Community > Posts By > Arcamedees

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Wed 10/13/10 10:39 AM

Since I posted this thread, I have heard the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm glad things worked out, buttons. As I said before, the road to a good match is paved with unsavory individuals and unpleasant experiences. I guess the miscreant I almost connected with will make me appreciate the good one I hope to meet somewhere down the road.

There's a good country song that expresses that sentiment.
I think it's called "The Broken Road".

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Wed 10/13/10 10:37 AM

When it comes to the question of sanity, I must be a nut magnet, because my latest ex (not met online) was definitely not playing with a full deck. I have met quite a few nuts online now in the last few months and I fear that they must gravitate to me for some reason. I wish there was some way I could tell who the nuts are before I get involved with them. I guess even a nut can be manipulative enough to fool someone into thinking she is sane.laugh

Get a list of questions to ask that all start with,
"Are you now or have you ever been..."

And seriously, everyone is crazy to one degree or another. The trick is finding someone whose crazy you find charming.

I'd like to try that. So far, the only crazy I've run into is "overbearing" and "manipulative."

I hear that, so to speak. All I can say is keep trying. There are still a few good people left in the world. They are few and far between, to be sure, but they are out there. If things like this website doesn't work for you, try joining a club of something you have an interest in. Anyone you meet there will at least have that in common with you.

Unfortunately, I'm in a position where on line is the only option I have for meeting people....which creates a whole plethora of problems in and of itself.

Sorry to read that. Surely you have some time off.

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Wed 10/13/10 10:28 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Look A$$wipe, I can spell and type just like you. I tend to use internet language, you jerkoff. So why don't you take Jethro and ram him up your rear, since he's apparently on your mind a lot!

Ah....a perfect example of christian behavior.
Thank you ever so much for once again showing me how wonderful christians truly are.


No it's not a perfect example of Christian behaver. It's a perfect example of a true fact, sometimes people let the anger get the best of them and say things they either didn't mean or weren't suppose to say in the first place. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek, this can be used literal as it's ment or metaphorically as in someone saying bad things about you and you just not reply and or reply with a gentle response.

Cowboy, as I've said before, you seem like a good guy.
However, you are most definatly the exception to the rule.

no photo
Wed 10/13/10 10:26 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Oh, and by the way Mr. "Literate Atheist" if you were as literate as you claim, wouldn't you know that "a lot" is spelled "a lot" and not alot as you typed it? Hmmmm put that in your oh so smart thinking cap! You see, I have a degree! Perhaps you do as well. If so, I would say you majored in a$$holism, right? You seem to be really good at that!

Actually, either "a lot" or "alot" is acceptable in English. Oh yes, I'm sure you have a degree. Probably 98 of them.laugh

And if you wanna trade insults, you'll just end up being schooled--again. Better quit while you're behind, kiddo.

no photo
Wed 10/13/10 10:21 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!
but thats what the scripture represents is the old testament,not how you want to interpret it...its a total contradiction period

4 those who dont believe, no proof will ever B enuff

For those that can't read nor write, they'll believe just about any silly thing.

You're just pissed because your arguments don't have a leg to stand on. And if you were so "literate" as you call it, you would have read and understand the Bible. No big deal to me though, hey, at least I won't have to worry about you spreading your lies and bullcrap around Heaven. You'll be comfortably warm elsewhere!

I have read and understood the bible. I just think it's childish and silly. Kinda like you.
I'm not pissed. I'm kinda sad, actually. Sad that adults still cling to childish fantasies. But hey, you've moved up in my opinion from completely stupid to completely stupid and funny. Good for you.

And hey, thanks again for showing me some more christian kindness. Jesus must be so proud of you.

no photo
Wed 10/13/10 10:12 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

Look A$$wipe, I can spell and type just like you. I tend to use internet language, you jerkoff. So why don't you take Jethro and ram him up your rear, since he's apparently on your mind a lot!

Ah....a perfect example of christian behavior.
Thank you ever so much for once again showing me how wonderful christians truly are.


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Wed 10/13/10 10:07 AM

I think people believing in racial difference is going to far outlast the flat earth theory, but I agree that the IDEAL would be that racism not exist to be talked about

I sure hope so, since some racial differences are real.

Okay, I'm sorry for misrepresenting your meaning. Its just that I'm a bit worn thin from talking to people (not you) who think the answer to racism is to deny that we each have a genome. I agree, the ideal would be for us all to realize how unimportant race is, and I agree that ain't happening soon.

