Community > Posts By > Arcamedees

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Tue 11/02/10 04:44 PM

This reveals a lot. If you feel that it's a "sacrifice" for you not to give into your egotistical urges to beat the crap out of other people who push your emotional buttons then I truly feel sorry for you indeed. Especially if you are keeping all this bottled up inside of you. You're just creating a pressure cooker that is bound to blow its top eventually when enough steam is built up and you just can't take it anymore.

tick tick tick....

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:41 AM
Wow. You're such a peaceful likable guy. Boy, that godthing you found through halucinations must be real proud of you.


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Tue 11/02/10 08:21 AM

Did your religion teach you to be so judgmental of other people or is this just your own personal flaw?

If you are telling the truth, you would have been studying the Bible for close to or more than 40 years, before you met me. I remember the first day you found the Book of Job. You spent 40+ years studying the Bible before you discovered the Book of Job?

You have never shown even a casual knowledge of the Bible. Everyone else might take your claims at face value, but I won't.

How could you remember the first day I found the Book of Job? huh

You weren't even born yet.

I'm not the slightest bit interested in your underhanded tactics to attempt to discredit me. In fact, I'm quite flattered. This is the standard tactic people use when they can't address the points I actually make.

I never claimed to know every little thing in the Bible. That simply isn't necessary. Studying the Bible does not mean to just memorize ever story. Nor does it even mean to stick to just studying the book called the Bible. In fact, most of my knowledge about why the Bible is false actually comes from information I've gained from sources far outside of the actual Bible itself.

I also would have never realized that Jesus was a Mahayana Buddhist had I now discovered and learned about Mahayana Buddhism and their concept of a Bodhisattva. And the doctrine of the "Great Vehicle".

So I haven't limited myself to just the Bible. I've studied religions and spirituality for about 50 years. I probably wouldn't do well in a "bible study" class at a church because I wouldn't give the answers they like to hear. laugh

I'm not interested in the uninteresting trivial. I'm only interested in the big picture.

Can these writings be the infallible word of an all-wise God?

IMHO, no they cannot possibly be any such thing.

Can Jesus be the demigod that is claimed by the hearsay rumors of the New Testament?

No, it simply makes no sense at all.

Just like Cowboy keeps trying to make sense of the Crucifixion.

First he claims that Jesus "died" to pay for our sins, then he realizes that Jesus didn't die spiritually and that's what's actually required to pay for sins.

So then he tries to suggest that Jesus merely made sacrifices so that we wouldn't have to. But that makes no sense either because the whole idea behind a sacrifice is to show sincerity and it would be silly for a demigod to endure suffering and pain so that we are no longer required to verify our sincerity.

Face it, as much as you would love to pretend to just discredit me so that all the good points I make will somehow just go away, it's not going to happen. The Bible makes NO SENSE. It's NONSENSE.

That's just a fact of life and will remain a fact of life even after I'm dead and gone. In fact, it was clearly already a fact of life long before I was born! Even Isaac Newton recognized the truth of what I'm saying. And I'm pretty sure he died before I was born. :bigsimle:

By the way you'd have a hard time discrediting Isaac Netwon, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, etc.

I mean good luck with that. drinker

Just give up the personal attacks already and stick to the topic material, it makes for a far nicer forum. bigsmile

:banana: drinker

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:19 AM

All these band-aids and twisted excuses just to try to keep Jesus nailed to the fable of a jealous male-chauvinistic egotistical God who hates heathens and supports religious bigotry. whoa

I prefer my vision of Jesus much better. flowerforyou

To each their own. drinker

You could have been honest and admitted you didn't even know there was a book of Jonah. If it can't be used to bash Christianity and it's not a well known verse, you've never heard of it.

Did your religion teach you to be so judgmental of other people or is this just your own personal flaw?

You speak of "bashing" Christianity, but what do you think Christianity does to every other religion on planet Earth?

Christianity is nothing but a continual bashing of all other religions as being "false" and a bashing of atheists as having "rejected" God.

Christians and their jealous bigoted Gods are the religion bashes.

Ever hear the story about people who live in glass houses? spock

If you want to demand that Jesus is the only begotten son of God and that all other religious and spiritual stories are lies then who's doing the bashing? huh

Personally I don't care if you want to make a monster out of Jesus. However, if you're going to proselytize it as being the "Only True" religion, then you are automatically "bashing" all other religions in the process.

Clearly you don't even begin to understand other spirituality.

You said that Jesus would need to be a lying Buddhist. But there is nothing at all that Jesus would need to have lied about. The reason being that Mahayana Buddhism is the "Great Vehicle", it embraces all spiritual archetypes which would include the Hebrew mythologies. Obviously it doesn't embrace them as the "Word of God", but that's irrelevant. Even the Gospels don't have Jesus referring to the Torah as the "Word of God", in fact when they do have him referring to the Torah they quote him as saying things like, "Is it not written in YOUR LAW?"

He didn't even refer to it as His Law, or God's Law, or anything like that. He asks them, "Is it not written in YOUR LAW"?

John.10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

See how cleaver Jesus was? He spoke the absolute complete truth from a Mahayana Buddhist point of view. He referred to their mythologies as "Their Law", he referred to himself as the speaker because we are all one, and then he stated what it was that he was pointing to in "Their Laws".

Moreover, if Jesus was a demigod and humans are mere souls that need repentance in order to be accepted as lowlifes in heaven, then why would he have even pointed to the fact that the even the Torah agrees with Buddhism?

There are parts of the Old Testament that do contain wisdom. Let there be no doubt about that. It's a mish-mash of various writings and fables, some have spiritual truth to them, others are utter nonsense and clearly just the egos of men spouting off claiming to speak for God.

The main the to realize is that this is precisely what the cannon of stores are.

Yes, you can find tidbits of spiritual truth within the Bible.

Nowhere did I ever say, or imply that there is no value to anything written in the Bible. All I have ever pointed out is the utter absurdities when they do occur. I'm not interested in the truths that are in the Bible because those same truths can be founds in almost every religion and spiritual philosophy.

So if you ask me if I only focus on the nonsense in the Bible then, yes, of course I do. There's simply not point in worrying about the good stuff, because either the WHOLE THING is the word of a single Jealous Godhead, or it's not.

And clearly it's not. So that's the only thing that's relevant. The overall premise that the Bible is the infallible word of a single jealous Godhead and that all other religions are false, is itself a falsehood.

