Community > Posts By > Arcamedees

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Sun 09/19/10 11:21 AM

One year later... still one of my favorite episodes.

One year later...I have a new (to me) car. No bumperstickers. Nothing to make my car stand out in any way. And I get less dirty looks and fewer door dings. And, so far, no damages. I hate having to "blend in" to protect my property.

no photo
Wed 08/11/10 02:59 PM

What is it? Sounds interesting.

hi. welcome to Earth. We have music here. You should try it.

no photo
Tue 08/10/10 05:42 PM

There are several things I can't stand, and don't understand.

Why is it sane to say "God speaks to me", but insane to add "by morse code in the rain" ?

Why is it considered right to believe in god without evidence, but crazy to believe in fairies in the garden, with exactly the same amount of evidence.

Of course, conspiracy theorists and the (more fundamental) theists have a lot in common. Both are willing to bend the truth, ignore facts, and flat-out lie, so that their version of the "truth" is heard.

Of course, the sooner we ride ourselves of non-sense, the better we will be.

never happen. more's the pity

no photo
Tue 08/10/10 05:40 PM

I'm just jelous the voices are now talking to you...

no photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:59 AM

No I read it right...but I have studied the reality. You talk as if I am demanding that government crack down on alcohol use by teens...well I am, just as I would demand for ANY consumer product...especially since this drug (alcohol) is no less an addictive narcotic. I can't undersatnd why you are FOR kids doing drugs...just makes no sense why this drug product is not held to the same standards as any other least a Drug Facts Label? Less advertising it as socially giving an inch? What's YOUR plan to reduce the addiction cycle? 5,000 kids took their first dose of this drug today...and will another 5K tomorrow.

Actually I have railed on AA about their program. They tell their members that they had no choice in becoming alcoholics. Their rates of success cannot be accurately measured and I agree there are better rehab programs without the god thing as well. My area is in prevention through education...what a concept.

"There are no quick fixes to solving the current underage-drinking epidemic. It is vitally important that we become more conscious of how we think, talk, and act when it comes to underage drinking. More than one-third of Americans report that alcohol has caused problems in their immediate family. To confront a problem of this size, knowledge is powerful and accurate information is vital.

Alcohol is teen America's “drug of choice.” It is currently used more than all tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Nearly 11 million youth, ages 12-20, are underage drinkers, and an estimated 3.3 million teenagers in the United States are alcoholics. These teenagers believe underage drinking is acceptable or even expected. This attitude is dangerous, and often lethal. When we condone, permit, or tolerate an environment that encourages alcohol use and downplays its potential for harm, we endanger the very kids we love and have a responsibility to protect.

Recent brain research tell us that the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain responsible for planning, strategizing, judgment, and decision making — does not fully develop and mature until between one’s early and mid-20s. Alcohol impacts both behavior and brain function of teenagers differently than it"

No you didn't read it right. And reality is as elusive to you as anyone steeped in dogma.
People like you scare me more than the religious nutters.

"And those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves."---Rush(the group, not the arrogant hypocritical winbag)
That line is meant as a warning. And you just don't get it.

no photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:19 AM

where are you guys when i go off on my anti-religion sprees,i hope laughing at the things i come up with cause to an atheist they are rather funny. seriously don't be affraid and hide in this yourselfdrinker

I've often wondered that myself...

no photo
Mon 08/09/10 08:16 AM

Interesting what we grasp onto….
In a book written 1500 years ago by primitive hut dwellers…
(500 years and approximately 25 generations of verbal passed down myth-stories after Jesus may or may not have lived)
God tells man not to eat an apple, but a talking snake tells man to eat it, so.. man listens to the talking snake…. God is upset (a loving, forgiving god ??), so he immaculately inseminates a woman (if not by her choice–rape ??, if she was married to Joseph at the time—adultery ??) and she gives birth to him/his son so he can suffer and die for us (Jesus chooses to die for us–suicide ??) because we sinned when we listened to the talking snake and ate an apple.. what a strange story…

I contend that we are all atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than religious people do. When religious “believers” understand why they dismiss all possible gods and religions except for their one “true” god , they will understand why I dismiss theirs.

The day people lose the fear of the threat of burning in hell will be the first intellectually free day of their life. Christianity and its rules and threats and prejudices was created by hut-dwellers thousands of years ago in order to gain power over their fellow human beings. New religions continue to crop up constantly in much the same way Christianity originally did- look at the Mormons, Scientologists and other less-successful religions. Christianity actually is like many religions, resurrection, virgin birth, god lives in heaven, etc….

