Community > Posts By > Mirage4279

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 10/08/12 06:12 AM
Single but maybe taken lightly soon ... Wheres the dancongbannana at?


Mirage4279's photo
Mon 10/08/12 05:32 AM
well a lot of accounting positions will get you into HR denpartment... information technology sort of like management of information systems does coronation betweene departments ... many organizations use the operating system called enterprise software... for accounting this means that you'll probably be working in the HR department... this is mostly in putting records like name birthdate social security number that's what I think it's not really hard to learn.

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 10/06/12 05:15 PM
I have not heard of the virus before

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 10/05/12 06:43 PM

Are you sure it wasn't good old Tomcat Apache making an appearance again? :)

Actually I hacked into her computer and distributed all her home made porn.. and it was a glassfish server I'll have you know.
Is that what the 'Tomcat Apache' virus is? A hacking virus? If it is, then at least I will know from now on, and I'll get someone to investigate mine.

the Apache Tomcat is a type of server. you can use it as a web server to serve Html files. I'm a programmer lot of a lot of programmers use it because it's free and it works very well. it comes recommended by a lot of educational like college textbooks.

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 10/05/12 03:24 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Fri 10/05/12 03:31 PM
it depends on the operating system. the archive attributes and the last modified attribute plus another 1 have to do with what files are backed up into the back up procedure. right click on the file to go to properties and then left click on it and It should bring up the menu the show you those attributes. if the file has been modified since last time that you did a backup on your computer it will save it if not. the archive I attribute will ensure that your file get saved every time you do a backup. I'm not super familiar with this but I'm pretty sure it's something like that.

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 10/05/12 02:35 PM
Still single

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 10/01/12 11:08 AM
Still SIngle

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:44 PM

Is this the new normal for middle aged men?
I've dated 2 men in the past year, who rather than saying they weren't interested in continuing the relationship, both simply disappeared. The first relationship lasted over 6 months. One day the dates, phone calls, and emails simply stopped. Aohwell mazingly he ran into me, literally, at the Oregon Country Fair which we had planned for months to go to together, after a bit of stammering on his part, he said let's get together soon and we went our separate ways. I didn't expect to hear from him again, and my prediction was correct, haven't heard from him since.
2nd man and I dated for only a month. Not long enough, at least for me, to tell if we really clicked or not. Also not long enough to develop any real feelings or connection. We didn't see each other for a week while I was involved in my son's wedding, and during that time the phone calls ended and text messages became fewer and fewer until it all dried up.
What is so hard about saying it's not working out and we need to go our separate ways rather than leaving the other person hanging and wondering? I'd much rather be up front about it. It just feels so very Jr. High Schoolish to me, to not be able to end a relationship.
Holly!!! happy

Hello and welcome!
I have to say this sounds all too familiar to me-
I had this happen more than a few times ...
What may be happening is that these guys would rather
just fade into the woodwork to avoid a confrontation or possible
some kind of drama.... Even if that was never the case.
A few sentences of truth would save us from wondering
what the heck happened ....

Don't give it too much thought and just jump back
Into having fun - eventually you may meet a nice guy...

You deserve so much better!
It's a shame when someone lets you down like that

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:12 PM
I hsave disZapeared a couple times myself.. Usualy due to weirdness in a relationship... Might of ticked him off as well ... Such as firty with another guy could rub him the wrong way .... I am guessing youmay have shown interest in someone.... But either way tjese things hsppen

Mirage4279's photo
Wed 09/12/12 10:54 AM

From what I have read in books you may want to try scripting a short intro for starting a conversation as well as paying attention to what goes on in your head when you become anxious. You can reduce a lot of anxiety symptoms and awkwardness with common sense. Some you may need medication for though.

From my own experience with it, it has helped to just get out and meet new people, stepping out of my comfort zone gradually.

Trying not to think too much or put too much thought into things, especially in the beginning helps as well.

For example, if someone catches your eye in the street, just look them in the eyes, smile, and say hello. Don't put thought into it, just do it. You may want their number or to ask them on a date, but thinking about that kind of stuff before hand will just be putting the horse before the carriage.

Maybe saying hi to strangers is uncomfortable to you. "Practice on random people, when you're out and about until you are comfortable.

Different things work for different people though.

