Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 02:22 PM
but,we need that dust to do the jobs that our OWN dust doesn't want to do,right?

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 01:51 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Fri 07/20/18 01:58 PM

As I said, there are other billionaires in the US who 'own' (are members, chairmans or trustees of hundreds of companies) and Id love to see how common it is among them to file that many chapter 11s.

I wouldn't think that it is common at all!

MOST people who are intelligent enough to MAKE IT to that level know not to back a bad investment...

unfortunately,trump didn't MAKE IT to that level..

he INHERITED his money,so he was BORN in to that level,which doesnt necessarily mean that he isn't smart,but in this case,he keeps making bad decisions because he doesn't think things through,and makes rash decisions,which have cost him SEVERELY,and caused him to continue to have to declare bankruptcy,and leave OTHER people holding the bag and pay the price for his bad decisions.

which is basically what he is doing to this country.

I think that in trump's case,he is more concerned with the image that he projects to the public,and with 'being flashy' than with making good,smart decisions!

he might be good at 'being flashy',but 'flashy' obviously doesn't pay the bills!

just ask any of the hundreds/thousands of people he has left stuck out,and in debt,after they foolishly invested in his ventures because they were not wise enough to see PAST his flashiness and see what he REALLY was.

and,chapter 11's are only a SMALL part of his failures...

just think about all of the people who have filed LAWSUITS against him,because of the things he has done,and the bad decisions that he has made that caused THEM to have to file bankruptcy,just because they invested in him/his ventures...

that means that he has had A LOT more failures than just the 11 times that HE has had to file bankruptcy!

THAT is why he has had to turn to foreign investors,such as the Russians,and China to find anyone that will still lend him money at this point.

but,unfortunately,since HE OWES these foreign investors,that means that HE OWES them,and they have leverage that hey can use against him.

which is WHY it is so important that the publc be allowed o see his tax returns,sothey will know if he is in a position for any foreign power to manipulate him in any way!!

BUT,for SOME REASON,he is terrified to release his tax returns and let people see who could potentially have control over him??

I wonder why that is??
[no,i don't!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 12:47 PM
what CORPORATE bankruptcy means is that you STILL default on your loans,and leave OTHER people,and institutions holding the bag because of your mistakes,and bad judgement,EXCEPT you dont have to accept any personal responsibility for the bad decisions that you made.

sort of like trump is doing to the country right now...
excercising bad judgement,and making bad decisions,and,when it is all said and done,he will just leave other people [the american taxpayers] holding the bag to pay for his mistakes.

cuz,that is what trump has made a lifelong habit of doing!

expecting him to do anything else would be pretty delusional.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:30 AM

soo idk if i'm just imaging things or just going crazy but the other day when i went out with my friends around town & we were stopped at the streetlight & the other cars from the other lane was driving by & i see this red car driving by & i see someone looking at me while driving by & i think it was this girl i used to liked back in college but idk it may not be her maybe im just imaging things in my head.

why cant it be both?

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:28 AM
I am the PERFECT height!!!

I reach all the way from the bottoms of my feet all the way up to the top of my head!!

and,i wouldn't want it any other way!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:28 AM

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:26 AM
sometimes,you just have to be willing to take one for the team!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 10:24 AM
making the world a better place,one bad joke at a time!


shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:56 AM

Trump is donating his salary back to the people. Imagine if all the politicians did that. I bet Obama won't give up his retirement. Clinton's either.

trump is ALSO gaining A LOT MORE than his salary that he is 'donating' [and,claiming as a tax deduction!] on things like all of the MILLIONS of tax dollars that trump is making us spend to house him,and,and all of his hundreds of security personnel at his hotels,and resorts,like mara lago that he INSISTS on staying at.

if trump is so 'altruistic' why doesn't he donate all of THOSE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS back,as well,instead of fleecing the government[and US] out of?

if trump is so 'altruistic',why do all of the bills and tax breaks ta he tries to pass always benefit HIM,HIS BUSINESSES,HIS FAMILY,and BILLIONAIRE CRONIES,while they leave US holding the bag,and paying for them?

I would pay $400,000 a year to be able to gain MILLIONS of dollars,too!!
[ESPECIALLY if I was going to be able to claim it on my taxes as a charitable contribution,and get it all back!!]

wouldn't you?

