Community > Posts By > Arcamedees

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Sun 10/10/10 11:37 AM

Christianity like most religions are for people who can't think for themselves...

Am I right or wrong?

Thinking is so HARD! It's so much easier to let others do it for you.

no photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:36 AM


Your data is skewed.

The vast majority of christians, muslims, and other true religious people...

DO NOT POST. or seldom post.

Therefore you have no real way of measuring them.

Instead you get to measure using the idiots...


You chistians gonna take that??

lol, look up above at my reply, I think I have that one covered pretty well.

Oh yeah, I love it when someone corrects others' gramatical and spelling errors and then can't even spell "Christian" or "thought".

There's a difference between a typo and stupidity. whoa

Yes, "a" typo....

What about 2 in one word? Stupidity?

Christians :banana:

uh huh. How's that glass house you're living in holding up for you?
"Grammatical" was spelled incorrectly by YOU, Sparky.
You're such a doof.

no photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:26 AM
pitchfork waving

no photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:21 AM

I have found that online dating is just like life and society in general. People are constantly trying to see what they can get away with and common courtesy is uncommon at best. There are scammers aplenty and quite a few flakes, weirdos, and wackos out there as well. One truly has to be careful and at the same time, never get discouraged. Sometimes I think I'm a glutton for punishment for trying online dating in the first place, however I cling to a small hope that it all pans out in the end.

Unless your standards are low are very broad, I'm thinking online dating gives you a better shot, as it were, than picking up a random stranger at a bar.

no photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:16 AM

Religion offers most people a supportive community of like-minded followers and a set of ready made one size fits all rules by which to live your life productively and with meaning.
Only the rules are dated etc and they do not necessarily lead to bettering one's self because wisdom and self discipline must be earned and are not so easily obtained as by just reading one book.
My father was raised a strict catholic and chose to raise his kids as atheists. He now leans towards zen teachings.
I think Christianity has an important place in Western culture eg, literature that it has inspired, so I wouldn't worry about sending my kids to an Anglican school and I certainly would teach my children the most fundamental 'golden rule' (which is decidedly lacking in Muslim beliefs).
Besides all children know that scripture teachings are a load of crap. I remember how we made fun of it when we were kids, while the moral of the story was always pretty obvious to us - but somehow people come to believe that its all actually real - and that part I will never understand. Why bother complicating things with religion...?

works for me.

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:59 AM


Your data is skewed.

The vast majority of christians, muslims, and other true religious people...

DO NOT POST. or seldom post.

Therefore you have no real way of measuring them.

Instead you get to measure using the idiots...


Don't know many people who drink the kool aid here that are not idiots. Don't believe in evolution? Idiot. Voted your faith by voting for the Dippic? Idiot. Think the GOP are the "morals party"? Idiot. Think Hitler was an atheist instead of a devout Christian? Idiot. Think gays should not have the right to marry? Idiot. Think a woman does not have a right to her own reproductive health? Idiot! Think the US is a "Christian Nation"? Idiot....heh, we got it all here.

so anyone that doesn't agree with you is an idiot? you must not be able to see in your mirrors very well... i have noticed whenever someone that thinks everyone else is an idiot is usually the idiot themselves, but too stupid to know it...

LOL...what a crock of crap....I guess you assume I am the only one who thinks these things...well okay then! I've never claimed to be an ace but I guess I am compared to the idiots of organized religion. Of course some of them could make a rock seem smarter.

actually, i happen to agree with you on a few things, but when you say everyone that doesn't agree with you is an idiot, then what makes you any different from any other religious faction that says believe me or get away from me? it's the same book, different page.
you claim to be anti religious, but your actions are the same as all the religions. your acting like the same things you gripe about so much.

What another crock of crap man...c'mon, I am only posting FOR sanity. I mean you can ignore the damage religion does all ya' want. I've seen the damage...if I can save one soul from this insanity and then they save a few maybe we can eventually end our divisions...our wars...our year down our walls. Bible literalists and other Thumpers like the con men on TV who steal money from the weak and poor, all of them defy simple reality.

How to get help! See? I am a good guy, not a "god" guy...I try to help humanity![/ur]

Science V religion.....give me a break. Now science/atheism is a religion because it defies religion? Give me a f'ing break.

i don't disagree with you about religion...i disagree with you on the fact it is their right to be who they want to be. the laws of the constitution were based on people with your train of thought. just because they base their lives on what me or you might seem as nonsense, doesn't mean they are idiots. they have every right to the pursuit of happiness as they deem fit, regardless of what we think. if they are happy believing in a magical being that created everything, more power to them. but i cannot call them stupid because of it.

Nice post Redy....


Sure it's their right as well is it's my right to call them out on the carpet about their insanities. I am not calling for banning religious...just pointing out the obvious...that it's a moron's morphine and it's got our country high when it should be THINKING instead. Why do Thumpers continually vote GOP? Explain that!!!