That's the only point that I care to make.



no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:05 AM

it is amazing how ignorance, in it's plight to prove itself wise, will compare itself to primitve words from 2000 years ago, as the tell of what exist now in itself, for itself, and for all other's.

such would be no different than using a book of how to slay dinasaurs, as the self guide of how to live now.

sheer unsanity.

but, then that is precisely what is being created, by that which is hasty to prayer and request of itself, for a holy spirit.

to use a history book, to prove to self how self is HOLY, is as ludicris and unsane, as using cooking book to prove to self that itself "taste great".

if one needs a book to prove to itself, what exist, what is good, what is bad, who itself is, who itself is not, it prove itself half unsane already, proving itself not in control of it's own mental facaulties.

these shall come to be guilty of the same delusional assessments that made another human assassinate john lennon, that used a book for the guidence of what reality was for itself.

zombies that see a book, as more alive than alive humans, but marching to the self gain prayers of self as holy, even whilst they run swords thru their own fellow man, and lap the flesh and blood of other's from their teeth, for these that had itching ear's but to prove how self was good and vindicated and justified and holy, only fell prey to but using the words of what was LIKE ITSELF, to prove such as true to itself.

for it shall come to be, that if the whole world and all words in the world, do not prove what self knows as correct, even most ones own enemy as the final authority, than self justification shall self rationalize itself into unsanity.

in these days, the most valued possession on earth shall come to be
the information of how to access and weigh self's own sanity, as sanity be washed and eroded from the self validating brains more each day.


no photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:56 AM

ja1379 wrote:

thank you for getting back to the original question. i started this post because i wonder that the question of God being real has to burn in the back of your mind because you really dont know. just because you are not sure of something doesnt mean it is not so. i am so strong in my faith because i am certain that my God is real and that he is the only God. i am 100% sure and i can say that with confidence, boldness and authority. i am willing to put not just my life on it, but also my soul. can you say with 100% certainty that there is no God? think about that, can you really say with 100% certainty that there is no God. you dont have to answer that because i already know. i just want you to think about that. if you think about it, we are the ones who arent real. God created us, we did not create God. your eyes and heart are shut to him so how can you possibly know if you dont desire to. i truly believe that if you sincerely set your heart to know him and seek him, then you will find him. in order to understand or obtain any knowlege you have to first have a desire to learn it.

Apparently you totally missed my point. I'm not an atheist. I'm not saying that I don't believe in the spiritual nature of our existence.

What I'm saying is that just because I do believe in spirit doesn't mean that I'm going to run off and worship Zeus, or any other blood-thirsty mythological God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and professes to be a jealous egotistical God.

ja1379 wrote:

let me clear this up for all of you who lack understanding and try to disapprove God by saying that it is man made. many people who want an autobioraphy published, dont write it themselves, they tell the writers what they want readers to know about them. there are still people who listen and obey God. yes man wrote the bible, but it is Gods words. paper and ink mean nothing, it is the message that is of value and that messege is from God given to man. God does speak to his people, just because you choose not to listen doesnt mean he is not speaking.

Let me clear this up for you. Just because you have accepted one particular version of one particular mythological fairy tale doesn't make it the "Word of God".

Also, if I were to say that I speak for God, and you refused to believe me would you then be rejecting God? Or would you simply be refusing to accept the idea that I speak for God?

Think about that for a while.

It's absolutely impossible to reject a God by refusing to believe in the hearsay rumors of some mortal men. Therefore it's impossible for it to be a grave "sin" to reject the Bible as the "Word of God", yet this is precisely what the authors of the Bible hold to be true. They claim that's it an unforgivable sin to reject their words as being the "Word of God". whoa

Therefore, those authors cannot possibly be telling the truth. They are caught red-handed in an outright lie that can't possibly be true.

Also, are you aware that the Bible does not contain a single solitary word from Jesus himself. Nary a one. The entire set of fables is all nothing but hearsay rumors, many of which actually conflict with each other.

So to reject these words of men as being the "Word of God" cannot possibly be the same as rejecting a God itself. Thus the Bible is necessarily ungodly, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with any "real" God.

The proof is in the pudding.

It's absolutely impossible to reject a "God" that hasn't come to you in person in no uncertain terms and revealed itself as the creator of this universe. Anything short of that is necessarily a man-made sham.

im sorry for misunderstanding you. i understand now that you are not an atheist and that you do believe in something. this is why i started this post is to get a better understanding of people views(not to argue and dispute) with that being said, to answer your statement about rejecting God, if God sends a prophet or messenger because you are not hearing him directly and you reject the prophet/messenger then you are not rejecting the messenger, you are rejecting God. this is why i dont debate or get mad when someone doesnt recieve what i say. they arent rejecting me, i only speak what i know in the Lord and nothing else. i dont give opinions, just fact. like i said before, God tries to speak to man but some men dont listen or are not at a place in their hearts to hear God. In his love he sends people/prophets/messengers to speak to that individual or nation. you said that you are spiritual, i can tell you that there are only two types of spirits in this world. good spirits(God) and evil spirits(devil). like i said before, i know for a fact that there is only one God because of my experience with him. my faith in this one God is so sure that if every man on this earth denied him, i would still belive and trust in him.

Thus is the thinking of every suicide bombing terrorist.

People like you give me the willies.

A wise person once said, "Never trust anyone who says they've found the truth. Only trust those who are still looking."

arcamedees, the only reply i have for you is that you are very foolish and unwise. you have no desire for God and to understand truth. one day you will know the reality of God, THIS IS CERTAIN. it is sad that by the time you know him, it will not be his love but his wrath that you experience. i will no longer reply to any of your post. like i said, you are very foolish and it will be a waste of time replying or furthering any conversation with you. abracadabra doesnt agree with me either, but at least i can say that his comments arent silly and i can somewhat understand and relate to his way of thinking because i wasnt always a believer myself. your words are full of air and have no substance or credit behind it, you are just a silly man.

There are so many ways I could respond to this.laugh
However, I will limit my response to this:
The shift key is your friend.

no photo
Sun 10/31/10 06:25 AM

No, you just didn't grasp the meaning of my post. All i was getting at is how you say the laws in the bible and or the bible itself is hearsay. Well so are the laws of our lands today made by the government. For you do not know the people that wrote these laws. You do not know if they are truly the law any ways, you have only been informed they are the laws by some other people. So why should you believe them? Why do you believe someone telling you it's illegal to steal something and not believe someone telling you it's a sin to steal? What's the difference? On both accounts it is just knowledge gained by someone else telling you of such. So why give more credibility to "the laws of the land" in comparison to the laws of our lord?

Because your 'Lord' is an invisible dictator who cannot be reached to respond to a summons in a Court of Law seeking redress for grievances. In short, Christianity is not a representative democracy where the rights of the minorities are protected against the capricious will of the majority, and due process under those laws is right out the window.

The basis of 'the law' is not derived from the 'We the People' but from "You Must Believe As I Dictate in Holy Writ". And the process by which that 'Holy Writ' came about is totally non-transparent and surely NOT democratic. THAT'S what makes it heresay.

First and foremost, Unbelief under any circumstances is not permitted under penalty of Everlasting Death. All the other 'laws' except that one can be broken yet go unpunished if one kisses the local representative's ring and asks for forgiveness. Would you REALLY want have a government that functioned like this?

-Kerry O.

What he said.

no photo
Sun 10/31/10 06:20 AM

"Professing themselves to be wise,

they became fools,"




You have Paul ranting and whining that if someone doesn't agree with his views and beliefs they are fools.

I'm supposed to be impressed by that?