The basis of religion and believing in Jesus is fear…. fear of going to hell (another man made myth–hell)
fear of what happens to us when we die. fear of God punishing us… (many examples especially in the old testament)
all of the stories, myths, fairytales about Jesus, including Jesus is God, were written hundreds of years after his death by primitive hut dwellers….

look at the big picture, Jesus is just another God in a long line of man-made Gods… during Jesus time, mankind was moving from polytheism to monotheism…. there were many “messiahs” ( 7 or 8 major ones) during Jesus life… Constantine helped Christianity become the big religion by making it the official religion of Rome.
Again, think about how ridiculous and unbelievable all of the other gods and religions are to you, and you will see why the Jesus myth is just another imaginary… (another word for faith) belief system.

Two things are needed to become a religious person….
1) exposure to religion… you are a Christian because you are surrounded by it, if you lived in a Hindu community you would gravitate toward.. I think you get my drift
2) a personal need and weakness…. religious people are less responsible for their actions and consequences, they lean on religion to help them deal with life, and use it as an excuse for their actions (religion is imaginary, a delusion, therefore actually a type of psychosis)

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud

yer preachin to the chior, so to speak

no photo
Sun 08/08/10 11:02 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

First off, I never said other countries don't have a teen drinking problem. You got that idea, I'm guessing, from your own bias, not my words.
Gods and thunders, why do humans do that so damn often? About everything? It's so damn frustrating.

Alcohol, while I suppose it's possible that some, on a very rare basis, might be predisposed to be being instantly addicted, is not on the whole instantly addictable. It is certainly not as addictable as any other drug. I've known many many people who only drink once in a great while. I've never known, nor heard, of any crackhead only doing crack on special occasions. I've almost never heard of anyone who didn't drink for a long time, then spent a night being drunk, then woke up the next day craving the next hit of alcohol. I've heard of many many people with all sorts of other drugs doing this, though. No, I'm sorry but you are just wrong on this.

So, what you're saying about the advertising is that because some people are dumba$$es, advertisers' first amendment rights should be truncated? Or perhaps that only kids like animals? 'cause y'know, once someone reaches the age of 21, they must hate animals. You're as bad as any damn fundie I ever damn heard of. Hey, y'know what? People, especially kids between the age of 16-21, drive cars really badly. I think we should ban cars, or at least the advertising for cars. Especially ban the ads where kids might see 'em.
And you really can't see how monsterously bad that idea is, can you? To protect a few from THEIR OWN SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, you're willing to curtail the rights of everyone. To paraphrase a famous dead guy, those who are willing to give up their freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security.
The idea of the nanny state holds no fear for you, does it. You would actually welcome the idea of government telling eveyone what they can and cannot see, or read, or do. As long is it was with the slogan "It's for the children". Freedom be damned. Well no thank you. I like the idea of freedom. I like the idea where everyone is free to fail or succeed. And coddeling kids, protecting them from the real world, does them no service except to keep them from being able to think on their own.

First off then what does ", I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner," imply?

Like I said earlier on you'd need to go to a few open AA meetings to understand the problem...or at least read up on the subject of addiction...even the AA states that alcoholism is a predisposed condition that can only take ONE drink to trigger...interestingly the medical community concludes that if the predisposed to this addiction somehow avoid doing this drug until they have fully matured at least they have a chance of avoiding full blown addiction.

One cannot avoid knowing that ANY introduction of ANY hard drug on a developing mind and body will cause damage. It's been learned in the last five years that the brain does not fully develop until around the age of 24 or so.

As far as the government I expect the FDA, the CDC, and the ATF&E DO their job, the FDA should make the AI label their consumer product accordingly, the CDC should put out PSA calling alcohol a dangerous and addictive drug, and the ATF&E should do stings on stores that sell to kids.

But as I understand it that you are FOR kids drinking drugs...right?

From the AMA:

"It is usually classified as a central nervous system depressant although some of its initial effects on drinkers are to provide some stimulating effects. However, as blood alcohol levels increase in the body, the depressant effects become dominant.

Other depressant drugs include barbiturates and opiates (e.g., heroin).

Here is one of our policies which directly addresses your questions.

H-30.972 Alcohol Abuse and the War on Drugs.

Our AMA (1) supports documenting the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse; (2) reaffirms the concept that alcohol is an addictive drug and its abuse is one of the nation's leading drug problems; and (3) encourages state medical societies to work actively with drug task forces and study committees in their respective states to assure that their scope of study includes recognition of the strong correlation between alcohol abuse and other substance abuse and recommendations to decrease the immense number of health, safety, and social problems associated with alcohol abuse. (Sub. Res. 97, I-89; Reaffirmed: Sunset Report, A-00)"


So really?, you really think that teen drinking is not a problem? Did you know that "alcohol is the #1 gateway drung to other narcotics drugs"? (It feeds the demand for illegal drugs)

(Drug Czar John a speech I heard in 2004)

First off, if you had bothered to read the rest of the line you quoted and the sentence after you'd see it wasn't implying anything. It was stating something straight out. You, however, were reading something into it that just wasn't there. That's called bias.

