Community > Posts By > Jeanniebean

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Mon 01/13/14 03:04 PM

Sharon had the right to defend his country, period!

If people from have an issue with him handling himself then take it up with the ones who are starting the ****. Ever since the state of Israel was created by the u.n. May 14, 1948 they have been molested and viciously attacked and for that I do not hold any contempt against Any of their leaders.

By killing innocents?

blah blah blan b.s.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 03:03 PM

i think Sharon was just trying to make his country better, no harm in that, right? what country has not killed pow's?

Eisenhower killed a lot of German POWs after the war. Just let them die.

Just because a lot of people do it, does not make it right. War is wrong, war is stupid. War is controlled by CORPORATIONS for profit.

When are people going to wake up?

OMG,Brother Judicial-Inc lied to you about Eisenhower too?laugh
Revisionist-Crap put out by a Bunch of mainly German Neo-Nazis!

It is not something they like to put into history books but there is plenty of evidence for it.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 01:05 PM

i think Sharon was just trying to make his country better, no harm in that, right? what country has not killed pow's?

Eisenhower killed a lot of German POWs after the war. Just let them die.

Just because a lot of people do it, does not make it right. War is wrong, war is stupid. War is controlled by CORPORATIONS for profit.

When are people going to wake up?

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 01:01 PM

go hillary

hillary and arnie (if he can give up the cuban cigs OR strike a great peace /trade deal)

and she would totally biatch slap al queada
be afraid,be very afraid!

Dragon lady she is.

And if she thinks she has the black vote she should think again. It was her husband blacks liked, not her.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 12:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 01/13/14 12:59 PM

well , in Qibya Massacre 1953 there was no Falangists bigsmile , there was only the Israeli army .

the Olympics in LA in the seventies? when the muslims killed all the Israeli weightlifters? the list goes on for miles, muslims and Jews have always hated each other, and to blame one and not the other is hate...

i don't know why you think i blame Jews ! i am talking about a PERSON named Ariel Sharon , that has nothing to do with his religion for Jupiter's sake !
and above all i posted a thread long ago talking about Islamic terrorism in Syria ... it should be now in the second or third page here in this section .

So, is Ariel Sharon a Jew? I don't think so. He was secular.
In any case, he was a very cold, unfeeling, un-compassionate, murdering psychopath.

But I try not to judge. laugh

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 12:53 PM
Those who hate will die with the world. Those who love will live for eternity.

It is common knowledge that when you resist something, it only serves to energize it and perpetuate it.

War on anything only creates war. It does not eradicate anything.

Killing for peace is futile and it does not work. It perpetuates hatred and war.

I feel so sad for people who believe that war is the answer.

so sad.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:57 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 01/13/14 09:58 AM
This is the rumor I heard. When the global financial crisis hits, they will postpone elections and Obama will serve another term. Maybe indefinitely.

Think that could happen?

P.S. March 2014.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:55 AM

god is you , humans created different types of gods since dawn of civilizations as an answer to the absence of knowledge ... and as human knowledge is expanding time after time , the need for the created god will decrease until it becomes a part of human mythologies .


Yep. I am god. We are god. You are god.

I am that, you are that, all this is that, and that is all there is.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:52 AM
I want no part of any of it.
Peace loving people should refuse to participate.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:49 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 01/13/14 09:49 AM

I didn't like him. I think he was a war criminal.

I wouldn't call him a war criminal, he defended his country from hostile forces. If somebody fired 26 rockets into my country those troops and generals would receive complementary Columbian neck ties.

Whatever. Israel has been screaming self defense for a very long time. I don't buy that.

You don't live there, don't worry about it.

I am a citizen of the world. I have decided I can't to a lot to change it. I can only change myself.

I don't worry about it but I am very familiar with the games people and governments play. I hope Israel doesn't decide to nuke the entire middle east as they have indicated they would do if they felt like it.

if they do, the muslims brought it on themselves... they leave Israel alone, they leave they muslims alone... not real hard

"the muslims" are not responsible for the acts of a few radical criminal elements.

People should stop condoning revenge, retaliation against INNOCENT civilians.

