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Wed 02/13/08 11:06 AM

Under the law - the one that broke the law was the ADULT (regardless of whether it's the male/female). Doesnt matter if the younger (minor) person consented or not, the adult is responsible. Why is this so hard to swallow? Why try and make excuses or look for loopholes or try to validate an opinion?

OK, kinda off topic here a little. But just wanted to make a single point since this was brought out, because this statement above is TRUE.

My single point would be, 18 is therefore clearly stated to be an "adult". So why not lower the legal drinking age to 18!!?? At 18 everyone is "considered" an "adult, held by the "law" to be an "adult", can go and die in a war for thier country as an "adult"...but can;t go buy beer til they are 21.

What "justification" is that??? flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 11:54 PM

i believe that the bible completely puts a twisted view on god. i mean god is a force i do believe in. but not the one the bible speaks of. i believe in the one the founding fathers believed in. i personally dont think god talks to us. he may have made us but in a reasonable way. not the creationism theory. adam and eve and so on. but maybe through evolution. i mean we all know this world is older than 10 thousand years old

I understand your view, however disagree in certain things. I believe the Bible to be true, however some things were written to give the human mind of something to grasp and relate to. Like the "streets of gold" or hell being a fiery pit" etc. Those are metiforic, simply to give the human mind something to grasp and attempt to understand.

Now what ets "twisted" is "religion" which was made by man..not God or the Bible.

Religion is man's way of attempting to place God in a "box" so that man can attempt to lay claim "they know about God". when in fact, we, as man, have no flippin clue rwsally, because its simply way beyond our comprehension. It would be like trying to teach a cow calculus! noway :tongue: laugh

And again, take man out of the picture..take religion out of the picture..and just study and look at those things aorund in nature..the things that God made. Its easier to find the truth there, because God has left His fingerprints all over this earth and beyond. bigsmile flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 11:46 PM
Wait a freakin say I'm not in shape!!? That's an insult!!!

Didn't they ever teach you!!?? ROUND is a SHAPE!!! noway noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 11:42 PM

I'm convinced that God is a human creation. He was created by man to satisfy the human need not to face death as an inevitable end to their lives. Having said that, I'll admit that I may be wrong. While there is no proof of God, there's also no proof that one doesn't exist.

Hmm no proof of "God"?? OK, I can understand that IF you are referring to the term "God" itself, but as to proof there is something/someone who designed and made everything we see..and don't see.. well even Einstein concluded that there was a "mster designer" to all of this..and the "proof" is everywhere in nature, space and everyplace else we, as man, don;t even know about yet (or may never know).

So if you are looking for "proof" just go outside and open your eyes, ears and senses and get all the proof you need. bigsmile flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 11:37 PM
An honest enough question. I understand how "man" that made "religion" gets really rather tough to believe. And in many cases, "man" has twisted things so much, its not even truth anymore.

So lets take the "man" and the "religion" factor out of this equation.

Now you just have everything in the world, space, nature, etc etc..everything that "man" has nothing to do with.

Look at the trees, all the other living creatures, look at what little we understand about what is happening around us. How things grow, reproduce themselves, even look down to the cellular levels that scuentists have just discovered over the last 100 years of human existance. And we still know "jack" really about anything.

Butg just by seeing what little we know now, do you reslly think all of this is happening by "accident" or just "coincidence"?? That would go against all logic.

Even Einstein, before his death, stated he believed in a "master designer" of all of this. he did not mention "God" by name, but he realized all of this is not and accident or is "designed...and it has a "designer".

That "designer" I call "God". Some others may use different terms, like "Higher Power" , etc etc. But none the less, there is someone/thing out there that made all of this and all of us.

So, I understand not having faith in "amn"..I don't either. But in God, well He has already shown me enough in what He has made to make me a believer that He is around. bigsmile flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 11:11 PM
Umm should I sing it in the Marilyn Monroe theme this time??????

Happy Birthday Mr President......

