Community > Posts By > JimmyTheGent

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Fri 07/03/09 01:52 PM
I'm just posting here in the off chance that someone will feel sorry for me and email me.


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Thu 07/02/09 10:01 PM
Gio....Pardon me but Senor Oxycontin has lost all credibility. I no longer give any creedence to anything he says.

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Thu 07/02/09 09:55 PM

Jimmy we have to talk.

Anytime GG. Some of my best friends are Republicans.:wink:

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Thu 07/02/09 09:52 PM

he never touted Family Values...the last Republican to do that was Bush Sr. in 88...

noway ???????????????????????????

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Thu 07/02/09 09:49 PM
Just curious. Why does Senor Oxycontin never have guests on his show? And why does he never appear on any other show? Could he be fearing an opposing point of view? One that might challenge his many lies?

"Get out the way Old Dan Tucker.
You're too late to get your supper"

Sorry, was just listening to some Bruce on youtube. Sessions band . Great stuff.

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Thu 07/02/09 09:07 PM
As long as conservatives let Rush Limbaugh be their leader, the good times will roll for the liberals.

AL had a segment on his radio show called "Wait Wait Don't Lie To Me", where he exposed a Limbaugh lie each time. Never ran out of material.

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Thu 07/02/09 07:34 PM
It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Everybody who was anybody was in that movie.

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Thu 07/02/09 02:19 PM
The kangaroo is bigger but that baseball bat is the great equalizer. What are the betting odds anyway?

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Wed 07/01/09 05:46 PM

This is another travesty for America. Brace yourselves, you ain't gonna know what hit you in the coming months....

If there's one thing I've learned in politics, GG, it's that the pendulum never stops swinging. As bad as things seem for the Repubs now, it's just a matter of time before they have the Democrats on the defensive again.

I have my doubts that the Dems can hold together to push Obama's agenda through. Healthcare will be the big test. If the Dems can push through a healthcare bill with a strong public option, then I think they can do anything.

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Wed 07/01/09 05:19 PM
Edited by JimmyTheGent on Wed 07/01/09 05:20 PM

This is the one that peckerhead ripped off. I know who did it, but I can't prove it.

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Wed 07/01/09 04:28 PM
Some crackerhead ripped of my SLR about 20 years ago. A Mamiya MSX 1000. Never got back into it. Did some darkroom work back in HS. Was a lot of fun.

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Wed 07/01/09 04:19 PM
Maybe a woman could weigh in here and tell us just how the various cup sizes are defined. I mean, I look at a set...and they're big, small, nice, not so nice. But I have no idea what cup size I'm looking at.

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Wed 07/01/09 04:16 PM

I recall Bill O' liely said he would move to Ireland if Franken won.......... I wonder if he is a man of his word?

Oh if only.. but hardly likely. He is a man of his word? Oh yeah.. lol He'll just convince his viewers that he never said it and they will believe him.. grin!

As for Al Franken, I enjoyed his book, though don't know how he will be in government.

He's a man of his word just like Sean Hannity is. Haven't seen 'ol Sean waterboarded for charity yet. Or did I miss it?

As for Al, I have a lot of respect for the guy. Listened to his radio show for a good while, including the dark period following the 2004 election. He never quit. He just worked harder. And now he's a U.S. Senator. Good for you, Al. Now go do us proud in Washington.

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Tue 06/30/09 03:38 PM
What is somewhat misleading to the non political junkie is this business about a filibuster proof majority. Yes, it is a filibuster proof majority if all 60 Democrats(really 58 + 2 Independents) stick together. This is one huge IF.

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Tue 06/30/09 03:33 PM
Norm Coleman has conceded.

Al Franken is in.

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Mon 06/29/09 05:43 PM
The granting of citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. is a result of the 14th amendment and its subsequent interpretation by the courts. The 14th amendment was ratified in 1868 as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment's immediate effect was to overrule the Dred Scott decision which denied constitutional rights to slaves and their descendants.

It obviously creates a mess when children are citzens and parents are not.

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Sun 06/28/09 05:52 PM
Stouts and dark beers for sure are manly. I happen to like a good hoppy IPA myself and consider that a manly brew, too. In fact, the Wild Goose IPA I just had was labeled 6% alcohol- a good strong brew.

Light beers-Coors Light inparticular-are NOT manly brews.

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Sun 06/28/09 05:14 PM

HAHA Brazil Beat US 3-2, good job US, you got us all fooled.

Shows you who is the real talent.

if it took brazil to the last few minutes to put the USA away, it really doesn't say much about their talent, does it?

the USA certainly isn't known as a soccer powerhouse.

doesn't matter, US was leading 2-0 and US is known as a good soccer team, yet they were beaten by a third-world country. US are a bunch of loser, to lose so much momentum in the second half to any team is the definition of a loser, and I played soccer for many years and in many good teams, so I know a thing or two about Football.

Dude. George Bush isn't president anymore. You can stop hating the United States now.

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Sun 06/28/09 04:49 PM
Edited by JimmyTheGent on Sun 06/28/09 05:05 PM

my best movie soundtrack is THE GOODFELLAS:thumbsup:

"....I'd go from rags to riches"

One of my favorite movies of all time. The gold standard for mob movies.

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Sun 06/28/09 02:56 PM
The nerve of them. Dying out of order.

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