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:44 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

thank you, I didn't know about Johnson...but still my point remains that other countries see us in an untrue setting about what's going on over here... The liberal media has a world wide reach...

the other countries of the world,who USED TO BE our allies now see us as a huge joke,who got tricked in to electing a narcissistic buffoon as its president,because THE REST OF THE WORLD is able to look at the facts objectively,without the rampant tribalism that this country suffers from.
trying to blame THAT on 'the liberal media' is a cop out to try to excuse what trump has done,simply because you are a trump supporter,and to admit that means that you are also admitting blame for letting it happen.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:32 AM
you just have to wonder what the Russians have on him,though!

is it the infamous 'pee tape' that we keep hearing so much about,where trump hired Russian prostitutes to urinate on that Prsident Barak Obama slept on?

or,is it the fact that trump is dependent on them for financial funding,since he has declared bankruptcy and left his investors hung out to dry so many times that all of the reputable lending institutions in THIS country wont even give him the time of day anymore?
[that WOULD explain why he is so terrified that he wont release his income tax returns like every OTHER president has!]

or,do you think that there is ANOTHER reason why he is so scared of putin that he wont say a single thing bad about him,and continues to take putin's/Russia's side over his own country's,and our own intelligence services,who have ALL publically declared that they have found evidence that incriminates Russia beyond a shadow of a doubt?

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 09:15 AM
packing,and getting everything ready to leave for a weekend getaway to south padre island,texas and matamoros,mexico.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:55 AM
what is even MORE funny [but,also extremely sad!!] is the fact that trump couldn't even try to walk back his comments when he was trying to do damage control without showing his true colors,and trying to defend/kiss putin's a$$ some more by trying to place the blame for interfering in our election anywhere else besides on putin!!!

it makes me believe that putin must REALLY have the 'pee tapes' to blackmail dirty Donnie with,since trump will insult everybody from gold star families to meryl streep,but REFUSES to say ANYTHING bad about putin!!!

and,NOW he wants to let putin interrogate the Russian officials that Robert Mueller named in his MOST RECENT indictments, AND ALSO some of OUR American government officials.

it doesn't take a GENIUS to see through Donald trump,does it?

and,NOW he has invited putin to visit the white house so that he can kiss his butt some more like the puppet he is,and try to take a 'do-over' on his last summit with him!

I wonder how THAT is going to turn out for him??

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:42 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Fri 07/20/18 07:42 AM

Its funny how people cite Russia's involved in the 2016 Election is a horrible case of misjustice when America is guilty of doing the same thing.

From your beloved Obama the great interference in the Israeli election in 2016 trying to oust Benjamin Netanyahu, CLinton interfered and supported Shimon Perez against Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996

It seems the Democrats don't like Netanyahu for some reason.

Nixon in 1970 interfered in Chile's election

Eisenhower in 1953 in Iran

Nicolas Sarkozy then French president in 2007 financially backed Libyan strongman Gaddafi, interfering in their elections.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan interfered in German election in 2017 as he tried to get Merkel ousted, in Germany there are 4 million Turkish people , not including refugees.

The list goes on and on. Most countries are guilty of this act.

I would say this to the left, stop being so hypocritical or naive, they say those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

nothing new under the sun, but we also should take concern with making things BETTER no matter how long they have been accepted as less than that ...

and I would say to the entire American population, regardless of political affiliation to practice less hypocrisy, be less naive, and dont throw the stones, but maybe be concerned with the windows busted from their neighbors home and offer up some solutions and progress ...

we ARE offering up solutions,but until you get the weasel OUT of the henhouse,it doesnt matter,because the weasel will CONTINUE to be a weasel in a henhouse,and keep killing your chickens.
offering solutions? To what? Where? The only solutions I see being offered is impeachment... So please, do tell me what solutions your offering?

well,there ARE rules in place to deal with situations like these!!

but,from what i seem to recall from my time in the service,i think that the punishment for 'treason' is A LITTLE MORE severe than JUST impeachment!!
[just google julius and ethel rosenberg!!]

[but,hey....ha has RUDY GUILIANI as his attorney...
i am SURE that someone who keeps sticking his foot in his mouth and contradicting the established story every time he opens his mouth will be up to the task of defending donald trump,wont he??]

you people really do live in a fantasy world...

at least WE didn't vote for a con man who turned out to be a traitor!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/20/18 07:39 AM