These people's leaders are corrupted, they're theives and war mongers...liars. The GOP only use the Thumpers...just like Hitler did...remember? or to relive it...remember that?

~~~ you're okay with them installing prayer in schools huh? How about abstinence only continued? For evey year science and rational thought grows forward too large a population of Americans want to drag it back...deny and pretend. Example GW, the GOP and their liars have about half the country disbelieving here again Thumpers vote for people who will let the planet rust for short-term corporate profit. Screw this...what Thumper would care to or be able to make this distinction? LOL.

I think public ridicule is called for...haven't enough suffered to prove their god's existance? When will it end? Oh yeah...they all got that story to tell to keep the fear alive...egads.

You, like most atheists who rant about getting rid of religion, are so cute.
Like that'll EVER happen. Don't you get it? People WANT to believe in a something. It's indicative of the species. It'll never go away.
Until it kills off humanity entirely.

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:51 AM

From believing that a particular stereotype is always true, to a belief that God is punishing the U.S. for allowing Jews and gays to exist, can become a fundamental basis from which all other beliefs of the individual must be gauged. In this way fundamentalism can inhibit growth both, emotionally and intellectually, and interfere with an individual’s capacity seek new experiences or to gain knowledge from experience.

Regardless of the belief (religious or otherwise), I have to admit that fundamentalism can limit intellectual capacity. In ‘some’ cases individuals find a niche, such as a social group, in which their fundamentalist positions are reinforced and even further developed. This will prohibit many from ever exploring or seeking experiences outside the safety and protection of their peer group.

HOWEVER, very often when we see the kind of comments listed in the OP, we are not witnessing the type of fundamentalism I have described, as much as we are witnessing ignorance (as in simply not having a broad and varied knowledge base), or a person who has not yet had to the kind opportunities that lead to growth from broader life experience.

Humans grow and develop through experience and as long as we remain open to new knowledge our views and values can change. But the more we limit our exposure and the less we seek life broadening experiences the greater the chances are that we will remain intellectually challenged by our fundamental beliefs.

I'm not agreeing with the OP, I'm not disagreeing, I'm simply offering another perspective.

I like this post.
You should also consider this. By exposing one's self to opposing viewpoints, one is afforded the opportunity to exaimin one's own notions of reality. If one can't or won't allow one's beliefs to be challanged, at least occassionally, one is keeping one's self from the abilty to grow and change.

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:39 AM


Your data is skewed.

The vast majority of christians, muslims, and other true religious people...

DO NOT POST. or seldom post.

Therefore you have no real way of measuring them.

Instead you get to measure using the idiots...


Don't know many people who drink the kool aid here that are not idiots. Don't believe in evolution? Idiot. Voted your faith by voting for the Dippic? Idiot. Think the GOP are the "morals party"? Idiot. Think Hitler was an atheist instead of a devout Christian? Idiot. Think gays should not have the right to marry? Idiot. Think a woman does not have a right to her own reproductive health? Idiot! Think the US is a "Christian Nation"? Idiot....heh, we got it all here.

so anyone that doesn't agree with you is an idiot? you must not be able to see in your mirrors very well... i have noticed whenever someone that thinks everyone else is an idiot is usually the idiot themselves, but too stupid to know it...

Yeah. Funny thing, most people ARE idiots. This is provable. The i.q. score of 132 and above represents only 2% of the population. 2%!!! That's so depressingly low...both in points and percentage.

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:29 AM


Your data is skewed.

The vast majority of christians, muslims, and other true religious people...

DO NOT POST. or seldom post.

Therefore you have no real way of measuring them.

Instead you get to measure using the idiots...


You chistians gonna take that??

lol, look up above at my reply, I think I have that one covered pretty well.

Oh yeah, I love it when someone corrects others' gramatical and spelling errors and then can't even spell "Christian" or "thought".

There's a difference between a typo and stupidity. whoa

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:11 AM

So...are you now or have you even been, a politician?
Perhaps you were a politician in a former life.laugh
You seem to have a gift for backpedaling, obfuscation, and change of premise. "I never said I believed in mysticism." Kinda like "I never had sex with that woman Monica Lewinski."

My dad, in one of his few moments of genuine intelligence, had a great saying for people like you. "If b.s. was music, you'd be a brass band."

Another great quote I think is applicable by Robin Williams, "You're more in need of a blow job that any other white man in history."

Why am I not surprised that you jump to conclusions without sufficient evidence?

just following your example..laugh

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 08:09 AM

I'm just flicking through a few topics here and it seems that all the posters are men. Have I just not clicked enough to qualify as a representative sample? Or do the male atheists on this site really outnumber the female athiests a bunch to one? Or is it that the female atheists on this site just don't feel like posting? Or is it something else?

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in god as much as the next atheist, but this is a dating site.

Women are a highly prized commodity on any dating site. I'm fairly certain, the most rare would be the atheist ones. Therefore, I doubt they have to try too hard to find a date.
Men are a commodity dating sites have in abundance. Well, straight ones anyway. I'm not sure about gay men. I've gotten the impression, though, that finding someone to boff isn't all that hard for gay men.

I would suggest finding an atheist club in your area. The few I've seen had a plethera of different people. Some were actually female too.

And you might get lucky on here, too. I did.:smile:

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 07:48 AM