AA? That worthless religious club for problem drinkers? Their success rate, 5%, is just as good as alcoholics who quit drinking w/o their so called aid. Why anyone gives a damn what they say about anything is beyond me.

From your lack of response about the nanny state, and your many governmental quotes, one may conclude that while you don't worship a godthing, you do worship something, fervently. The State.

After all the stories about how big pharma buys approval from the FDA, after all the lies and half-truths the various drug Czars have told, after all the assorted b.s. that's come to light from Big Government, you still believe everything they say, doncha Sparky.
Just like any good religious zealot.

And I am so damn tired of arguing with unreasonable people who can't think for themselves or beyond their dogma. It is an endemic problem for the human species.

no photo
Sun 08/08/10 09:50 AM
I've never had nor do I wish to have a Big Brother.

no photo
Fri 08/06/10 11:19 AM

maybe I'm being confusing. In December 09 the back brakes were grinding. They should have been replaced then. I paid to have the front and back brakes replaced.

Now the front brakes are just fine (looks practically new). The back brakes aren't grinding yet....they are only squeaking.

My advice would be to take it to a brake place, someplace that specializes in brakes. The key to all such places is confidence. If you at least act like you have some kind of clue, act like you're only taking it to them out of convenience not necessity, you're more likely to get honest service.
Look the problem up on the web. Get ideas of what it could be. Mention that to the mechanic. Ask them to check specific things. If you do so, they're more likely to think you know what you're talking about and therefore will be harder to scam. Bear in mind, almost all mechanics are dishonest to some extent and they WANT to find things to fix. Knowledge is key to mitigate this. If you don't feel confident in doing this, find and bring someone who will be.
Good luck!
I've found this site to be helpful:

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:23 AM

No matter what religion one chooses theres always someone to say what they think is right.

thats true, but we all need a moral compass of SOME SORT to help us make good choices in life

That much is certainly true.
Personally, I like empathy, sympathy, and logic.

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:21 AM

Why we should ditch religion?

WE shouldnt. Religion should be a personal and private choice reserved for the individual.

Why an individual should ditch religion?

because they want to

Actually, that works for me.

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:20 AM

logic? because some stories are make believe, all stories probably are make believe,,,,,

shrugs,,,interesting logic

why stop there, why not just say on that day remember everything your parents told you,,,,period

why not kill all faith or belief in anything we are told or anything we learn in childhood that we didnt actually witness, see, hear, feel , taste, or touch ourselves,,,?

No..because some stories are make believe, all stories should be suspected of being make believe.

And yeah, on that day, one should remember everything one's parents told one. Discover the veracity, or the lack therof, of what one has been told for one's self. It's called independant thought. More people should try it.

I'm a big fan of the idea of killing all faith.

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:08 AM

if religion works for you,,,,keep it
if not,,,, dont

if spanking works for you,,,use it
if not,,,,,dont

if tattoos turn you on,,,get some
if not,,,don't

just wanted to share my epiphanies for the day,,,thanxhappy

Works for me. Unfortunatly, most people for whom religion works, won't keep it, to themselves.

I've never known a woman who liked to be spanked that didn't have some deep rooted psychological malfunctions. Beyond my ability to accept.

Same with tatoos.

wait....what're we talking about again?

LOL...that's their whole problem...they've pushed their religion so far for so long it's ruined about everything it touches.

Their "good" is supposed to outweigh the likes if the Hitlers and the Dippics from our history. Egads, the religion and the damage done...and is STILL being done, see here how stupid religion has made so many's amazing we have this many dumbed down people...

What do you believe evolution to be?

