Community > Posts By > kre8karma

kre8karma's photo
Mon 07/18/11 09:03 PM

A big screen tv, a few scented candles that float on teas, incense, and mood music. A cushy, comfy, cozy love seat with flowery pillows and comfy throws. A fat, hairy, constanty offending-odour producing beer drinker with a bear belly and in shorts, smoking, whom you will shower with love and affection and make his life miserable by asking him to eat salads and tofu only, as food is bad for you.

My DAD'S gonna be there??? surprised scared shocked ill slaphead
good one!rofl rofl rofl rofl

kre8karma's photo
Sat 07/16/11 07:56 PM
I just checked out "polar night" so I think I understand better what they are talking about now. Thanks, Jeannie. I guess I really was picturing Iceland, after all. I just wish they had explained better what they were talking about in the article itself.

kre8karma's photo
Sat 07/16/11 07:24 PM
I meant Greenland, not Iceland

kre8karma's photo
Sat 07/16/11 07:23 PM

Strange Phenomenon: Sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparks fear.

The sun has arrived two days early in Greenland according to KNR Radio. It usually rises on January 13th but for some reason rose on 1/11/11 this year.

Inhabitants from the area appeared worried when witnessing the strange phenomenon. “The sun is not supposed to be here until January 13th, something isn’t right” a 74 year old local reported to KBR radio. [1]

Some scientist believe the melting of ice sheets is what caused the phenomenon. “The constellation of the stars has not changed and if it did the data of Earth’s axis and rotation would be monitored minute by minute all over the world,” said Wolfgang Lenhardt, head of the geophysics department at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG).

Thomas Posch from the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Vienna suggested the observation was due to a change in the local horizon and was accelerated by melting ice sheets. Lenhardt also stated it could be an atmospheric phenomenon.

One thing is certain, the event continues to baffle scientists who have struggled to come up with an explanation.

OH Wow. Ummmm....I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Doesn't the sun come up everyday in Iceland? I mean, the sun came up here a week late one time, but nobody noticed...the next several sunrises seemed to follow suit, all a week ahead of schedule. Everything should be fine as long as those 7 missing late sunrises don't suddenly show up in the middle of the night, right? I'm right, right? Hold me.

kre8karma's photo
Sat 07/16/11 07:04 PM
Edited by kre8karma on Sat 07/16/11 07:08 PM

Yeah, I don't get the selfish thing. Being independent just means that someone can take care of themselves and doesn't necessarily have to rely on others to get things done. It doesn't mean help isn't nice sometimes or having someone to be there isn't nice either.

OOPS--the above was a quote from singmesweet
and then, I said:
I, too am not sure where the "alpha" (other than from one person's post) and "selfish" labels are equated with independence. I thought it meant you are self-sustaining...i.e. don't live off the largess of another person's income (i.e. Mom & Dad, significant other, etc), don't constantly call others to handle things for you--for help with regards to tasks involved in daily living, etc. Quite a few generalizations going on....maybe what we have here is a failure to communicate (?) go figure.

kre8karma's photo
Sat 07/16/11 01:09 PM
Violation of Section 7 paragraph 13 in his poetic license

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 09:14 PM

I think some men just don't feel comfortable around independent women. They don't feel needed enough, therefor feel less manly.

LOL, so true! Nothing makes a man feel more manly than a woman "acting" like they need us. May it be squishing a big ugly spider (even though it may me a simple little daddy longleg), to taking the trash out. Not only is it what we enjoy doing for our ladies, but it certainly does help our confidence that we are fulfilling the little tiny bit of "needs" she may want from us. LOL

- Josh

My friend's wife calls him while he is on duty as a firefighter to come home and take out the trash. Very pathetic actually. Some of my best male friends are mature enough to accept that an independent woman isn't a scary thing but a partner; one to share the workload. I wonder what happens to a man when he gets seriously injured and is unable to do anything for his lady while laid up? Would he be less of a man for this? Will nothing get done because he can't do it? Or would he be smart enough to know his lady can do things for herself in an emergency? Common sense would dictate that both people should be able to do things for themselves as there are times that your partner can't be there for you. Nothing is guaranteed in life that men will always be the protecter or be able to do things for his lady. You should work as a team and put your ego in check.
Yes. Hooray ! I was getting very concerned with some of the previous posts.Thanks for your sensible comments. And I'm independent but I let men do things for me and then I ---get this---show my appreciation and at some point, try to do something for them. There will be times in everyone's lives where they are stronger and times when they are weaker, part of the joy in having someone in your life is to have the support when you want or even need it, regardless of your gender.

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 07:42 PM

My buddies over there said that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with some of their money?
That one is totally awesome !

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 07:40 PM

Been a bartender so I heard many types of pickup lines.