From a totally nonsensical collection of stories that is utterly absurd to begin with? slaphead

I keep telling you that as far as I'm concerned the Bible contains nothing more than the opinionated nonsense of mortal men. Yet you keep quoting from it like as if I'm supposed to be impressed or something.

Quoting from the Bible is utterly meaningless. If you want to convince someone that the Bible is the word of God, you're going to have to do more than just quote from it and assume that it's the word of God based on nothing more than your confessed BLIND HOPE that it might be. whoa

You may as well be quoting from Macbeth or any other book for that matter.

In fact if you like quotes about wisdom here are some:

"A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." - Albert Einstein

In fact, did you need religion to teach you good morals? Or were you attracted to a religion that you believe already has morals that you condone? Or are you just in it for the hope of reward after death?

When I read the moral teachings of Jesus, all I have ever done is shake my head in agreement. Never did these teachings ever teach me something that I didn't already know or agree with. A conversation between Jesus and myself would be extremely boring. All we would do is sit there and agree with each other including when we both say, "I and the Father are One". flowerforyou

Here's some more wisdom for you:

"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism." - Albert Einstein

If I have to choose between the wisdom of Albert Einstein a great scientific thinker and achiever, or the so-called wisdom of someone as desperate as Paul supposedly was, I think I'll chose to accept the wisdom of Einstein.

So we pick and chose where we find our wisdom. drinker

You choose yours out of hope and desperation.

I choose mine based simply on what I feel is wiser. bigsmile

"A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." - Albert Einstein

This is exactly where you and other atheists including people of other beliefs fail to conceive why people worship our father. It's NOT out of fear of eternal punishment, or fear of non-existence, or anything of any such. We worship, praise, and love our father out of exactly that, love. And it's not out of hope or desperation. What would we be in desperation for? If we are wrong, then what bad came of following the laws of the bible? Thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie, ect ect. What bad comes of this if we were wrong?

What bad?? Oh, I dunno...I think Galileo must have something to say about that. Among a whole bunch of other people from the beginings of recorded history who've been abused or killed in the name of some religion.
I could also mention, again, the abuses I've personally suffered at the hands of "good" christians, if you want something a little more modern. And there are other stories.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:56 AM

Hmmmm...I'm wondering why she needs the you pay award wages?...does she have a huge array of debt left from the debris of her marriage?

Has her rent increased?

Is her daughter special needs?

It does not excuse her behaviour, nor the hurt you may, however, explain her desperation to do this....risk her entire income for $800 dollars of stock...over how long, 6 months?

Yes. If the store grosses over a certain amount/day, everyone gets bonuses.
I don't know.
Doubtful. One of the things I helped her do was move into a new place. She was living w/ an abusive b/f. I helped her get out of that situation. Thus the risking of my life part.
No. Unless having a stable home is a special need.

It is now in the thousands. We haven't finished counting, but it looks like it'll end up around 2-3 thousand dollars. Most of it since the end of Sept.
I think part of the reason would have something to do w/ that abusive b/f. She got back w/ him, so I've now heard, sometime in September.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:46 AM
Edited by Arcamedees on Sat 10/30/10 07:39 AM

actually its called "setting boundaries" and from following this thread I have come to the conclusion that you have zero and thats why you now find yourself in the position that you are in.

protect yourself all you want, claim to hate humanity all you want, but the truth is, until you start doing some personal work on yourself, you are going to fall for the the next sob-story that crosses your path.

you "help" others because you are getting something out of it..whether you are looking for pity or praise, point is you are getting it and its working for you..i say this because you mentioned you have a long history of being "mr. nice guy"..clearly an indication that there is a problem and the problem is with your behavior not the ones who are benefiting from your actions...

"fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me."


uh are a perfect example of why I hate most people.
People who can't understand or accept that some people do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, w/o ulterior motives really can tick me off.
Your comments show a short-sightedness and selfishness unbecoming to humanity.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:31 AM

You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him.

It is though you can't get past the 1st line...of His Word.

"In the beginning God..." Genesis 1:1a

You must be thinking that you are talking to some sort of simpleton.

It's not anything at all like you portray it to be.

First off, I DID trust what I was taught to believe is "God's Word".

I was brought up to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. And I didn't question that in the least. I was THAT naive!

I went to church like a good little boy, and I even accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I repented all my sins, and I gave myself over to God.

After all, who wouldn't? That was my thinking. I'm a decent person, I want to do what's right. Nothing can possibly be a higher honor than to serve my creator.

But then the problems started. You need to understand that a large part of my extended family were involved with the church and several of my Uncles were Ministers. They were all Free Methodists. And I think this is very important to realize. All these ministers were of the precise same faith and denomination. And because several of my uncles were ministers they often brought other ministers over for dinner. So I got a lot of exposure to ministers discussing religion with each other. Now they never argued as such, but even THEY were often in disagreement about how certain things should be interpreted or what they actually meant. And these are all ministers of the very same denomination!

You can imagine what I would have been exposed to at that time if I had ministers from many different denominations around me. They would have been in HUGE debates with each other. Not to mention all the other Abrahamic religions (which I didn't even think about back then).

Ok, so these few ministers of a single Christian denomination were apparently having difficulties agreeing on a lot of issues and interpretations. I became interested in teaching the "Word of God".

After all I was completely naive and innocent! I believed my parents, these preaches, and other Christians I knew, when they said that the Bible contains all the answer. I took that literally! After all, if it's not the literal truth, then what else would it be but a big fat lie?

So I decided to look into the Bible myself and FIND the answers to these difficult question (not the EASY questions). The EASY questions are EASY! If I'm going to be teaching this stuff to other people I had better be able to answer the HARD questions, not the easy ones!

So I started searching for the answers to the HARD questions. Questions that the very ministers of our church had. They should know the answers, but apparently they don't. In fact, it's become crystal clear over the years that no one knows the answers and this is precisely why there are so many diverse denominations of this religion.

Hey, if I'm going to teach God's WORD, I want to make sure I got it RIGHT!

So my investigation into the Bible wasn't an investigation of doubt, it was an investigation that originally started with the sincere and honest BELIEF that I would indeed FIND all these answers and set these confused preachers STRAIGHT. laugh

Well, to make a long life story short, as time went on I discovered two extremely vivid and powerful TRUTHS!

#1. The Bible does NOT contain answer to everything.

#2. The more you search for answers in the Bible the more conflicting contradictions you will discover!

In fact, if you go into the Bible with one troubling question chances are real good that you'll come away with no answers and about a dozen or so even MORE TROUBLING questions!

Of course that obviously depends on what your original question was. If it was an easy question like "Is it ok to steal", you'll probably find a reasonable answer to that question quite easily.

However, if you have a far DEEPER question like "Why is God appeased by blood sacrifices, and why did he ask people to do this?"

Well, if you can answer that question more power to you! As far as I'm concerned there is no answer to that question in the Bible anywhere. You just have to have FAITH that the Biblical God must be related to Zeus somehow, or something like that.