This kind of response is from muslim haters.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:47 AM

I didn't like him. I think he was a war criminal.

I wouldn't call him a war criminal, he defended his country from hostile forces. If somebody fired 26 rockets into my country those troops and generals would receive complementary Columbian neck ties.

he was responsible for war crimes against civilians , like Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982 ( he resigned as a defense minister for that ) , or killing unarmed POWs like what he did during the 1956 Sinai campaign ... and much more .
he definitely was a war criminal .

i see, it's ok for the muslims to lob bombs on the jewish settler citizens, but not ok for the jews to retaliate...whoa

typical jew hating responce

None of it is okay. But if someone is launching bombs at you, you should treat it like a CRIME and go after those people responsible instead of killing people who are innocent for retaliation.

The world is now a global community, we should not kid ourselves into thinking there is any such thing as countries anymore. Its all corporations.

We should not be having or declaring war on each other. We should focus on apprehending the criminals, not killing the citizens.

no photo
Mon 01/13/14 09:43 AM

I didn't like him. I think he was a war criminal.

I wouldn't call him a war criminal, he defended his country from hostile forces. If somebody fired 26 rockets into my country those troops and generals would receive complementary Columbian neck ties.

Whatever. Israel has been screaming self defense for a very long time. I don't buy that.

You don't live there, don't worry about it.

I am a citizen of the world. I have decided I can't to a lot to change it. I can only change myself.

I don't worry about it but I am very familiar with the games people and governments play. I hope Israel doesn't decide to nuke the entire middle east as they have indicated they would do if they felt like it.

no photo
Sun 01/12/14 10:43 PM

I didn't like him. I think he was a war criminal.

I wouldn't call him a war criminal, he defended his country from hostile forces. If somebody fired 26 rockets into my country those troops and generals would receive complementary Columbian neck ties.

Whatever. Israel has been screaming self defense for a very long time. I don't buy that.

no photo
Sun 01/12/14 02:45 PM
I didn't like him. I think he was a war criminal.

no photo
Sun 01/12/14 02:43 PM

its interesting as an argument though

it will be interesting to see how far it gets and how it is ruled upon

there is plenty of precedent for substituting the language of a bill this way,, its called a 'shell bill'

but the outcome will be interesting to watch,,,

there is a difference between a bill and the law.

there is NO provision in obamacare that allows anyone to make any changes.

Apparently there does not need to be any "provisions" that allows anyone to make any changes. THEY JUST MAKE THEM.

No "provisions" needed.

no photo
Sun 01/12/14 09:39 AM

Item not found.

Did Obama make them take it down?

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 11:17 PM
Wow I just watched this youtube video and it was great.
It explains how money is energy.
It explains how your brain uses energy to think.

It explains how it is a waste of energy to get involved in things that you can't change or do anything about.

It really opened my eyes about wasting time with politics or arguing with people. wow

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 09:55 PM

so ... just sharing your card??? Or hoping others will draw a card too or offering to draw cards???
Interesting info though!

I thought it was interesting because I had decided to improve my health the day before so that I might have more energy or more motivation to do things to improve my income.

So I did a one card drawing on my website widget and that is the card that appeared.

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 11:44 AM

I don't care what they call it. It's criminal. You write a bill, get it passed, then change It? What kind of logical sense is that?

I can't believe anything like that would be allowed.

Just bend over while our government screws us.

They passed it because they knew they couldn't get it back through Congress the 2nd time, so they took what they could get. It's clearly an imperfect law, but it does answer some issues. Specifically it reduces the number of uninsured Americans and helps people get affordable insurance in spite of pre-existing conditions. Of course, Republicans are completely against it, but they've go no real answers to those problems, either.

The best, most elegant solution would be simply to open up Medicare to all Americans. If they did that, then we could repeal Obamacare.

I fail to see where this would be much better. More streamlined, yes. But the best solution? No. Medicare and Medicaid programs are a huge part of our healthcare crisis. They are billing nightmares, often falling behind in payments by YEARS, and many times failing to pay their bill altogether. In little old maine, alone, these two programs failed to pay hospitals hundreds of millions of dollars. Both programs also have a ton of red tape attached.

