Community > Posts By > Jord33n

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Thu 12/08/16 01:36 PM
When I look at photo's of you, so many longings arise, why do I want you so?

You are my craved fantasy, my appetite, the longings of my penis...urhm.. heart, aloft and unfulfilled.

I guess I seek, the right feeling, separated in that moment for all eternity by a screen! and left to muse the feelings of my own mind.

Your like candy behind a window, It beggars belief.

I guess your my muse I suppose, why I writ this profile poetics, bitter sweet nothings.

How do I say it as it is...

O what's the point, I'm never going to have you...

Oh Goddess of image why should you torment me so?

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Tue 12/06/16 04:37 PM
Some times when I look at that ex-wife when she comes through the door to drop the children off I think, grrr... I hate that woman, other times I want to pounce on her. Is that natural?

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Tue 12/06/16 04:24 PM
Just a laymans social science prediction

So it goes something like this: According to the social science, 2% was the defining number. This would include a student or two, a qualified worker or two, and the odd errant auntie what liked exotic men (she could not be helped because there was always one of those in every family).

The problem was, in one particuliar environment their number had increased to 12%. This was a number that was 10% too high. The talk was that the 12% had built all 100% of the country and therefore deserving of it. Not true, 12% would deserve 12% of the land.

It was suggested that the southern most tip nearest to their brethren islands was the most suitable location, and that the then leader of the country at the time could afford a wall or fence to then truncate that geographical region from the top of it. If word proved true for the time, infact two walls or fences would be required.

This then would in turn relieve the pressure of the 10% and restore things to a more manageable balance, allowing the remaining 2% to stay as workers, students and errant aunties.

It needn't have been the whole 12%, only 10% thereof.

The place of which I speak is Florida.

If this did not occur, the misplaced 12% would become a catalyst for a civil war, between the bleeding heart liberal left and the right.

Would this prediction ever prove true?

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Mon 12/05/16 04:00 PM
The four fathers and why I couldn't understand any of them.

Father one, his number was 3 million, unusual character because he never wanted to stay home, this perplexed me, so I assumed he never had any.

Then there was big brother Father, his number was 50 million, I couldn't understand him either, everything was so big, big industry, big system, big society, lofty language, old world rulership.

Then there was radical Father, his number was 10 million and growing, he dreamed, envisioned and talked of nation, but he just it didn't have any home yet so his children could visit him .

The one father I struggled with the most, neither had country nor home of his own, yet he was influenced by all the other fathers, which way would he walk, what would he do, were was he truly in relation to all the others, his number has yet to become and be known.

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Mon 12/05/16 03:28 PM
Laymans argument: cosmological physics

If it could be argued that whether the Earth was solid or hollow, or that it indeed had descended from star status into a cooled and solid planet. It still would posess star like qualities. Unfortunately one of the qualities or possibilities of a star is black holes.

Often science looks for the possibility of black holes out in space without ever considering the possibility of it beneath their feet. In fact, the Earth it's self is not considered, because one is literally walking on the cooled surface of a star, at least in my theory.

Is it possible then to infer a relation between, black holes, stars, brown dwarfs and cooled planets. I know its a big leap in cosmological faith and logical argument, but why not. If the Earth has a fusion core, somewhat like a brown dwarf star but smaller, doesn't that put it in line with black hole technology? If such a leap in deduction can be made, is it essentially possible for a miniture black hole to exist at the centre of our own earth star?

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Mon 12/05/16 03:05 PM
Layments arguments:

When I was a young lad I had an interest in astronomy. Later when I were teenager I studied physics at college, unfortunately I struggled and barely scraped out with a low E grade, I thought I understood it conceptually I just couldn't so the math. As an adult in my own study time I read various materials online. Unknowingly in my idea's I found I had combined all these things to come up with my own theories.

So the argument goes like this. Most planetary sphere's are descendants from stars, what! Who the hell are you to make such a claim?

Solid core earth theory (Because no one really knows)

Hollow earth theory

So I did further study to see what was possible for the smallest and most coolest star. These are called brown dwarf stars. I think the Earth star system is a cooled and shrunk down descendant from a brown dwarf star. If you heat something up sufficiently it expands, and if you cool something down sufficiently it contracts. I think the Earth was once a brown dwarf star that was cooled sufficiently enough to produce a solid cool crust.