Mine was a little more intense when I was younger and can barely be seen today though prolly described as being quiet.... Although making a point to make eye contact and saying hello may have worked saying just get out there and do it would not have... Not bad advice though

Mirage4279's photo
Tue 09/11/12 09:18 AM
From what I have read in books you may want to try scripting a short intro for starting a conversation as well as paying attention to what goes on in your head when you become anxious. You can reduce a lot of anxiety symptoms and awkwardness with common sense. Some you may need medication for though.

Mirage4279's photo
Tue 09/11/12 09:10 AM
indifferent Good lord I'll need to put on my reading glasses for this page sick

Were you guys writing an autobiography????

They take away the 'pick two above you to have a threesome' forum and you guys start authoring novels in here. Can't you guys just do pictures with captions???

Mirage4279's photo
Tue 09/11/12 09:03 AM

Are you sure it wasn't good old Tomcat Apache making an appearance again? :)

Actually I hacked into her computer and distributed all her home made porn.. and it was a glassfish server I'll have you know.

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 09/10/12 05:48 PM
Just me

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 09/10/12 05:40 PM
There should be a switch on the board to reset the password and all configuration data... Could possible cause a problem becuase of the boot sequence though


Navigate to, which contains many master passwords for all types of BIOS. Master passwords are secret "backdoor" passwords that can get you into your BIOS even where it is locked. Navigate to the section of the page for IBM computers and try the passwords listed to see if they unlock your computer and reset the BIOS password.

Telephone IBM technical support or e-mail support through the company's webpage if Step 1 doesn't work. Tech support will likely have the most current master passwords for your model of Thinkpad if the ones listed above do not work.

Telephone a computer repair technician and request a BIOS chip removal or jumper reset if the previous steps don't work. Removing and replacing the BIOS chip on the computer can reset the password, but this should not be attempted by laymen, as laptops are notoriously difficult to disassemble and reassemble properly.

Read more: How to Reset an IBM Thinkpad BIOS Password |

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 09/10/12 05:27 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Mon 09/10/12 05:35 PM
really quickly off the top of my head it sounds like someone accessed it in a weird way..hence the security measure of asking for a password... Ill chew on it a moment and let you know..

I just went and looked it up and it is a security measure... recomended from one web site was to reset your windows password

If you were going to sell it on ebay you would want to do this anyway... if I remember correctly you would do this by a dip switch (though I do not know the motherboard on an IBM is the same as most computers although it prolly is) to reset the BIOS to the default configuration. If you gave someonea computer with a password that you did not know on ebay slaphead

Reset the BIOS set up to its default configuration (this particular part of BIOS is also called 'CMOS set-up' by most techs)

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 09/10/12 01:39 PM
I think that pressing the 'alt' and 'ctrl' buttons can cause this. Perhaps check that those keys are not pressed down.

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 09/09/12 12:37 PM
Its tougher for guys then for girls that have sa... The approach is far more difficult if the guy is anxious and awkward ( I am until I get to know someone most of the time)

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 08/31/12 02:50 PM
Going to school and studying... pretty sharp student but really has yet to be proved unless someone was taking a close look and knows things that I did not turn in as an assignment such as things I said or implied in a letter or email ect.

Kind of boring had much more outstanding features but they were taken away from me one way or another. As a matter of fact I have attempted college for 9 years but only studied for 2 and a half of those 9 years. And my reputation was destroyed hurting my employment. For some elses benifit. Hate' em.

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 08/31/12 02:29 PM

Nice guys = boring, sensitive, emotional, and complainers.

Men should be exciting, strong and passionate. Women like that, well at least in my experience.

So true. Two of the men I dated swore up and down they were nice guys. One hit me and the other emotionally abused me. And yes the were on a day to day basis boring, oversensitive, overly emotional, clingy, and both were mama's boys. A guy can be nice without being a doormat or some psycho. Seems to me; you just have to find the right balance.

Hey !!! many people would qualify me as a "Nice Guy' but the only one I could possible qualify for is boring out of that...Sensitive , emotional and complaining is something that does not even come close to describing me. Outside of the non-stop rear screwing I recieved that started 7 or 8 years ago (which I complain about on a blue moon) is the only whining I have made and it is a very valid complaint... We need to step out back Navygirl

Ah quit complaining about complaining. laugh I am ready to step out back any time. Just let me get on my boxing gloves. Have to save the hands as I am a musician. biggrin

We'll keep your hands in great shape while out back... what instrument do you play????