I feel that when dealing with U.S. healthcare our goals have shifted from providing everyone access to healthcare, and gravitated towards just increasing the number of insured citizens. First goal was productive, 2nd goal is not. We must also remind ourselves, that insurance is another big part of our issue.

I know i will get flak from this, but maybe we should looking into expanding our free clinics, or the clinics in which payments are income-based. Start small (one or two hospitals), then expand. Start directing medicaid money into the system. Then start directing medicare money into the system. Allow private facilities to remain untouched. This would weed out MOUNTAINS of red tape. Perhaps the free market may actually play the role of quality control for both systems (The government and private). No forced insurance, and if done right, in increments, there shouldn't be tax hikes. Just a thought... (Note: I realize the government rarely does things the correctly)

One solution that I read about was, people pay monthly payments directly to the to the hospital or to the doctor instead of to the insurance company. Or, where I work, I have a low cost catastrophic insurance with a $2000 deductible. Routine doctor visits are paid from a health fund that we contribute to.
There are a lot of better ways to do it.

That sounds good. Eliminate Insurance altogether and just make payments to a collective medical fund that pays the doctors directly.

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 09:49 AM
To stand your ground in the face of relentless criticism from a double Nobel prize-winning scientist takes a lot of guts. For engineer and materials scientist Dan Shechtman, however, years of self-belief in the face of the eminent Linus Pauling's criticisms led him to the ultimate accolade: his own Nobel prize.

Shechtman was the sole winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 2011, for his discovery of seemingly impossible crystal structures in metal alloys. Instead of the regular pattern seen in other crystallised materials, the atoms in his "quasi-period materials" were arranged so that they were regular but never repeated. It is a type of pattern seen in the tiled Islamic mosaics at the Alhambra Palace in Spain and the Darb-i Imam shrine in Iran, but which had never been thought could exist in nature.

His discovery in the early 1980s changed chemistry, but convincing some parts of the establishment was not easy. Scientists have subsequently found naturally occurring quasi-periodic crystals in minerals in a Russian river and a Swedish steel company found that these types of crystal were responsible for the strength of some of its ultra-strong steels. Scientists are now working out ways to use quasi-periodic crystals in everything from diesel engines to frying pans.

Shechtman was born in Tel Aviv in 1941 and received his PhD from Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, in 1972. He had become interested in engineering at a young age, after reading Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island, in which a group of people are stranded on an island, far from any civilisation. "The key figure in that book is Cyrus Smith – he's an engineer and he could do everything, he could do anything, and I wanted to be like him."
After finishing his military service, he went to the Technion to study mechanical engineering. But when he graduated in 1966, a recession in Israel meant that he could not find a job. He started a master's degree instead, thinking he would find a job when the economic troubles had passed. "But then I fell in love with science and decided to continue for my PhD and from there on I was a scientist."

In April 1982, Shechtman was on sabbatical at America's National Institute of Standards and Technology, when he saw something curious through his electron microscope. "Eyn chaya kazo," he said to himself ("there can be no such creature" in Hebrew). He had been studying a rapidly cooled mix of aluminium and manganese, an alloy with potential uses in aerospace technologies, and saw something that was forbidden according to known chemistry. The atoms in the sample seemed to be arranged in a pattern that had a five-fold rotational symmetry.

The atoms in a solid material are arranged in an orderly fashion and that order is usually periodic and will have a particular rotational symmetry. A square arrangement, for example, has four-fold rotational symmetry – turn the atoms through 90 degrees and it will look the same. Do this four times and you get back to its start point. Three-fold symmetry means an arrangement can be turned through 120 degrees and it will look the same. There is also one-fold symmetry (turn through 360 degrees), two-fold (turn through 180 degrees) and six-fold symmetry (turn through 60 degrees). Five-fold symmetry is not allowed in periodic crystals and nothing beyond six, purely for geometric reasons.

Shechtman's results were so out of the ordinary that, even after he had checked his findings several times, it took two years for his work to get published in a peer-reviewed journal. Once it appeared, he says, "all hell broke loose".