These kinds of question are extremely important to someone who seriously wants to understand and teach the WORD of the deity they are claiming to LOVE.

Sure, a person could just toss their hands up and say, "Hey that's not up to us to ask". A LOT of ministers will take that stance. God just does what he does and it's none of our God damned business!

Well, personally I feel that's utter bull crap. If you're going to claim to LOVE a God you had damn well better know just what it is you are LOVING! Otherwise you might be claiming to love a demon!

Moreover, how can you TRULY claim to love anyone that you neither can know, nor understand? Especially when they are appeased by sadistic acts of blood sacrifices. I'm mean that's RED FLAG right there. Why should blood sacrifices appease a loving creator? Why would God want to see you slaughter an animal of its very own creation for the sole purpose of atoning your bad behavior? What does the poor animals death have to do with your bad behavior?

If this is some sort of "Instruction Book" for humans then this needs to be explained in detail.

I mean, excuse me if this sounds crazy to you, but if I'm going to preach that the Bible is the WORD OF GOD, I would expect people to ask me these sorts of questions. And so what am I going to do? Just say, "I have no clue. God is just weird I guess"

I may as well just confess that I know nothing about God. I don't know anymore about God than the clueless person who has turned to me for answers.

Moreover, you can't dare dismiss this question lightly in light of the central role that the Crucifixion of Christ plays in this religion.

You had damn well better know precisely how this works and why it is necessarily. Otherwise you may as well be asking people to believe in Zeus!

I wouldn't ask someone to believe that Zeus is God. Would you?

Well, if you don't have a better reason for asking them to believe in the biblical God, then you may as well be asking them to believe in Zeus.

I could go on and on and on, but it all falls on blind eyes.

The entire Old Testament makes no sense to me. Sorry but that's just the TRUTH. There are no explanations at all of the truly important question. It's all superficial bull. Just TRUST GOD to be right. (like you say)

Just believe it and don't question it!

Well, like I say, if you're going to do that then why not just believe in Zeus? spock

Or Wicca, or Buddhism, or anything. May as well believe in atheism if you're just going to blindly believe in anything for no good reason.

I wanted to know why Jesus had to be crucified to 'save' my soul. That is a very valid question in a religion who's major theme is that Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God given to pay for the sins of men.

If you can't answer this SIMPLE question, then the whole religion is utterly meaningless.

And it all starts with asking why blood sacrifices where required in the first place. This is ZEUS-LIKE mythology! There's no difference between Zeus and the God of Abraham when you get right down to it. They are extremely similar myths.

Why should the real creator of this universe just happen to be the same as Zeus? A totally fictitious man-made myth that almost no one will dispute as such.

As I continued to study I also began to realize that Jesus was not teaching the same moral values that were taught in the Old Testament. On the contrary he was teaching basically the opposite moral values.

Why should the "Son of God" be so totally different in character than his supposed "Father"? That's another question that has never been sufficiently addressed. Cowboy keeps claiming that God simply changed his covenant with humans, but that flies in the face of the Bible's stance that God is dependable and unchangeable. You can't have God running around changing his mind all the time without giving sufficient explanations and reasons. And Jesus most certainly did not give anything like that at all. On the contrary the scriptures have Jesus denying that he came to change any laws, they even have him proclaiming that not one jot nor one tittle shall pass from law. Well, jots and tittles refer to writings, and the only writings Jesus could have possibly been referring to would have been the writings of the Old Testament.

So Cowboy's theory doesn't even begin to address my concerns. I'm not the least bit impressed with his interpretations. All he's doing is demanding that God is either schizophrenic or has dementia.

Moroever, after I had finally recognized that the biblical version of God cannot possibly be true, I still didn't abandon the idea of spirituality. Not in the least. Why should I? Just because one fable is false doesn't mean that there can't be a spiritual essence to life.

So I looked into other philosophies, not "Searching" for spirituality, (I already had that without any need for an attached dogma). I was simply looking at other philosophies and religions to see if I might find TRUTH in some of them.

Well, I did find TRUTH in other religions and philosophies. Not the kind of "Absolute Truth" you would expect from a book that is supposedly the "Word of God", but instead I found truth in the wisdom of great religious philosophers and spiritual leaders.

Eastern Mysticism makes so much more SENSE! In fact, it's so sensible that it can almost be called "Logical". It also conveys the innate things that I know to be TRUTH.

Far more interestingly, I discovered something truly grand. I discovered Mahayana Buddhism and the concept of the Bodhisattva. This fits in with precisely what Jesus was like, and with what Jesus was actually teaching. In fact, once you learn the tenets of Mahayana Buddhism the teachings of Jesus makes a LOT more sense. Of course, you need to also take into account that most of the quotes we have of Jesus were actually written by men who had an agenda to turn Jesus into their Abrahamic Messiah. So you can't truly trust the rumors of the authors of the New Testament to truly convey what Jesus might have been trying to say. I mean, even those authors themselves have Jesus telling his own disciples that even THEY aren't truly understanding him.

The more amazing and truly stunning thing is that Mahayana Buddhism was at its peak right around the time when Jesus would have lived. Whether Jesus had traveled to India, or whether he learned these things locally is hard to say. But clearly Jesus was teaching the wisdom of Mahayana Buddhism, and not the very unwise baloney of the Old Testament.

In fact, this is precisely why Christians love Jesus so much. They love the fact that he "changed" everything from the way it was in the Old Testament. Most people truly view the things in the Old Testament as being barbaric and outright "ungodly". If someone were to stone someone for being a 'sinner' today we'd think that was horrible.

So even the Christians truly don't like the God of the Old Testament. They like Jesus! Not the original God.

I don't blame them. Jesus was MUCH WISER and MUCH NICER than the original God of the Old Testament. Let there be no doubt about that!

This is also why he could not have possibly been the "son" of that God.

I mean, hey, if you think you can make sense of the "Holy Bible" more power to you. But as far as I'm concerned no one ever has and this is precisely why there are now so many fragmented religions resulting from this totally nonsensical collection of stories.

You don't need to give up on eternal life.

You don't even need to give up admiring and loving Jesus for having values that YOU also embrace!

But you should truly be reasonable about just how much of this fable you're going to bother supporting as the "Word of God".

There's just no need to support the whole mythology.

Do you honestly believe that if you're a GOOD PERSON, and you actually AGREE with Jesus and admire him for holding the SAME VALUES that YOU CHERISH, some nasty God of Abraham will smite you simply because you didn't "believe" that Jesus was his demigod? huh

I mean, come on.

That's where the whole thing radically breaks down for me.

Goodness, wholesomeness, and all that truly matters of the heart means nothing to this God if a person fails to believe that Jesus was his son?

What kind of a God would that even be?

Clearly there's a major fly in the soup here.

Why you can't see it is beyond me.

Perhaps you simply can't stand the idea that Jesus might not have actually been a special incarnation of God sent with a 'gift' of eternal life?

Perhaps, you simply can't believe that you are indeed spirit and have always been spirit.