I dont think that question is specific enough,, if they had asked do you think animals have evolved, they may have gotten one answer
if they asked if humans came from apes,, yet another

what does or doesnt fall under the topic of 'evolution' is not clearly understood by many and then there are those who believe some types evolved and others didnt,,(kind of like those who believe there is a creator but not the biblical God)

I think the question is quite specific enough. Either evolution works or it doesn't. If it works, it works for all life everywhere. If that is not understood by someone, they're probably not going to believe that evolution is real. If it is, they probably will believe it is real.

not really, there is a difference in the details,,,,similar to asking if one believes in the story of Jesus birth, some parts may be reconcilable and not others

the same is true of evolution, if it includes big bang, thats not truly reconcilable, if it includes a more common sense explanation of things evolving to their environment , it holds more water

I believe all species evolve , in the sense that they ADAPT to survive, I dont believe that evolution to be as DRASTIC as monkeys becoming humans or amoebas turning into monkeys,,,,,

As I said, you either understand it or you don't. Obviously, you don't understand it. A 150 yrs ago or so, it was widely accepted that God made everything just the way they are. Now it is widely accepted that life adapts and changes. If one accepts that life adapts and changes, one must also accept that with enough adaptations you have a completely different species.
In other words, if one accepts that MICROevolution is real, one must, or should, ask oneself how many MICROS does it take to get a MACROevolution.
While it is somewhat accurate to say that amoebas turned into monkeys, although the are quite a few intervening steps inbetween, not to mention about 3 billion years, it is innaccurate to say monkeys turned into humans. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancester.

and THAT is why the question was too broad,, I dont think Im alone in how well I 'understand' evolution. I believe men can take flight(jump) but I dont believe they can fly(attain extended periods in the air with no mechanism).

I dont believe the bible said anything specifically about the physical malibility or adaptablity of humans or animals either. Many things in life come in varying degrees and with limits. I consider evolution to be one of those things.


Well, to some there's no difference between specific and Pacific.


That is a good one eh? LOL. If only it were on billboards and buses all across America...then we'd have a smarter society.

No we wouldn't. People, on the whole, aren't that smart.

no photo
Thu 08/05/10 10:44 AM

Well, I just think they should have a chance and a choice to grow up drug free...unfortunately peer pressures and social acceptances of this drug, and advertising using pets...all are ruining them in huge much for the "moral majority" doing something about it eh?

Hmmmm, better but still no facts to back up your bigoted claims...

Let's see, a quick search of Yahoo came up with this:

"atheist alcohol counseling" brought 572,004 results.

"christian alcohol counseling" yielded 6,420,038 results.

"jewish alcohol counseling" produced 2,350,015 results.

"muslim alcohol counseling" gathered 1,790,013 results.

"buddhist alcohol counseling" had 738,002 results.

So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Trying to bring to light how little Atheists care???

LOL, yeah they're most all rehab businesses (probably expensive)...take a look, they even say "alcohol OR drugs"...most of them have no clue about PREVENTION. Alcohol IS a GD drug

Even the medical communitiy is divided on alcoholism as being a "disease". They now think it's an acquired neroulogical disorder. Rehab is big business...gee, you'd expect that since we graduate so many addicts (customers) in this country.


In Oklahoma they cut the budget for alcohol abuse treatment and recovery...much less is available for prevention. We had an Oklahoma "Gov's 2006 Task Force against Teen Drinking" assigned...oh man...this is funny. I cornered the governeor at a fund raiser last year. I asked him about his plan and told him who I was...his face went long as I dressed him down about it..politely as possible. I like Brad Henry but when it comes to teen drinking he had the same lame BS non-plan in print that most politicians do.

After I spoke with him, about a week later there was a story in the Oklahoman that his "task force" busted 13 out of 20 stores (note the ratio) in sales of alcohol to minors. Other than THAT little bust the only thing he endorsed was an already in-place plan for OKC social hosting laws. So far I think one woman was arrested.

ZIP NANA, nothing is being done. The phucking Alcohol Industry is just another poison dealer like Big Pharma and Big Oil... and just as greedy, they own these politicians...hell while I am at it, the guy who ran against Inhofe here in '08 I met with a few times....he said he agreed with me but he went on to try to pass high-point beer and wine in grocery stores....WHO does Sen. Andrew Rice work for anyway? He's a recovering alcoholic himself so what part of "alcohol IS an addictive drug" does he not get? Really?

Then there's Todd Lamb who just won the nomination to run for Lt. Governor. He's the author of many restrictive woman's reproductive rights bills...yes, anti-choice bills. Three so far that Gov Henry vetoed but that the (R) led state legislature overrode. Now they are in the courts without a Constitutional chance of being inacted. A waste of time. Completely.

I also met with Lamb, had him listening. I even wrote the rough draft of legislation to curb the AI's advertising and force them to label their product for what it is...a drug. He seemed interested but dropped off after a see, he does not care to help prevent unwanted (teen) he just want's to use his religious ways to outlaw abortion. BTW about half of all unwanted teen pregnancies happened when at least one of the participants was high on this drug....alcohol...again..the drug...alcohol.

We could do a lot better...that's all I am, saying it in as many ways that I can.

I do NOT understand why adults object to being responsible and helping demand that this drug product be regulated as any OTHER drug product already is...Chit, look at your mouthwash.."DRUG FACTS" Label..Aspirin, even your TOOTHEPASTE has a DFL.


