Community > Posts By > Jord33n

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Sat 04/08/17 03:09 PM

Why does mineral water that has trickled through mountains for centuries have a use by date?

Oh yeah!!!!

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Sat 04/08/17 03:00 PM
Why I've written why I think you are more courageous than I.

There was a white girl once in the library I was very attracted to, but you know I'm completely cowardly with my desires, I didn't want anyone to see that I was looking at her. She was sitting with her friends, doing drawing and I wanted to suggest a book I thought would help her, (yeah right).
But you know what I did, I waited, waited till her friends had left, before I spoke to her. I didn't want her friends seeing me talk to her. Why sneak about? Why not talk to her in the presence of her friends?

Afterward I thought to myself "you coward" That was so cowardly "I'm a coward", It felt cowardly, and sneaky.

You have come out in the open and clean, whilst I've gone about hiding.

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Sat 04/08/17 01:49 PM
Pain and depression made me write this. You know, may be I should be sick more often, people look different to you when your sick or in pain. That attractive woman looks different when your sick, she's just not attractive that way no more when your sick.

May be this is why they say "in sickness and in health until death do us part" We got her when everything was healthy and she looked attractive, but she got sick, or you got sick, man your seeing something completely else, completely different.

You know you got her when she was healthy, but your not going to take care of her when she's sick, she's not going to take care of you when your sick, you got her based on looks, based on lust.


Should people be in relationships if they can't tell the truth, if their lying to themselves on some level. You know I don't really think the truth is an easy thing anymore. You say you want the truth, inward truth, but I don't think truth is an easy thing.

I had a situation where I was at the job centre and asked why I didn't attend a job interview. In that moment was immense difficulty just to tell the truth if it was the truth that I told, it wouldn't come out, because there are consequences to telling the truth.
Are you prepared for the consequences regardless of what may happen telling the truth? That is an immensely hard thing to do, sometimes I don't think so.

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Mon 04/03/17 06:47 AM
The guy has to accept mommy and child(s) are a single package. No can do, move on.

Love all of me, or none of me.

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Mon 04/03/17 06:44 AM

I could be wrong


that was the only thing that made sense to me.

If number cosmology like quantum physics made sense, it wouldn't be number cosmology.

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Mon 04/03/17 06:38 AM

I think the internet is an easy target for all kinds of vagabonds.

It's also hard to police. For instance if some scumbag scammer were to rip you off, the chances of them being caught is virtually zero.

You just have to accept it regardless of how wrong it is.
It's like going to the market place, you know there's pick pockets there so you keep your bag zipped to lessen the chance of being robbed.

It's a truly f---d up world we live in and nothing but nothing is sacred anymore.

I don't know, all them crooks and scammers are creating work for law enforcement and security services, as for the screwed up world aspect of it, their creating work for problem solvers of every kind, you have to just trust everything in the ecosystem is for the ecosystem.

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Mon 04/03/17 06:34 AM
Who is dishonest on here? On Community forums people with no commitment, alternative agenda's and fakes get quickly weeded out.

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Thu 03/30/17 07:07 AM

No. That is a proportion. Fractals are a lot more complicated. Perhaps you are confusing the word "Fraction" with "Fractal." They aren't related, aside from the shared letters.

I thought fractals are same similar in proportion, but only differ in scale.

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 02:54 PM
Is the UK population a fractal? Roughly 50 million people in England, roughly 5 million people in Scotland and roughly 500,000 people in Cornwall. The common number is 5.
Sorry I couldn't get Wales to fit, that has to shuffle over with Ireland 3 million in each.

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Tue 03/28/17 02:49 PM
Meet a Jesus type figure, after which I got chased by strange twisted figures up onto a high scaffolding frame, had to call for help, before I woke up.

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 02:45 PM
Strange dream last night, probably subconsciously around something I've said or written. Was basing chased by strange distorted beings with twisted figures, and there were many of them. To escape them I had to climb up onto a high scaffolding type structure. Some of them started to climb up to get me, the ones who were closest to me became clearer and they were men, still trying to get me. Some of them I managed to punch or knock them off the scaffolding and they fell to the ground before they could get me, but there where too many of them. At that point I had to call for help, I called repeatedly, and then I woke up.

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 02:37 PM
Can astro-physics be applied to Brexit? Europe's economic market spins wildly on its axis (Earth). A separated UK(Moon) now acts as a stabilizer and reduces its erratic economic wobble?

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 02:31 PM
UK population is roughly 70 million, population of Europe roughly 700 million, is that a fractal?

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 02:20 PM

I was talking today about things that I have studied in the past and I thought to my self, I know all these things, but what am I doing with it?

well, what about getting a job?

Any job vacancies for an A level mathematical physicist?

no photo
Tue 03/28/17 01:10 PM
There are worse places out there, involving both men and women. Drawing you away from the herd (community forums) and singling you out with email communications before pouncing on you.

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Tue 03/28/17 01:02 PM
Suffering from midlife crisis.

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Tue 03/28/17 12:57 PM
I'm into that sort of thing as well, I'm okay with inhouse meditation, I used to do park Tao chi but you look odd if your the only one there doing it. Recently replaced this with walking meditation as I noticed a lot of the chatting mind occurs out there when walking the streets. So I'm now seeking to bring meditation into that world.

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Tue 03/28/17 12:44 PM
Life does what it wants.

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Tue 03/28/17 12:37 PM
That realisation came about from an odd discussion, my Grandmother is from the Caribbean, and I was telling her all the islands were once connected, before they were separated by a regional flood that is now the islands and regional Caribbean sea, it was then I thought, "what a curious thing to know, I know that, I have other such knowledge", but what am I really doing with it? Like maybe I could be doing something with it, but not quite sure what yet.

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Mon 03/27/17 04:57 PM
I was talking today about things that I have studied in the past and I thought to my self, I know all these things, but what am I doing with it?