If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.

You're so hot, you denature my proteins.

Can I be the phasor to your electron and take you to an excited state?

You must be gibberelin, because I'm experiencing some stem elongation.

You make my anoxic sediments want to increase their redox potential.

Hey baby, will a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?

Me and you would undergo a more energetic reaction then Potassium and water.

I'm more attracted to you then F is attracted to an electron.

I will fondle your vesicles while you caress my golgi body.

I want to work on your leucine zipper with my zinc fingers.

If you were oxygen, I would be an alkali metal so i could get in you and explode!

We fit together like the sticky ends of recombinant DNA.

You are the photon to my photosystem: you excite my electron until I reach my reaction centre.

You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power.

If I were a neurotransmitter, I would be dopamine so I could activate your reward pathway.

Hey, wanna put your alpha helix in my beta barrel?
Tazz--are you working my side of the street? Or...wonder if the bar was in the Science complex of some university ? ! Just Scary! laugh

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 07:09 PM

Because they ALL lie!!!!

If I am wrong, please PM me, and prove it!!!


- Josh
Aw, now, settle down, there ! You're gonna get people all stirred up. The honest ones know that a PM won't prove anything, so they won't bother. Time is the great teacher, Weedhopper.:wink: :wink:

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 06:47 PM

Rather ask a woman.dont be late. Gifts are nice .complements are accepted. Do nnott ask 4 sex.telher uwantowaitilyour maried. Help her wither goals an be honest dönt cheat

Don't be late?????

A suggestion for women.
Yeah, but it takes a lot of time to get all prettied up so we can fool you into thinking we always look that way. Doesn't matter how early we start, still gotta change the outfit a minimum of 5 times. :tongue: OOPS, I've said too much.............

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 06:32 PM
White chicken pizza, spinach salad and an Icy Cold Negra MOdelo.
Cheers All ! drinker

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 05:50 AM

When you get to be my age and still have the same jeans from high school days, I'll worry about you.laugh

Haha, nah... They usually wear out past salvation in about five or six years.

Something clever that I thought to do for a pick-up gimmick is for bikers. Get a combination chain and lock her bike, even if she already has one securing her bike. Then when she can't get the lock off, help her out and "take a lucky guess." It'd be even more clever if the 4-digit lock is the last 4 to your phone number laugh
six years? C'mon man, you're an ART student, I KNOW you are more creative than that...I'm looking for at least a ten year jeans commitment. Otherwise,those jeans are just gonna feel used and thrown away.tears

kre8karma's photo
Fri 07/15/11 05:47 AM

When you get to be my age and still have the same jeans from high school days, I'll worry about you.laugh

Haha, nah... They usually wear out past salvation in about five or six years.

Something clever that I thought to do for a pick-up gimmick is for bikers. Get a combination chain and lock her bike, even if she already has one securing her bike. Then when she can't get the lock off, help her out and "take a lucky guess." It'd be even more clever if the 4-digit lock is the last 4 to your phone number laugh
Could work as a gullibility screening tool as well...

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 10:03 PM
Edited by kre8karma on Thu 07/14/11 10:04 PM
Here's one---in a bar, wait til she gets up to dance then steal her drink. Be there drinking it when she returns...true WILL make an impression...that's probably dated tho, women don't leave their drinks lying around anymore in bars,do they?

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 10:00 PM

the best way is to simply be you...if that doesn’t work, be Brad Pitt!
That works for me on so many :

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 09:59 PM

Haha, yeah... I actually cannot remember the last time I bought new jeans. I just keep patching up the old ones. I'm an art major, so I've plenty of supplies to do so laugh
Well, you're still young ! When you get to be my age and still have the same jeans from high school days, I'll worry about you.laugh

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 09:34 PM

Wear a shirt that is just FULL of holes that you've had since high school? What says "commitment" more than your loyalty to that shirt?

Heheh, I actually do that with my jeans...
and, voila ~ I'm impressed ! drinker

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 08:58 PM
Wear a shirt that is just FULL of holes that you've had since high school? What says "commitment" more than your loyalty to that shirt?

kre8karma's photo
Thu 07/14/11 08:56 PM

I think your sense of humor is a little subtle for some here. I'll play....I like it when a man makes a really offensive comment and then call me "up tight" when I don't laugh (especially at work). Or guys who don't open doors or offer to help carry things or take out the garbage (ever) because they don't want you to feel like you're being discriminated against for being a woman. How can you be "fairer" than that? Or ooh,ooh, talk with your mouth really full, because you just can't wait to respond to her interesting comment or question. bigsmile
Those things really impress ME,anyway.
Well, I'm impressed. You sound like a keeper. Where do you stand on the whole monogomy issue?
Are we talking about ways to impress women still?