Many scientists thought that Shechtman had not been careful enough in his experiments and that he had simply made a mistake. "The bad reaction was the head of my laboratory, who came to my office one day and, smiling sheepishly, put a book on x-ray diffraction on my desk and said, 'Danny, please read this book and you will understand that what you are saying cannot be.' And I told him, you know, I don't need to read this book, I teach at the Technion, and I know this book, and I'm telling you my material is not in the book.
"He came back a couple of days later and said to me, 'Danny, you are a disgrace to my group. I cannot be with you in the same group.' So I left the group and found another group that adopted a scientific orphan."

He says that the experience was not as traumatic as it sounded. Scientists around the world had quickly replicated Shechtman's discovery and, in 1992, the International Union of Crystallography accepted that quasi-periodic materials must exist and altered its definition of what a crystal is from "a substance in which the constituent atoms, molecules or ions are packed in a regularly ordered, repeating three-dimensional pattern" to the broader "any solid having an essentially discrete diffraction diagram".
That should have been the end of the story were it not for Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate, once for chemistry and a second time for peace. Shechtman explains that at a science conference in front of an audience of hundreds Pauling claimed, "Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense, there are no quasi-crystals, just quasi-scientists."

Pauling told everyone who would listen that Shechtman had made a mistake. He proposed his own explanations for the observed five-fold symmetry and stuck to his guns, despite repeated rebuttals. "Everything he did was wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong; eventually, he couldn't publish his papers and they were rejected before they were published," says Shechtman. "But he was very insistent, was very sure of himself when he spoke; he was a flamboyant speaker."

Lesley Yellowlees, president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said that fundamental science was about breaking through the boundaries of knowledge and sometimes that means pursuing an idea that others think is just too unbelievable to be true. "Dan Shechtman's Nobel prize celebrated not only a fascinating and beautiful discovery, but also dogged determination against the closed-minded ridicule of his peers, including leading scientists of the day. His prize didn't just reward a difficult but worthy career in science; it put the huge importance and value of funding basic scientific research in the spotlight."

A few years before he died, Pauling wrote to Shectman to suggest a truce of sorts. "And the letter says, 'Professor Shechtman, may I propose to you to write the joint Shechtman-Pauling paper on quasi-periodic materials? And you will be first,' he says. And I answered him with a letter: 'Professor Pauling, I'll be delighted to write this paper with you, but before we even start we have to agree that quasi-periodic materials do exist.' He wrote me back and said, 'Well, that may be too early for that.' And that was the end of our communication."

For the past 27 years, in addition to chemistry, he has been teaching a class at the Technion on technological entrepreneurship. "I know humanity has periods of ups and downs and we are not in a good period now, because of economic problems. But hopefully we will climb again and hopefully the distribution of wealth in the world will be more just and more people will be able to enjoy a prosperity. But in order to do that, each country has to develop. And start-up companies, hi-tech companies, small companies that will grow – this will lead us to a better future."
And the downsides to winning a Nobel prize? The punishing schedule and living out of a suitcase are both mentally and physically stressful, says Shechtman. "But then again, because I feel like a missionary to promote education and science and technological entrepreneurship, for me, it's one big celebration."

Big questions

What is the most exciting field of science at the moment? Biology and medical sciences.

Do you believe in a god? No.

What book about science should everyone read? The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S Kuhn.

Has Cern been worth the money? Definitely yes. The frontiers of science, on the very small scale and very large scale, require large investments and international effort. If we really want to understand the laws of physics – and we do – we need these investments made.

What advice would you give a teenager who wants a career in science? Select a subject that interests you and make an effort to become an expert in that field. I promise you, if you make the effort, and you become an expert, you will have a wonderful career.
What scientific advance would make the most difference to your daily life?

The development of new effective drugs, new efficient batteries and clean, inexpensive energy sources.

Are you worried about population increase? Not at all. The good news is world population growth rate decreases systematically and is expected to reach zero by 2050, thanks to urbanisation and women's education. The bad news is while in most developed countries the number of children per woman is 1 to 1.5, that number in many developing countries is 6-7.

If politicians were replaced by scientists, would the world be better place? No, both politics and science would suffer.

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