Yes there are differences. And it should be a source of fun, interest, and delight.
For example, my roommate in college used to joke about being so black skinned, in a darkened room, if he closed his eyes and didn't smile, he was invisable. I was so white I used to say "Just call me Casper".
Recognition of superficial differences doesn't have to be mean.

but those arent really racial difference, those were individual differences between your roommate and yourself

there are dark caucasians and there are very fair 'black' people

ummm...Those were both, "racial" and individual differences. Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts.
In any case, what's your point?

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Wed 10/13/10 09:54 AM

Considering that white racists are the ones who created the ideal of a race card

Are you sure? I mean, I can see that maybe this is true. But it also seems quit possible to me that people had been lying about being discriminated against before the term came into usage.

to help to diminish their victims and make it easier for them to continue to do what they want to do

I agree that this also happens.

I would be careful even considering it as a valid concept.

Its a fact that some people lie about being discriminated against. Its also a fact that sometimes people imagine racism where there is none.

I don't want to diminish the importance of racism, nor the harmful effects of racism, and I don't want to support those who try to undermine the valid claims of racism by trumpeting this idea.

I think what we have to do is look at the facts on a case by case basis, and not necessarily believe that racism played a role just because it was claimed, nor discount that racism played a role just because someone said 'race card'.

How can one prove that it isn't racism in these situations? If an individual feels racially profiled in any situation, how can one say they are wrong?

LOL, seriously? Do you think that if a person "feels profiled", they are a greater authority on whether they were profiled than an outside party looking at evidence?

Thats a great philosophical position for a self-fulfilling assertion. Its akin to circular logic.

Do I really need to provide a counter example? And how many counter examples will I need to provide?

You used the word 'prove'.... we can 'prove' very little in this world - thats not the point. You don't require the person who lies about being a victim of racism to 'prove' that they are, but you want to require 'proof' from someone who can reasonably conclude that racism did not play a role?

Here's an example:

There is a store that I dropped in on at least 15 times a week (some weeks) for about 3 years (especially before, during, and/or after work...). Its managed and staffed by a family of some ethnicity I never knew - but I'm pretty sure they were some variety of middle-easterners. Their clients are about 1/2 african-descended, 1/4 mexican-american, 1/4 european-descended.

The very first time I entered that store, I walked in fairly quickly, right past the counter, and they all started yelling at me: "Take off your backpack! Put it behind the counter!" They were quite aggressive and rude, and I think they were stressed by the large number of people in the store and the large line. I took off my backpack and put it behind the counter, though its a bad neighborhood and the store is frequented by crack heads and alcoholics and I didn't feel my laptop was secure.

During the following 3 years, I entered that store quite possibly 10,000 times. (It was a very convenient place to grab a super cheap, healthy-ish snack, and my work burned a lot of calories).

During many of those visits, at least one person would enter the store who (as a transient) had never been there before, or (as a mentally disabled, or simply absent minded) had completely forgotten that they needed to leave their bags behind the counter.

Being very slightly offended at the way they yelled at me, I paid attention to see if they truly expected everyone who came in the store to leave their bag. They did. Every single person.

Of course there were dozens of times where people claimed/complained/whined/mumbled/yelled etc that the only reason they were being asked to leave their bag is because they were black and these [insert racist slur] shopkeepers were obviously racist.

I don't know if the shopkeepers were racist against blacks. I never saw any evidence, I saw them being amazingly patient, kind, considerate, and generous with some very difficult homeless people (including blacks) who came in the store.

But that doesn't matter...the bag policy enforcement was absolutely not enforced with any degree of racial selectiveness.

Now, are you looking for a way to rationalize away the basic fact that those dozens of people were simply wrong when they claimed to be victims of racism?

Yes, some people were "simply wrong" in their assumption of "racism".
However, I would cut them a little slack because they've probably experienced real "racism" a number of times before and now it's a knee-jerk reaction to any inconvenience. I'm not saying it's right and people should be able to differentiate between past and current situations. But how many people think past their knee-jerk reactions?

no photo
Wed 10/13/10 09:34 AM

I think people believing in racial difference is going to far outlast the flat earth theory, but I agree that the IDEAL would be that racism not exist to be talked about

I sure hope so, since some racial differences are real.

Okay, I'm sorry for misrepresenting your meaning. Its just that I'm a bit worn thin from talking to people (not you) who think the answer to racism is to deny that we each have a genome. I agree, the ideal would be for us all to realize how unimportant race is, and I agree that ain't happening soon.

Yes there are differences. And it should be a source of fun, interest, and delight.
For example, my roommate in college used to joke about being so black skinned, in a darkened room, if he closed his eyes and didn't smile, he was invisable. I was so white I used to say "Just call me Casper".
Recognition of superficial differences doesn't have to be mean.

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Wed 10/13/10 09:04 AM

Just really a general question. Is there really a god out there?

