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Topic: Friends and kisses
jazzinc's photo
Mon 03/23/15 11:44 AM
Do you kiss your friends each time you meet? always? not always?

Kiss has a cultural origin in human relationships. It exists great differences related to kissing in different cultures.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Mon 03/23/15 11:47 AM

Do you kiss your friends each time you meet? always? not always?

Kiss has a cultural origin in human relationships. It exists great differences related to kissing in different cultures.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
Nope, cos most of my pals are guys and we'd end up fighting if any of us did that! laugh laugh drinker

no photo
Mon 03/23/15 11:50 AM
Hey, Tim, please kiss that studly mate of yours, Chas, for me please. :tongue:

no photo
Mon 03/23/15 11:52 AM
i've been trying to get the australian kiss to catch on with the women folk

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Mon 03/23/15 11:52 AM

Hey, Tim, please kiss that studly mate of yours, Chas, for me please. :tongue:
Ha ha, that would end up in fisticuffs if I did that 100%

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:07 PM
Kiss no we all hug when we get together... same when we are leaving... same with family..

esab66's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:10 PM
Close friends yes. Family always.

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:11 PM
it depends on how much I've had to I do the European Kiss Kiss Bang

Akhm's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:12 PM
Kisses are only for family ...

no photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:13 PM
Always kiss at hellos & goodbyes... a peck on each cheek.
Family & female friends, it's just the way it's done up here what

JudyP94566's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:51 PM
Yes, family or friends, hug then a kiss on the cheek

BrownTeaz's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:55 PM
Here in Saudi we (women ofcourse) give 3 kisses on the cheek as a hello or/& goodbye everytime we see each other.

I attended a wedding once (here in Riyadh) and the family of the bride gave each walking -in guest 7 kisses on the cheek as a greeting.

Its just part of their 'culture' (lack of a better word).

Back home in S. Africa however, I've always reserved my kisses for family and really close friends.

Awatersign's photo
Mon 03/23/15 01:56 PM
Only females of course,but not only a really small few,and not that either,most times its when we see each other out when we're drunk partying LMAO :laughing: ,and like special occasions like mothers day,new years,b.days ECT!!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/23/15 02:33 PM
SOme friends, yes, others not. Sometimes just a hug, depends on the mood and occasion.

Where I come from, we always do 3 kissed on the cheek. Whenever my UK friends come over it gets awkward, as they do just the 2. So then there's me going for the 3rd one while he/she is moving away, lol

Justfun_1's photo
Mon 03/23/15 02:50 PM

SOme friends, yes, others not. Sometimes just a hug, depends on the mood and occasion.

Where I come from, we always do 3 kissed on the cheek. Whenever my UK friends come over it gets awkward, as they do just the 2. So then there's me going for the 3rd one while he/she is moving away, lol
Haha,my friends girlfriend caught me out with the three kiss thing,the first two landed,but the third hit fresh air.I must try to remember that when i get there next month :smile:

no photo
Mon 03/23/15 02:54 PM

DadCat's photo
Mon 03/23/15 03:32 PM
I have had very close friends that I kiss when we meet and when we depart from each other.

I also give a kiss goodnight on occasion with my family members since I live far away from them.

I always kiss my mother and (((father))) when we get together.

Hugs are the most common form of exchange with my friends and family.

Hugs, kisses and words of love are always exchanged between me and my child throughout the day.

no photo
Mon 03/23/15 03:35 PM

i've been trying to get the australian kiss to catch on with the women folk

oooooooooh we Aussies are a wild bunch pitchfork pitchfork

YouMeforOne's photo
Mon 03/23/15 05:09 PM
Edited by YouMeforOne on Mon 03/23/15 05:13 PM
A kiss on each cheek for friends even new friends, for hello and goodbye. ..for immediate family a peck on the lips. And always full of love :)

tta1128's photo
Mon 03/23/15 05:12 PM
Never kiss anyone hello or goodbye unless it's my lover. Family or friends-nope. I might hug on goodbye. Depends on the person. I hate the whole fake air kissing thing. Ugh. So lame.

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