Community > Posts By > Bravalady

Bravalady's photo
Thu 05/17/12 01:47 PM

How many of them do you have today? laugh

Bravalady's photo
Wed 05/16/12 09:33 PM
I liked "Lex" and will miss him. Certainly not Keith Willis. I'm grateful that I didn't feel get close enough to "Lex" to feel burned by his deception. I did have a lot of questions to myself about him, and they are all answered by this.

I knew a pedophile once, and I do think it's highly likely that the cause comes from their own childhood abuse, a circle of tragedy if there ever was one.

When my daughter was born, one of my first thoughts was to make sure my ex-friend never found out where I lived. I grieve for his suffering, which I know was real, but I WILL protect my child.

Bravalady's photo
Thu 05/10/12 12:14 AM
A bear, or possibly a crow. I've had dreams about a bear, showing her power but in a protective way. Also I can be gruff like a bear and apparently I scare people without meaning to.

The crow would be because I'm sometimes a smartass, and I like shiny things.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 05/07/12 03:42 PM

Wow what do I have to do to make up a word and call it a science?

It's easy. Take any word and add -ology onto the end of it. Means "study of" and it's an accepted practice.

Cheesecakology, my suggestion for today.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 05/07/12 03:38 PM
I don't know who thinks anybody is going to be convinced by this kind of thing. As a liberal, I was disgusted by it by the time I got to the second sentence. I got as far as the second paragraph and then quit reading, so I don't even know if the writer descended into insults and bigotry the way Republican-favoring pieces seem to, but I wouldn't be surprised. When will people learn that this kind of hack writing is nothing but . . . I'll say verbal "self-pleasuring." I really think that's the only reason most of these things are written--to make the author feel better. Anyone with a brain has got to know you can't convince people this way.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 05/07/12 03:23 PM
I don't answer ones from men out of my age range, and those are all I get. I really don't understand why a young guy in his 20's would e-mail me when I'm clearly old enough to be his grandmother, and especially when they're on a different continent. Even if they "just want to be friends." I mean, get real.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 05/07/12 03:17 PM
I think it's interesting that when people describe themselves as "realists," they then talk about all kinds of negative things. In reality, there is neither bad nor good. Things just are. We humans assign the value judgments "bad" and "good" to facts. I wouldn't want to live in a world where there were no value judgments, but I also have found that these vast generalizations don't contribute to my happiness. So I try to stay as close as possible to neutral in my predictions. Hoping for the best, NOT expecting the worst but knowing there's a (slight) chance of it happening, seems to keep me from being as miserable as I was when I let negative thoughts control me.

I refuse to label people "bad" or "good." People are very complex and mysterious. You can never know what is going on inside them. They may not know themselves. They may hurt you terribly, they may do awful things, but that doesn't mean they are completely bad. People can do unimaginably horrible things without remorse, such that you could wish they had never existed, but to me, saying they "are bad" is useless. They're dangerous, put them in jail, try to reform them, whatever, but I don't see how calling them bad adds anything.

This may be a distinction without a difference. But I have found the hard way that what you focus on is what your life is like.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:03 PM

Serch net than u will find how many died due to starvation daily,how many cant arrange their meal,how many murdered on the name of religion,where the suicide bombers strucked ......than u will find this problem worthless

Not bad advice really. Same as counting your blessings, only in reverse.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 05/06/12 02:01 PM
Smart lawyer, trying a new tactic to support her client, good for her.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:58 PM

The Obama campaign with the slogan "Forward" officially started May 5th.
May 5th just happens to be Karl Marks birthday.
And the word forward with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Just saying

Oh my, the idiocy never stops.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 05/06/12 01:47 PM
That's where you fall asleep in the middle of typing on the computer, right?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 05/05/12 10:15 PM

Statistics show that the states that already require a photo ID to vote, voter participation increased, even in those states that are primarily Democrat.

Interesting, could you point me to your source, please?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 05/05/12 03:56 PM
"Despite many instances of electoral fraud internationally, in the U.S. a major study by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007[2] showed of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and of those few cases, most involved persons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility." From Wikipedia, citing a Rolling Stone article. I can't find the Justice Department study, but haven't really tried.

This "voter fraud" issue started as a way to reduce Democratic votes (because it targets the poorest of the poor, who tend to vote Democratic) and now seems to have gotten tangled up in the anti-immigrant hysteria. It is a solution to a nonexistent problem.

A RIGHT is by definition not dependent on one's ability to pay for it.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 05/05/12 03:35 PM
Could somebody give me a link to his FB page? I've been missing him.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 05/05/12 03:32 PM
I found out that dark chocolate is good for you. That alone makes life worth living. No need to go on to the rest of my list.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 05/04/12 02:40 PM
I would not want it, for one. If you think about all the implications, there's really not much good that would come of it. Immortality is an adolescent dream. It's probably natural for us to fantasize about it, but wisdom would reject it.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 05/04/12 02:35 PM
I remember that day well. I was too horrified to even cry.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 05/04/12 02:28 PM
Oh I believe in it. Not so sure I believe in true MUTUAL love, though.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 05/04/12 02:27 PM

They were up there discussing how Delicious you're sweaters are!!!!!

That's quite possible. Or, dare I say it, have you checked your flour lately?

Bravalady's photo
Fri 05/04/12 02:24 PM
If fussy means wearing socks that match, then I am fussy. If fussy means not wearing socks with sandals EVER OMG, then I am not fussy. Although if it's not warm enough to go without socks, then I probably won't go for the sandals anyway.