I don't know why you cling to an entire dogmatic religion when all you truly need is to know that your true nature is spiritual. That's all you need to know.

I guess I TRUST our creator more than you do.

I TRUST that God is at least as wise and as caring as myself.

That's all I need to know.

Anything less and it isn't much of a God.

The idea that you need to believe that some specific dogma is the "Word of God" is just downright absurd, IMHO.

Free yourself from dogma, and know that you are one with God and always have been and always will be.

Just have a little FAITH and TRUST GOD directly. Why support religious bigotry in the name of a jealous dogma?

Thank you for sharing your journey. I started to share my own story
which would have matched yours almost to the letter.
But I'd only be telling your story back to you.
Yes I had unanswered questions. Some I may never find the answer to. But you know what? I found that it doesn't take away my hope or my salvation. Which is the overall message of the Bible, and my free gift.

I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day.

I am saddened that your frustration led to anger and even hatred toward the Savior to which you say you once innocently committed your life to.

I don't see a hateful God...I see a loving one. who taught me the value of a blood sacrifice. It truly is a horrible thought, but it washed me white as snow.

My salvation is my pearl of great price.

I learned to let go of the million and one questions...which I later found, paled in light of that blessed hope.
After I settled down and made the decision to trust him and not doubt, many of the questions were answered. I just couldn't "see the forrest for the trees". I was trying too hard to obtain knowledge.

God knows you have questions but He is not a man that you can take by the collar and terrorize or interrogate.
The story of the woman caught in adultery comes to mind. Those guys thought that Jesus should have agreed and prononounced a sentence against the woman. But He only doodled in the dirt. When He was ready to answer He did.

The LORD is your Teacher. If He is silent. Doesn't mean there is no answer. Your better concern should be your trust in the Almighty. After we gather enough knowledge, we'd know just enough to be dangerous. Our reasoning is foolish next to His wisdom and purpose.

I pray that you will reconsider your committment.

I hope to share more later.

So...all one has to do is turn off one's brain to be a christian.
Good to know good to know.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:28 AM

You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him.

How can I reasonably trust an alleged Creator who gave me a potentially fatal lesion inside my brain before I was born?

Actually, the last episode did technically kill me briefly, but I knew what was happening before it got totally past the point of no return and I was in the back of an Advanced Life Support Unit ready to be airlifted to Johns Hopkins if necessary when it happened.

And I can hear it now-- God was responsible for the events that brought me back and that I'm not somehow converted by that experience must mean that Satan has it hooks in me somehow.

Don't you just love it? The way that people who have NO experience about your particular experiences with Hell on Earth offering their OPINIONS on What Really Happened?

-Kerry O., "Touche!"

Jesus heals!!! flowerforyou

Luke 4:18

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel
to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty them that are bruised,"


I thought Jesus saves. Moses invests, though...

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:27 AM

You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him.

It is though you can't get past the 1st line...of His Word.

"In the beginning God..." Genesis 1:1a

You must be thinking that you are talking to some sort of simpleton.

It's not anything at all like you portray it to be.

First off, I DID trust what I was taught to believe is "God's Word".

I was brought up to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. And I didn't question that in the least. I was THAT naive!

I went to church like a good little boy, and I even accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I repented all my sins, and I gave myself over to God.

After all, who wouldn't? That was my thinking. I'm a decent person, I want to do what's right. Nothing can possibly be a higher honor than to serve my creator.

But then the problems started. You need to understand that a large part of my extended family were involved with the church and several of my Uncles were Ministers. They were all Free Methodists. And I think this is very important to realize. All these ministers were of the precise same faith and denomination. And because several of my uncles were ministers they often brought other ministers over for dinner. So I got a lot of exposure to ministers discussing religion with each other. Now they never argued as such, but even THEY were often in disagreement about how certain things should be interpreted or what they actually meant. And these are all ministers of the very same denomination!

You can imagine what I would have been exposed to at that time if I had ministers from many different denominations around me. They would have been in HUGE debates with each other. Not to mention all the other Abrahamic religions (which I didn't even think about back then).

Ok, so these few ministers of a single Christian denomination were apparently having difficulties agreeing on a lot of issues and interpretations. I became interested in teaching the "Word of God".

After all I was completely naive and innocent! I believed my parents, these preaches, and other Christians I knew, when they said that the Bible contains all the answer. I took that literally! After all, if it's not the literal truth, then what else would it be but a big fat lie?

So I decided to look into the Bible myself and FIND the answers to these difficult question (not the EASY questions). The EASY questions are EASY! If I'm going to be teaching this stuff to other people I had better be able to answer the HARD questions, not the easy ones!

So I started searching for the answers to the HARD questions. Questions that the very ministers of our church had. They should know the answers, but apparently they don't. In fact, it's become crystal clear over the years that no one knows the answers and this is precisely why there are so many diverse denominations of this religion.

Hey, if I'm going to teach God's WORD, I want to make sure I got it RIGHT!

So my investigation into the Bible wasn't an investigation of doubt, it was an investigation that originally started with the sincere and honest BELIEF that I would indeed FIND all these answers and set these confused preachers STRAIGHT. laugh

Well, to make a long life story short, as time went on I discovered two extremely vivid and powerful TRUTHS!

#1. The Bible does NOT contain answer to everything.

#2. The more you search for answers in the Bible the more conflicting contradictions you will discover!

In fact, if you go into the Bible with one troubling question chances are real good that you'll come away with no answers and about a dozen or so even MORE TROUBLING questions!

Of course that obviously depends on what your original question was. If it was an easy question like "Is it ok to steal", you'll probably find a reasonable answer to that question quite easily.

However, if you have a far DEEPER question like "Why is God appeased by blood sacrifices, and why did he ask people to do this?"

Well, if you can answer that question more power to you! As far as I'm concerned there is no answer to that question in the Bible anywhere. You just have to have FAITH that the Biblical God must be related to Zeus somehow, or something like that.

These kinds of question are extremely important to someone who seriously wants to understand and teach the WORD of the deity they are claiming to LOVE.

Sure, a person could just toss their hands up and say, "Hey that's not up to us to ask". A LOT of ministers will take that stance. God just does what he does and it's none of our God damned business!

Well, personally I feel that's utter bull crap. If you're going to claim to LOVE a God you had damn well better know just what it is you are LOVING! Otherwise you might be claiming to love a demon!

Moreover, how can you TRULY claim to love anyone that you neither can know, nor understand? Especially when they are appeased by sadistic acts of blood sacrifices. I'm mean that's RED FLAG right there. Why should blood sacrifices appease a loving creator? Why would God want to see you slaughter an animal of its very own creation for the sole purpose of atoning your bad behavior? What does the poor animals death have to do with your bad behavior?

If this is some sort of "Instruction Book" for humans then this needs to be explained in detail.

I mean, excuse me if this sounds crazy to you, but if I'm going to preach that the Bible is the WORD OF GOD, I would expect people to ask me these sorts of questions. And so what am I going to do? Just say, "I have no clue. God is just weird I guess"

I may as well just confess that I know nothing about God. I don't know anymore about God than the clueless person who has turned to me for answers.

