gives to us.

If that's the case then why do you constantly preach that there are extreme conditions placed on this love?

If there are no conditions on Jesus' love then there cannot be any requirements to receive it, and that would most certainly include worship any specific dogma that contains endless lists of requirements.


For a Christian to say that Jesus' love is "unconditional" is an oxymoron unless they are prepared to recognize that everyone has obtained Jesus' love no matter what they believe.

But then it would be silly to speak of being "saved" by Jesus, since that implies that they had been "saved" from not being loved by Jesus, which cannot happen if his love is truly unconditional.

So which is it?

Are there conditions to be "saved" by Jesus, or not?

If there are, then his love cannot be "unconditional".

There are absolutely no conditions to receive Jesus' love, none, not one condition. Heaven/eternal life is a REWARD, it is earned through our faith and works of faith. Just because one may not go to heaven, doesn't mean Jesus didn't love them. Jesus loving us doesn't mean he has to spoil us.

If that were true then there would be no need for hell and everyone would be guaranteed a place in heaven. Now that would be unconditional love.

Not necessarily. Hell is not for man, man will not reside in hell. Hell is a holding place for Satan and his minions, not any place for man. In the end of time hell is destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire.

And no not everyone would be guaranteed a place in Heaven. Heaven is a reward, it is earned through faith and our actions that follow. Mankind in general was kicked out of the paradise for disobedience, that is why one must be obedient before one can enter. We must show that we are not like Adam and Eve. Not inferring one being better then the other or anything of that sense. Just we are to show we are faithful and deserve to reside in the paradise God has made for us.

Do you really believe this crap you write or are you just writing for your entertainment?

Unconditional love means that all would be the same. There can be no rewards that others do not get.

So it is not unconditional love.

It makes perfects sense because man create god so the limits of man are in his stories.

I have yet to see complete unconditional love from a human.


So if you have 2 children and 1 of them gets straight A's on their report card, so you reward this child but not the other. Say you get them an Xbox game or something of such but not the other....... you love the one child that you gave the game to, but not the other? o.O How do "rewards" depend on who you love?

Who ever said God didn't love the one's the miss out on Heaven? God hates no one, God loves everyone of us.

I'd be asking why can't I have those parents....

I never got rewarded for getting good grades, I just wanted good grades. My mom never rewarded one without some type for all 3. There were no rewards for good deeds or behavior. There were consequences for bad behavior, usually something taken away from us. However reward and punishment are not the same thing.

Unconditional love is just that. You love the person as they are, not as someone says they should be. I am gay, my mom is christian as is my sister, neither of them try to change me. neither of them tries to convince me to be "straight" or to keep it in the closet.

as my mom put it: "You are first and foremost, my child. I will love you no matter your sexual preferences or any mistakes you might make. I will always be here for you when you need me."

For me that is uncondtional love, loving someone regardless of flaws, mistakes, preferences or who they are as a person.

Foliel's photo
Fri 09/09/11 04:58 PM

Animals don't have it better than humans unless you believe the saying that ignorance is bliss.

We want bliss, but do we want ignorance?

Being sentient and self aware is what being human is all about. Compared to a dog, a human is like a God. My dog worships the ground I walk on.tongue2

That is true, but at the same time, animals don't go around with their human proclaiming to all other animals that if they don't live their life a certain way their human is going to destry them, or send them to live in a lifetime of hell.

Animals don't know racism, they don't know hatred or prejudice. They only know instinct and love and in some cases fear.

For as long as i can remember, christianity has disliked something. never satisfied with how things are. When they finish attacking one thing they dislike they move on to the next. It's kinda funny when you think about it, christianity was persecuted when it started, it became a huge religion....and now who is doing the persecuting?

I can never be a christian as I do not feel the same way about things as they do. I do not believe that being gay is a sin, I do not believe that marriage is a necessity in order to raise a stable family (my mom raised 3 kids just fine without ever getting married). I will never pretend to be something I am not just to make religion happy, I am gay, I am proud to be gay, I am not going to hide it and either abstain from what makes me happy or have a girlfriend and eventually kids just cuz some religion says thats the way it should be.

I live a good life, I don't do anything that could be considered bad. I have a boyfriend whom I love to death. He came into my life when I needed someone. When I die, IF there is a heaven or some god figure (I'm spiritual but not religious)I will answer to him/her, not to some self proclaimed follower that only thinks they know what their deity wants.

Foliel's photo
Sat 09/03/11 01:47 AM
Edited by Foliel on Sat 09/03/11 01:48 AM
Just because it piqued my curiosity, I have read this forum. I will add that animals aren't as unhuman as some might think. Many of them mate for life, certain species of insects such as ants and bees do build colonies and work together to sustain said colony or city as some might view it, but they do it without all the red tape that humans have made. They don't require building permits to build nor do they require an actual marriage in order to produce offspring.
They manage to go with their lives without wars, without hate, without crime, so really who has it better?

Humans or animals?

Thus far i would say the animals have it better, they can exist without religion or government to make their rules.

As far as having meaning in life, why do you have to have meaning? Can't you just live life? I don't need meaning to my life to make my life meaningful. If I have made someone smile, or brightened someones day, or helped someone in a bad situation then I think i have had a good day.

Foliel's photo
Thu 08/04/11 12:20 PM

If cheating is all about emotional connection, then does that not also imply, by his own logic, that he must be emotionally detached from you as well if he cheats? After all, to continue cheating, he needs to please two people with two stories. Chances are, before cheating, he has to become disconnected with you anyway, even if he doesn't acknowledge or realize it.

So, flip his statement around. When he sleeps with you is he cheating on the other man? If he says no, then he's saying that he has no feelings for you based on his own arguments. Watch him scramble to dance around that one for a while. Will he have the sense to realize he has been caught by his own words?

That could be fun to watch, make him squirm a bit.

I've been tempted to break it off but if it really is just his opinion, I can't break it off for that. I'm watching carefully for any sign that something isn't right, but not so carefully that I start to see signs that aren't there.

Foliel's photo
Tue 08/02/11 11:08 PM
I wish lol, he only likes girls

Foliel's photo
Tue 08/02/11 11:07 PM
Trust is rough, I dont really trust people. When I do finally trust someone, if they break it that trust is gone for good.

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