Either people get it or not. Not sure why they object...even to the extent of ignoring their own moral responsibilities...

The social hosting law is stupid beyond belief. Are you really naive enough to think it'll stop kids from drinking? The only thing it'll accomplish is remove a safe place for kids to party. So, instead of being in a nice safe house, they'll just drive around. Yeah, that's so much better. Or hey, maybe they'll just find some old railroad tracks out in the boonies. Getting drunk and passing out on railroad tracks is just so much safer than a house.
It's a fact. Kids like to get f'ed up. The more you clamp down on it, the worse the consequences will be. Always. If you managed to get rid of all alcohol everywhere, they'd smoke more pot. Get rid of that, they'll do pills. Get rid of that, they'll huff gas, glue, and paint fumes.

About selling high point beer and wine in the grocery stores. First off, the fundies were against it. In fact, I'd say the fundies were resposible for killing it, more than anything else. Big alcohol was all for it. So I'm thinking they haven't bought all the politicians.
Second, once again, my rights or abilties are truncated "FOR THE CHILDREN". Grocery stores should be allowed to sell whatever the hey they want to. And I should be allowed to buy a wine for the dinner I'm buying without having to go to another store.

Just because you have a problem with alcohol, doesn't mean everyone else does too. And do you really think a label will do anything at all? Seriously. Stupid people don't read labels. Duh. Seen a pack of cigs lately? Do you think anyone who smokes gives a damn about the labels?

Also, the sex drive is quite high, especially in teen males. Look it up. Alcohol may play a small part in some teen pregnancies, however, I'm pretty sure kids would still be having sex w/o it. If you wanna fix the teen pregnancy problem, try education. As in, this is a birthcontrol pill. This is a condom. This is how they're used.

I'll tell you why adults object to more regulations. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY REGULATIONS GOVERNING OUR LIVES.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, I have a problem with adults dealing this drug to children and an out-of-control industry that markets to children. I also have a problem with politicians who take hush money from drug dealers...

I never claimed that we can "stop kids from drinking" but we can do more to reduce it. Reducing it's use in kids WILL reduce almost all our social ills.

Why do you have a problem with product safety and disclosure. Doesn't that fit as part of educating? Why don't schools teach about alcohol as they would crack? What's the difference in the long run? Nothing.


It's all just societal denial of the problem...another disease of our culture...especially when you cannot even get the thumper patrol on it.

They remain narrow minded and ignorant. Like I expected


"MIA? WTF? Why no proof? Is it because those stats represent atheists?
Yeah, that's what I'll do, I'll claim all of those statistics represent bible-thumpin Atheist dope-heads! Coming from a bible-thumpin Atheist, it must be true. "

The "stats" are from an AA org..a relgious based system for recovery, the sad part is they could not agree to appear with me at a THM because they're not supposed to engage in controversy.

What color is the sky on your planet anyway?

You don't have a problem w/ alcohol like muslim terrorists don't have a problem w/ Americans. The alcohol industry doesn't market to kids, as far as I've seen. But then again, it's been awhile since I've read a comicbook. As far as adults "dealing" alcohol to kids, I'm not too sure.
However, I am sure that in countries have a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol, for instance where alcohol is commonly served to everyone in the family w/ dinner, regardless of age, the instances of alcoholism is much lower than in America. It's funny, in those places where the "mystery" of alcohol is not present, people, kids included, are much less likely to abuse said drug.

If you have a problem w/ politicians taking hush money, you have a problem w/ all politicians. Can you name any politician that ever got elected that spent only their own money? No? Me neither. More's the pity.

Only a blind naive fool would attribute the majority of societies ills to kids drinking. Seriously. Kids do stupid stuff. Bad kids do bad stupid stuff. A good kid that does stupid stuff will not necessarily become a bad adult. If your theory is that bad people are the result of drinking as a kid, why that's so proposterous I don't even know where to begin. I think it's much more likely that the majority of bad people are the result of bad parenting as a whole.

If you think crack and alcohol are comparable, you really are a, how can I say this..., ignorant of some very basic facts. Like say, crack can be instantly addictable, can cause a heartattack everytime it is used, can cost you as much as a house. Where alcohol is not instantly addictable, generally, won't cause a heartattack, and generally won't have you robbing people to feed your addiction.

While I have no love for religion, your attemps to attribute societal ills on religion via kids drinking is a fail. Religion does many bad things to be sure, however, of this "crime", it is innocent.

Furst off that's a myth that other countries do not have a teen drinking problem... the UK is struggling with it more and more. SA is suing the AI to recover the damage the drug alcohol has caused.