Hey Lex! I like fire! pitchfork I just stick with gasoline and woodpiles though. Flame on! :banana:

Liars! Plain and simple. Intentional and unintentional.

to lie requires intent. One can be truthful and be wrong. To lie one has to know the truth and say something else.

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 07:45 AM

I am interested in hearing of the frustrations encountered by others in the endeavor of online dating.

One of my biggest frustrations is trying to decipher the putrid piles of drivel, illiteracy and incompetency that people try to pass off as a "profile."

Another frustration is that people have a tendency to tell you what they think you want to hear, or what they think they're supposed to say (often the same thing), rather than anything remotely resembling the truth.

Some people seem unable to comprehend simple statements such as "I am not interested in dating anyone who _________."

The sheer, incomprehensible homogeneity.

Having the first girl I met from a dating site turn out to be an arsonist.

Having the next eight turn out to be even worse.

Ah...I see you've met some of my exes...

no photo
Sat 10/09/10 07:42 AM

My first thought whenever I see a skinny woman has always been, "Somebody get that woman some pie, STAT!"
dont like pie lol

cake then.
abit ,but am more of a chocolate kinda girl

whatever works for ya. :smile:

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 11:06 AM

Something reminded me of this: atheist and agnostics tend to be smarter as well...heh...I wonder why that is? Hummmm.

"According to this article by Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, the smarter a person is, the less likely they are to believe in a god"

Makes perfect sense!

Having "smarts" is often the opposite of having wisdom.
Your opinions may very well be the disassemling of America.
Chipping away at the very foundations that have been the strength of our nation. You're probably too blind to see the results of all those "smarts" you and Richard Lynn have. Perhaps you should find more urgent things to focus on. For instance, how to get our nation more stablized and morally sound. Why play the devils advocate, so to speak. What do you stand to gain from a broken-down America? Who fooled you into thinking utopia follows your reasonings? You should cash in the "smarts" and get some wisdom.

"Talk to the hand" waving

I'm thinking only someone w/o any "smarts" would think it is "often the opposite of having wisdom".

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 11:02 AM

You continually refer to me as an "atheist". whoa

You're constantly judging my relationship with God. You refuse to recognize that I acknowledge God in all Her splendor.

You're so hung up on judging everyone based on what the ancient Hebrews had to say, that you can't even begin to imagine a better picture of God. But better pictures definitely exist. bigsmile

I personally


the best picture

I can possibly


for God.

Why insult


by choosing anything less? spock

Romans 1:16-26a

Gospel Exalted

16, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

17, For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

18, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

19, Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21, Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22, Professing themselves to be wise,

they became fools,

23, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24, Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26, For this cause God gave them up
unto vile affections:

Bravo, you can quote scripture. Now, can you think and say stuff in your own words, with your own viewpoints?

I have a parrot, and it mimics what I've taught it. Personally, I know it can also say things out of context of how I taught it, so I do know that she thinks.

I see plenty of parroting going on, with your biblical quotes...

You think a parrot can think??? You think a parrot can talk???

By your own logic, so can CeriseRose, so what's your problem???

Proverbs 23:9
Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words. your own logic, aren't you breaking that rule? In fact, since none the religionists on here have convinced the nonrelgionists of much of anything having to do w/ your godthing, wouldn't that make us all fools, by your standards, and all the religionists rule breakers?
So, what's the penalty for "speaking" in the ears of fools anyway? Do you have to hit yourself with a stick or something?
laugh :banana:

I don't understand your connection to "my logic". I will however, explain "her" logic and how I applied it.

CeriseRose quoted scripture and got "berated" for it...
"Bravo, you can quote scripture. Now, can you think and say stuff in your own words, with your own viewpoints?"

then she compares CeriseRose to a parrot:

"I have a parrot, and it mimics what I've taught it. Personally, I know it can also say things out of context of how I taught it, so I do know that she thinks."

So, a parrot, which "most" humans know cannot "talk", let alone reason, is "known" to think because it can mimmic sounds it was taught out of context??? And a human "who can read, reason, and apply what he/she has read (quote, repeat, whatever term you want to use...), is somehow less than a parrot?

As for my quoted scripture, I loathe quoting scripture except to counter improperly quoted scripture. I did however quote that verse as I knew quoting scripture pizzes her off a bit and I was fairly sure noone would touch that one else be labeled a "fool".

The "penalty" for speaking in the ears of a fool is that they would despise my words, not really a penalty if you ask me. And it wasn't a "rule" by any means.

oh darn. I was so hoping you believed you had to hit yourself w/ a stick.

And I really didn't expect you to respond to my post, but you did...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Well hey, thanks for the compliment. whoa

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 10:59 AM


Your data is skewed.

The vast majority of christians, muslims, and other true religious people...

DO NOT POST. or seldom post.

Therefore you have no real way of measuring them.

Instead you get to measure using the idiots...


You chistians gonna take that??

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 10:56 AM

I'ts not smart to be an athiest!

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Look! Another great quote!

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 10:50 AM bad. With a topic named "Jesus", though you were starting a cussing forum.

no photo
Fri 10/08/10 10:43 AM

ill be prayin for u!!! hardcore!!

I didn't even know the letter "u" was in trouble...