Moreover, you can't dare dismiss this question lightly in light of the central role that the Crucifixion of Christ plays in this religion.

You had damn well better know precisely how this works and why it is necessarily. Otherwise you may as well be asking people to believe in Zeus!

I wouldn't ask someone to believe that Zeus is God. Would you?

Well, if you don't have a better reason for asking them to believe in the biblical God, then you may as well be asking them to believe in Zeus.

I could go on and on and on, but it all falls on blind eyes.

The entire Old Testament makes no sense to me. Sorry but that's just the TRUTH. There are no explanations at all of the truly important question. It's all superficial bull. Just TRUST GOD to be right. (like you say)

Just believe it and don't question it!

Well, like I say, if you're going to do that then why not just believe in Zeus? spock

Or Wicca, or Buddhism, or anything. May as well believe in atheism if you're just going to blindly believe in anything for no good reason.

I wanted to know why Jesus had to be crucified to 'save' my soul. That is a very valid question in a religion who's major theme is that Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God given to pay for the sins of men.

If you can't answer this SIMPLE question, then the whole religion is utterly meaningless.

And it all starts with asking why blood sacrifices where required in the first place. This is ZEUS-LIKE mythology! There's no difference between Zeus and the God of Abraham when you get right down to it. They are extremely similar myths.

Why should the real creator of this universe just happen to be the same as Zeus? A totally fictitious man-made myth that almost no one will dispute as such.

As I continued to study I also began to realize that Jesus was not teaching the same moral values that were taught in the Old Testament. On the contrary he was teaching basically the opposite moral values.

Why should the "Son of God" be so totally different in character than his supposed "Father"? That's another question that has never been sufficiently addressed. Cowboy keeps claiming that God simply changed his covenant with humans, but that flies in the face of the Bible's stance that God is dependable and unchangeable. You can't have God running around changing his mind all the time without giving sufficient explanations and reasons. And Jesus most certainly did not give anything like that at all. On the contrary the scriptures have Jesus denying that he came to change any laws, they even have him proclaiming that not one jot nor one tittle shall pass from law. Well, jots and tittles refer to writings, and the only writings Jesus could have possibly been referring to would have been the writings of the Old Testament.

So Cowboy's theory doesn't even begin to address my concerns. I'm not the least bit impressed with his interpretations. All he's doing is demanding that God is either schizophrenic or has dementia.

Moroever, after I had finally recognized that the biblical version of God cannot possibly be true, I still didn't abandon the idea of spirituality. Not in the least. Why should I? Just because one fable is false doesn't mean that there can't be a spiritual essence to life.

So I looked into other philosophies, not "Searching" for spirituality, (I already had that without any need for an attached dogma). I was simply looking at other philosophies and religions to see if I might find TRUTH in some of them.

Well, I did find TRUTH in other religions and philosophies. Not the kind of "Absolute Truth" you would expect from a book that is supposedly the "Word of God", but instead I found truth in the wisdom of great religious philosophers and spiritual leaders.

Eastern Mysticism makes so much more SENSE! In fact, it's so sensible that it can almost be called "Logical". It also conveys the innate things that I know to be TRUTH.

Far more interestingly, I discovered something truly grand. I discovered Mahayana Buddhism and the concept of the Bodhisattva. This fits in with precisely what Jesus was like, and with what Jesus was actually teaching. In fact, once you learn the tenets of Mahayana Buddhism the teachings of Jesus makes a LOT more sense. Of course, you need to also take into account that most of the quotes we have of Jesus were actually written by men who had an agenda to turn Jesus into their Abrahamic Messiah. So you can't truly trust the rumors of the authors of the New Testament to truly convey what Jesus might have been trying to say. I mean, even those authors themselves have Jesus telling his own disciples that even THEY aren't truly understanding him.

The more amazing and truly stunning thing is that Mahayana Buddhism was at its peak right around the time when Jesus would have lived. Whether Jesus had traveled to India, or whether he learned these things locally is hard to say. But clearly Jesus was teaching the wisdom of Mahayana Buddhism, and not the very unwise baloney of the Old Testament.

In fact, this is precisely why Christians love Jesus so much. They love the fact that he "changed" everything from the way it was in the Old Testament. Most people truly view the things in the Old Testament as being barbaric and outright "ungodly". If someone were to stone someone for being a 'sinner' today we'd think that was horrible.

So even the Christians truly don't like the God of the Old Testament. They like Jesus! Not the original God.

I don't blame them. Jesus was MUCH WISER and MUCH NICER than the original God of the Old Testament. Let there be no doubt about that!

This is also why he could not have possibly been the "son" of that God.

I mean, hey, if you think you can make sense of the "Holy Bible" more power to you. But as far as I'm concerned no one ever has and this is precisely why there are now so many fragmented religions resulting from this totally nonsensical collection of stories.

You don't need to give up on eternal life.

You don't even need to give up admiring and loving Jesus for having values that YOU also embrace!

But you should truly be reasonable about just how much of this fable you're going to bother supporting as the "Word of God".

There's just no need to support the whole mythology.

Do you honestly believe that if you're a GOOD PERSON, and you actually AGREE with Jesus and admire him for holding the SAME VALUES that YOU CHERISH, some nasty God of Abraham will smite you simply because you didn't "believe" that Jesus was his demigod? huh

I mean, come on.

That's where the whole thing radically breaks down for me.

Goodness, wholesomeness, and all that truly matters of the heart means nothing to this God if a person fails to believe that Jesus was his son?

What kind of a God would that even be?

Clearly there's a major fly in the soup here.

Why you can't see it is beyond me.

Perhaps you simply can't stand the idea that Jesus might not have actually been a special incarnation of God sent with a 'gift' of eternal life?

Perhaps, you simply can't believe that you are indeed spirit and have always been spirit.

I don't know why you cling to an entire dogmatic religion when all you truly need is to know that your true nature is spiritual. That's all you need to know.

I guess I TRUST our creator more than you do.

I TRUST that God is at least as wise and as caring as myself.

That's all I need to know.

Anything less and it isn't much of a God.

The idea that you need to believe that some specific dogma is the "Word of God" is just downright absurd, IMHO.

Free yourself from dogma, and know that you are one with God and always have been and always will be.

Just have a little FAITH and TRUST GOD directly. Why support religious bigotry in the name of a jealous dogma?

You should copy and save that on your desktop. It'll save time in the future.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:15 AM

Well, yes, the character of God did seem to be a confused child.

Just like in the bible. At least it was an accurate representation then.

I didn't see the movie though.

If you ever get around to reading the Bible, let me know if you still feel that way.

For a Christian you sure don't mind bearing false witness against your neighbor. You know very well that I have studied the Bible for the better part of 50 years.

And yes, the MORE I study that more UTTERLY ABSURD I realize it is.

This God depicted in the biblical stories truly would need to have the mentality and LACK OF WISDOM of a very young child to be sure.

The absurdities are abound.

