Community > Posts By > Gams

Gams's photo
Sat 08/30/08 12:02 AM
Only if you're other half finds out and it's not with them, then it's most likely one in the same.

Gams's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:56 PM
Great face, shorts look funny when ya wear them on your head.

Gams's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:33 PM
Just reading that thought stresses me out.

Gams's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:48 AM
P.S. No worries,you typed your name correctly the first time. You simply forgot to capitalize it. Nope, No Anal Retentives in this room I tell ya. laugh laugh

Gams's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:43 AM
Would Anthony be British by chance?

Welcome to Mingle..have fun!!! flowerforyou

Gams's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:36 AM
Sure it can work...
If you can agree that to disagree on the topic is OK and or if you are Maria and AAAARNOLD!!!!

Gams's photo
Fri 08/15/08 09:26 PM
Guess that depends on the question! :wink:

Gams's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:53 PM

I have 2 kids I'm not looking at supporting someone else

So you have a job or are able to fully support yourself

I do enough driving shuttling said children around, I am not going to be a soccer mom carpooling driver for you as well

You must have your own place of residence and if you're my age still living like an 18 year frat house than no, it's not going to work

No drugs

And if you're into beating women, I hit back bigsmile

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I love that last line, can I barrow it?

Gams's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:47 PM
Rules.........the begining of the end.

first rule, there are NO RULES, only lifes rule....treat me and my things as you would wish you and your things to be treated.

Then enjoy the company and allow two lives to unfold naturally.

Rules often serve to only temporarily surpress or box a persons natural temperment or character. I have found it more effective to let things flow! Trying to make another into my IDEAL is a recipe for failure and sets the bar too high. None of us are perfect. It either fits or it doesn't.

Gams's photo
Mon 08/11/08 03:31 PM

There are a lot of pluses and minuses to dating a woman with a child or children. It's true that she will make her decisions based on what's best for the kids, but that is what a mother is supposed to do isn't it. I think the big problem is when a man comes into the picture that is not the childrens father, especially if the children are old enough to understand that daddy is not there anymore. To many men want to try and replace the "father" figure in the household. The biggest part isn't trying to replace dad, but to get the children to understand that you are not there to replace dad, but that you will have a special love for them as well as their mother. I think women have a little thing in the back of their heads also when they get into a relationship with a new man that he might try to do just that. I don't have a problem dating a woman with children as I myself have a wonderful daughter, but the women need to realize that I'm not trying to replace anyone either, I'm just trying to get them to accept me for me, not compare me to what went wrong in their previous life. At heart, I don't think that most people want to accept that their previous relationship (if relatively long term) can truly be over. I think that has a lot more to do with it than the actual children per say.

Absolutely a mom should feel the kids are the most important thing. So you are going into the relationship not really as an equal. It doesn't spell absolute doom but can make things difficult. The problem is the amount of weight given to the children in her decision making process. Logic can be thrown out the window in favor of "mother's instinct".

I think you as a single dad would do much better with a single mom. In fact, a single woman without kids would have the same problems as her male counterpart. I would encourage all parents to date other single parents. I have seen it as a requirement on a lot of profiles. "Must have kids."

I have spoken to women and told them I do not want to be their father. I can be their friend. I have said discipline would be up to them. Both I could tell were not well received. I found that odd but it is how things would have been. I also said I would not question any decision she make with the kids and would "back her up". Better reaction but still I think many mothers are looking for that dad to their kids.

I would love to hear the pluses in dating a mom if you were a single male without children. I can think of the pluses a single dad with child(ren) would get.

OMG....a logical thorough thinker with the best interests of ALL concidered, a breath of fresh air AT LAST!!!

In reality it is less often a case of selfcentered selfshiness in the persons without children rather than the persons WITH children.

Gams's photo
Mon 08/11/08 02:48 PM
Do NICE GUYS finish last????

Well I hope so.........hopefully HE will be my LAST!!!! :wink:

Gams's photo
Mon 08/11/08 02:35 PM

cyber friends i guess.!

And out of them 1/2 a hand full!!!
from my perspective....this FRIEND thing is more game than reality. Most often one email then never heard from again EG: he who dies with the most cyber friends wins. VERY STRANGE...
Who am I to judge!!! If having 300 at least semi attractive women on their list somehow feeds their ego and makes their day...then no harm done, I just leave them there and let it beeeeeee. :wink: laugh

Gams's photo
Mon 08/11/08 02:12 PM
P.S. And if his greatest challenge is woman who don't proof read BEFORE posting??!! I'M DOOOOOMED!!!!! laugh laugh laugh

Gams's photo
Mon 08/11/08 01:45 PM
If I am comprehending mirrors question correctly...
He is asking not what would CATCH my eye, but rather what within myself or the other would detracked my interest.

That said....
The challenge would not be in CATCHING my eye (unless of course he's down right vulgar and lacks personal hygene...laugh).

The challenge would be more with KEEPING my eye. Just be yourself, say what you mean and mean what you say, as if I find out you've ALL TALK NO SUBSTANCE ...I'M OUTTA THERE!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:39 PM
Looks great, well done!!!!flowerforyou

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:28 PM
Depends on whether they share your feelings. If so, then nothings too far, unless to express all boarders on obsession.

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:22 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 09:32 PM
Not if he was only 20....might just be a bad sign, LOL
But 40's, 50's, or 60's sure....that's a lot of years for a lot of things to go right or wrong as the case may be.

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 02:41 PM
Good things can come out of the this poem!!!!
That was really good! flowerforyou

Gams's photo
Sat 08/09/08 02:35 PM
uhm....yeah.....but hasn't everyone at least once?

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