I think this would then also explain why this earth star has a fusion hydrogen iron nickel core. In some chakra cosmology, they say the chakra below the base chakra is called the Earth star chakra and its colour is brown, the colour of a brown dwarf star, or what I think is symbolic of living in the cosmic reality of this Earth star sphere.

But I guess some of you already knew this.

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Sun 12/04/16 04:02 PM
I was thinking about this after watching a youtube video about how the moon was created. Afterward I thought about it and I came up with three different cosmological perspectives that didn't fit together, so I thought I'd throw the argument out there to see what you think. So here are the three argumental points.

1. The Earth is a uniformly solid sphere with a crust, mantle, liquid outer core and soild iron nickel core.

2. An opposing argument and theory that say's the Earth is essentially hollow, and consists of an hidden inner world.

3. The counterpoint argument, that the moon was essentially a part of the Earth that was once blasted from the Earth and became a seperate and independant astronomical body known as our moon, whether you agree with that or not.

My argument is, if the Earth has got an inner liquid content, and a sufficient enough blast released this liquid content it might aquiesce into a liquid molten sphere in space and then cool to form a now solid moon.

Moon sphere 1
uniform earth 1
Hollow earth 0

The problem with that is it puts the hollow Earth theory and belief out in the cold, which is also something I like to think is possible. But according to the above argument, where would a removed moon fit into a hollow Earth. Because, where would all the content to make up the moon come from?

Wouldn't you just essentially have something like a cracked egg shell floating out there in space, because the moon is a quarter the size of the Earth, I don't think geometrically that could fit within the spatial area of a hollow earth.

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Sun 12/04/16 01:40 PM
Some people said it was the atom it's self. Because even when the body dies the atoms in the body didn't die they just become part of something else.

Where did the consciousness come from? Where does that energy go at the bodies end? Is the body one level of consciousness in manifestation, and the mind as another level of consciousness in manifestation?

Is consciousness capable to connect to any and all things in the universe, or is it merely a manifestation of the universe in a form of embodied and localised consciousness?

Is it one and inseparable, whether we are sensitive and aware of this or not?

Does this consciousness frequent its self as an individual mind and connected to the greater universal mind?

Does It exist in many forms, whole, collectively, and individually?

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Sun 12/04/16 01:20 PM
The body dies, consciousness lives on through others, through the living, through children, through the next generation. It that sense nobody truly dies.

What is a world, is that not merely a fabrication and or creation of consciousness?

Law of physics, consciousness as energy is neither created nor destroyed it merely changes form.

Don't quote me on who said that because I don't know.

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Sun 12/04/16 01:02 PM
I went for a walk today, along the usual scenic routes and beautiful rivers by my side. But there was one issue with it all, thinking! The mind was churning over whether to take thinking option a, b or c as usual and how the whole conundrum was making me feel ill and dividing me against myself. Then it dawned on me. If a man is faced with three paths, can he divide himself into three and travel down all three paths at once. I don't think so, he can only physically travel down any one path at a time. I might entertain three or four levels of thinking, but in the end I would only be inclined to pursue in action one of them.

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Fri 12/02/16 01:16 PM
"This is a dating channel" I say to myself, "I suppose I should stick to dating", I'd picked this particular site for whatever reason.

Attractive girls are all around me, but this is a funny experience, with very funny going's on. Example, usual scenario, go shopping, basics needs, see girl attracted to, really like, nothing happens.

I don't do anything about it, attractive, attraction, fuzzy feelings inside, that's pretty much it, life carry's on pretty much the way it did the day before as far as this whole dating farce is concerned.

Go home, sit on computer, stare at sexy profiles you can't afford to message on paid sites (Or you free message them, they don't message back). Argh frustration! Got 4 match's "bastard"! I can't afford the £30.00 to get that feature so I can view them, bugger.

Start the whole cycle of behaviour again tomorrow. Minus the shopping, can only afford to go once a fortnight.

When the tyre of desire starts getting a bit flat, some sexy woman on some tv series or an adult video somewhere needs to pump it up so as to get that whole wheel rolling again.

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Fri 12/02/16 01:01 PM
No it'll be 2021, which is the 12 but in reverse from 2012. People thought they had escaped it but it's still coming. The signs are the age of Aquarius which is the flood.

Melting polar regions, Earth wobble increase and a gravitational spike from the Earth's core will cause massive tidal waves and tsunami's. Been looking for way's and reason's these things could happen.

The world will never completely end, life goes on, there are only world changing events.

No worries, it's just a 2021 theory.

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