Alcohol can be instantly addictive to those predisposed to addiction, otherwise it may take a few months but in the end it's as addictive as any other hard drug.

All I can see here is that people are FOR giving/selling drugs to kids...the AI advertise using pets to attract youth, and they are allowed to advertise their drug during sporting event that attract a huge youth audience...and weird that this product has no Drug Facts Label...why not? No logical reason to give this drug a free pass..absolutely amazing.

"Alcohol Advertising and Kids

Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18"


And did you not read the bible passages? It's obviously yet another of many many examples that Christians are MIA on reality...even from their owner's manual.



"But Judge Stuart Baker lambasted the culture of alcohol abuse among teenagers which has blighted town centres across Britain.
He said: 'Violence like this creates a perception in the minds of law abiding people that town centres are menacing and dangerous places to be in particular at night.

'Your violence was fuelled by your excessive consumption which at the age of 16 you should not have been consuming at all.
'This case is one of a worrying number of cases in which young people who drink themselves to the point where they are grossly inebriated, react to a perceived grievance or insult by using violence as the first resort.'

He said: 'This was a very grave crime which brought an abrupt end to the life of a respectable sensible and decent young man who was enjoying a night out with his friends.

Read more:

First off, I never said other countries don't have a teen drinking problem. You got that idea, I'm guessing, from your own bias, not my words.
Gods and thunders, why do humans do that so damn often? About everything? It's so damn frustrating.

Alcohol, while I suppose it's possible that some, on a very rare basis, might be predisposed to be being instantly addicted, is not on the whole instantly addictable. It is certainly not as addictable as any other drug. I've known many many people who only drink once in a great while. I've never known, nor heard, of any crackhead only doing crack on special occasions. I've almost never heard of anyone who didn't drink for a long time, then spent a night being drunk, then woke up the next day craving the next hit of alcohol. I've heard of many many people with all sorts of other drugs doing this, though. No, I'm sorry but you are just wrong on this.

So, what you're saying about the advertising is that because some people are dumba$$es, advertisers' first amendment rights should be truncated? Or perhaps that only kids like animals? 'cause y'know, once someone reaches the age of 21, they must hate animals. You're as bad as any damn fundie I ever damn heard of. Hey, y'know what? People, especially kids between the age of 16-21, drive cars really badly. I think we should ban cars, or at least the advertising for cars. Especially ban the ads where kids might see 'em.
And you really can't see how monsterously bad that idea is, can you? To protect a few from THEIR OWN SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, you're willing to curtail the rights of everyone. To paraphrase a famous dead guy, those who are willing to give up their freedoms for security deserve neither freedom nor security.
The idea of the nanny state holds no fear for you, does it. You would actually welcome the idea of government telling eveyone what they can and cannot see, or read, or do. As long is it was with the slogan "It's for the children". Freedom be damned. Well no thank you. I like the idea of freedom. I like the idea where everyone is free to fail or succeed. And coddeling kids, protecting them from the real world, does them no service except to keep them from being able to think on their own.

no photo
Wed 08/04/10 09:21 AM

if religion works for you,,,,keep it
if not,,,, dont

if spanking works for you,,,use it
if not,,,,,dont

if tattoos turn you on,,,get some
if not,,,don't

just wanted to share my epiphanies for the day,,,thanxhappy

Works for me. Unfortunatly, most people for whom religion works, won't keep it, to themselves.

I've never known a woman who liked to be spanked that didn't have some deep rooted psychological malfunctions. Beyond my ability to accept.

Same with tatoos.

wait....what're we talking about again?

LOL...that's their whole problem...they've pushed their religion so far for so long it's ruined about everything it touches.

Their "good" is supposed to outweigh the likes if the Hitlers and the Dippics from our history. Egads, the religion and the damage done...and is STILL being done, see here how stupid religion has made so many's amazing we have this many dumbed down people...

What do you believe evolution to be?

I dont think that question is specific enough,, if they had asked do you think animals have evolved, they may have gotten one answer
if they asked if humans came from apes,, yet another

what does or doesnt fall under the topic of 'evolution' is not clearly understood by many and then there are those who believe some types evolved and others didnt,,(kind of like those who believe there is a creator but not the biblical God)

I think the question is quite specific enough. Either evolution works or it doesn't. If it works, it works for all life everywhere. If that is not understood by someone, they're probably not going to believe that evolution is real. If it is, they probably will believe it is real.

not really, there is a difference in the details,,,,similar to asking if one believes in the story of Jesus birth, some parts may be reconcilable and not others

the same is true of evolution, if it includes big bang, thats not truly reconcilable, if it includes a more common sense explanation of things evolving to their environment , it holds more water