Just look at how God handled the Canaanites and you'll see the utter stupidity of this supposedly all-wise supreme being.

These stories were clearly written by people who were simply attempting to justify their wars and atrocities in the name of a God.

No genuinely intelligent being would have ever condoned the crap those people did.

The Bible sounds like it was written by morons because it was written by morons. Egotistical, self-centered, and male-chauvinistic morons too boot.

How you can defend such moronic behavior in the name of any "God" is beyond me. It's an insult to any supreme being to even suggest that they might be the God of the Bible.

+ + +


The wisest you have ever been

was when you "almost" became a minister of God's Word.

You walked away from the light into outer darkness.

Today, you are like a child crying in the dark.

(((((((tears )))))))

+ + +

Yeah, that'll surely win him over...
laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:14 AM

2Ti_1:9, Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

This mythology itself constantly shows its own fallacy.

If grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, then there would have been no need for any "Great Flood" in the days of Noah.

Christianity is truly incompatible with the religious mythology upon which it claims to rest.

Moreover, there are so many contradictions in these tales that if there is any "miracle" associated with the Bible it can only be the miraculous amount of people who actually believe in it. Of course, given that as being a "miracle" then the same miracles would apply to the Torah and Quran as well.

A lot of people are lost without a leader or King to follow. The Abrahamic religions are fables about a "God King". Everything about this tale resembles and reflects the concepts of an Earthly King, right down to the idea of Satan.

Satan was supposedly a fallen angel who thought he could "overthrow" God's kingdom and become "King" himself. Of course, if there is a creator of all that exists it would not be possible to simply "overthrow" it because it doesn't gain its power from "authority", but rather from the very nature of what it is.

So the whole idea of a fallen angel thinking that it could "overthrow" the creator of the universe and thus gain the ultimate "authority" is an utterly asinine idea to begin with.

The whole fable is precisely written from a human perspective of Earthy Kings. Even Jesus is portrayed as becoming the "King of Kings" (i,e, the ultimate authority). However, before he can lay claim to his kingdom he must first defeat the fallen angel who has given him such grief, including placing him in the most desperate of positions of having to be crucified on a pole to 'win' his supposed war. That very notion right there suggests that God himself views Satan as a VERY SERIOUS THREAT that requires major sacrifices in order to beat.

At the end of the fable God finally defeats the fallen angel once and for all. He squishes the head of the fallen angel and then casts it's carcass along with all the souls that the fallen angel has won into the lake of fire where there will be eternal wailing and gnashing of teeth. (nobody wants to be in that crowd) laugh

Then the city of Jerusalem is prepared as a bride and the King Jesus returns to re-marry his divorced wife of Israel. whoa

In the meantime, all other human cultures were just an "aside" in this creation fable. Just supporting actors and actresses in the central drama of the dance and marital quarrel between God and the Jews.

Like most good fairy tales it ends with, "And they lived happily ever after".

Now good night children and have sweet dreams. All will be well in the morning, just trust in the Lord of the Israelites. For all other religions and creation stories are false myths created by that nasty fallen angel, Satan. flowerforyou

+ + +

Romans 1:20-32

20, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21, Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24, Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26, For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27, And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28, And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29, Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32, Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

+ + +

Jer_29:12, Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

Jer_29:13, And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

+ + +

Ephesians 4:17-20

17, This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

18, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

19, Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

20, But ye have not so learned Christ;

+ + +

Congrats. You can quote the bible. Just like the devil.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:10 AM

umm..nope. Either it's put in my hand by the giver OR I pick it up after they've put it down.

It's not that kind of a "gift" Arcamedees.

It's the kind of "gift" that retail stores offer. In order to qualify for their "gift", you first have to buy their product at an expensive price.

It's the same with the Biblical God's "gift". It's just a gimmick to get you sucked into the product. In order to "qualify" for this so-called "gift", you must first agree to give up your own free will and only do the will of the gift-giver, for the rest of eternity.

I've always pointed out that this so-called 'gift' is certainly not FREE. It's the most expensive 'gift' you can possible purchase, and you purchase it by devoting your soul to the WILL of another being for all of eternity.

God is offering to BUY your soul essentially.

Just like the devil supposedly offers to BUY your soul.

This mythology was written by extremely uncouth salesman obviously. laugh

you guys arent really getting it. yes you have free will and God wants you to freely love and obey him as he is the Father. do we not want our own children to freely love and obey us as parents. we cant force our children to love us. the point im trying to make is that it is a CHOICE. YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO LOVE OR OBEY HIM. stop thinking that someone is pushing you to. if you choose not to then yes there are consequenses for that choice just as there is for every decision you make in life. if you are in school and you choose not to listen to the instructions of the teacher then you will fail. you will not pass and graduate. can you then say that it is unfair that you failed because you didnt listen and heed instruction? we as parents want the best for our children, thats why we dicipline them and set boundaries for them because they are children and they dont understand everything. we as parents are wiser than children so we instruct them to take the best path in life that keeps them from harm.

Y'know, I'm getting real tired of being compared to children.
Any other adults here getting tired of that?

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 06:06 AM

ja1379 wrote:

thank you for getting back to the original question. i started this post because i wonder that the question of God being real has to burn in the back of your mind because you really dont know. just because you are not sure of something doesnt mean it is not so. i am so strong in my faith because i am certain that my God is real and that he is the only God. i am 100% sure and i can say that with confidence, boldness and authority. i am willing to put not just my life on it, but also my soul. can you say with 100% certainty that there is no God? think about that, can you really say with 100% certainty that there is no God. you dont have to answer that because i already know. i just want you to think about that. if you think about it, we are the ones who arent real. God created us, we did not create God. your eyes and heart are shut to him so how can you possibly know if you dont desire to. i truly believe that if you sincerely set your heart to know him and seek him, then you will find him. in order to understand or obtain any knowlege you have to first have a desire to learn it.

Apparently you totally missed my point. I'm not an atheist. I'm not saying that I don't believe in the spiritual nature of our existence.

What I'm saying is that just because I do believe in spirit doesn't mean that I'm going to run off and worship Zeus, or any other blood-thirsty mythological God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and professes to be a jealous egotistical God.

ja1379 wrote:

let me clear this up for all of you who lack understanding and try to disapprove God by saying that it is man made. many people who want an autobioraphy published, dont write it themselves, they tell the writers what they want readers to know about them. there are still people who listen and obey God. yes man wrote the bible, but it is Gods words. paper and ink mean nothing, it is the message that is of value and that messege is from God given to man. God does speak to his people, just because you choose not to listen doesnt mean he is not speaking.

Let me clear this up for you. Just because you have accepted one particular version of one particular mythological fairy tale doesn't make it the "Word of God".

Also, if I were to say that I speak for God, and you refused to believe me would you then be rejecting God? Or would you simply be refusing to accept the idea that I speak for God?

Think about that for a while.