Hmmmm...nah!! So I'll just say it..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker bigsmile

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:39 PM

what does it mean?huh huh huh

It means someone who you can do activities with..and don;t forget your Geritol this time! I'm not bringing it out to you again! noway :tongue: laugh laugh flowerforyou

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Tue 02/12/08 10:34 PM

ya so i asked people online to be my valentine come on now do you really think i would lets get serious im not that desperate so to all the people that hate on my who wants to be my valentine step back!

Umm bartender..I'll have what they are having...and make it a double! noway bigsmile drinker laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:27 PM

nite nite my love muffin smooched

Hey I thought I was your love muffin?? Oh sorry I forgot..I'm your MINI love muffin! bigsmile drinker flowerforyou laugh

Night Hiker! flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:07 PM

so i dont have a valentine and i really dont feel like spending it alone so who wants to be my valentine??

Hmm if you added BOTH ages in that might be HALF my unless we can add you both...then I could consider it. noway bigsmile laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:04 PM

I got fired from a dollor store,I kept asking for a price check

LOL..sorry dude..I admit it..I was the customer that kept askin... "how much is this....???" sick

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 09:48 PM

Lucy ju got sum 'splainin to do!

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Much better..sounds like you just got off the banana boat!

drinker drinker drinker drinker laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 09:15 PM

the tattoos and piercings....

apparently, im not "proffessional" enough. explode

OK you talking about people in general or in the business world???

I could understand in the business world..tats and piercing all over..well there you made a bad choice to try to mix "originality" in with "business"

But from a personal standpoint, there should be no problems. bigsmile

its not in the business aspect.... its the relationship standpoint.

iv emet a few girls, and on the first date i flip my septum ring up and wear a long sleeve shirt.

next thing you know they see my ink and my piercings and they flip.... makes no sense to me.

Ok, then just take some time. That only means you don;t have that in common...but there are women who like that style. Tell them up front and save any hassles.

They are out there..don't be so hard on yourself. bigsmile flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 09:02 PM

the tattoos and piercings....

apparently, im not "proffessional" enough. explode

OK you talking about people in general or in the business world???

I could understand in the business world..tats and piercing all over..well there you made a bad choice to try to mix "originality" in with "business"

But from a personal standpoint, there should be no problems. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:56 PM

I'm home!!

Ahh come'on Winder!! You can put a better Cuban accent on it than that!! Go back on your banana boat and try again!! bigsmile drinker drinker laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:49 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:46 PM

smokin I want to sell you a used carsmokin

ROFLMAO Mirror!!! noway bigsmile drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:42 PM

Mirror's here!!! :tongue:
drinker bigsmile drinker bigsmile drinker bigsmile

Lock up the woman and children mirror is here noway
devil grumble devil grumble devil grumble

Go gettem Mirror!!! drinker drinker drinker laugh
mirror you know that i lovesssss only U :heart: :heart:

and she'll love ya long time!! drinker drinker drinker laugh flowerforyou

Does she sucky sucky for 10 dolla too? (movie reference, for any morons that think that I'm insulting that crazy blonde)

ROFL... ten dolla make ya holla! Twenty more, she make you ROAR! noway laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:38 PM

i went out with an older man at 16 nothing came good of it.u fall in love when u should be thiinking of goals in life.i'd try to discourage it personaly

I agree here Tina. Thats why at particular times in life, age does play certain factors.

One of the main reasons I won;t date a woman under 30 is because most want to have children..and thats great, I love children..just not anymore of my own.

So the long term goals are not equal or in line..therefore I know that there is no chance for a LTR.

Some men play the "game" just to get what they are after. Not my style..can;t do that. I'm always lookin down the road. flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/12/08 08:35 PM

True but who should be the responsible party the 16 yr old or the 19 yr old? regardless of gender

Hmm probably neither in most cases..both are extremely young. 19 is not even old enough to drink legally in the USA..but they can go to war and die for the country.

And I have seen and heard of 16 year old trying to place them in an "innocent" position is simply wrong. Many know just what they are doing. So age is only a factor to a point.

Hence some Courts will hold a "monor" of 16 on adult crime charges in certain cases. flowerforyou

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