I believe all species evolve , in the sense that they ADAPT to survive, I dont believe that evolution to be as DRASTIC as monkeys becoming humans or amoebas turning into monkeys,,,,,

As I said, you either understand it or you don't. Obviously, you don't understand it. A 150 yrs ago or so, it was widely accepted that God made everything just the way they are. Now it is widely accepted that life adapts and changes. If one accepts that life adapts and changes, one must also accept that with enough adaptations you have a completely different species.
In other words, if one accepts that MICROevolution is real, one must, or should, ask oneself how many MICROS does it take to get a MACROevolution.
While it is somewhat accurate to say that amoebas turned into monkeys, although the are quite a few intervening steps inbetween, not to mention about 3 billion years, it is innaccurate to say monkeys turned into humans. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancester.

and THAT is why the question was too broad,, I dont think Im alone in how well I 'understand' evolution. I believe men can take flight(jump) but I dont believe they can fly(attain extended periods in the air with no mechanism).

I dont believe the bible said anything specifically about the physical malibility or adaptablity of humans or animals either. Many things in life come in varying degrees and with limits. I consider evolution to be one of those things.


Well, to some there's no difference between specific and Pacific.


no photo
Wed 08/04/10 09:19 AM

if religion works for you,,,,keep it
if not,,,, dont

if spanking works for you,,,use it
if not,,,,,dont

if tattoos turn you on,,,get some
if not,,,don't

just wanted to share my epiphanies for the day,,,thanxhappy

Works for me. Unfortunatly, most people for whom religion works, won't keep it, to themselves.

I've never known a woman who liked to be spanked that didn't have some deep rooted psychological malfunctions. Beyond my ability to accept.

Same with tatoos.

wait....what're we talking about again?

LOL...that's their whole problem...they've pushed their religion so far for so long it's ruined about everything it touches.

Their "good" is supposed to outweigh the likes if the Hitlers and the Dippics from our history. Egads, the religion and the damage done...and is STILL being done, see here how stupid religion has made so many's amazing we have this many dumbed down people...

What do you believe evolution to be?

I dont think that question is specific enough,, if they had asked do you think animals have evolved, they may have gotten one answer
if they asked if humans came from apes,, yet another

what does or doesnt fall under the topic of 'evolution' is not clearly understood by many and then there are those who believe some types evolved and others didnt,,(kind of like those who believe there is a creator but not the biblical God)

I think the question is quite specific enough. Either evolution works or it doesn't. If it works, it works for all life everywhere. If that is not understood by someone, they're probably not going to believe that evolution is real. If it is, they probably will believe it is real.

not really, there is a difference in the details,,,,similar to asking if one believes in the story of Jesus birth, some parts may be reconcilable and not others

the same is true of evolution, if it includes big bang, thats not truly reconcilable, if it includes a more common sense explanation of things evolving to their environment , it holds more water

I believe all species evolve , in the sense that they ADAPT to survive, I dont believe that evolution to be as DRASTIC as monkeys becoming humans or amoebas turning into monkeys,,,,,

As I said, you either understand it or you don't. Obviously, you don't understand it. A 150 yrs ago or so, it was widely accepted that God made everything just the way they are. Now it is widely accepted that life adapts and changes. If one accepts that life adapts and changes, one must also accept that with enough adaptations you have a completely different species.
In other words, if one accepts that MICROevolution is real, one must, or should, ask oneself how many MICROS does it take to get a MACROevolution.
While it is somewhat accurate to say that amoebas turned into monkeys, although the are quite a few intervening steps inbetween, not to mention about 3 billion years, it is innaccurate to say monkeys turned into humans. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancester.

and THAT is why the question was too broad,, I dont think Im alone in how well I 'understand' evolution. I believe men can take flight(jump) but I dont believe they can fly(attain extended periods in the air with no mechanism).

I dont believe the bible said anything specifically about the physical malibility or adaptablity of humans or animals either. Many things in life come in varying degrees and with limits. I consider evolution to be one of those things.


LOL, I know, if they can't accept the question they try to confuse Meanwhile, sadly so, our kids are being raised to be stupid.

it wasnt a matter of confusing the question or not accepting it, it was a matter of explaining why the answer might need to be asked in a more specific manner,,,for example, do you belive MAN evolved from primates, the theory of evolution is more than just ONE sentence ya know so people may only agree with parts but not the whole theory,,,

If they believe in parts of evolution but not all of it, they are deluding themselves. Something which humans are particularly good at doing.
I've already shown how if part of it is true, all of it is true.

no photo
Wed 08/04/10 09:15 AM

if religion works for you,,,,keep it
if not,,,, dont

if spanking works for you,,,use it
if not,,,,,dont

if tattoos turn you on,,,get some
if not,,,don't

just wanted to share my epiphanies for the day,,,thanxhappy

Works for me. Unfortunatly, most people for whom religion works, won't keep it, to themselves.