Look in the nearest mirror.

god is looking back at you.

he is with you as he is with me.

Even when I am masturbating? Oh no!

If that were true, I wouldn't have so many wild cats living in my and my neighbors backyards.

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Wed 10/13/10 09:02 AM

What gives you the idea that I was disappointed???

On the contrary, it was rather humorous that only a fews posts earlier you tried insulting Arcamedees with this: "However, in your case, that almost always comes as just a little spurt, doesn't it? "

So, 2 little spurts in row now.... Too funny!

Oh, so you were trying to insult me.

I see.

Please forgive me for thinking better of you.

My mistake.

That'll teach ya to try thinking. :smile:

no photo
Wed 10/13/10 09:00 AM

What? Only a "spurt" of rebuttal?

It wasn't a "rebuttal". It was simply well-wishes. bigsmile

But thanks for displaying your disappointment.

Fear not, owl be back later with more great prose to read. flowerforyou

What gives you the idea that I was disappointed???

On the contrary, it was rather humorous that only a fews posts earlier you tried insulting Arcamedees with this: "However, in your case, that almost always comes as just a little spurt, doesn't it? "

So, 2 little spurts in row now.... Too funny!

Somehow I failed to feel insulted.
What's that old saying? "Brevity is the soul of wisdom".

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 12:10 PM

Ab...You did the world a favor when you changed your mind, not becoming a preacher/pastor. Are you soldout for wicca now? or will you defect that too and choose another one this time next year. With observation it's plain to see you are wishy washy or euphemistically, agnostic. just don't know what to believe. You hammer away at the God of the bible hoping you will get some fantastic knowledge that you can run away with to misconstrue. If you had continued your study in the WORD and trusted and not doubted, you may have been blessed with some true wisdom. The LORD's true preachers won't defect. You cut yourself short. Truth is hidden from you. You have that "strong delusion" that the WORD of God speaks of.

"And for this cause

God shall send them strong delusion,

that they should BELIEVE a lie:"

2Thes. 2:11,

The mere fact that you'd rather crucify me, an innocent man, than to address point-by-point where you think I might be mistaken, clearly shows that you ultimately recognize that my observations cannot be contested.

Should I be surprised that someone who worships these biblical myths is so anxious to crucify the character of another in the name of religion? whoa

I get this all my life. I point out the absurdities, falsehoods, and contradictions in the biblical myth and people cannot offer intelligent explanations to counter my observations. So out of pure frustration they start attacking my personal character in the belief that if they can make it appear that my observations are meaningless then they won't need to explain them away. laugh

Sorry, dear, that approach never gets anywhere. That's the mentality that causes things like the Crusades or witch burnings to happen. Just claim that the non-believers are either heathens or that they have sold their souls to the devil. devil

If there's something I say that you disagree with, try addressing that topic or issue directly instead of climbing on your righteous pedestal and condemning me to be a "lost soul". whoa

That's absurd behavior in itself and just confirms my observations about what these fables cause people to act like.

You? spock A martyr? whoa Crucified? slaphead

Ab...YOU have spent your time away from "the cloth"
to put CHRIST to an open shame.
YOU crucify CHRIST afresh.

Hebrews 6:4-6

4, "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

5, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

6,If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame."

John 3:14-18

14, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

15, That WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18, He that believeth on him is not condemned:

he that believeth NOT is condemned already,
because he hath not believed
in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

[This is the WORD of God, Ab.
Trust Him.
Your repentance and His acceptance
may be negotiable.
You can try.]

word of God my fuzzy brown button

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 11:51 AM

Oh c'mon Abra. While I agree with you on the absurdities of christianity, you do tend to "rant".
Brevity is not your forte'.

We all perceive life differently. What you see as "ranting" I see as "Exquisite Elaboration". laugh

I mean, let's face it, what is Christianity itself? An elaboration of a an old gossip tale. Or a 2000 year old "rant".

In fact, if you read the New Testament all those guys were doing was ranting on and on about a bunch of rumors. So the entire biblical cannon is nothing but a book of rumor rants.

Evangelists are nothing but ranting gossipers who go around repeating the original rants from their original gossip book.

The whole biblical mythology is nothing but a rant.

However, I'm sure that the Christians see it as "Exquisite Elaboration".

Besides,... I love to type in long posts because people actually read them. Thus they get the same idea presented to their mind from various different perspectives.

There can be no question that a lot of people read my posts in their entirety because lot of people respond to just about everything I say. flowerforyou

That's the way the human mind works.

