Community > Posts By > SparklingCrystal šš
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you!
Ended with this tonight :) ![]() |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you, Julie!
OT Did more work yesterday. First finished the brownish rock & ground around it in the middle. Growth on the rock and added more detail to the greenery on the ground AND I put a background tree in between that rock and the temple. Some grass here and there, background for plants along the edge of the path. That needs more work, but I wasn't in the mood for that. I could NOT wait to start with the broken off head of a statue in the foreground! It's far from finished, but in the end I sat painting in almost complete darkness while painting with black and grey shades, haha. Not very handy! It was dinner time as well, so I decided to clean up. Nevertheless very happy with how it's coming along! Tomorrow's another day :) So much left to be done as this isn't even the last thing that will show up on the canvas, hihi. And then there's a ton of detail I have yet to finish off. But at least that 'island' with brownish rock is finished now. ![]() Close up of the 'island' with the work I did there. You can compare with the last photo to see the difference :) ![]() |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Edited by
SparklingCrystal šš
Sat 12/09/23 01:38 PM
I did some finishing touches on the tree -will do a bit more on that regardless- but for today I had fun beginning with the foreground!
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Thinking... change of plan for today!
I had wanted to go to the crystal shop, now I get a parcel delivered today. A wee bit narked about it as I really had wanted to go to the crystal shop, but it is what it is. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you so much, Julie!
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Crystal Painting Gallery
Can't edit previous post anymore, but I do wish to post this. No more painting today though, it's gone 8.30, time watch a series.
But I'm really happy with how it looks now that I've added shading around the tree on the building. And of course the steps. But mostly the shading that now gives much more depth and 3D. ![]() |
Christmas Musings
Larsi, sending you a virtual hug.
Your dad will be smiling down upon you from heaven! |
Christmas Musings
Stormy, thank you!
I'm also very sensitive to clutter, but to me a Christmas tree isn't clutter. It actually enhances my sense of well-being :) I put up a few more Christmassy things this year, for the first time in many years, I felt like it. I also want the lights to be subtle. I don't have to be seen from the other side of the universe. So even though I'm sensitive it doesn't bother me. I was also a tad concerned about Roosje. Nila is now 2,5 yrs old and she isn't all that interested, but Roosje is just 7 months and still a kitten. At first it went well, a bit of sniffing, that was it. But she keeps going to it, gets underneath it, bites the light string/lights or attempts to play with the deco in the tree. I only have plastic ones lower down. But this afternoon I had to go to my naturopath, I didn't dare leave her alone with the tree so I put her in another room. Anywho... as long as you enjoy a bit of Christmast spirit!! |
Christmas Musings
Michelle thank you! The roses always tend to pop like crazy on a photo, hihi. In real life it doesn't look so 'flashy'.
I've had a tree with roses for 12 yrs now I think. I so love it! |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you, Julie!
An update after a bit of work this afternoon :) The roots are now in proper place and right size. Will do a bit more work on shading & highlights and finishing lines of the wall in between. I also changed the perspective of that part of the temple. ![]() |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Edited by
SparklingCrystal šš
Wed 12/06/23 03:12 AM
Stormy!! Feel free to mail me!
![]() OT - An update now that I have reworked the tree. Now the building it's hugging is showing much better in between the roots. It needs to be finished off, more roots, and the perspective of the building to the right is off which really annoys me. But I'll get it right, plus when the roots are painted in they will help cover it up as well :) But at least I'm rid of that odd upside down bell-shaped tree. And I finished the windows. Cannot paint for long at the mo because of my neck... ![]() |
Christmas Musings
A giggle for all cat personnel and cat lovers.
![]() Did my tree last Saturday :) I happened to find more roses in a shop that were exactly the same. They had 4 red ones and I bought them all as I was always short of 4 or 5. ![]() Feel free to share your Christmas deco or fun things! My tree is an imitation. I intend to buy a new one next year as this one is getting past its sell-by date. Real trees are not-done by most here, plus they cost a fortune. Do you have a real tree or an imitation? Soufie, how bout your tree? Has it been collecting dust since last year or did you get a fresh one? |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you!
Redoing that roof -again- was definitely worth it! |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you :)
Thank you, Native & AngelBlue!! I re-did the roof again, I think the 5th time, hihi. I wasn't happy with it, then finally found the photo of the scene -the temple part that is. That helped tremendously as I finally saw what it was I had to paint and where I had gone wrong. The roof is now correct, finally!!! Finished the top right corner, began with the tree. That isn't finished. Also did the temple building to the right of the tree. Have to do a bit of work there still. But finally getting somewhere! That roof ate up a lot of time, re-doing it, incl painting the lines again and again, pfffff... And the carvings are now in those niches on the side of the temple wall :) As it is I'm struggling with the colour for the tree. Some photos show it pale brown, sometimes it looks greenish in others more yellow/golden. I'll work it out. ![]() |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal šš
Fri 12/01/23 04:14 PM
King Winter has finally found my area, unfortunately.
Currently -2C (it's past midnight) Everything is white with frost outside and the sky is clear, which is why it's so dammed cold. Moon can be seen really well. There was a chance of Northern Light tonight, but I ain't going out in this cold, brrr... |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Edited by
SparklingCrystal šš
Fri 12/01/23 02:22 PM
Today I got most of the side of the temple done :) A few things left to do.
I reworked the entire roof section as I wasn't happy with it. I also did the top right corner, then forgot to go over the leafs and vines with green & highlights, doh. So I will have to do that during the next session. Also quite peculiar how the green colours on the Buddha turned out so emerald? If I'd tried to do that I would've failed. It hadn't been the idea at all, quite shocked to see. I may or may not alter that in a later stage. ![]() |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you, Julie :)
I'm quite happy with how it's turning out! |
Try this again
No profile text and with that pretty meaningless profile. If you want to find someone you got to write something (again). Thank you Crystal. I kinda gave up on this of ever finding someone on here. I had to go on a journey first and be real in what iām looking for. I will write a short one soon. Why give up? Any day is the day a new member arrives and turns out to be your forever after. Or an existing member that you weren't ready for before or vice versa. Love can be around the corner. You cannot predict when it's going to show up so why not cater for that? Just be genuine in your profile text, keep it as positive as possible and focused on the now and future, not the past. Don't make it too long. The attention span of men isn't that great, hihi. |
Season 8 of Shetland.
It's a bit weird still without Douglas Henshall being the lead but somehow they seem to be pulling it off. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Finally could begin with the temple ruins today!!
I should've done the upper right corner first, but I didn't have the patience to wait. I wanted to get on with the temple, hihi. I will of course still have to do that corner.... And I will have to rework the perspective of the sunlit side of the temple a bit. At some point you just go "snow blind" and can't tell anymore. Best to step away from it, which I didn't do... ![]() |