I've never known a woman who liked to be spanked that didn't have some deep rooted psychological malfunctions. Beyond my ability to accept.

Same with tatoos.

wait....what're we talking about again?

LOL...that's their whole problem...they've pushed their religion so far for so long it's ruined about everything it touches.

Their "good" is supposed to outweigh the likes if the Hitlers and the Dippics from our history. Egads, the religion and the damage done...and is STILL being done, see here how stupid religion has made so many's amazing we have this many dumbed down people...

What do you believe evolution to be?

I dont think that question is specific enough,, if they had asked do you think animals have evolved, they may have gotten one answer
if they asked if humans came from apes,, yet another

what does or doesnt fall under the topic of 'evolution' is not clearly understood by many and then there are those who believe some types evolved and others didnt,,(kind of like those who believe there is a creator but not the biblical God)

I think the question is quite specific enough. Either evolution works or it doesn't. If it works, it works for all life everywhere. If that is not understood by someone, they're probably not going to believe that evolution is real. If it is, they probably will believe it is real.

not really, there is a difference in the details,,,,similar to asking if one believes in the story of Jesus birth, some parts may be reconcilable and not others

the same is true of evolution, if it includes big bang, thats not truly reconcilable, if it includes a more common sense explanation of things evolving to their environment , it holds more water

I believe all species evolve , in the sense that they ADAPT to survive, I dont believe that evolution to be as DRASTIC as monkeys becoming humans or amoebas turning into monkeys,,,,,

As I said, you either understand it or you don't. Obviously, you don't understand it. A 150 yrs ago or so, it was widely accepted that God made everything just the way they are. Now it is widely accepted that life adapts and changes. If one accepts that life adapts and changes, one must also accept that with enough adaptations you have a completely different species.
In other words, if one accepts that MICROevolution is real, one must, or should, ask oneself how many MICROS does it take to get a MACROevolution.
While it is somewhat accurate to say that amoebas turned into monkeys, although the are quite a few intervening steps inbetween, not to mention about 3 billion years, it is innaccurate to say monkeys turned into humans. Humans and monkeys shared a common ancester.

and THAT is why the question was too broad,, I dont think Im alone in how well I 'understand' evolution. I believe men can take flight(jump) but I dont believe they can fly(attain extended periods in the air with no mechanism).

I dont believe the bible said anything specifically about the physical malibility or adaptablity of humans or animals either. Many things in life come in varying degrees and with limits. I consider evolution to be one of those things.


LOL, I know, if they can't accept the question they try to confuse Meanwhile, sadly so, our kids are being raised to be stupid.

twas ever thus.

no photo
Wed 08/04/10 09:13 AM

BROAD QUESTION: do you believe men can fly

possible answers:

no, man cant fly
yes, man can fly for extremely brief periods under certain circumstances

BROAD QUESTION: do you believe God created us in his image and exactly as we are today

possible answers:

no, God did not create us
yes, God created us in his image and physically unchangable
yes and no, God created us in his image, but not unable to be altered in the physical

BROAD QUESTION: do you believe in evolution

yes, I believe we started from a bang and just continued to evolve
yes, I believe we all started as the same creature and evolved into many different types of creatures
yes, I believe there were many creatures and we evolved from one of them
yes, I believe after God created us we adapted as the environment changed in order to survive, but NO , I dont believe we evolved from some brainless caveman or primate
no and yes, I dont believe we started from a mysterious bang, but I do believe we adapted to the elements as time went on

the point was about the potential confusion or disagreement about what all is involved in the theory of evolution and how we might agree with some without agreeing with all...

Your analogy is inaccurate.
Your first broad question. It is not a broad question if one understands the definition of "fly" as a verb.

Your second broad question doesn't seem broad at all to me. Even your second and 3rd answers are essentially the same.

Your 3rd broad question only requires a yes or no answer. How is that broad? Your answers are more indicative of a lack of knowledge about the subject than how broad the question is. Perhaps the answer "don't know" should be included among possible choices.

no photo
Wed 08/04/10 08:37 AM

It drives me mad. How can a person who is, in every other way, logical, skeptical and smart, believe stories about talking a snake, a man living inside a fish for three day and a virgin birth?

I assume they simply choose to ignore these (and other) bits of nonsense fron the bible. They sure don't like being asked about them.

indeed. exactly.