Community > Posts By > breathless1

breathless1's photo
Sat 01/17/09 03:11 PM

:smile: Do you think that people who have cheated once or more in their past will always cheat?:smile:

Fact? Are you kidding me? laugh

I believe everyone has the potential for change...growth...and self-awareness.

You folks are always so damn harsh on cheaters, yet you will stay in a totally miserable relationship otherwise because you supposedly *love* that person - what a crock of sh*t! :laughing:

I sure don't condone being unfaithful, but I sure don't blackball anyone who has (unless it is a real component of their core character).

In short, NO...I don't believe the old wive's tale: Once a cheater, always a cheater. That's just stupid!

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:52 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Wed 11/26/08 10:53 PM

You count male to female responses? Thats odd. Did you look at why the males received responses? I went back and looked. The males asked questions that I feel needed answering and the males made most of the post. The females just stuck to the op topic and gave their opinions without asking a question needing a response. I dont reply to every post because there are too many. I reply to the post that ask questions.
Did you see I did start ignoring males that starting getting off topic or mean? Go back and look again and see who asked the questions.

random answers

I happen to look at who is responding to hot topics as well, even gender. It can be very telling. It's called "listening".

I personally felt I made the "most of your post", but got ignored...not that I'm going to loose any sleep over it, mind you. yawn

I'm just saying, that often times the best comments derive from those given without the need to answer a question.

Repeating....OH, to be 21 again! smokin

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:22 PM
don't have to do anything to prove they are real men.

they just ARE! drinker

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:11 PM

You have to give the woman reason to click.

Yes, I'm choosing to quote only a portion of your post, because only a portion of it made sense to me.

I click only when a woman gives me reason to click...pic, cartoon, forum poster, or not.

It's called selective clicking. We ALL do it, regardless of what makes us "click".

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:04 PM
Vintage neon signs.

No wonder I pay a huge storage shed bill every month. sad

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:00 PM

Am I considered some kind of freak because I have never had a one night stand?

Am I some kind of alien being because I think sex should actually mean something more than just getting off???

FREAK! laugh

Join the club! ohwell

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:58 PM
PIE! But, then I'm a guy...

Although, I like to have my CAKE and eat it too.


breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:49 PM

....but it seems I just associate you with your picture.

Oh, to be 21 again! laugh

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:43 PM

Stupid concept! Never works. Never will.

Except for those who just seek the momentary gratifation concept.

If that's what you seek, then just stay in the moment...but use protection, so me and others don't hafta bust our blue balls WORKING while you stand pregnant in the welfare line because you had to "work it". flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:35 PM
Screw sanity...I just want to find my....

KEYS! :cry:

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:30 PM

Krupa, I absolutely hate this thread! What were you thinking? You have got to dumbest person I have ever had the privelage of sleeping with. I kringe every time I see that someone has added another pathetic comment here.

Oh, Ouuuuuuchies! ohwell

(I know, I cracked myself up writing that one)

I know, and I think you *cracked* more than yourself up with that post.

Here's my "lie", Krupa:

I can't stand to see a scorned woman spew her jealousy over the internet, especially when she thinks it will make a bit of difference in the world-wide webernet! laugh

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:21 PM

wellll....I am a carpenter....
Any idea how much a 1,500 - 2,000 sq. ft. would run me?

A LOT!!!!! whoa

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:20 PM
You lost me at...."build me"...

I can certainly design it, but build it? noway

Where's the Leggos? :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:17 PM

Krupa, I absolutely hate this thread! What were you thinking? You have got to dumbest person I have ever had the privelage of sleeping with. I kringe every time I see that someone has added another pathetic comment here.

Oh, Ouuuuuuchies! ohwell

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:00 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/17/08 08:01 PM
Mmmmmm....tater CARBS. However they are prepared!


Edit: * and Lily finally AGREE on something! noway * Pass the butter and salt, dollface! :tongue:

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:00 PM
Given his name...Luigi!

Long live the Italians and their lifestyle...beyond "food". :wink:

Salute!!!! drinker

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:23 PM
1. A strong sense of herself...i.e., confidance!

2. A beautiful scent...without perfume.

3. A feminine and sexy voice...not one that sounds like she smokes 3 packs of nonfiltered Camels a day.

4. A "to die for" smile.

5. A beautiful pair of eyes that you can lost in for days.

6. Clean and nice skin - WITHOUT makeup - shows how much she really takes care of herself.

7. A beautiful ass never hurts the selection process either. pitchfork

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:42 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/17/08 04:43 PM

Is it really important for young people to read the so-called "classics" or is there enough good modern literature to cover the same concepts?

I think there should be a decent blend of both. :wink:

Every child, in their early years, should be challenged to read:

Diary of Ann Frank

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Scarlet Letter

Uncle Tom's Cabin name a few. :wink:

It's like I tell my own kids, to know the present and and hold hope for the future, you must first understand the past.

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:24 PM

breathless guy

I dont get your comment, it is like you are saying that I am the bad person, but happy birthday? If I wasn't coming from a good place inside of myself, first I wouldn't be busting my hump all year long without asking for anything and second, I would be on the phone or at the house hounding them. I did post that noone in my life had done anything because I know that if they were even going to say happy birthday, they would have done it by now instead of calling me this morning asking me to watch their daughter tomorrow or going out to dinner. (Yeah, they just left me a message to go by the house and take the barrel to the corner.)

To everyone else, thank you for all of your well wishes and help.

Guess you brushed by my request to "don't take this the wrong way"! laugh

I never once stated you were a "bad person"...those are your words, not mine. I simply was saying you may wish to look at your motives when you extend your graciousness to others is all.

I find, for *myself*, when I pull out a personal scorecard when I'm hurt about how I perceive others treat me, perhaps my intentions of my acts of kindness towards them were not altogether pure.

Again, I'm not bashing and certainly don't wish to rain upon your birthday parade...and my birthday wishes are sincere. flowerforyou

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:16 PM
I've been rejected before because I have three children whom I co-parent...

AND I happened to mention I actually like, respect and still get along with my ex-wife!!!

How stupid is that? noway

I say if a woman turns you down cause you spend time on the road for your job - good riddance, lady! :angry:

Just screams of needy/clingy/codependent to me. huh

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