It's absolutely impossible to reject a God by refusing to believe in the hearsay rumors of some mortal men. Therefore it's impossible for it to be a grave "sin" to reject the Bible as the "Word of God", yet this is precisely what the authors of the Bible hold to be true. They claim that's it an unforgivable sin to reject their words as being the "Word of God". whoa

Therefore, those authors cannot possibly be telling the truth. They are caught red-handed in an outright lie that can't possibly be true.

Also, are you aware that the Bible does not contain a single solitary word from Jesus himself. Nary a one. The entire set of fables is all nothing but hearsay rumors, many of which actually conflict with each other.

So to reject these words of men as being the "Word of God" cannot possibly be the same as rejecting a God itself. Thus the Bible is necessarily ungodly, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with any "real" God.

The proof is in the pudding.

It's absolutely impossible to reject a "God" that hasn't come to you in person in no uncertain terms and revealed itself as the creator of this universe. Anything short of that is necessarily a man-made sham.

im sorry for misunderstanding you. i understand now that you are not an atheist and that you do believe in something. this is why i started this post is to get a better understanding of people views(not to argue and dispute) with that being said, to answer your statement about rejecting God, if God sends a prophet or messenger because you are not hearing him directly and you reject the prophet/messenger then you are not rejecting the messenger, you are rejecting God. this is why i dont debate or get mad when someone doesnt recieve what i say. they arent rejecting me, i only speak what i know in the Lord and nothing else. i dont give opinions, just fact. like i said before, God tries to speak to man but some men dont listen or are not at a place in their hearts to hear God. In his love he sends people/prophets/messengers to speak to that individual or nation. you said that you are spiritual, i can tell you that there are only two types of spirits in this world. good spirits(God) and evil spirits(devil). like i said before, i know for a fact that there is only one God because of my experience with him. my faith in this one God is so sure that if every man on this earth denied him, i would still belive and trust in him.

Thus is the thinking of every suicide bombing terrorist.

People like you give me the willies.

A wise person once said, "Never trust anyone who says they've found the truth. Only trust those who are still looking."

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 05:58 AM

It will be a fair judgement including weather someone had the chance to accept Jesus or not. If they've never heard of Jesus yes they may not have accepted Jesus as lord and saviour but they did not REJECT him. And the lord says "But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:33

Having heard the biblical hearsay rumors and dismissing them as being utterly absurd and foolish, would hardly be the same as denying the man they are supposedly about.

If you fall for this kind of rhetoric it's no wonder you're a Christian. You'll believe anything.

In fact, it's precisely these kinds of clearly man-made devious tricks that reveals to me that these writings aren't even close to being divine.

I personally don't believe that any genuinely all-wise God would ever do anything that stupid. Judging people on whether or not they believe some utterly absurd hearsay rumors would not be a fair judgment at all. Where do you get off thinking such a thing? huh

Just because these morons who wrote the New Testament say so?

Why should you believe those guys? Have you ever actually met them?

You have absolutely no sane reason to believe in these stories. And therefore it would be utterly foolish for a God to condemn you for not believing in them.

Do you believe that our creator is this foolish or what?

These kinds of claims made by these authors are actually a RED FLAG that should tell you instantly that their writings didn't come from any all-wise divine being.

The atheists make more sense than you do, that's for sure!

Judging people on whether or not they believe some utterly absurd hearsay rumors would not be a fair judgment at all. Where do you get off thinking such a thing? huh

Why should you believe those guys? Have you ever actually met them?

Here's a suggestion for you. Use this exact thinking next time you're in court for breaking some form of law. Tell the judge "how can you judge someone on some absurd hearsay rumors, it's just not fair". For the laws of the land hold just as much credibility as the laws from our lord. You don't personally know the person whom wrote those laws, so why should you follow them or believe they are real?

I see your point. It's invalid, of course, but I see it.

Our laws aren't based on some bronze aged mythos. They aren't designed to aggrandize some jealous godthing.
Your attempt to equate the laws of the land with the laws of your religion is merely proof that you should take a refresher course in civics.

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 05:48 AM

It will be a fair judgement including weather someone had the chance to accept Jesus or not. If they've never heard of Jesus yes they may not have accepted Jesus as lord and saviour but they did not REJECT him. And the lord says "But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:33

Having heard the biblical hearsay rumors and dismissing them as being utterly absurd and foolish, would hardly be the same as denying the man they are supposedly about.

If you fall for this kind of rhetoric it's no wonder you're a Christian. You'll believe anything.

In fact, it's precisely these kinds of clearly man-made devious tricks that reveals to me that these writings aren't even close to being divine.

I personally don't believe that any genuinely all-wise God would ever do anything that stupid. Judging people on whether or not they believe some utterly absurd hearsay rumors would not be a fair judgment at all. Where do you get off thinking such a thing? huh

Just because these morons who wrote the New Testament say so?

Why should you believe those guys? Have you ever actually met them?

You have absolutely no sane reason to believe in these stories. And therefore it would be utterly foolish for a God to condemn you for not believing in them.

Do you believe that our creator is this foolish or what?

These kinds of claims made by these authors are actually a RED FLAG that should tell you instantly that their writings didn't come from any all-wise divine being.

The atheists make more sense than you do, that's for sure!

ummm..thanks...I think...

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 05:46 AM

atheists don`t have to fear eternal damnation for ending their life when they see fit,,,,,might be a factor

And if you follow Christian dogma that a soul is created at conception, 10% of the future inhabitants of heaven will be unborn embryoes. Because that's how many pregnancies Mother Nature herself spontaneously aborts.

-Kerry O.

I thought it was closer to 75% of fertilized eggs...

I think it's 75% of fertilized eggs, but 10% of of pregnancies where the person/people actually knew they were pregnant at the time. Abortions are fairly common within the first month due to genetic malformations, but many women don't know they are pregnant till they missed a full month or two.

I went with the conservative estimate, but either way, it begs the question: How will all those blastocysts stroll around the streets of gold and how with they interact? And since they are not self-aware, how can they have made choices such as to take Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour? Since they have yet to develop a brain with which to think?

It's a thorny problem for Chistian dogma, to be sure and as you can see, it pretty much goes ignored everytime it's brought up.

-Kerry O.

No, because there is an age of accountability. Yes that particular term isn't in the bible. But it breifs up alot of the teachings. We are not responsible for our actions till we know right from wrong. And once you pass the age of say 13ish you know right from wrong. Weather you avoid doing wrong is another story, but you still know it's wrong. This age isn't an exact age, for we all develop differently and learn at different paces. And that is why it's called a JUDGEMENT, it's not a SENTENCING. It will be a fair judgement including weather someone had the chance to accept Jesus or not. If they've never heard of Jesus yes they may not have accepted Jesus as lord and saviour but they did not REJECT him. And the lord says "But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:33

And more on the age of accountability. We will be judged on our actions. If you did not know of Jesus and or never was given the chance to take an action of belief either way, how could that be held against you? For we will be judged on what we did in life, if you never had the chance to accept or deny the lord then there is no action taken towards it either way therefore no judgement could be made either way cause again there was no action taken.

So, thanks to people like you, I'm destined for Hell. Well hey, that's just dandy.

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