I'm not an American and so see from an outside view. What I see is that all your presidents were criminals and sometimes 'good guys' in their own ways. They all had absolute haters and absolute fanatics. How they control the media dictates how much fanatacism (and conversely hate) exists around them. Plenty of noted fascists gained the popular vote, increased employment, made the economy boom, and had hoards of sycophants who ignored long term dangerous national trends in favour of short term personal gains.
It will always be 'business as usual' until enough of you have been negatively affected, then the other choice (you are only allowed two) will be selected.
See the Southpark episode of a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche!
Either way you have no real choice. 'The land of the free'. laugh
Same B.S. in most 'western democracies' too, unfortunately.
Strike a light !
sorry to burst your bubble, but we don't let "criminals" be president, and none of our presidents were ever criminals, cept Nixon maybe... I don't know where you get you're info from, but over here, everyone is innocent until proven guilty...and the only 2 that faced a hearing and were convicted is Nixon and clinton

1] Nixon was never convicted/impeached,because he resigned in shame,rather than face certain impeachment,and conviction!!

2] president Bill Clinton WAS impeached,though,but never convicted.

3] president Andrew Johnson was also impeached,but never convicted.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/19/18 10:12 PM

Its funny how people cite Russia's involved in the 2016 Election is a horrible case of misjustice when America is guilty of doing the same thing.

From your beloved Obama the great interference in the Israeli election in 2016 trying to oust Benjamin Netanyahu, CLinton interfered and supported Shimon Perez against Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996

It seems the Democrats don't like Netanyahu for some reason.

Nixon in 1970 interfered in Chile's election

Eisenhower in 1953 in Iran

Nicolas Sarkozy then French president in 2007 financially backed Libyan strongman Gaddafi, interfering in their elections.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan interfered in German election in 2017 as he tried to get Merkel ousted, in Germany there are 4 million Turkish people , not including refugees.

The list goes on and on. Most countries are guilty of this act.

I would say this to the left, stop being so hypocritical or naive, they say those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

nothing new under the sun, but we also should take concern with making things BETTER no matter how long they have been accepted as less than that ...

and I would say to the entire American population, regardless of political affiliation to practice less hypocrisy, be less naive, and dont throw the stones, but maybe be concerned with the windows busted from their neighbors home and offer up some solutions and progress ...

we ARE offering up solutions,but until you get the weasel OUT of the henhouse,it doesnt matter,because the weasel will CONTINUE to be a weasel in a henhouse,and keep killing your chickens.
offering solutions? To what? Where? The only solutions I see being offered is impeachment... So please, do tell me what solutions your offering?

well,there ARE rules in place to deal with situations like these!!

but,from what i seem to recall from my time in the service,i think that the punishment for 'treason' is A LITTLE MORE severe than JUST impeachment!!
[just google julius and ethel rosenberg!!]

[but,hey....ha has RUDY GUILIANI as his attorney...
i am SURE that someone who keeps sticking his foot in his mouth and contradicting the established story every time he opens his mouth will be up to the task of defending donald trump,wont he??]

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/19/18 09:40 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Thu 07/19/18 10:03 PM

we ARE offering up solutions,but until you get the weasel OUT of the henhouse,it doesnt matter,because the weasel will CONTINUE to be a weasel in a henhouse,and keep killing your chickens. shovelhead dave

You are offering solutions? okay I will bite what solutions are you offering Mr Shovelhead dave?

How is having a democratic elected president removed from office the answer?

And who do want to take his place? Pence, the speaker of the house Ryan?
Or maybe Hillary?

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT when people desperately try to change the subject!!!!

it is a sure sign that they KNOW that they have already LOST THE DEBATE!!!

but,why dont you talk to robert mueller....
maybe HE will be able to explain the rules of presidential succession to you.

[but,personally,i bet that HE isnt going to waste any of his time trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who is so ashamed of their political views that they are too embarrassed to even post a photo so they can own them,either!!]


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/19/18 09:26 PM
nelson mandela got locked up by his political enemies for 30 years,and when he finally got out,he got himself elected the first black president of south Africa,a nation that had formerly been controlled by the white people who had him locked up,but he didn't go around screaming about 'revenge against the people who oppressed us'....


now THAT is what a TRUE leader does,and THAT is hat makes HIM a person worth looking up to,simply because he he was wise enough to know that someone who makes peaceful revolution impossible makes violent revolution inevitable!! :thumbsup:

most of the OTHER leaders that we have today...

not so much!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/19/18 01:36 PM
now HE was a leader that was worth celebrating!!!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 07/19/18 01:29 PM
what gets me is how quickly the members of his own party accepted the childishly obvious lie that he offered to try to excuse his treason,instead of holding him accountable for it,just because they are too timid to do the job that they were elected to do,and prefer to just put their own party's agenda above what is best for the country.

THAT is what is REALLY shameful!!!!