Once it starts reading something it wants to suck up the whole thing in its entirety. Especially in the case of writings as interesting and captivating as mine. Once people start reading my words they become totally mesmerized with the awesome intellectual brilliance of the content. It's just hard to put down a good book once you get started reading it. :bigsimle:

So I write these short-story posts to give people ecstatic pleasure. I enjoy pleasing people and they seem to have become addicted to my writings as well. I have quite a large following. If I published a book it would probably become an instant best-seller simply because it was written by me. The actual content would be moot.


Are you still reading this Exquisite Elaboration, or have you run off to masturbate in the sea of ecstasy that has come over you from having read my prose?

Life is grand, ain't it. I mean, just look at what symbols on a screen can do for you. I'm sure that these words have caused thoughts to run through you mind that would have not otherwise become manifest. I'm also sure that emotions have begun to undulate throughout your body. You are forming opinions about what you are reading and your are about to erupt in an opinionated response yourself.

However, in your case, that almost always comes as just a little spurt, doesn't it?

There's something to be said for power released by the cosmic loquacious ejaculation of verbiage that I spew into each post that I manifest into creation through such linguistically artistic ramblings. In fact, that single sentence is longer than most of your posts.

Agree or disagree, it makes no difference because either way you have already participated in the sensual ecstasy of cerebral exchange.

alrighty then.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 10:03 AM

I try to stick to dating local people, rather than someone far away. I'd rather be able to meet them fairly quickly, than spend tons of time online chatting. However, my frustration lately is how many people aren't looking for anything, really, other than just a little fun here and there.

I wasn't looking for anything more than a little fun when I found someone to fall in love with.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 10:01 AM

When it comes to the question of sanity, I must be a nut magnet, because my latest ex (not met online) was definitely not playing with a full deck. I have met quite a few nuts online now in the last few months and I fear that they must gravitate to me for some reason. I wish there was some way I could tell who the nuts are before I get involved with them. I guess even a nut can be manipulative enough to fool someone into thinking she is sane.laugh

Get a list of questions to ask that all start with,
"Are you now or have you ever been..."

And seriously, everyone is crazy to one degree or another. The trick is finding someone whose crazy you find charming.

I'd like to try that. So far, the only crazy I've run into is "overbearing" and "manipulative."

I hear that, so to speak. All I can say is keep trying. There are still a few good people left in the world. They are few and far between, to be sure, but they are out there. If things like this website doesn't work for you, try joining a club of something you have an interest in. Anyone you meet there will at least have that in common with you.

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Tue 10/12/10 09:51 AM

Wouldn't it be easier to just post a link to one of your many other similar rants?


I point out the fact that the biblical religion is a self-proclaimed sad situation and you call it a 'rant'?

That's rather silly isn't it?

The biblical myth itself has Jesus himself saying that only few will make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.

So to believe otherwise you either need to question the truth of these myths, or the value of the words that have been attributed to Jesus.

The religion demands that most people are indeed doomed to condemnation. Wailing and gnashing of teeth were supposedly the words that Jesus himself used to describe this fate.

If that's not a sad situation I don't know what is.

It's a sad religion that demands by its own proclamation that only a FEW people will make it into the kingdom of God. That can only leave the vast majority to suffer wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I'm supposed to "rejoice" in the teachings of such GREAT NEWS? huh

Doesn't sound like such great news to me.

You just don't like the fact that I point out the TRUTH of what these fables are actually demanding. You'd rather pretend that I'm just "ranting". But I've posted the very words that came from these fables.

They point to a very dismal outcome for the vast majority of humans.

That's just a fact. Like it or not. I mean, if you're going to believe in these stories at least recognize that they paint a truly SAD situation.

It a very SAD religion. No question about it.

Oh c'mon Abra. While I agree with you on the absurdities of christianity, you do tend to "rant".
Brevity is not your forte'.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 09:42 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!
but thats what the scripture represents is the old testament,not how you want to interpret it...its a total contradiction period

4 those who dont believe, no proof will ever B enuff

For those that can't read nor write, they'll believe just about any silly thing.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 09:40 AM

I can explain #4.

God is seen & heard in the heart and thru your soul, thru the presence of the Holy spirit & the Bible.

He is to Holy to see in his Godly appaerance by us. He is not heard audible anymore as in old testamenta days

Thx CowboyGH! :smile: finly some real answers!

laugh Can we just call you Jethro?
Isn't it funny how alot of hard core religionists are pretty close to illiterate? You almost never see that in atheists. I bet that means something. :wink:

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 09:33 AM

Some of u peeps make me sick! surprised scared


Always gotta B a jerk in the room

Oh I am just so sorry.
I have a low tolerance for stupidity. I've been working on it but so far, to no avail.
Perhaps if you added something of interest to the conversation....

I did, take note! its called the TRUTH!

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the a$$.

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